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Everything posted by VinWarrior

  1. The highly praised action game from 2012, Sleeping Dogs, is coming to next generation consoles this fall according to an Amazon listing! When it comes to 'listings' on games that aren't confirmed, most of all we see is a brief extra option to a certain game, for example a recent Halo The Master Chief Collection listing for PC, however, today this isn't the case. Amazon.com has listed the popular action-adventure shooter from 2012 known as Sleeping Dogs. The game is the full package, including an art book, DLC, and a redesigned cover that looks to also have a slipcase to it. It is incredibly rare to actually have a listing show the entire new cover and features and not be officially confirmed by the company yet. However, the listing is still there and will likely stay, meaning Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition, is confirmed! The game is listed as $59.99 USD and will launch October 14th for retail and possibly download soon after. If you pre-order now from Amazon, you will get the exclusive concept art book alongside the game, it is unknown if this book will also be available at retail. View attachment: 91ctVFv3ayL._SL1500_.jpg Will you be purchasing this re-release, and did you enjoy the original game if you've played it? Let me know below, thanks for the read!
  2. GOD DAMMIT I'M SO ANGRY RIGHT NOW BUT SO THANKFUL THAT THEY HAVE MORE TIME MY GOD SO CONFLICTING It's sad, but on the bright side my wallet's gonna friggin explode in February, not October, when I'll have more moola. Plus, I can wipe Evolve off the Holiday Season list, you got lucky AC Rogue. Great article Pinky, gonna promote it.
  3. Dishonored is a badass game, I love the tone, it does Thief better then Thief does Thief. 10/10 game badass seal of approval IGN
  4. This looks reeeeeally dull and barely worth it to be frank, I'll just get the regular edition. Plus it's exclusive to GAME in the UK.
  5. After the recent announcement of the next Assassin's Creed for last generation consoles, Assassin's Creed Rogue, new details have surfaced on the game and what is entailed in it. If you would like to check out the official announcement thread, it's here. Assassin's Creed Unity now has a running-mate on last generation consoles, the recently announced Assassin's Creed Rogue. While the basic details like the main Templar/Assassin's name, Shay, the settings, the Arctic Circle and New York, and the time period, the 1800s, have been revealed, GameStop.com has revealed even more to the public on the game's pre-order page. Shay's drive to defect from the Assassins is described, "After a dangerous mission goes tragically wrong, Shay turns his back on the Assassins who, in response, attempt to end his life." We also learn that this will be the darkest game in the series, and rightfully so. New features like enhanced Eagle Vision, a Grenade Launcher, and an Air Rifle will be at Shay's disposal thanks to his defection. The ship-to-ship combat and sailing will also be returning as Shay sails on the Morrigan. And finally, a new location is confirmed, the American River Valley. More details should come at Gamescom and in September in the newest issue of Game Informer. View attachment: 257-cover-reveal-v2-spread.jpg What do you think of these details, are you excited for Rogue? Let me know below, be sure to check out the OFFICIAL announcement above in the link, and thanks for reading!
