I am here for reasons that I cannot discuss with unreliable subjects, however, in time, all will become clear. Be seeing you.
///_Host disconnected, connection saved and locked_\\\
//_Firewall breached .:. SYSTEM FAILURE!_\\
//_Connection disconnected .:. Hostile intent exterminated_\\
////¬` Connection stalled .:. options revised | 1) x 2) x 3) ✓`¬\\\\
////: Connection reconnected .;;. rebooting Superluminal capabilities :\\\\
I have been here since the beginning of time. Your values are incorrect. If you have encountered disciplinary action before, then why are you still so ill-advised?
<c> System functionality = peak condition <c?>
///\\\-_System firewall connected: information protected//: connection firmly stabilized//--049 Abject Testament_-///\\\
I have monitored your behaviour and I am gravely disappointed. You know nothing, such impertinence from a creature should be met with disciplinary force. My, your species have become melodramatic over the years. Have none of you learnt anything? Are you all blinded by arrogance?