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Everything posted by VinWarrior

  1. I'm following the [RESERVED] trend.
  2. Bethesda's upcoming Survival-Horror The Evil Within is getting downloadable content after it's launch as a Season Pass has been announced! There are a plethora of horror games releasing within the next few years, between Silent Hills, the Resident Evil 1 remake, and Alien Isolation, now Bethesda, known for The Elder Scrolls and Fallout franchises, is throwing their hats into the ring with a psychological survival horror called The Evil Within. IGN.com picked up that Bethesda has announced a Season Pass for the game, selling at $20 USD. Three add-ons are included with unknown release windows. The first has you take control of a man called 'The Keeper' as you follow on an unknown story at the time, taking part in 'sadistic' mission based maps. The next two follow an episodic sense as a two part story concerning the main character's female partner, Juli, elsewhere in the environment of The Evil Within. The Evil Within launches this October on Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS3, PS4, and PC available for the standard game price of $59.99. View attachment: the-evil-within-logo.jpg Are you excited for The Evil Within and it's Season Pass, or do you dislike the idea of development of DLC this early in development of the main game? Debate and discuss it below, thanks for the read!
  3. Bethesda's upcoming Survival-Horror The Evil Within is getting downloadable content after it's launch as a Season Pass has been announced! There are a plethora of horror games releasing within the next few years, between Silent Hills, the Resident Evil 1 remake, and Alien Isolation, now Bethesda, known for The Elder Scrolls and Fallout franchises, is throwing their hats into the ring with a psychological survival horror called The Evil Within. IGN.com picked up that Bethesda has announced a Season Pass for the game, selling at $20 USD. Three add-ons are included with unknown release windows. The first has you take control of a man called 'The Keeper' as you follow on an unknown story at the time, taking part in 'sadistic' mission based maps. The next two follow an episodic sense as a two part story concerning the main character's female partner, Juli, elsewhere in the environment of The Evil Within. The Evil Within launches this October on Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS3, PS4, and PC available for the standard game price of $59.99. View attachment: the-evil-within-logo.jpg Are you excited for The Evil Within and it's Season Pass, or do you dislike the idea of development of DLC this early in development of the main game? Debate and discuss it below, thanks for the read! View full article
  4. Naval combat looks fantastic and like a lot of fun, especially in the arctic, however, being on land seems boring and stale, zero changes there, it just seems like AC3's land areas and AC4's naval combat mix together. I hope the game turns out alright, as it looks like fun.
  5. This. This is why I voted no, couldn't have explained it better.
  6. At Gamescom 2014 in Cologne, Germany today Microsoft announced two new bundles releasing for it's next generation console, the Xbox One! If you were tuning in this morning to Microsoft's Press Event at Gamescom in Germany, you were able to get a world premiere look at some brand new reveals. One of the most exciting of these reveals was the announcement of two new bundles for the Xbox One, view-able on Xbox.com, this fall you can pick up a Sunset Overdrive bundle and a Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare bundle. The Sunset Overdrive bundle includes a white Xbox One, controller, and a digital download code for the game with it's Day One DLC. The Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare bundle contains a metallic Advanced Warfare themed console and controller, a copy of the Day Zero edition of the game, and any accompanying Day One add-on content for the game. The Advanced Warfare bundle also contains a massive 1TB hard-drive, equaling more then double the space of the original. The Sunset Overdrive bundle has not been announced to also contain this 1TB hard-drive as of yet. Both are available for pre-order right now, and the Sunset Overdrive bundle launches October 28th, the Advanced Warfare bundle November 3rd respectively. Both are available in limited quantities so pre-ordering early is essential? View attachment: bundles.JPG Are you going to be picking up either bundle? Discuss below everyone, thanks for reading!
  7. At Gamescom 2014 in Cologne, Germany today Microsoft announced two new bundles releasing for it's next generation console, the Xbox One! If you were tuning in this morning to Microsoft's Press Event at Gamescom in Germany, you were able to get a world premiere look at some brand new reveals. One of the most exciting of these reveals was the announcement of two new bundles for the Xbox One, view-able on Xbox.com, this fall you can pick up a Sunset Overdrive bundle and a Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare bundle. The Sunset Overdrive bundle includes a white Xbox One, controller, and a digital download code for the game with it's Day One DLC. The Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare bundle contains a metallic Advanced Warfare themed console and controller, a copy of the Day Zero edition of the game, and any accompanying Day One add-on content for the game. The Advanced Warfare bundle also contains a massive 1TB hard-drive, equaling more then double the space of the original. The Sunset Overdrive bundle has not been announced to also contain this 1TB hard-drive as of yet. Both are available for pre-order right now, and the Sunset Overdrive bundle launches October 28th, the Advanced Warfare bundle November 3rd respectively. Both are available in limited quantities so pre-ordering early is essential? View attachment: bundles.JPG Are you going to be picking up either bundle? Discuss below everyone, thanks for reading! View full article
