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Everything posted by Christian.

  1. I think there shouldn't be a money limit but there should be an item limit. The item limit shouldn't be limited to a certain item just all the items in total. An example would be no more then 200 items on the map.
  2. In my opinion, playing smart would be; not running into the open, using cover to your advantage, knowing the layout of the map, and knowing your opponents strategy.
  3. Goodbye friend. I hope to see you again.
  4. Thinking of switching my Xbox for a PS3. Need peoples opinions.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Don't do it. You'll regret it as long as you live.


    3. haloman 2

      haloman 2

      my friend sold his xbox to buy a PS3 and regrets it too. DON"T DO IT!!

    4. haloman 2

      haloman 2

      like i already said my friend said that and it was THE BIGGEST mistake he ever made. he regrets it now. DO NOT i repeat DO NOT switch your xbox for a ps3

  5. Vote for SuperIntendant for president.
  6. I used to play Star Wars: Battlefront I and II with my friend on my PS2. I really would like them to make a Battlefront III to relive the nostalgia.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6odeh3_-uo Skip to 1:17
  8. Ravens win!!!

    1. Yoshi1176


      Because the Niners didnt play the first three quarters and the refs didnt call s*** in the last

    2. DoctorB77


      ^Well I think it is mostly the niners fault then. I rooted for the ravens because ravens are a cool bird.

  9. Can you give me a summary of what we have to do?
  10. I would really like them to put Forge World back in because it was really big.
  11. It seems like whenever I use a frag grenade it doesn't get a kill but when someone tosses a frag grenade near me when I have full shields I die.
  12. GTA V release date has been confirmed to be September 17, 2013. Source: http://www.gamespot.com/grand-theft-auto-v/
  13. I think it seems like a good idea and would like for them to incorporate that if possible.
  14. These are pretty cool and check your pm's.
  15. The only game I'm playing on PC is Minecraft.
  16. There are still many good people in this world.
  17. Xbox 360 because it has lots of fun games and I have many friends who play it.
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