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Everything posted by Darkrain491

  1. When did I say I agreed with perks, ordinance, and spawn AAs? I HATE that stuff. my other thread is a theoretical thing if loadouts where to stay. Ordinances is Bull excrement. I just would like to choose my spawn weapons, from automatics or balanced precisions, that would make me and many others happy.
  2. The storm utilize mostly outdated and older covenant technology. such as the old beam rifle model and their armour. using the Locust actually makes sense. And ther is no reason the locust could not be made smaller. The locust is a very popular want for Halo 5 already, I am just making some full mechanic lists. This is a direct copy of my waypoint list, sko I inlcude damage mechanics, because it is a list of Locust mechanics. I include weapon and damage mechanics because I made this full system, and including them was important to my reasons as to how and why it should be implemented. and again, what stops them from making it smaller for multiplayer? They did it for Halo 2 and 3 elites.
  3. Choice of at only primaries and secondaries has become the most popular comprimise, one I agree with. being able to choose as your primary from CC,BR,AR and Storm Rifle and secondaries as this Needle Pistol Idea, Magnum, SMG amd Plasma Rifle. No grenade choice and AAs are on map equipment like Halo 3. This thread is about a comprimise that suitibly allows for choice while remaining an arena shooter. Arena Shooters must have BALANCED not necessarily identical starts.
  4. Your tone was rude, do not twist my words. And the way you talked about other players was equally rude and elitest. As for my profile, I have had it since late 2007/early 2008. I have played Halo since halo 2, My favourite is Halo 3, I only had a steady internet at around november 2012, Hence my relatively low ranks on 3 and General Rank in Reach. Do not attempt to lower my viewpoint by discrediting me, which is once again rude and elitist.
  5. My Mechanics for the Locust should it return. This is a copy of the topic I made on Waypoint, and wanted opinions from here as well. But I feel it needs its own thread as I now have planned full Mechanics for it, as well as the levels of damage displays to players. General Weapon Mechanics It's weapons should be the Long Distance Beam, Which should have the DPS of the Warthog Turret, and have dual Plasma Cannons (Ghost DPS). also, each trigger activates a weapon, but they can't be fired simultaneously. Pressing Y switches the Beam to Overcharge mode like it has in Halo Wars, Which drains it's shields. In the same sense as holding the trigger in slightly gives the Ghost a slower boost, but it lasts longer, Holding the trigger in further increases the multiplier, Maxing at 1.6x (I will post shield drain rate/seconds below), but decreases your shields faster, and vice versa. Once your shields are depleted, you revert to the normal beam, and can't use the overcharge until you have full shields again. there is an overheat for both weapons, while one is cooling, the other can still be used. to prevent a constant switch spam, the time it takes to cool-down should take longer than the overheat, so there is a skill gap with this vehicle. It has a potential Longer Range, when used correctly. The 3 Overcharge states Regular Beam: Blue, 1x Multiplier, No Shield Drain Overcharges, Y to switch to: Trigger Held about 1/3s in: 1.2x Multiplier, 2/12s of your shields per second (6 seconds of continuous fire), Blue, thicker than normal beam. Trigger Held about 2/3s in: 1.4x Multiplier, 3/12s of your shields per second (4 seconds of continuous fire), Purple, thicker than normal beam Trigger Held fully in: 1.6 Multiplier, 6/12s of your shields per second (2 seconds of continuous fire), Red, Thicker than normal beam. Shield and Health Mechanics The shields would follow traditional Halo standards involving Covenant/Storm shields vs. human shields. The Locust would have shields approximately 1.3x better than the Mantis, and as such has 70% less overall health. Both vehicles have the same traits as players, where Plasma beats their shields, while ballistic weaponry is far better on vehicle health. Here are some damage ratios based on Halo weaponry we can assume will return and are often used on vehicles, apart from the Beam Rifle, which I included for the sake of adding all Sniper Rifle variants. Rocket Launcher: the first removes 90% of the shields, the second would destroy it. If the Locust shields are less than 90%, the rocket deals corresponding damage to health. Spartan Laser: One beam removes all shields, so 100%. then a second to