  8. DAT SMG DOOOOOOOE Also, anyone know what weapon this is? Looks like a rocket launcher/Spartan laser hybrid?
  9. I HATED PATCH ADAMS! ...But, I respected this man to insane degrees, and he was a tride and true gamer and friendly guy. HE NAMED HIS OWN KID ZELDA. I give him kudos for dedication, whether I liked the films he was in or not. And he really made a lot of us laugh, whether we were young or old. The people with the brightest smiles are the ones that hurt the most inside, and that was very true for Robin. Rest in Piece, my man.
  10. Nice article P34nut! Here's a standard picture of the Day Zero edition.
  11. Kermit's the plush red furry thing that has the high pitched voice right? Or is he the purple dinosaur that keeps yammering about love?
  12. Alright, I'll edit my drawing in here. Made this as a banner for the WCC, not my entry. Tell me if any changes are needed. I'll add my own entry later.
  13. Am I allowed to draw mine out or is it strictly Digital art?
  14. I Love Me Some Classics! Hello everyone, I (Edward Kenway) am doing a simple community event on Halo Reach. It's your basic classic event, we'll be playing an array of game-modes like Invasion and Slayer and having some fun, nothing too out of the ordinary! However, I will have to run by some rules for the event. 1. If you slander, berate, or act immature toward another member during the event, you will be booted. No exceptions and no second chances. 2. I don't mind having a hardy time, but try to keep topics out of the sexual, political, or religious areas as generally those conversations get out of hand and if you start one and someone acts out on your behalf you will also be booted. 3. I'd prefer a microphone on everyone so the party isn't barren. 4. HAVE FUN AND DESTROY THE OTHER TEAM! The event begins August 23rd at 3:00PM EST, be sure to get on the shoutbox first so I can give anyone attending the go-ahead to get online and get your gamertags to invite you. Player list is below, if we fill up I'll see if I can get a second lobby, JOIN FAST. 1. Edward Kenway 2. Butch Flowers (Maybe) 3. MoM Destruct 4. Blake Belladonna (Maybe) 5. Bnus (Maybe) 6. Arno Dorian 7. -Sparky- 8. Unease P34nut 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.
  15. Hello everyone, and welcome to another issue of the Weekly News Wrap-Up! Before I start, I'd like to honour my grandmother, Maria, who unfortunately passed on. Her birthday was yesterday and I went to visit her grave for the first time in years. She was an amazing woman, who worked all day and raised a household of three children in a country where immigrants like her had to work hard for every cent they made. May she rest in peace, her legacy live on. Now, unto the wrap-up. View attachment: WNW 80914.JPG Battlefield 4 Free On Origin For 7 Days Though many haven't heard, EA has launched a new rewards program on Origin known as 'Game Time', which was covered on the Weekly News Wrap-Up when Titanfall was free. Origin.com reports that this time players can get Battlefield 4 for free for the next week, an odd choice of game considering Titanfall, a much fresher game, came before this in the game time service. You can pick Battlefield 4 up on August 14th at 10:00 A.M. Pacific Time. Once you start playing, the clock ticks down, so if you choose to grab it now and don't play it for another week, fear not, for it's tied to each player's game time. If you wish to buy Battlefield 4 on PC after, all your achievements and data are saved thanks to Origin. The clock does in fact run down even while you're away, as long as the game is activated. View attachment: Free-Battlefield-4-China-Rising-DLC-Can-t-Be-Transferred-from-Current-to-Next-Gen-Consoles.jpg Are you picking Battlefield 4 up in this exclusive deal, or does it not interest you enough to snag? Debate below! Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare PC Specifications Revealed If any of you are picking up Advanced Warfare over Steam this fall, you might be wondering what it's specifications are so that you can prepare your computer for the game, if so I have great news! IGN.com reports that Activision has shown off the specifications, and I'll walk you through them. You'll need Windows 7 or Windows 8, both need to be 64 bit. You're going to need an Intel Core 2 Duo E8200 2.66 GHZ (Gigahertz) or an AMD Phenom X3 8750 2.4 GHZ or better processor, with Intel Core i5 - 680 recommended. Next up, a MINIMUM 6GB Ram or 8GB recommended Ram, and 40GB worth of HDD space. A NVIDIA GeForce GTX or ATI Radeon are needed, with NVIDIA GeForce's better models being more recommended. Finally, any DirectX compatible sound card will do. To put that in perspective, Call of Duty Ghosts had nearly the same specifications, even down to the required space. View attachment: call-of-duty-advanced-warfare-key-art-01.jpg Is your PC up to par to run Advanced Warfare, will you be purchasing the game for PC? Let me know below! Far Cry 4 Creative Lead Discusses Game; Claims Improvements Made One of the hottest games of Fall 2014, Far Cry 4, the sequel to the 2012 action game Far Cry 3, has been critically acclaimed by critics so far with it's intense trailers and immense hype. WIth all of this hype however, people may fear the game is too similar to it's predecessor, but Creative Director Alex Hutchinson was interviewed and