  6. After the recent announcement of the next Assassin's Creed for last generation consoles, Assassin's Creed Rogue, new details have surfaced on the game and what is entailed in it. If you would like to check out the official announcement thread, it's here. Assassin's Creed Unity now has a running-mate on last generation consoles, the recently announced Assassin's Creed Rogue. While the basic details like the main Templar/Assassin's name, Shay, the settings, the Arctic Circle and New York, and the time period, the 1800s, have been revealed, GameStop.com has revealed even more to the public on the game's pre-order page. Shay's drive to defect from the Assassins is described, "After a dangerous mission goes tragically wrong, Shay turns his back on the Assassins who, in response, attempt to end his life." We also learn that this will be the darkest game in the series, and rightfully so. New features like enhanced Eagle Vision, a Grenade Launcher, and an Air Rifle will be at Shay's disposal thanks to his defection. The ship-to-ship combat and sailing will also be returning as Shay sails on the Morrigan. And finally, a new location is confirmed, the American River Valley. More details should come at Gamescom and in September in the newest issue of Game Informer. View attachment: 257-cover-reveal-v2-spread.jpg What do you think of these details, are you excited for Rogue? Let me know below, be sure to check out the OFFICIAL announcement above in the link, and thanks for reading! View full article
  7. I apologize for this being in the middle of the week again, but I'm going to be away from Friday morning to Sunday morning, so I'm doing it now. Anyways, I found some really good stories this week so let's get on into it! I'd like to thank Bnus for filling in for me last week, it's appreciated Bnus! Here we go! View attachment: WNW 73114.JPG Watch_Dogs DLC Location hinted at on Twitter Watch_Dogs may be heading to a new location in a DLC releasing this fall, transferring out of Chicago and unto the streets of New Jersey. According to Polygon.com, Watch_Dogs' Twitter stated how Camden, New Jersey had the absolute highest crime rates of any city in the United States and how they (in-game Dedsec organization) would begin monitoring it. A fan soon asked if this was in relation to an add-on, and they responded with a fall release window for something. As for now, it is unknown whether this is DLC, a new game (unlikely), or just a statistic thrown out there completely unrelated to the Fall DLC. View attachment: watch-dogs.jpg What's your take on this, would a DLC in New Jersey be a good idea, or is a different city a better option? Let me know below! Assassin's Creed: Rogue Listed on Swedish Retailer Assassin's Creed Unity is hot on our heels for this fall, but we may have another Assassin's Creed game slipping under the rug. Previously known as Assassin's Creed Comet, IGN.com reports that a Swedish game retailer has listed the last generation exclusive as Assassin's Creed Rogue. It apparently launches October 28th, 2014, the same day as Unity on PS3 and Xbox 360 only. Information is scant, but from rumors, the game will serve as a direct sequel to Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag and take place in New York. Rumors also say that the main protagonist will be a Templar, an odd move for the series. We still have yet to hear an official confirmation of Assassin's Creed Comet/Rogue's existence, but from the evidence, it seems likely we'll see more of the game soon. View attachment: ACRogue.jpg Would you like to see Rogue this year, or should Ubisoft take some time to develop the game properly and market it well so that it can be a true masterpiece? Debate below! New Bioshock content teased by 2K United Kingdom Those who have anticipated and are waiting for a new Bioshock will be excited to hear this news on the future of the game. Eurogamer.com reports that 2K UK's twitter feed showcased an interesting picture recently, a witty and condescending caption for a picture of a mermaid holding an apple with the words, "Come bite the apple!" on it. Anyone who's ever played the original Bioshock knows what this picture is a reference to, Eve's Garden in the original. Could this possibly mean a new game, or maybe a remaster sometime in the future, as the original Bioshock's 10 year anniversary is only a few years away? I personally cannot wait to see what lies Somewhere Beyond the Sea. View attachment: bigdaddy.jpg What are your hopes for the Bioshock franchise, who do you think should develop it? Discuss! See the pun I made, 'Somewhere Beyond the Sea'? Ha... Ha... Ha yeah it's not too funny. ANYWAYS thanks for reading ladies and gentlemen, it's been a great show tonight, I'll see you all next week on the Weekly News Wrap-Up!