destroy, same residual damage mechanics as the Rocket Launcher. Fuel Rod Cannon: 4 Fuel Rods destroy the locust, each shot deals 50% damage to shields, and the 3rd shot leaves the Locust with 40% Health, the last destroys it. Incineration Cannon: 1 shot leaves it with 25% Health. Sniper Rifle: The Sniper Rifle would require a full magazine to break shields. Then, the Sniper Rifle takes two shots to finish it. Beam Rifle: The Beam Rifle can deplete its shields in two shots, but can do no damage to health. Binary Rifle: This can destroy it in four shots, with the same damage ratios as the Fuel Rod Cannon. Damage Level 1, 5-20% damage: Slight panel displacement, uncovered wiring Damage Level 2, 21-40% damage: Complete panel removal, sparks at wiring Damage level 3, 41-60% damage: Sparks at joints, front panel damage, crooked areas Damage Level 4, 61-80% damage: small fires, sparks from from panel and weapon areas, Damage Level 5, 81-99% damage: large fires at joints and cockpit areas, front panel crooked, player visible in areas, warning lights. Movement Mechanics I took some long thoughts here. These are both mechs, and act as counterparts to one another, but they do need to have diversity among this. so I looked into the traditional aspects of Halo vehicles for these mechanics (not including the Mantis, as it is not a traditional UNSC ground Vehicle). Traditionally, Human ground vehicles have had more health, faster top speed (Not including boost), no driver controlled weapons apart from the scorpions, but that's a tank, and cannot strafe. As opposed to their Covenant/Storm counterparts. The Mantis screwed with that, by having no counterpart in Halo 4, being able to strafe, have shields and so on. Now that we have these Mantis movement mechanics, changing them to fit UNSC tradition doesn't really make sense going from 4 to 5, as you essentially remove its best/unique features. Toning down the weapons is a must. But, back to the Locust. The Locust must now be Built around these mechanics, and I feel I have done this. The Locust Has faster Forward and Backwards speed than the Mantis, but it's strafing is slower, However, as traditionally, most if not all covey vehicles have a boost of sort, the Locust is no exception. But its is handled differently. to compensate for it's inability to stomp players nearby, and slow strafing, the Locust gets pond skater-esque "evade" that allows it to quickly dart to the side by about 12 meters. This can be used once per cooldown, and takes 15 seconds to be used again. It can use this to splatter flanking players or quickly dart in or out of cover. I feel this gives it the unique abilities in movement to seperate it from the Mantis. Over All Features There should be three versions for forge. the one I stated above, which is purple, and a blue one, that has a the regular beam , the overcharge is a instant drop of all shields, but fires a spartan laser strength beam (blue beam), and takes a full cool-down to use the beam again, and the last one is concussion rifle colored, it fires concussion rifle shots instead of plasma cannons (12 before reload) and the same beam traits as the purple locust, it is better at close range covering itself, but not very good for long range cover when beam is unavailable.
  6. Thats my point. The steady stream you get from dead players should be enough, and a skill gap is knowing where to go to get your ammo, not to getting it everywhere you go. Not trying to be negative, but for competitive maps, weapon spawns have to me more about the maps gameplay and not personal preferance. My favourite weapon is the shotgun, but I dont shove it on every map I make for example
  7. that 2-4 evaluation feels very inaccurate from your pictures, also, could you add more pictures please?
  8. I see, but 13 precision weapons on one small Arena map still seem abnormally high. Also, the level of BRs to CCs/LRs is very unbalanced, and with the currently majorly used BR a common spawn weapon, it becomes redundant to have so many as base spawn on the map, I have a full description on your map Neutron, should you glance there, as I saw the same problem arise. Ammo and "On Map" BRs will be all over the place due to initial Loadouts popular weapon being the BR, so the heavy amount of placed ones is unnecessary, JUst a heads up
  9. That is boring and bad for gameplay, so many have stated the reasons for why this is on here and waypoint. Your negative post is quite unbeneficial to the debate, and frankly, plain rude. If you cannont add to the conversation/debate, and in a polite manner, do not post. It isnt just what am fairly sure is a rule, its also just plain common decency.
