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Everything posted by Zarrowsmith

  1. On the armor permutations- the game is still 4 months out. Of course you may not like some of the ones you've seen so far, but there will definitely be a ton more that we have yet to see. I, for one, am very excited for the kind of armor customization we've seen so far. I've always thought, ever since 3, that we should be able to change the pattern that the primary and secondary colors appear on the armor, and here we are with my pleas answered. On the second aspect of your post, the "h4updater" thing- isn't it a little late in the game for that? There are already a few successful channels that do this, and I don't think you'll gain much success by over saturating the market. It won't hurt the already big channels, but you won't do well, is what I'm trying to get at here. But then again, that's only speculation and I have no idea what will actually happen. But, it's still kind of late, because a lot of big announcements have already been made. Good luck, though.
  2. I just wanted to say hi, as outlined in the automatic message sent to all new members, I'm assuming. I am a very large fan of all Halo games and the entire Halo Universe itself. After looking up a few things about Halo Wars, I found this site, so I decided to make an account, and here I am. Also, I noticed a few grammatical errors, in the automatic message, but I think I'll leave that alone, haha.
  3. Isn't that what Black Ops 2 is trying to do with Strike Force? Anyways, I don't think the feature would be that useful, unless you could play as the unit itself, which is exactly what Blops 2 is doing, haha.
  4. Just something I noticed, but I'm not sure if it's true. Is the Scarab in Halo Wars smaller than the Scarabs in the other Halo games? I mean, when you compare it to other units in the game, it does look kind of small for a Scarab, but maybe that's because you get an overview instead of a first person view.
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