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Everything posted by VinWarrior

  1. Hello everyone, Edward Kenway here, I know my name says Omega right now but I'll be changing back eventually, so fear not those who knew me as EK, you won't have to adjust for that long! Anyways, PAX gave off some super gaming news. In news I'm not covering here, Halo 2 Anniversary has some new sound design, some new Dead Island 2 stuff was released, and Saints Row IV is getting a remake and some DLC. Let's get down to the news! View attachment: WNW 83014.JPG State of Decay Getting Xbox One Port State of Decay was massively well received as a breath of fresh air for the dying Zombie theme at the time of it's launch on Xbox Live and PC, being (at the time) an innovative experience as players lived in an ever changing, unscripted world with the undead running rampant, however today we see games like DayZ, H1Z1, and others accomplish the same in larger numbers. Xbox.com has the story as it was announced that State of Decay: Year One Survival Edition will be coming to Xbox One in 2015. It will include your typical remastered contents, the game with up-scaled graphics (1080p) and frames-per-second, all the DLC, and entirely new content yet unannounced. It will launch on an unconfirmed date in 2015, I would guess sometime in Early Spring though. Undead Labs, the developers of the game and it's port, will be revealing more info on the game and it's unannounced new features later on. View attachment: state-of-decay-logo.jpg Are you going to purchase State of Decay: Year One Survival Edition (couldn't have picked a longer title) on Xbox One, or does this seem like another typical industry cash grab on a game that had only been recently released? Debate the facts below! Nintendo Announces New 3DS Design/"Next Gen" 3DS Selling tremendously well during it's two year run so far, the 3DS was a sleeper hit among many Nintendo business failures, like the Wii U. Polygon.com reports that Nintendo has announced two new and improved variants of the system, the regular new version and the XL version. The new system is labeled as, "The New 3DS" (Not kidding) will feature a better overall layout, improved CPU to allow games to run better on it, and an analog nub to act as a second thumbstick and new shoulder buttons. Other features include Amiibo integration, and sliding covers so that you can customize your 3DS with new skins. However, sad news for people who own the old 3DS, as they may be forced to upgrade in the future, with exclusive games being developed for the new hardward, with Xenoblade Chronicles being the first. The model will launch exclusively to Japan on October 11th, making it's way to the Western Market next year as a possibility. View attachment: new_nintendo_3ds_reg.0.png Are you displeased that you must upgrade your 3DS so soon after it's launch to play some future games, or is it okay and a natural part of owning a console? Discuss the ideas! Halo: The Master Chief Collection Forge Revealed, Halo 3 Gameplay, etc. 343 Industries had a lot to reveal today at PAX at their conference, with Forge details being the highlight and a surprise viewing of Halo 3 in 1080p/60fps. Ducain23 (one of our partners) recorded the whole event, which can be seen at YouTube.com, showing off some new forge features and images on Ascension. Bug fixes like inconsistent magnetization and menu issues have been addressed and dealt with, and some old features like zoom and the much requested precision control have been brought back. We have a host of new features though, and I'll list and explain several of them here. You can now snap and align objects to the ground, allowing you to easily place something on terrain without issue. Next, the palette has been improved with new natural objects and structures, and you can now pick specific palettes for objects on maps. You can also create objects in the sky in Skyboxes, like in Sandbox in Halo 3 on the grid. You can script objects, and while we're not totally sure what this could mean, we can assume players can assign objects certain activation cues or interactions, like making objects into doors. Finally there is no more budget, and instead we have an object counter currently capped at 650, at least on Ascension. Halo 3 gameplay was also shown, as said before, and looked to have very little difference to it's last gen counterpart, you can view the whole thing in the link. View attachment: halo-master-chief-collection.jpg Are you excited for Forge or Halo 3 in the Master Chief Collection now that we have seen some of these? Let me know below! Thank you all very much for reading, my apologies that it's later in the day, I was busy. Hope everyone has a great night, and I'll see you next time. GIMME A WEEKLY. GIMME A NEWS. GIMME A WRAP-UP. Badoosh! View full article
  2. Hello everyone, Edward Kenway here, I know my name says Omega right now but I'll be changing back eventually, so fear not those who knew me as EK, you won't have to adjust for that long! Anyways, PAX gave off some super gaming news. In news I'm not covering here, Halo 2 Anniversary has some new sound design, some new Dead Island 2 stuff was released, and Saints Row IV is getting a remake and some DLC. Let's get down to the news! View attachment: WNW 83014.JPG State of Decay Getting Xbox One Port State of Decay was massively well received as a breath of fresh air for the dying Zombie theme at the time of it's launch on Xbox Live and PC, being (at the time) an innovative experience as players lived in an ever changing, unscripted world with the undead running rampant, however today we see games like DayZ, H1Z1, and others accomplish the same in larger numbers. Xbox.com has the story as it was announced that State of Decay: Year One Survival Edition will be coming to Xbox One in 2015. It will include your typical remastered contents, the game with up-scaled graphics (1080p) and frames-per-second, all the DLC, and