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Everything posted by Darkrain491

  1. Fall height damage sucks. It takes an element of fun out of the game. for example, perhaps you want to try your luck at a mid-air hijack againt a banshee or other aircraft. if you miss, you die. Wheres the fun in that? at least make it optional for custom games if your gonna include it. it was also annoying when you went up a lift and then took damage when you landed. Have you any idea how tedious it is to get the man cannons at the right angle in forge to prevent a player taking damage? Very. and even then, if it works in forge, you'll try it in a custom game later and you'll take damage again, it is incredibaly frustrating for forgers so no: it should not be included. besides, 'gel layer could have taken most of the impact' Marine: Halo 3 Halo 3 has no fall height damage
  2. To bad he wasn't a SPARTAN II or IIII then he would be listed as M.I.A but nooooo he had to be the only remaining ORION (SPARTAN I, un-officialy) R.I.P Sgt. Major Avery Johnson Jnr. Or, as he calls himself in Halo: Reach 'Sergent Major Avery Blow The Hell Out Of Your Alien Ass Johnson' Reportin' for duty Halo: Reach firefight quote.
  3. Does anyone no about the Skyrim fererance in Borderlands 2? 'I used to be a vualt hunter like you, untill i took a bullet to the knee', lol, no joke.

  4. Yeah, its meant to simulate a orbital hazardous materials observation area.
  5. Hey, Just wondering what the community members that play Borderlands 2 think that which of their weapons was the best that they ever found, in accordance to their level at the time, I don't care what it was, other than it can't be a Legendary (Orange) weapon, cuase it kinda defeats the purpose of my question. I want you to list it's stats and who you were playing as when you used it, or a rough estimate of what the stats were if you no longer have it. My best weapon is a Lv.50 requirement Vladof Automatic Pistol 'Righteous Anarchist' Damage: 9203 Accuracy: 91.0 Fire Rate: 11.4 Reload Speed: 1.7 Magazine Size: 53 I am playing as Axton when using this, with the 'Slayer of Terramorphous' Class Mod, so it reloads even faster and the damage is massively improved. It is epic. I also thin that the 'Bison' rifle you get for killing dukino's mom is fantastic, espicially with zero.
  6. First i would like to thank Zaguroth for taking these images (And to list the reason, I no longer have xbox live access at all, but that is set to change in the near future i am happy to say). Second i would like to say, Image 9 shows Zaguroth using the lift from teir 2 to teir 1, the surfaces either side off the path are kill zones, This is to 'simulate' a vacuum area AKA space, they are not playable areas.
  7. very 'colourfull' post you got there lol. I just think the scope looks wierd and a bit to large, taking up to much screen, sniper has the same problem aswell now that i think about it.
  8. Im just necr keen on one shot weapon over long ranges in games in halo where people have shields, it leaves the target vary un-advantaged
  9. I Also think that some Halo wars maps could be adapted to fit as multiplayer maps in Halo 4 DLC
  10. Any remakes must be EXACTLY like the original. so how can how say you want an exact remake of BG then a Sandtrap with more hidey places, (LOL hide and seek) Just to clarify was'nt meaning that as an antaginistic way.
  11. Don't be so hasty on kingdra, it has only one weakness, Dragon, and they are very infrequent in the game. this is quite usefull.and water has quite a few super effective type match-ups, and between dragon and water, the resistence against other types are quite high in number. This also a reason i mentioned Scizor, it has alot of resistences, and it's base type has super-effective hits on psychic, a very powerfull type base.
  12. This is a map 2-8 players that is compatible with several gametypes. It is built in mid-air using glass covers as walls allowing the player to view forge world in the backround, hence the name, there is three teirs in the map. the top teir is dedicated to the entrence of a drop tunnel leading to the middle teir, there is then a horizontal path is side this drop leading to the middle teir, their is a small death drop to hop over. the top teir also has a Sniper Rifle with only 1 spare magazine, a needler and headshot rifles. There is a ramp passage the same width as the top and middle teirs connecting them. The middle teir has two entrences to the bottom teir and a gravity lift entrance to the top teir. the first entrance connects via mid-floor 4x4 chamber that houses a Energy Sword. this entrance is the first point of intrest met on arriving from the top teir. The second Item of intrest coming from top teir entrance is the gravity lift that leads back up to the top teir. It is directly opposite enterance one. This gravity lift passes over a large hole in the roof of the bottom teir allowing a player to simply drop from either the top or middle teir to the bottom teir (the gravity lift is at a diagonal angle). the top and middle teir windows allow a top teir player to veiw combat on the middle teir or exposed section of the bottom teir. the second entrence to the bottom teir is at a team spawn area (this spawn area is also the exit of the drop tunnel from the top teir). The bottom teir is quite simple in design. It has no glass viewing windows so players positions are not exposed by players viewing from above (bar the exposed roof area). It has a vertical gravity lift exiting on the top teir. this teir contains a Rocket Luancher and a Shotgun in a small tunnel just opposite the gravity lift. Team 1 spawns on the far left side of the middle teir at the 2nd entrance to the bottom teir and the exit of the drop tunnel, beside the death drop (There is a red light highlighting the death drop) there are 2 fusion coils behind the spawns. Team 2 spawns at the far right of the top teir, on the top part of the ramp passage leading to the middle teir and close to the exit of the bottom teir gravity lift. I apologise for the lack of images as i have no means of supplying any. Please download from my file-share to veiw and rate. I am dropping a link. http://www.bungie.ne...yer=Darkrain491
  13. I think 'messed up' was probaly a poor title, maybe 'Do you think 343's armour designs are Bad' would have been better. My answer? No, they havn't. Adding skins? yes. and red/duel wield energy swords = stupid.
  14. His armour has been edited by the nanites in cryo.
  15. Binary rifle seems to powerfull, i oneshot weapon that you don't get slowed by is always bad
  16. My Suggestion. Typhlosion, Alakazam, Scizor, Dragonite, Swampert, Roserade.
  17. True... but that may cuase grenades only being used to nade and headshot.
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