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Ultima Lapis Lazuli

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  • Location
    The Temple of Demon
  • Interests
    Good anime, VG's (FPS's, RTS's, RPG's, 3PS's, R's, etc), i'm an art enthusiast, i like most music but understand that it's the musicians that spoil the genre. I draw a bit myself, just ink and pencil but due to a supposed "lack of creativity" don't create interesting stories. While being fairly healthy and muscular I do enjoy a good meal (lol, i'm sure everyone says this :P)

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  • Gamertag
    Ultima BIGGSX

Ultima Lapis Lazuli's Achievements


Jackal (2/19)



  1. Update (6/23/12): I found out what the problem was. It seems that an imperfect connection can keep you from all you wish to achieve. Don't think it's a simple issue because I got damned lucky, i contacted my "router provider" (cisco) which is different than the internet provider (Time Warner Cable)btw. I'm having NAT type issues, I got them partially resolved as my NAT type is now moderate instead of strict. However, the erratic speed of my connection is also an issue, I'm upstairs and have been told that the difference of metals in the walls between rooms could be a determining factor. At this point i have to assume thats the problem with me using a wireless connection, i'm not done though. While that seems to be the reason why my wireless does what it wants that doesn't give me an answer to my problem of fixing it. Cisco had at the time provided me with a list of possible ways to staighten out my connection, most of which seemed to have been tried instinctively to no avail. Unplugging your router, turning off everything in the house that uses the net wirelessly, these things have all been tried before but I never got the chance to do these things while having my 360 turned off or after Cisco fooled around with my NAT settings as was initially instructed. I'm still not sure if doing that fixed the problem as my wireless connection works fairly randomly but after "doing absolutely ALL I could" my connection coincidentally upped it's game slightly. Though only enough that I can barely join friends parties online i previously couldn't (the day before) and Halo Waypoint showed my Reach character which had been visible AND invisible throughout this experience. The Waypoint stats and Reach character WAS visible when I first noticed I hadn't unlocked the Military Police Helm after beating Reach on Legendary months ago which has me concluding that this is a weird internet/router-related issue. Thanks members of the 343 Industries Forum for all for your support and I hope for the sake of 343 that no one has a weird unexplained internet/router issue in the future
  2. Well, if it's a glitch then a few things that are a few companies responsibility need updates. However, if that's not the case then I need a legitimate explanation. I don't mind at all if a few equally loyal fans take a few looks at my achievement roster to deduce what the issue is in definite. I have never hacked my account, never been banned, never changed my account name or ever had any significant glitch encounters. Unless of course this is a glitch, if anyone on this forum has any questions I'd be happy to answer them For the record I have also called Microsofts tech support/ Live Support and gotten no straight answer. The support associate recommended me here while his superviser said that it was possible that 343 Industries changed the requirements for both helmets from Reach as well as the armor unlocked from waypoint. I had a feeling he had no idea what he was talking about but he said that i have to have achievements from Halo 3, Halo ODST, Halo Wars, AND Halo Reach to unlock the Military Police Base helmet along with the rest of the waypoint unlockables. At that point the guy sounded like a madman but why would one of XBL's Supervisors make up such a vivid explanation. This true story should spark as much of an investigation as it's doing for me now
  3. It's possible that it takes Waypoint an eternity to update, I've heard similar responses in other posts. Now how long it takes I can't say, might even depend on your connection
  4. It could possibly be an issue related to your internet connection. My internet doesn't work perfectly and every now and then i go on Waypoint and some stuff like my achievements load up while my actual spartan from reach does not. Could be Waypoint being slow or your connection, can't say for sure
  5. This is a desparate cry for help from a longtime Halo fan about getting the Halo Reach Military Police Base Helmet, the ODST Helmet, and their variants. While I may be new to this forum I have been playing the Halo games for quite some time. I'm signed in to Halo Waypoint, my Career Milestone is 32 and I have the achievement required to obtain the Military Police Base Helm which would be "The Soldier We Needed you To Be" while also having fufilled the requirements for the other two variations of the MP helmet. To keep this post fairly short I'll say that besides being signed into Waypoint through my 360 and having beaten Halo 3 and Reach on Legendary whilst having the required Waypoint Career Milestone and having all the achievements necessary I cant see what the problem is. I could post all my achievements but it would probly just be easier for you guys to look them up on my Live account.
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