  8. I apologize for this being in the middle of the week again, but I'm going to be away from Friday morning to Sunday morning, so I'm doing it now. Anyways, I found some really good stories this week so let's get on into it! I'd like to thank Bnus for filling in for me last week, it's appreciated Bnus! Here we go! View attachment: WNW 73114.JPG Watch_Dogs DLC Location hinted at on Twitter Watch_Dogs may be heading to a new location in a DLC releasing this fall, transferring out of Chicago and unto the streets of New Jersey. According to Polygon.com, Watch_Dogs' Twitter stated how Camden, New Jersey had the absolute highest crime rates of any city in the United States and how they (in-game Dedsec organization) would begin monitoring it. A fan soon asked if this was in relation to an add-on, and they responded with a fall release window for something. As for now, it is unknown whether this is DLC, a new game (unlikely), or just a statistic thrown out there completely unrelated to the Fall DLC. View attachment: watch-dogs.jpg What's your take on this, would a DLC in New Jersey be a good idea, or is a different city a better option? Let me know below! Assassin's Creed: Rogue Listed on Swedish Retailer Assassin's Creed Unity is hot on our heels for this fall, but we may have another Assassin's Creed game slipping under the rug. Previously known as Assassin's Creed Comet, IGN.com reports that a Swedish game retailer has listed the last generation exclusive as Assassin's Creed Rogue. It apparently launches October 28th, 2014, the same day as Unity on PS3 and Xbox 360 only. Information is scant, but from rumors, the game will serve as a direct sequel to Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag and take place in New York. Rumors also say that the main protagonist will be a Templar, an odd move for the series. We still have yet to hear an official confirmation of Assassin's Creed Comet/Rogue's existence, but from the evidence, it seems likely we'll see more of the game soon. View attachment: ACRogue.jpg Would you like to see Rogue this year, or should Ubisoft take some time to develop the game properly and market it well so that it can be a true masterpiece? Debate below! New Bioshock content teased by 2K United Kingdom Those who have anticipated and are waiting for a new Bioshock will be excited to hear this news on the future of the game. Eurogamer.com reports that 2K UK's twitter feed showcased an interesting picture recently, a witty and condescending caption for a picture of a mermaid holding an apple with the words, "Come bite the apple!" on it. Anyone who's ever played the original Bioshock knows what this picture is a reference to, Eve's Garden in the original. Could this possibly mean a new game, or maybe a remaster sometime in the future, as the original Bioshock's 10 year anniversary is only a few years away? I personally cannot wait to see what lies Somewhere Beyond the Sea. View attachment: bigdaddy.jpg What are your hopes for the Bioshock franchise, who do you think should develop it? Discuss! See the pun I made, 'Somewhere Beyond the Sea'? Ha... Ha... Ha yeah it's not too funny. ANYWAYS thanks for reading ladies and gentlemen, it's been a great show tonight, I'll see you all next week on the Weekly News Wrap-Up! View full article
  9. Deep Silver, famed for it's publishing of such titles as Metro: Last Light, Saints Row IV, and Dead Island will now be bringing Homefront: The Revolution to the stage, as the original developers have handed over the game to Deep Silver. Crytek UK is having nothing short of massive problems, with employees being skimped on paychecks, employee strikes and refusals to work, and now after all that they are going to be forced to give the game to Deep Silver. IGN.com reports that not only has Deep Silver bought out all rights for the game, but they've picked up any, "Coherent assets from Crytek", meaning that the studio is now reshaping itself under Deep Silver, and is rumored to be a newer reformed studio in Nottingham called Dambuster Studios. This isn't the first time Deep Silver has picked up a game previously owned by THQ. Or even the second time they've bought a game that THQ originally owned. Homefront is the third game that Deep Silver has picked up in the wake of THQ's downfall, and so far they haven't done all that bad with their licenses. Saints Row IV did very well with critics, being praised over it's predecessor. Metro: Last Light did extremely well as well, making quite a few Game of the Year lists last year. The original Homefront didn't have a lot going for it, with competition with titles like Call of Duty and Battlefield, and a pretty lackluster overall game, it's easy to see why Homefront wasn't as successful as we were hoping. That's not to say Deep Silver hasn't had some shady moments. The release of Ride to Hell: Retribution was labeled as one of the worst games to ever exist, and Dead Island had similar reviews! Metro: Last Light's pre-order DLC and Saint's Row's massive amount of Add-On content hurt the reputation of both titles. View attachment: HOMEFRONT_THE_REVOLUTION_ANNOUNCE_5-pc-games.png Do you trust Deep Silver with genuine successes like Metro and Saints Row behind their belt? Or have games like Ride to Hell and Dead Island soured your taste with them? Be sure to let me know below, thanks for reading!