discussed his time on the project. He said, "For me, the most important things are enabling more player agency, building better tools and adding co-op so people can create more interesting player stories, and trying to make a seamless experience." He also described how gameplay would challenge the player in new and inventive ways, and among other things stated the fresh dynamic between the main protagonist and antagonist, with the villain of the game not actually wanting to kill the hero. Alex teased Spartan Ops-esque missions as well, set outside the main area, possibly connecting Far Cry 3 to Far Cry 4? For now, we don't know, he refused to comment more and told us we'd have new details on these missions, being developed outside of the Ubisoft branch making the main game, soon. View attachment: far_cry_4_new_game-wide.jpg Are you excited for Far Cry 4; Have you pre-ordered? Discuss in the thread! Thanks for reading everyone, gotta end here as I've gotta eat, but I'll see you all next week on the WEEKLY. NEWS. WRAP-UP. Badoosh.
  16. Hello everyone, and welcome to another issue of the Weekly News Wrap-Up! Before I start, I'd like to honour my grandmother, Maria, who unfortunately passed on. Her birthday was yesterday and I went to visit her grave for the first time in years. She was an amazing woman, who worked all day and raised a household of three children in a country where immigrants like her had to work hard for every cent they made. May she rest in peace, her legacy live on. Now, unto the wrap-up. View attachment: WNW 80914.JPG Battlefield 4 Free On Origin For 7 Days Though many haven't heard, EA has launched a new rewards program on Origin known as 'Game Time', which was covered on the Weekly News Wrap-Up when Titanfall was free. Origin.com reports that this time players can get Battlefield 4 for free for the next week, an odd choice of game considering Titanfall, a much fresher game, came before this in the game time service. You can pick Battlefield 4 up on August 14th at 10:00 A.M. Pacific Time. Once you start playing, the clock ticks down, so if you choose to grab it now and don't play it for another week, fear not, for it's tied to each player's game time. If you wish to buy Battlefield 4 on PC after, all your achievements and data are saved thanks to Origin. The clock does in fact run down even while you're away, as long as the game is activated. View attachment: Free-Battlefield-4-China-Rising-DLC-Can-t-Be-Transferred-from-Current-to-Next-Gen-Consoles.jpg Are you picking Battlefield 4 up in this exclusive deal, or does it not interest you enough to snag? Debate below! Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare PC Specifications Revealed If any of you are picking up Advanced Warfare over Steam this fall, you might be wondering what it's specifications are so that you can prepare your computer for the game, if so I have great news! IGN.com reports that Activision has shown off the specifications, and I'll walk you through them. You'll need Windows 7 or Windows 8, both need to be 64 bit. You're going to need an Intel Core 2 Duo E8200 2.66 GHZ (Gigahertz) or an AMD Phenom X3 8750 2.4 GHZ or better processor, with Intel Core i5 - 680 recommended. Next up, a MINIMUM 6GB Ram or 8GB recommended Ram, and 40GB worth of HDD space. A NVIDIA GeForce GTX or ATI Radeon are needed, with NVIDIA GeForce's better models being more recommended. Finally, any DirectX compatible sound card will do. To put that in perspective, Call of Duty Ghosts had nearly the same specifications, even down to the required space. View attachment: call-of-duty-advanced-warfare-key-art-01.jpg Is your PC up to par to run Advanced Warfare, will you be purchasing the game for PC? Let me know below! Far Cry 4 Creative Lead Discusses Game; Claims Improvements Made One of the hottest games of Fall 2014, Far Cry 4, the sequel to the 2012 action game Far Cry 3, has been critically acclaimed by critics so far with it's intense trailers and immense hype. WIth all of this hype however, people may fear the game is too similar to it's predecessor, but Creative Director Alex Hutchinson was interviewed and discussed his time on the project. He said, "For me, the most important things are enabling more player agency, building better tools and adding co-op so people can create more interesting player stories, and trying to make a seamless experience." He also described how gameplay would challenge the player in new and inventive ways, and among other things stated the fresh dynamic between the main protagonist and antagonist, with the villain of the game not actually wanting to kill the hero. Alex teased Spartan Ops-esque missions as well, set outside the main area, possibly connecting Far Cry 3 to Far Cry 4? For now, we don't know, he refused to comment more and told us we'd have new details on these missions, being developed outside of the Ubisoft branch making the main game, soon. View attachment: far_cry_4_new_game-wide.jpg Are you excited for Far Cry 4; Have you pre-ordered? Discuss in the thread! Thanks for reading everyone, gotta end here as I've gotta eat, but I'll see you all next week on the WEEKLY. NEWS. WRAP-UP. Badoosh. View full article
  17. Welp, unless it crossed platforms I wouldn't have been able to transfer my Hunter to Xbox One anyway, I was playing on the PS3. Nice article P34nut.
