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RL Bloodhound

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Everything posted by RL Bloodhound

  1. http://standstrongmybrothers.weebly.com/index.html Hey Im a founder of the Seven Sins Were a brand new Halo 4 only clan (at the moment) We are a militaristic clan that focuses on training and leadership, don't get us wrong we have a fair share of forge, custome games, and parties to go around we aren't just Mr.Evil. Now saying this we have a clan ranking structure which must be followed and disrespect must be the last thing on your mind. Gen Major Kpt1 Kpt2 Kpt3 Kpt4 Lt1 Lt2 Lt3 Lt4 MSgt SSgt Sgt Cpl Pvt/ The rookie Yes its large but its there for stability and if anyone needs help there should always be a person on to help. Now each one of those ranking system fits onto 1 platoon, which we have 5 of there names are as follows- Alpha Beta Theta Rho Omega We do have a clan emblem, and uniform that must be worn during clan gaming/lobby's but is allowed to be changed when on your own time. If your still reading I hope you join if so ill see you on the battle field, Have fun and keep gaming RL BloodHound http://standstrongmybrothers.weebly.com/index.html
  2. Now I would agree to some extent but take it from the guy whose been in 16 clans, going from the existing ones like KSI,Die Hard Gaming, United extreme gaming, FEAR, and a lot more each one id give from 2 months to almost a year and each one is different but not a single one would give me exactly what I wanted. Usually ill admit it was the people in it, so in making your own clan YOU choose whose in and you control how people act and what they do, this allows you (if successful) to make something that you'll enjoy.
  3. Hey guys my name is ksi silent wolf and im from a gaming community called KSI. We basically do matchmaking custom games and other halo based things.We are here for fun and to actuall learn life skills as weird as that sounds. BUT Each squad has more professional teams like mlg, slayer, snipers, forge, and so on. those are in place for more seriouse gamers that want to join. We are very organised as a community becouse there are so many current members.(we boast a nice large 3000 members) To join you have to be at least 13 and have a mic. other requirments are- Change armer collor to steel(black.) Add ksi (squad) division) name to your motto and changing your emblem. now i know to many people this is outragouse but in my opinion the benifits far outweigh the negatives and if your up for joining send me a voice only message to me gt. I also know many people will say bad things about ksi most likly on this thread, so i ask you to please be courtiouse to other people who might actually want to join and not be hatefull on this post. Thank you. we have a website called ksiglobal.net which should be up very soon (currently down for upgrading)6/25/12
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