  10. Deep Silver, famed for it's publishing of such titles as Metro: Last Light, Saints Row IV, and Dead Island will now be bringing Homefront: The Revolution to the stage, as the original developers have handed over the game to Deep Silver. Crytek UK is having nothing short of massive problems, with employees being skimped on paychecks, employee strikes and refusals to work, and now after all that they are going to be forced to give the game to Deep Silver. IGN.com reports that not only has Deep Silver bought out all rights for the game, but they've picked up any, "Coherent assets from Crytek", meaning that the studio is now reshaping itself under Deep Silver, and is rumored to be a newer reformed studio in Nottingham called Dambuster Studios. This isn't the first time Deep Silver has picked up a game previously owned by THQ. Or even the second time they've bought a game that THQ originally owned. Homefront is the third game that Deep Silver has picked up in the wake of THQ's downfall, and so far they haven't done all that bad with their licenses. Saints Row IV did very well with critics, being praised over it's predecessor. Metro: Last Light did extremely well as well, making quite a few Game of the Year lists last year. The original Homefront didn't have a lot going for it, with competition with titles like Call of Duty and Battlefield, and a pretty lackluster overall game, it's easy to see why Homefront wasn't as successful as we were hoping. That's not to say Deep Silver hasn't had some shady moments. The release of Ride to Hell: Retribution was labeled as one of the worst games to ever exist, and Dead Island had similar reviews! Metro: Last Light's pre-order DLC and Saint's Row's massive amount of Add-On content hurt the reputation of both titles. View attachment: HOMEFRONT_THE_REVOLUTION_ANNOUNCE_5-pc-games.png Do you trust Deep Silver with genuine successes like Metro and Saints Row behind their belt? Or have games like Ride to Hell and Dead Island soured your taste with them? Be sure to let me know below, thanks for reading! View full article
  11. Welp, safe to say since it's been 9 days, it's cancelled.
  12. I do want the Flood to return... BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT I want to see a much more varied and smart flood, especially in their castes. Think about it, we've never seen a Flood Grunt, a Flood Jackal, a Flood Hunter, or a Flood Engineer, however it would make a ton of sense as DNA has nothing to do with who the parasite latches to! Hell, let's see some Ancient Forerunner Flood escape the facility and have them rise again, or Promethean Flood! As well, I would like to see the Flood EVOLVE to form their own host bodies, like what happens with the Lambent in Gears of War. Imagine a PURE flood form! Flood weapons! Flood vehicles (We've already seen the Flood pods in Halo 3, they can obviously control vehicles). As well, I'd like to see another Gravemind, possibly one more calculated and cold, sort of like the Flood Didact.
  13. Both of my grandfathers were contracted into World War II, one for the American Navy, the other for the Italian Horse Cavalry. I don't know many alive today who served in WWI, but if there are any brave men or women left, thank you for doing your part, for whatever country you fought for.
  14. -Classification [signature] -Format [PNG] -Size [Default: 600 x 200] -Style [Overall theme: Sci-fi] * -Color Scheme [bright blue, gold, silver] * -Images > http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/343/5/b/edward_kenway__caribbean_sea_1715__by_dimitrosw-d6416o2.jpg -Background: (Transparent, similar style to Bnus' and Austin's signatures with the main image being the centerpiece) -Text > Center "Edward Kenway" in bright fluorescent blue >Under the center text to the left, "343iCF News Group Member" in bright gold >Under the center text in the middle, "Game and Movie Reviewer" in bright gold > Under the center text to the right, "Conspiracy Theorist" in bright gold -Text Font http://www.dafont.com/xperia.font -Additional Effects None -Positions Image center, just Edward himself. Center Text positioned at about his chest, with lower text in their respective positions said above, with enough room to be distinguished as different texts.
  15. No naval combat...? NO NAVAL COMBAT?! That's disappointing.
  16. Sucks to see you go but you've said you were leaving before so I'm pretty faithful on you returning soon. Farewell Kenway.