entirely new content yet unannounced. It will launch on an unconfirmed date in 2015, I would guess sometime in Early Spring though. Undead Labs, the developers of the game and it's port, will be revealing more info on the game and it's unannounced new features later on. View attachment: state-of-decay-logo.jpg Are you going to purchase State of Decay: Year One Survival Edition (couldn't have picked a longer title) on Xbox One, or does this seem like another typical industry cash grab on a game that had only been recently released? Debate the facts below! Nintendo Announces New 3DS Design/"Next Gen" 3DS Selling tremendously well during it's two year run so far, the 3DS was a sleeper hit among many Nintendo business failures, like the Wii U. Polygon.com reports that Nintendo has announced two new and improved variants of the system, the regular new version and the XL version. The new system is labeled as, "The New 3DS" (Not kidding) will feature a better overall layout, improved CPU to allow games to run better on it, and an analog nub to act as a second thumbstick and new shoulder buttons. Other features include Amiibo integration, and sliding covers so that you can customize your 3DS with new skins. However, sad news for people who own the old 3DS, as they may be forced to upgrade in the future, with exclusive games being developed for the new hardward, with Xenoblade Chronicles being the first. The model will launch exclusively to Japan on October 11th, making it's way to the Western Market next year as a possibility. View attachment: new_nintendo_3ds_reg.0.png Are you displeased that you must upgrade your 3DS so soon after it's launch to play some future games, or is it okay and a natural part of owning a console? Discuss the ideas! Halo: The Master Chief Collection Forge Revealed, Halo 3 Gameplay, etc. 343 Industries had a lot to reveal today at PAX at their conference, with Forge details being the highlight and a surprise viewing of Halo 3 in 1080p/60fps. Ducain23 (one of our partners) recorded the whole event, which can be seen at YouTube.com, showing off some new forge features and images on Ascension. Bug fixes like inconsistent magnetization and menu issues have been addressed and dealt with, and some old features like zoom and the much requested precision control have been brought back. We have a host of new features though, and I'll list and explain several of them here. You can now snap and align objects to the ground, allowing you to easily place something on terrain without issue. Next, the palette has been improved with new natural objects and structures, and you can now pick specific palettes for objects on maps. You can also create objects in the sky in Skyboxes, like in Sandbox in Halo 3 on the grid. You can script objects, and while we're not totally sure what this could mean, we can assume players can assign objects certain activation cues or interactions, like making objects into doors. Finally there is no more budget, and instead we have an object counter currently capped at 650, at least on Ascension. Halo 3 gameplay was also shown, as said before, and looked to have very little difference to it's last gen counterpart, you can view the whole thing in the link. View attachment: halo-master-chief-collection.jpg Are you excited for Forge or Halo 3 in the Master Chief Collection now that we have seen some of these? Let me know below! Thank you all very much for reading, my apologies that it's later in the day, I was busy. Hope everyone has a great night, and I'll see you next time. GIMME A WEEKLY. GIMME A NEWS. GIMME A WRAP-UP. Badoosh!
  3. https://youtube.com/watch?v=rneyg-ToK1Y&feature=youtu.be I TOLD YOU I DID IT DIDNT I?! Yep, nominated the same three, if you don't know who you are watch the vid. Please donate to ALS research and do the challenge all! catch ya on the flip side. (Jeez the camera makes you look ten times fatter)
  4. Saints Row news was announced at PAX today as we have confirmation of a new DLC called Gat Out of Hell and a remake on current generation consoles called Saints Row IV: Re-Elected Edition. Deep Silver shared two new exciting announcements for it's Saints Row franchise, particularly Saints Row IV, today at PAX Prime, a remake of SRIV on the current generation Xbox One and PS4, and a stand-alone DLC expansion for the game called Gat Out of Hell. Polygon.com reports that the DLC will follow Johnny Gat and Kinzie Kinzington after using a Ouija board goes horribly wrong, they are transported to the depths of hell and must kill Satan himself. No customization will follow in the DLC as you're playing as already set characters. The world is about half the size of Steelport, but will feature new activities, weapons, and clothing. The DLC is $19.95 as a stand-alone (you don't need Saints Row IV to play it) and will release on January 27th, 2015 on Xbox One, PS4, PS3, Xbox 360, and the PC. View attachment: 81EgZe9sOLL._SL1500_.0.0_cinema_960.0.jpg Next is the Saints Row IV: Re-Elected Edition, also covered by Polygon.com. This is a bundling of the original Saints Row IV game and all of it's DLC, excluding the Gat Out of Hell add-on. The bundle will be available on January 27th, 2015, the same day as the DLC. It will cost about $29.99, or a bundle will the DLC will be available separately for $49.99. New features for the game such as Kinect integration have also been teased by it's porters, High Voltage Studios, working with the original developers Volition and it's publishers Deep Silver to recreate the game. Currently, resolution and framerate for the game have not been announced, but more details should be available soon according to Deep Silver, so we may have to wait a few days. View attachment: sRIV_Reelected_Artwork_06.0.jpg What do you think of both of these announcements? Are you excited to see the Saints go to hell (literally)? Or does this seem like nothing but cashing in on Deep Silver's part? Discuss the news below! Thanks for reading!