  10. Again, your placement of Precision rifles is far to much. This map I would say 2 BRs and 2 CCs
  11. Reaches ranking system was trash. from a competitive stand point. I suggest this: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/31939-ranking-system-the-way-to-do-it/
  12. Center should have Laser for Banshee AND Vehicles. Needs ALOT more cover in the open fields. DMR and PP domination are poor map design choices, especially on Big Team maps. In terms of Vehicles, with good such an open map with excellent camping spots such as the Sniper Rifle spawn towers, you need tanks to counter them. be them Wraith or Scorpion, they are needed. As you have a Banshee on a map with little aerial cover, I would choose the Wraith, 1 for both teams. Also, Uneven vehicle distribution is also a map flaw. Give both teams a Banshee, or no Banshees. The Man Cannons need buildings around them. With Banshee(s) on the map, you need more roofs on your buildings, or it is going be so they are going to be ridiculously OP, even with Sniper Rifles and DMRs taking potshots. A smart Banshee user will make sure his team gets Laser while preventing the enemy from getting to their Sniper Rifle, keeping him safe and easily baiting foes running for the sniper for easy kills. The direction of the Tower Two Story makes sniping and DMRing to easy. Throwing long distance Grenades in there, and the chances of them being effective, are slim at best. I do not mean to discourage you, but these problems really need to be addressed to make the map.
  13. Upon just your screenshots, I have some Ideas. The Dominion cover pieces? perhaps the building pieces small uncovered bunkers could replace these. they are good fire positions that can be grenaded quite easily to disrupt the foes tactic. Also, some "lazy cover" is prominent, which along side inventive stuff like that "desctuctable" cover made with base shields looks a little out of place. I would suggest replacing them with more destructable cover pieces. Talking of the destructable cover, I think you should make them abit more aesthetically pleasing. The power weapons, I would say, are bad choices for this map. The places they can be powerful (SAW: Its spawn area and the top of the ramped station pieces, Sniper Rifle: Open Lanes, Desructable Cover room, top of the ramped pieces, like the SAW) they will be VERY powerful, put places they would be bad they would be VERY bad (SAW: The open lanes, destructable cover rooms, Sniper Rifle: most other places on map) I would instead suggest either the Railgun and Shotgun, with Shotgun at Saw spawn, Railgun at sniper. Otherwise, Its nice looking map. I would like to showcase an updated version on my Fan Forge Facebook page
  14. I think this could be a trade off good people. The Incineration Cannon Is an initial, on map spawn (not ordinance) that does not respawn and only has 2 shots from spawn and is placed a spot of equal distance from both initial spawns. Rocket Launcher is then a not spawn from start weapon that comes in 180 seconds into the game. The sniper is an initial spawn that has 180 respawn. Do these seem like a reasonable middle ground? Also, to many Precision. most 4v4 Arena maps have 1 or 2 of any 2 Utility Precision Rifle variants (CC, BR, LR or DMR), and with BRs so popular, so 2 LRs and 2 CCs is a better way to go, providing more variety. Also, as your map is forerunner, I would drop the sticky grenades all together if your gonna have on map grenades. cycling through 3 different grenade types can be tedious, now we have to use the D-Pad.
  15. Clever Name You need to put more details on the OP though, it will entice further comments.
  16. Similar, but giving faster forward movement speeds remove the negative effects skill gap and more balance to the Automatics as such. but the faster forward speed was not in Halo 3 and earlier
  17. Sprint. Arguably the most debated and controversial element in the modern Halo environment. With many pros and cons that make it very hard to decide between keep or drop. To be clear, I support the drop argument, but the ability of faster map crossing without putting lower skilled players at the disadvantage of being unable combating overly effective strafing seem good. However, as many of you may have seen on other threads, I have come up with which may be the best solution yet. It's simple, but I feel it can and would be very effective at resolving this very frustrating issue. The Idea: Basically, in a nutshell, it takes the main arguments for sprint; faster paced gaming, better map crossing speed without creating overly effective strafing and simple realism of the player, and gives those benefits without the sacrifice of skill gaps or creating new unnecessary ones. It does this by removing sprint, and replacing it with this mechanic: Base player strafing and backwards movement is the same speed of that seen in Halo 3, while moving in a forward direction is 110% faster than this, giving the ability to cross maps faster without the risks of being unprepared for firefights, resulting in cheap deaths. No "get out of jail free" card for mistakes, as now you cannot run faster than someone chasing you down and shooting you at the same time. Flag Carriers are no longer at a disadvantage from being unable to sprint. Able to jump larger gaps and shoot at the same time. It also gives benefits to things outside of player movement. It gives players that use Automatics a buff that does not change the weapons mechanics. In a typical Automatic vs Precision confrontation, The Precision user will attempt move backwards to prevent the Automatic user from doing both of the following: staying accurate, and preforming pummels. Now Automatics can catch up to these players and as result be able win more straight up conflicts in this style. In conclusion, I feel this is the best mutual agreement for the argument. It prevents the issues of sprint and the overly effective strafing of a universal faster base speed
  18. .So true, but nothing beats smogon for stuck usp self rightous [insert appropriate curse] that try to be better than the really are. I like competitive pokemon. But they take the [insert] and are ignorant jerks if you say one thing off topic.
