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Everything posted by thebruce

  1. Indeed, and I think that's one reason I got contacted, having been around since ILB and running the Halo ARG wiki. Haven't heard anything for a while now, but I'm positive this is a fan-made thing. Lots of narrative, as per the website listing all the content chronologically, but not much activity.
  2. I understand skepticism... but you do realize a screenshot of an email is sort of... useless, right? Screenshots can be photoshopped, especially text. A screenshot of the email won't "prove" anything. It's an email, I quoted it... I can't prove to you by anything more than by that /:) Honestly, you just have to trust me when I say that this is what I received. The first email was sent June 21st, 10:35pm. Today's email was sent June 30th, 2:34pm - Eastern (my time). Those were the contents, and that was the sender. You want me to quote all the technical headers of the latest email for you? Heck even that can all be spoofed. It's an email. How do I know none of you sent me that email just to troll me? Ok... I've said what I can, I'm just passing this on because, again, it looks like you people all have the most knowledge of this. Do with it as you will! (or continue to pass me off as troll, that's entirely up to you no skin off my back). But from moderating other forums, might I make a suggestion? Be a litlte more friendly to newcomers - even if you're inundated with spammers and trolls, deal with the info first instead of claiming they're an antagonist right off the bat. Just sayin'
  3. Whoah... ok you guys are very overly critical. Obviously I'm not known here. I've been following ARGs since 2004 with I Love Bees, and I run numerous ARG wikis, including the Halo one, http://halo.wikibruce.com Take a step back please, and look at what I shared. I said "go nuts" because obviously you all have much more time than I to tear this stuff apart Now, I'm replying because I just got another email from "[email protected]" (and my previous post was the entirety of the email I received, copied and pasted). Here is the 2nd email I just got... "go nuts" I don't know if this is being discussed elsewhere, or how deep this rabbit hole goes. I brought it here because this was the lengthiest thread I found on the subject, and thought you'd all consider it good intel. Is there another forum that's follow this "artifactarchives" thing? I'm under the presumption it's a grassroots fan-made project and not official. Is that accurate, or do we not know yet?
  4. Hey all, first post here... Had to do some searching, but this seems to be the only place that's really discussing this ...ARG/thing I've read the first page of comments in this thread, but 28 is a lot; so I'll catch up in time, unless someone can point to an summary to this point? Anyway, I just got an email tonight from [email protected] subject: True Reclamation >/[artifact atua] Go nuts
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