  18. Uhm... Just record it dude, 343i doesn't take down videos with footage of the game in it UNLESS it's the whole game, which I assume you won't do. Also, we're not official 343i, it's a community forum
  19. The popular Xbox One ''exclusive'' Ryse: Son of Rome is getting a PC release this fall on digital download locations like Steam, and full retail releases handled by Deep Silver. Ryse: Son of Rome was a very poorly received game by most critics, with the general public calling the game mediocre, needing quite a bit of work, and with the hype already dead and buried, this news may surprise you. According to IGN.com, Crytek has announced that due to community demand a PC release is underway, for digital download and retail, following the path of Xbox One exclusives like Dead Rising 3 and Titanfall. Crytek has said that the game will include all add-ons, some that were originally exclusive to the Day One Edition of Ryse on the Xbox One, and 4K resolution. Crytek made a long statement, saying, "We’ve given our team the opportunity to show what CRYENGINE can really achieve, without compromising quality. . .Ryse will be a benchmark PC graphics showcase this year and probably for a long time in future. Our community asked for a Ryse PC version, and we have the means and technology to deliver this title with the highest quality possible.” Removing all of the praise to PC Hardware, Crytek is basically stating how the community of fans for the game wished for a PC port remastering the quality, and that's what they're doing. No release is confirmed, but it is coming sometime in the fall, if it doesn't get delayed. View attachment: news_photo_42034_1403717986.jpg What do you think about this news, has this destroyed any incentive to buy or own an Xbox One? Discuss it below, thanks for reading the article!
  20. The popular Xbox One ''exclusive'' Ryse: Son of Rome is getting a PC release this fall on digital download locations like Steam, and full retail releases handled by Deep Silver. Ryse: Son of Rome was a very poorly received game by most critics, with the general public calling the game mediocre, needing quite a bit of work, and with the hype already dead and buried, this news may surprise you. According to IGN.com, Crytek has announced that due to community demand a PC release is underway, for digital download and retail, following the path of Xbox One exclusives like Dead Rising 3 and Titanfall. Crytek has said that the game will include all add-ons, some that were originally exclusive to the Day One Edition of Ryse on the Xbox One, and 4K resolution. Crytek made a long statement, saying, "We’ve given our team the opportunity to show what CRYENGINE can really achieve, without compromising quality. . .Ryse will be a benchmark PC graphics showcase this year and probably for a long time in future. Our community asked for a Ryse PC version, and we have the means and technology to deliver this title with the highest quality possible.” Removing all of the praise to PC Hardware, Crytek is basically stating how the community of fans for the game wished for a PC port remastering the quality, and that's what they're doing. No release is confirmed, but it is coming sometime in the fall, if it doesn't get delayed. View attachment: news_photo_42034_1403717986.jpg What do you think about this news, has this destroyed any incentive to buy or own an Xbox One? Discuss it below, thanks for reading the article! View full article
  21. But Rockstar already has an established PC community for GTA don't they? Not only that, but the GTA logo sells more than Halo .
  22. They confirmed there is no PC release window anytime soon, and I'm kinda happy they aren't doing it for PC. Here's why: 1. Xbox One is NOT at all selling well, compared to PS4, PCs, and Wii U's at least, this will boost sales. 2. The Xbox One needs some good exclusives, as people will start returning their consoles if the system sits and collects dust. 3. PC doesn't much have a HUGE thriving Halo community anymore, so putting it on PC wouldn't benefit MS and 343i to insane degrees. I don't hate PCs or the community, but it's just smart marketing.
  23. I think it's possible, I voted yes cause I'd like to see some Armor DLC and Weapon skin DLC for games like Halo 2: Anniversary, hell Elites in H4 as an update would be nice. Though, 343i doesn't like me too much after 'the incident'. I promised I wouldn't switch to PlayStation, I lied. Whoops. Imagine Armor Customization in H2 Anniversary? That'd be pretty cool.
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