  19. I hope you are right... On a side note, Waypoint's forums are so friggin clunky and glitchy.
  20. Halo 4's was to easy to begin with, then CSR was released and everyone complained of no in game viewing, both completely justified, Halo 3 managed to Change its in game rank showing system, how come Halo 4 "couldn't"?
  21. Thanks. I think that it can really add to Halo's Sandbox and Features, and make something very creditable..
  22. Ahh, but my point was that not only is there more in a group, the Elite team get the whole regular enemies, of firefight, but spartans can use this to call better troops faster, so both sides can use their weakness as a strength.
  23. They are meant to be stronger, there are less of them. And this isn't a rip off i would say to the haters, this came from MY mind. It is UNIQUE as you can FULLY customize it. Can you set a CTF, KOTH or any other objective or edit maps in Zombies, Extinction or Horde? NO! All dem Haters would be at a loss, they cannot say it is a rip off, cause firefights system in reach was the first to have PvP, if not used alot, First to Have objectives, if not used alot. ODST was the first to have Mutators (Skulls). Firefight is more unique than others give it credit for, that is why it should return, and this should be alongside it as a gametype, like we have for "Normal" custom games, loads of objectives or slayer maps. But we have the same for Firefight! If they can somehow say this is a rip-off and actually have no true doubts, then they are simply biased. Like I said, this is the kind off thing Halo needs to set itself back on track. something that doesnt exist in other games, something new and isnt game breaking. Here is a compiled comparison: ODST (2009) Skulls = GoW 3 (2011) Mutators, Halo had it first. Halo Reach (2010) Firefight PvP = CoD BO 2 (2012) Zombies PvP Halo Reach (2010) Generator Defense Objectives = CoD Ghosts (2013) Hives Halo Reach (2010) Customizable Firefight = CoD BO 2 (2012) Tiny difficulty edit and mode switch See? Between Reach and ODST, they had them first. So haters, still wanna say its a rip off?
  24. This is Firefight Versus. It is a 3v3 gametype I designed as an upgrade to Halo Reach's ability have PvP in Firefight. I designed this During my Playlist Menu Idea Topic: https://forums.halowaypoint.com/yaf_postst230565_A-Playlist-Example-For-Halo-5.aspx This is a more detailed explanation on it. I hope to explain it's rules and customization abilities are here. This isn't as simple as a trio of Storm Elites being actual players. The Elites can command groups where to go, both Spartans and Elite can call in support troops when on Sprees. the higher the spree, the better the support group. They would be: Spree Medal Spartan/ Covenant Elites Reward Killing Spree AR Marine Squad (4) Killing Frenzy BR Marine Squad (4) Running Riot CQC Marine Squad (4) Rampage Sniper Marine Squad (4) Untouchable Explosives Marine Squad (3) Invincible Assault Spartans (AR/BR/DMR)(3) Inconceivable Specialist Spartans (Camo/Shotguns/Snipers)(3) Unfrigginbelievable Explosives Spartans (Rocket Launchers)(2) Storm Elites Reward Killing Spree PP Grunt Squad (5) Killing Frenzy Needler Grunt Squad (5) Running Riot Carbine/ Shielded Jackal Squad (2 of each) Rampage Sniper Jackals (4) Untouchable Specialist Elites(4) Invincible Hunters (2) Inconceivable Promethean Knights Scattershots/ LRs(3) Unfrigginbelievable Promethean Knights (Binary R. Inc. Cannons)(2) Now, obviously, those last ones are not gonna happen alot, but with this new method in which you earn sprees, they will show a bit more. Spree's require 10 enemy kills for the Storm Elites and 20 for Spartans (Spartans require more because they have more potential kills) in Firefight Versus. Players are worth two kills to that count. Now sprees are a collective multiplier for the whole team and all the players on the team contribute to it, and the player who earned the current spree is a VIP. A player earns and "holds" the spree by killing the enemy that earned the Spree Medal. If that player is killed, the Spree is reset. in other word, its like a relay. you want the player who is in least danger to be carrying your Spree. For example. The game starts. The 3 Spartans are killing foes, their kills are all adding to the spree count. one player gets ten kills, one teammate gets 9, but the last teammate gets the 20th kill. He holds the Spree. If he dies, the Spree is reset, if any of the other two die, it is safe. if a different player gets the next Spree medal, he can choose to carry it or let the current