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Everything posted by SotoSoDope


  2. Please 343 industries, Please take this into consideration. If you want competative gameplay, where people look foward to playing halo every single day like in the old days of H3 & H2, please do all your competative gamers a favor and put back the ranking system. if you do want to be different or improve put a higher rank like 100 or 75 or something. im in a party of 8 people, and you know that probably represents at least 80 thousand people when we say we want a leginimate ranking system. Competative noobs even want a ranking system not credits. credits dont inspire you to play everyday to get better. credits dont show anything besides that you play a lot. Please have some sort of numerical matchmaking ranking system. im sure this isnt the first plead you have heard from H3 & H2 and even reach gamers. Please make us all happy. at least make team slayer, snipers, swat, doubles, mlg, ranked numerically. and ps, no dumb things like jetpack evade invisible bs in competative. leave that for social or non competative playlist. Think about it, it did nothing it even got Reach taken out of MLG . Thats a disgrace to halo Bungie F'd up halo as it left, we now all rely on you. Be our Master Chief and save Halo for the competative gamers. PLEASE, Sincerely, A disgussed, yet pleading gamer.. representing hundreds of thousands. Thank you and hopefully you take this into consideration.
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