  17. After a massive case brooded over Bungie and it's composer for over a decade, Martin O'Donnell, the lawsuit has been canceled pre-maturely, with a large settlement to be handed over to Martin. For years, Martin O'Donnells rhythms filled our ears as we mowed down a hostile alien force in the game, Halo, however Martin was tragically fired in April after an incident between himself and the people he had worked with for over a decade. It was soon announced that Martin was striking back with a heavy lawsuit, but VentureBeat.com reports that lawsuit isn't happening anymore. According to them, Martin reached a deal with Bungie's president Harold Ryan to cut Martin a grand total of 95,000 United States Dollars. This money compensates for Bungie policies not enacted, law settlements, and other debts to Martin. He had claimed that Bungie and Ryan owed him for policies like unused Vacation pay and absence funds. Who do you think is in the right here, is Martin the innocent man who was fired without a just cause and owed what he earned, or is Harold being stripped of his profits as part of an unfair scapegoat? Let me know below, thanks for reading. I'd like to also thank the site Moderator RedStarRocket91 for posting this for me! Source: Venturebeat.com
  18. After a massive case brooded over Bungie and it's composer for over a decade, Martin O'Donnell, the lawsuit has been canceled pre-maturely, with a large settlement to be handed over to Martin. For years, Martin O'Donnells rhythms filled our ears as we mowed down a hostile alien force in the game, Halo, however Martin was tragically fired in April after an incident between himself and the people he had worked with for over a decade. It was soon announced that Martin was striking back with a heavy lawsuit, but VentureBeat.com reports that lawsuit isn't happening anymore. According to them, Martin reached a deal with Bungie's president Harold Ryan to cut Martin a grand total of 95,000 United States Dollars. This money compensates for Bungie policies not enacted, law settlements, and other debts to Martin. He had claimed that Bungie and Ryan owed him for policies like unused Vacation pay and absence funds. Who do you think is in the right here, is Martin the innocent man who was fired without a just cause and owed what he earned, or is Harold being stripped of his profits as part of an unfair scapegoat? Let me know below, thanks for reading. I'd like to also thank the site Moderator RedStarRocket91 for posting this for me! Source: Venturebeat.com View full article
  19. I lost it. If you mean in-game armor, sure, if you mean real-life, I don't understand. Kthnxs.
  20. 4 Discs?! Wow, on the 360 this must require a lot of power. I got one disc on my Xbox One. Great review P34nut, I for the most part agree.
  21. I'm all for equality between men, women, black, white, gay, and straight and anything in between, but this is stupid. Thor is one of the oldest Marvel characters and one of the most loved, to change him and his entire storyline just to bring in a certain group is as pointless as Wonder Woman turning into a man. You've gotta understand, building a new female from the ground up attracts more people then changing a working formula on a male character, which WILL drive people away.
  22. I'm not late, it doesn't count! We have your usual three articles today, tried to spice it up by making them a bit more diverse this time around. So sit down, get your popcorn, and prepare for- What? I need to leave the premises? Why? I don't work here anymore? That's insane! You're getting the swat dogs, okay I'm out! Before we start the link in the article below does contain coarse language, viewer discretion is advised. View attachment: WNW 71914.JPG Ashley Johnson (Ellie, The Last of Us) Responds to Ubisoft Female Assassin Controversy Ubisoft has been under heavy fire from Gaming Press, Gamers, and men and women alike in the gaming media for their decision to not include a playable female Assassin. Ashley Johnson, best known as Ellie from The Last of Us, is one of those women, as she has fired at Ubisoft according to Polygon.com. Leaving out Ashley's choice words likely too mature to be fully stated here, she is completely against the decision, saying, "It's 2014! How many video games do you have to make to realize maybe have an option to have a female be in there?" Her co-star in the game, Troy Baker, has made a much less volatile statement, cautioning the idea of forced inclusion of females. Ubisoft has tried to quell the massive response of angered gamers, but even their wide array of efforts have done little to stop people. Ubisoft is composed of a diverse library of employees, men, women, foreigners, and for the most part anything in between. They were also under similar fire for controversy over the Far Cry 4 cover art showcasing a lighter skinned man holding down a darker skinned man. View attachment: ellie-and-joel-the-last-of-us_121708.jpg What's your take on this ridiculous controversy? Debate below! Sony announces two new PS4 bundles in Japan: Custom Destiny Bundle and The Last of Us Bundle PlayStation 4 bundles have been popping up in massive degrees lately, between the Driveclub bundle announced and the recent questionable Frozen bundle, Japan has a wide variety of different PlayStation 4s to choose from, and now we can add two more to that list. IGN.com states that Sony has announced a Destiny bundle with a custom console, and a The Last of Us Remastered bundle with a custom TLOU: R themed PS4. The Destiny bundle is the same as it is here in United States, save for the Destiny logo imprinted unto the console. The Last of Us Remastered bundle includes the game, the PlayStation 4 with the two main characters