holder keep it, but once he decides, the team cannot decide to "baton pass again". Kills while in this decision mode will not count to your Spree, so it is wise to choose quickly, this stops abusing the rules to never drop the Spree. This promotes ALOT of teamwork to get the higher rewards. In Custom Firefight, you can edit the support drops, change from troops to weapons, or even the actual troops, and there would be more options than what I posted plus all the other usual firefight options. Also, you can apply skulls to BOTH teams and they can have different skull sets between the two. There is also a setting for a randomized skull or skulls. reset or Personal loadouts can be chosen from, depending on the variant. Different maps could have different support troops on playlists (forerunner maps could have more Promethean support troops). Both teams start with a 15 life pool. If one player kills three players without dying gives the team a bonus life, and a killing spree earns them one. and every second Spree Medal adds an extra life to the current amount. To add an extra competitive edge, the team with the most points at the end of a round (5 Waves) earns a bonus life, giving scoring in this mode a purpose beyond time expire/ game completion. There is a max pool of 24 lives. The game lasts 25 minutes on playlists, or a full set (but this can be edited on customs) if neither team depletes the opposing team to 0 lives and finishes the team in final stand, the team with the highest score wins, If somehow this is a exact tie, it's just that, a tie (Spartan/Covenant Elite Players are worth more points than Storm Elite players, as are their support troops, to balance scoring). Firefight Versus works in Waves, Rounds and Sets like the other Firefight mode, but as stated above, only the team with the highest score earns the bonus lives (A tie in score results in a bonus life given to both teams). Anything Bolded can be edited in custom mode. Custom Edit Options I can think of beside the universal ones like move speed and over-shield. feel free to add your own thoughts. all options Bolded here can have a different setting for each team. Spree Holder Traits: Standard mode specific Player trait alter option. Custom Skull/Power Up Traits: Now there are up to a 100 custom skulls/power ups, and can be saved to a "library" to "call-up" in other variants (Custom Games/Firefight and the Skulls can be used in Campaign for fun factor). You can name the skulls/power ups, set score multipliers, alter individual weapon damage rates and I would love to hear what you guys can come up with. Score Rewarder: This rewards a team with a editable reward. This essentially replaces ordinance, and is unique to Firefight, as in only in Firefight. The player can set it to any combination of 3 choices, like ordinance, between weapons, squads, AAs, power-ups an lives bonus. up to ten instances of these can be applied. Spree Rewards: This can be changed to the same stuff mentioned as Score Rewards. Objective Mode: This was kind of implemented in Reach, but never really tried often I find. In Firefight Versus, multiple Gametypes are now able to be thrown into a Firefight mix, such as CTF, Stockpile, Invasion, Dominion, KOTH and all that good stuff. This could end up with some REALLY awesome Gametypes. Wave, Round and Set Duration/Population: Edit whether the Waves, Round or Set is timed, and if players earn bonuses for killing all its enemies within said limit. also alter the amount of enemies in a wave, Waves in a Round and Rounds in a Set. Custom Hazards: Choose the enemies from Drop Pod Hazards, Hazard Vehicles etc. Anything you guys can think off? Now I come to Firefight Map Editor. And I say "Editor" not "Forge" for a reason. I personally believe that a Firefight Map Full System would be to complicated to make and implement without having lots of glitches, faulty AI, faulty walk-path programming and general flaws. I propose a series of default Sandboxes and the original maps are available for EDIT. Not fully fledged construction. Movable Spawns (AI and Player), pre-built structures with AI movement Scripts, Gravity Lifts and Man Cannons, Teleporters, Objectives, Ammo dumps, Support Drops Areas and others. I feel this would be easier to implement, and a working "Editor" would be better than a faulty "Forge". What do you all think? I Honestly believe this to be my best idea ever as a concept for a Halo game. I would Love all the support we need to get this in a Halo Game, If not 5, then 6.
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