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Everything posted by T REDD262

  1. I was just wondering if anyone else plays the Day Z mod. I have been playing quite often alone. However, it is very tough to loot cities and survive against groups of bandits alone. So if anyone else plays I would be more than happy to team up on the same server.
  2. Sounds like a great plan to me. I will be able to play during the day and later at night
  3. Thanks guys. I will start playing the playlists all weekend now. At least its SWAT this weekend.
  4. So I've always seen the messages for the super weekend jackpots but I have one quick question about them. Can you be awarded the jackpot multiple times a day, or just once a day? Also is it just once a weekend or what? Thanks to anyone who can answer this for me.
  5. Thanks for the warm welcome guys! Now to change my pic and signature!
  6. I would just love two things from the new forge. 1. The ability to control the weather. Imagine a map on the beach with a hurricane approaching from the sea. The hurricane can hit and cause visual changes for Matchmaking and even physical changes in custom games (such as wind speed throwing free floating items like crates and vehicles.) 2. The ability to use your forged maps in firefight. Re-imagine the map explained above, but turned into a survival map with 3 of your friends. If I had these two things, I highly doubt I would ever have the need to play matchmaking.
  7. Wow, thank you so much for enlightening me on this. I had no idea how the matchmaking worked. Nice post
  8. I'm actually excited to see change. I believe its always good. I also hope that 343 does an amazing job on this game. The trailers looked just liked Halo and I am very excited. I feel that Bungie was kinda like "Screw you Halo fans. We are off to bigger and better things." Therefore, if 343 does a totally amazing job on Halo 4 I hope that Bungie has an "Oh S*** we missed out" feeling.
  9. So I am new to this forum and I would just like to introduce myself. Hey everybody, My name is T REDD262. I have always been an avid Halo player and I just found a renewed interest for Halo: Reach. I was an active member on the Bungie.net forums and I would like to get back into it. I cannot wait until Halo 4 comes out. I look forward to being on these forums often and getting to know everybody.
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