  5. Saints Row news was announced at PAX today as we have confirmation of a new DLC called Gat Out of Hell and a remake on current generation consoles called Saints Row IV: Re-Elected Edition. Deep Silver shared two new exciting announcements for it's Saints Row franchise, particularly Saints Row IV, today at PAX Prime, a remake of SRIV on the current generation Xbox One and PS4, and a stand-alone DLC expansion for the game called Gat Out of Hell. Polygon.com reports that the DLC will follow Johnny Gat and Kinzie Kinzington after using a Ouija board goes horribly wrong, they are transported to the depths of hell and must kill Satan himself. No customization will follow in the DLC as you're playing as already set characters. The world is about half the size of Steelport, but will feature new activities, weapons, and clothing. The DLC is $19.95 as a stand-alone (you don't need Saints Row IV to play it) and will release on January 27th, 2015 on Xbox One, PS4, PS3, Xbox 360, and the PC. View attachment: 81EgZe9sOLL._SL1500_.0.0_cinema_960.0.jpg Next is the Saints Row IV: Re-Elected Edition, also covered by Polygon.com. This is a bundling of the original Saints Row IV game and all of it's DLC, excluding the Gat Out of Hell add-on. The bundle will be available on January 27th, 2015, the same day as the DLC. It will cost about $29.99, or a bundle will the DLC will be available separately for $49.99. New features for the game such as Kinect integration have also been teased by it's porters, High Voltage Studios, working with the original developers Volition and it's publishers Deep Silver to recreate the game. Currently, resolution and framerate for the game have not been announced, but more details should be available soon according to Deep Silver, so we may have to wait a few days. View attachment: sRIV_Reelected_Artwork_06.0.jpg What do you think of both of these announcements? Are you excited to see the Saints go to hell (literally)? Or does this seem like nothing but cashing in on Deep Silver's part? Discuss the news below! Thanks for reading! View full article
  6. It isn't riding anything into the ground. It's a phone app, that's it. It's a little voice that gives you directions and stuff, it's not 343i or Microsoft doing anything with the license of Halo itself, this project isn't in relation to Halo AT ALL besides it being Cortana.
  7. Filling a CORTANA voice app with HALO references is great! That's what they should be doing! It's fan service.
  8. Microsoft makes Cortana it's Siri to give fan service, and people are complaining? *sigh* the gaming community has really gone downhill. There's zero milking being done here, if Apple can make Siri, then Microsoft can make an service similar for its phones too. Why not have Cortana, a well known and widely popular fan favorite character, in their as the voice? It's call good marketing, not milking.
  9. So you own Halo CEA, Halo 2, Halo 3, and Halo 4. 343i is remastering Halo 2 entirely and bundling it with three other games with upgrades to each + Halo 5 Guardians Beta + Halo: Nightfall all for $60. In technical terms, MCC is in itself a new game.
  10. The hit title Assassin's Creed Unity marketed to release October 28th is now releasing 2 weeks later on November 11th, the same day as it's counterpart on previous generation Assassin's Creed Rogue, another Ubisoft title The Crew, and the largely anticipated Halo: The Master Chief Collection. It's no secret that companies like to compete, especially in the gaming world, and that's why the news about Assassin's Creed Unity's delay sort of makes sense. IGN.com reports that Ubisoft announced the delay today, slating the release for November 11th, 2014. The same day as Assassin's Creed Rogue and The Crew, and some time near Far Cry 4. While it could be understood that Ubisoft would set the date to compete with Halo: The Master Chief Collection, it makes little sense to compete with other games under your belt, two of them releasing on the same day. As well the game now has a Day One patch, what the patch is for is currently unknown. The dates for AC Unity and AC Rogue are also aligning in Europe and other countries where the releases usually happen later, as both games are now slated to release on the 13th. View attachment: Assassins-Creed-Unity-assassination.jpg What do you think of this news, are you disappointed Unity is coming later? Let me know below! Thank you very much for reading!