on the cover, and the DualShock 4, all in their signature black. Destiny is slightly different sporting the Sony logo on it's bottom right corner as well, as it is a PS4 exclusive in Japan. The bundles will likely be the same price as your typical game/console bundle. View attachment: destiny_japanps4.jpg Do you think either bundle will come to any other country, and would you purchase it if it came to yours? Let me know below! Xbox One Summer Update Features Mobile Purchases, 3D Blu-Ray Compatibility, and More The Xbox One has received quite a few helpful updates following it's launch about a year ago, including a helpful video editor. Major Nelson, or Larry Hyrb, reported on Xbox.com that an update will be available next month. These features include a refined Activity feed, a whole area dedicated to your friends and their activities on the hub, mobile purchases allowing you to buy Xbox items from your device or computer, a low battery notification that pops up on your screen, the ability to turn off notifications during video playback, an enabler for 3D Blu-Ray, an old feature returning from the Xbox 360 allowing you to see what your friends were last doing and when, and OneGuide in a slue of other countries. The countries that will offer OneGuide include Brazil, Mexico, Ireland, and Austria. View attachment: ps4-xbox-one-side-by-side-speed-test.jpg What do you think of the new updates, will you be utilizing any of them? Discuss in the comments! Thanks for reading the Weekly News Wrap-Up everyone, I'll see you next time!
  23. I'm not late, it doesn't count! We have your usual three articles today, tried to spice it up by making them a bit more diverse this time around. So sit down, get your popcorn, and prepare for- What? I need to leave the premises? Why? I don't work here anymore? That's insane! You're getting the swat dogs, okay I'm out! Before we start the link in the article below does contain coarse language, viewer discretion is advised. View attachment: WNW 71914.JPG Ashley Johnson (Ellie, The Last of Us) Responds to Ubisoft Female Assassin Controversy Ubisoft has been under heavy fire from Gaming Press, Gamers, and men and women alike in the gaming media for their decision to not include a playable female Assassin. Ashley Johnson, best known as Ellie from The Last of Us, is one of those women, as she has fired at Ubisoft according to Polygon.com. Leaving out Ashley's choice words likely too mature to be fully stated here, she is completely against the decision, saying, "It's 2014! How many video games do you have to make to realize maybe have an option to have a female be in there?" Her co-star in the game, Troy Baker, has made a much less volatile statement, cautioning the idea of forced inclusion of females. Ubisoft has tried to quell the massive response of angered gamers, but even their wide array of efforts have done little to stop people. Ubisoft is composed of a diverse library of employees, men, women, foreigners, and for the most part anything in between. They were also under similar fire for controversy over the Far Cry 4 cover art showcasing a lighter skinned man holding down a darker skinned man. View attachment: ellie-and-joel-the-last-of-us_121708.jpg What's your take on this ridiculous controversy? Debate below! Sony announces two new PS4 bundles in Japan: Custom Destiny Bundle and The Last of Us Bundle PlayStation 4 bundles have been popping up in massive degrees lately, between the Driveclub bundle announced and the recent questionable Frozen bundle, Japan has a wide variety of different PlayStation 4s to choose from, and now we can add two more to that list. IGN.com states that Sony has announced a Destiny bundle with a custom console, and a The Last of Us Remastered bundle with a custom TLOU: R themed PS4. The Destiny bundle is the same as it is here in United States, save for the Destiny logo imprinted unto the console. The Last of Us Remastered bundle includes the game, the PlayStation 4 with the two main characters on the cover, and the DualShock 4, all in their signature black. Destiny is slightly different sporting the Sony logo on it's bottom right corner as well, as it is a PS4 exclusive in Japan. The bundles will likely be the same price as your typical game/console bundle. View attachment: destiny_japanps4.jpg Do you think either bundle will come to any other country, and would you purchase it if it came to yours? Let me know below! Xbox One Summer Update Features Mobile Purchases, 3D Blu-Ray Compatibility, and More The Xbox One has received quite a few helpful updates following it's launch about a year ago, including a helpful video editor. Major Nelson, or Larry Hyrb, reported on Xbox.com that an update will be available next month. These features include a refined Activity feed, a whole area dedicated to your friends and their activities on the hub, mobile purchases allowing you to buy Xbox items from your device or computer, a low battery notification that pops up on your screen, the ability to turn off notifications during video playback, an enabler for 3D Blu-Ray, an old feature returning from the Xbox 360 allowing you to see what your friends were last doing and when, and OneGuide in a slue of other countries. The countries that will offer OneGuide include Brazil, Mexico, Ireland, and Austria. View attachment: ps4-xbox-one-side-by-side-speed-test.jpg What do you think of the new updates, will you be utilizing any of them? Discuss in the comments! Thanks for reading the Weekly News Wrap-Up everyone, I'll see you next time! View full article
  24. If I'm correct there will be livestreams, but no cable viewings, as these are continuous hour long events that have no breaks, meaning no commercials to pay for airing.
