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Everything posted by Darkrain491

  1. Results are in on my new garchomp! At level 100 they are: HP: 386 ATK: 384 DEF: 233 SP.ATK: 196 SP.DEF: 211 SPD: 262. no-one messes with garchomp.
  2. Not the point. My point was not the reason they realesed, it was what they should do with it, such as include the original multiplayer for online MM to please fans that are dissapointed in the AA system, not those crappy reach style substitutes.
  3. if you read my post you would see how it could be made not OP. also scorpions are far from cannon fodder, neither are wraiths the game is perfectaly balanced, you just need to know how to use them.
  4. Fair enough. And i wasn't saying you said that it was a people carrier i was just stating it for futute viewers.
  5. I have nothing against the Pelican, and i respect that many people have coveted it's appearce in online matchmaking but if it were to be included it should be resrticted to 32v32 playlists only. And the Vulture is not a people carrier, it is not used like that, it is a full assualt aircraft. In Halo Wars Pelicans were only available to the player when transporting units in skirmish matchs as a equivelent to the leader teleporter for the Covenant.
  6. Uhh? WTF? The Locust idea is good becuase it is a fairly balanced vechicle and applying shields to a vechicle has not yet been done. so the overcharge ability should work like this: The vechicle itself is no more stronger than a warthog, but with the shield it has the 'resistance' of a typical Wraith. Much like Spartan/Elites shields, they are vunerable to plasma based weapons. The overcharge removes the shield and the resistence in now that of a Warthog, Shots from a Wraith or Scorpion or other anti-vechicle weaponry now deal damage appropriatly. As for your Vulture concept, no matter how you do it, a vechicle like that would be plain overpowered, It should not be there. Neither Should the Pelican (Another notable reason would be you cannot put Spartans in them Halo Wars anyway). Also many of the other vechicles in Halo Wars were useful in certain situations. The Cobras, When fully upgraded could be locked down at strategic points en masse to take out entire swarms of enemy vechicles with piercing shot, and toss a couple of Spartans in them and killing Scarabs is a piece of cake. 5 Cobras with one occupied by a Spartan will decimate groups of enemies that outnumber them 3:1 and come out virtually unscathed and wipe out a full veteranary Scarab in about 6 seconds. Use them to guard lanes that lead to bases instead of the useless base turrets or get them to cover the middle of the map and use Aircraft to fly across them, blocking the enemy to their side while you can attack their bases (Best used with Anders).
  7. To many of reaches maps were taken straight from the campaign. the DLC did help, (Anchor 9 being my personal favourite until anniv. DLC) The community maps were, for the most part good, but some were absolutely terrible, places you could get caught on, and becuase the map was so big, to many overlaping objects cuased major lag if you looked in that direction. So for Halo 4's equivelent there should be multiple sandbox maps to prevent this lag from ocurring.
  8. A Halo 2 Anniversary is just what the community needs. The classic style gameplay that many of the older fans miss will be revisitable for those that object to halo 4's gameplay
  9. im back and im saying this, there are alot of images of the ruby and sapphire remakes if your willing to look for them
  10. your forgetting that microsoft are behind halo. they pull as much server power as they like.
  11. Armour lock is not in Halo 4 and shame on you if think it shoul be (It has been replaced with the far more balanced personal cover) Plasma grenades were available on halo reach loadouts in some playlists, but usually you only spawned with one, the same should apply
  12. Soon as i can i'll try it, but might be while. And as just said on the chatbox there are major rumors(and i mean major) that very detailed remakes of ruby and sapphire are well on thier way.
  13. What's your pokemon Black and White mainline team?

    1. Zaguroth


      Never kept a save game long enough to have a team xD

    2. Darkrain491


      6v6 Double Battle: Garchomp and Tyranitar lead. In the back are Archeops, Swampert, Scizor and Ryperior. Garchomp has an excellent ATK:HP:DEF:SPD ratio, making him an ideal lead sweeper. Tyranitar's ability, Sand Stream, instantly creates a sandstorm upon release, which initiates Garchomp's ability, Sand Veil, making it mor evaiseve in a sandstorm. and, thanks to the permanent sandstorm, all rock type team members get a boost in their SP.DEF so Tyranitar becomes a very tough. But comp...

  14. you could add a change all, simple I would also like to say that the rank up system and credit system should be a seperate thing. so halo 3 ranking with the halo reach credit earning
  15. If 343 were reintroduce the veto system, everything would be a whole lot simpler. and as shadow cat says, we need more specific playlists. and also, going from reach to Halo 4, the infection maps need to be their own special, custimized maps were then is depris scattered around
  16. dont have my own broadband yet but when i do i'll keep an eye out
  17. Actually bringing back the veto would be better actually i like that one.
  18. I would simply prefer if just let players add more colours to their armour rather than these patterns. there was 3 colour slots for your armour in halo 3, But only two in halo reach. being able to give a different colour to each shoulder or wrist or seperate head and body colours, that would be staying true to the halo custimization we are used to, simple, yet satisfying. And adding it to weapons is just cod end of.
  19. Going from Halo: Reach to Halo 4, 343 should take couple of the little things that bugged a couple of players. An exaple, the voting system for map and/or gametype. the idea was fine, but if there was a majority draw then the map highest up on the list was chosen. in Halo 4, the map should be chosen between the majortiy draw at random. Little things like that make all the difference. and if there is a majority draw with a new round of voting, the new round of voting is chosen, as this will result in fair chance at a preferable map for all players. Please i would like to hear all your little tweaks ideas that may make the experiance that little bit more enjoyable.
  20. The small maps are completey bad ideas for a remake. due to added sprinting the map would simply become a CoD style melee mash-up resulting in terrible gameplay that will lead to a bad multiplayer. No The maps that will be remade will have to be medium sized, large or enormous maps just to give players room to move (a major problem in reach). Maps such as The Pit, Valhalla, Sandtrap, Last Resort and Avalanche would be excellent examples.
  21. no he is correct Frank O'Conner did confirm there will be no brutes in halo 4, at least no killable brutes, perhaps all the brutes were killed in recon of the forenunner site.
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