  11. The hit title Assassin's Creed Unity marketed to release October 28th is now releasing 2 weeks later on November 11th, the same day as it's counterpart on previous generation Assassin's Creed Rogue, another Ubisoft title The Crew, and the largely anticipated Halo: The Master Chief Collection. It's no secret that companies like to compete, especially in the gaming world, and that's why the news about Assassin's Creed Unity's delay sort of makes sense. IGN.com reports that Ubisoft announced the delay today, slating the release for November 11th, 2014. The same day as Assassin's Creed Rogue and The Crew, and some time near Far Cry 4. While it could be understood that Ubisoft would set the date to compete with Halo: The Master Chief Collection, it makes little sense to compete with other games under your belt, two of them releasing on the same day. As well the game now has a Day One patch, what the patch is for is currently unknown. The dates for AC Unity and AC Rogue are also aligning in Europe and other countries where the releases usually happen later, as both games are now slated to release on the 13th. View attachment: Assassins-Creed-Unity-assassination.jpg What do you think of this news, are you disappointed Unity is coming later? Let me know below! Thank you very much for reading! View full article
  12. NEXT GENERATION SNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW! Lockout baby, you look great! Can't wait to play you all night long!
  13. I know lol, these are all TEST banners, they were made as humourous little gags at first that turned into an idea, the final banners will not ALL have EK in the name!
  15. Hello everyone! Now, I made a few banners for possible future events and decided I wanted to post them here and get a rough head count of WHO is getting what games and when, so I can plan out these events. Event 1: Event 2: Event 3: Event 4: Event 5: Sorry if they're rough, they were just test banners. Go ahead and post below what games above you're getting and for what platform so I can see what is possible to plan out. PEACE!
  16. Bungie's next hit FPS Destiny will be available on the Xbox One market place for gamers to pre-load on their system before launch! Last week, Microsoft heralded in a new feature to the Xbox One with the launch of Madden 15, pre-loading. Pre-loading allows you to download the game to it's fullest on your system before launch and when launch hits, play it with no waiting hassle. IGN.com reports that Destiny will be the next game to receive this feature, and will be available to pre-load soon. A microsoft spokesperson commented, saying, "We’re thrilled to make Destiny available for pre-order and pre-download . . . this option was available for a short period of time before the official pre-order window opened. We’ll have more details to share soon about the pre-order and pre-download window for Destiny." So far no confirmed pre-load window as he says, but I'd expect it to be open around the launch weekend, September 5th, 6th, and 7th. So far this feature for Destiny has only been confirmed for the Xbox One, however I'd expect the PS4 to also receive the game for pre-load with an announcement coming soon. The game launches in just 2 weeks on September 9th. View attachment: 2-2x7wAIQ.jpg Are you going to pre-load Destiny, or is a physical copy a must for a game like Destiny? Discuss below! Thank you very much for reading everyone!
  17. Bungie's next hit FPS Destiny will be available on the Xbox One market place for gamers to pre-load on their system before launch! Last week, Microsoft heralded in a new feature to the Xbox One with the launch of Madden 15, pre-loading. Pre-loading allows you to download the game to it's fullest on your system before launch and when launch hits, play it with no waiting hassle. IGN.com reports that Destiny will be the next game to receive this feature, and will be available to pre-load soon. A microsoft spokesperson commented, saying, "We’re thrilled to make Destiny available for pre-order and pre-download . . . this option was available for a short period of time before the official pre-order window opened. We’ll have more details to share soon about the pre-order and pre-download window for Destiny." So far no confirmed pre-load window as he says, but I'd expect it to be open around the launch weekend, September 5th, 6th, and 7th. So far this feature for Destiny has only been confirmed for the Xbox One, however I'd expect the PS4 to also receive the game for pre-load with an announcement coming soon. The game launches in just 2 weeks on September 9th. View attachment: 2-2x7wAIQ.jpg Are you going to pre-load Destiny, or is a physical copy a must for a game like Destiny? Discuss below! Thank you very much for reading everyone! View full article
  18. YUUUUS now I have someone to play with on Xbone Day Uno. I already have ya added. See ya then.
  19. Hello everyone, EK here, and I'm conducting a poll to see who's getting Destiny for what platform and when they're getting it. Please do participate, it's important cause I got nobody to play with on launch day :c Kbai.
  20. So because we've had 4 different assassins since Ezio that means they didn't spin him off? I just said thank god they didn't pull an Ezio and continue Edward, Connor, or Aveline's story lines, because that would've been bad, I didn't say the Ezio spin-offing was still going ._.
  21. To me personally, Unity. Why? Current generation only, can work off the new hardware without being held back. Multiplayer co-op as Assassins, with friends this will be a blast, however with strangers I fear the game will lose it's co-op value. Beautiful graphics. Spin-off game, THANK GOD they didn't pull an Ezio again and start going off one assassin again, that was some BS. French Revolution is one of my favorite time periods in history.
  22. VinWarrior


    BY THE NINE! THE LEGENDS WERE TRUE! Cool to see you back though, Welcome back.
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