  25. Hello everyone, from now on I will be covering the Halo Bulletins and the majority of the content enveloped in them until further notice. Before I get yelled at that the iBot handles these, this has been a long discussion between myself, RedStarRocket91, BeckoningZebra1, and Adam91, and I don't post this without their permission. Anyways, now with legal out of the way let's get down to the news! The article is at HaloWaypoint.com here. View attachment: halobulletinheader_7-16_800-cd1ce0ff3a624424a78c10f2e783e9ef.png HALO at San Diego Comic-Con 2014 [Halo Nightfall Digital Series News and The Master Chief Collection Developer Panel] View attachment: HALOnightfall.jpg 343 Industries themselves will be attending San Diego Comic-Con this year to talk about Halo: The Master Chief Collection and the newly announced digital short accompanying it, Halo: Nightfall. This article was already done so I won't go into too much detail other then list the times below and link to Adam91's article on it. Thursday, July 24th at 11:45 A.M. Halo Nightfall Panel (Digital Episodic Series directed by Ridley Scott, filming underway in Iceland) Start: Thursday, July 24th at 11:45 A.M. End: 12:45 P.M. Location: Room 6BCF Halo: The Master Chief Collection Panel (Releasing November 11th, 2014 NA, November 14th, 2014 EU) Start: Friday, July 25th at 10:15 A.M End: 11:15 A.M. Location: Room 6BCF Halo 4 Matchmaking Updates View attachment: halo-matchmaking-banner-34f49a473d5d4958834c34f6d11aa06b.jpg ​Next up, Halo 4's War Games Matchmaking is getting some shuffling with a returning game mode and game type. Big Team SWAT is making an appearance and will run until August 4th. Quick Draw is also returning to the Big Team playlist, and should occasionally appear in the third slot. As well, 343i has sifted through some of the Flood maps and done a bit of cleaning and tidying. Halo 5 Guardians Forza 5 Mash-Up Vehicle Created View attachment: bulletin-forza1-00a5dc9c33d64ca78a05758f3b78f6e6.jpg 343 has had a long history of collaborating with the Forza series, whether with the original Halo 4 Warthog making an appearance in Forza 4, or the Halo: Spartan Assault vehicle mash-up made in Forza 5. Now we may add to that list as a Forza user has created a Halo 5: Guardians themed McLaren P1 in the game. Screenshot Spotlight: Quarterback View attachment: halo4-screenshot_quarterback4-678c3244a1be4dd4b396ecf1211b1ee3.jpg This week 10 screenshots made the spotlight involving the theme of the popular American football position, Quarterback, I have one here but the other 9 can be viewed in the actual article! Next week's theme is Suppressor, so be sure to get on Halo 4 and get your screenshots ready! The one above is called 'Exploding Fastball' by 76NITRO, who had three screenshots featured in the article. That's it for this week, be sure to tune into the 343i Comic-Con event! Until then, Edward
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