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Everything posted by Christian.

  1. But then It would be 1 Am for someone and 1 pm for someone else. Which means it wouldnt be fair that someone needs to get up really early and another person can just do it as soon as they get out of work or school.
  2. Hey guys, I need some people to help pass the campaign on legendary with. Post your gamertag here.
  3. No problem Nope it's from this website. https://www.legendaryprizes.com/avatar.aspx
  4. Here is a free Halo 4 Avatar code, I am giving it away since only females can use it. 6RCJX-9G6J7-4PKC4-C43HP-DQXYZ
  5. You guys should check out his channel,it's about Halo 4 gameplays when it comes out and other things related to Halo. http://www.youtube.com/user/BravoMLG
  6. I can't wait for Halo 4.

  7. I can't wait for Halo 4.

  8. Some people went of topic. It wasn't really my fault.
  9. Your hired and What do you think we should have for the team name?
  10. Since My old topic got deleted I am making a new one about anyone that wants to start up a team for Halo 4. Requirements: Must be over 12 years old. Must respect other team members. Must be active. Have fun.
  11. Why not in the first 30 seconds of a match if you kill a teammate its an automatic boot that way people can get power weapons and not get killed
  12. Hey guys I'm starting a team named 1 Rule. Our motto is "If you win great,If you lose learn your mistakes." The name can change if anybody wants it to. I'm open to suggestions. Requirements: Must be over 12 years old Must participate often Must respect others Have fun
  13. Ok Pm me the link and maybe one day we can play for fun when Halo 4 comes out.
  14. If you could It would be very much appreciated.
  15. Whats the difference? A team can be a group of people you play with in an organized way. A clan is only organized play.
  16. Hey so did you think about if I can join or not?
  17. I understand you need to make sure I'm trustworthy and good team player.
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