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Everything posted by VinWarrior

  1. Hello everyone, from now on I will be covering the Halo Bulletins and the majority of the content enveloped in them until further notice. Before I get yelled at that the iBot handles these, this has been a long discussion between myself, RedStarRocket91, BeckoningZebra1, and Adam91, and I don't post this without their permission. Anyways, now with legal out of the way let's get down to the news! The article is at HaloWaypoint.com here. View attachment: halobulletinheader_7-16_800-cd1ce0ff3a624424a78c10f2e783e9ef.png HALO at San Diego Comic-Con 2014 [Halo Nightfall Digital Series News and The Master Chief Collection Developer Panel] View attachment: HALOnightfall.jpg 343 Industries themselves will be attending San Diego Comic-Con this year to talk about Halo: The Master Chief Collection and the newly announced digital short accompanying it, Halo: Nightfall. This article was already done so I won't go into too much detail other then list the times below and link to Adam91's article on it. Thursday, July 24th at 11:45 A.M. Halo Nightfall Panel (Digital Episodic Series directed by Ridley Scott, filming underway in Iceland) Start: Thursday, July 24th at 11:45 A.M. End: 12:45 P.M. Location: Room 6BCF Halo: The Master Chief Collection Panel (Releasing November 11th, 2014 NA, November 14th, 2014 EU) Start: Friday, July 25th at 10:15 A.M End: 11:15 A.M. Location: Room 6BCF Halo 4 Matchmaking Updates View attachment: halo-matchmaking-banner-34f49a473d5d4958834c34f6d11aa06b.jpg ​Next up, Halo 4's War Games Matchmaking is getting some shuffling with a returning game mode and game type. Big Team SWAT is making an appearance and will run until August 4th. Quick Draw is also returning to the Big Team playlist, and should occasionally appear in the third slot. As well, 343i has sifted through some of the Flood maps and done a bit of cleaning and tidying. Halo 5 Guardians Forza 5 Mash-Up Vehicle Created View attachment: bulletin-forza1-00a5dc9c33d64ca78a05758f3b78f6e6.jpg 343 has had a long history of collaborating with the Forza series, whether with the original Halo 4 Warthog making an appearance in Forza 4, or the Halo: Spartan Assault vehicle mash-up made in Forza 5. Now we may add to that list as a Forza user has created a Halo 5: Guardians themed McLaren P1 in the game. Screenshot Spotlight: Quarterback View attachment: halo4-screenshot_quarterback4-678c3244a1be4dd4b396ecf1211b1ee3.jpg This week 10 screenshots made the spotlight involving the theme of the popular American football position, Quarterback, I have one here but the other 9 can be viewed in the actual article! Next week's theme is Suppressor, so be sure to get on Halo 4 and get your screenshots ready! The one above is called 'Exploding Fastball' by 76NITRO, who had three screenshots featured in the article. That's it for this week, be sure to tune into the 343i Comic-Con event! Until then, Edward View full article
  2. We aren't officially 343i, no one from 343i is here. Nice idea though.
  3. Microsoft recently announced that unfortunately after the recent acquisition of Nokia, 18,000 employees will be fired and forced into unemployment within the next year, the majority in the Nokia department but some in the Xbox department as well. If you hadn't heard, Microsoft recently bought out and adopted the Nokia brand of phones and electronics for 72 Billion USD, and they will be laying off a large amount of employees, though the number wasn't expected to be this large. GameSpot.com reports that Microsoft has revealed that the number is right at 18,000 jobs being affected. About 13,000 of these are in Nokia, but the Xbox Marketing Team will also be affected heavily. Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella did say that new jobs would be opened up, not stating how many, and that employees will be offered some basic assistance in finding new employment opportunities. This is the largest layoff event in the history of Microsoft, making about a 14% cut into the total amount of 100,000 or so employees. Investors surprisingly had a positive response in the first hours, however the stock quickly dropped soon after. More details will be made available soon, and I will update the article when we receive news. View attachment: X1.jpg Leave your response to the layoffs below, and what you think Microsoft should do specifically to help it's laid off employees. Thanks for reading guys, see you next time.
  4. Microsoft recently announced that unfortunately after the recent acquisition of Nokia, 18,000 employees will be fired and forced into unemployment within the next year, the majority in the Nokia department but some in the Xbox department as well. If you hadn't heard, Microsoft recently bought out and adopted the Nokia brand of phones and electronics for 72 Billion USD, and they will be laying off a large amount of employees, though the number wasn't expected to be this large. GameSpot.com reports that Microsoft has revealed that the number is right at 18,000 jobs being affected. About 13,000 of these are in Nokia, but the Xbox Marketing Team will also be affected heavily. Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella did say that new jobs would be opened up, not stating how many, and that employees will be offered some basic assistance in finding new employment opportunities. This is the largest layoff event in the history of Microsoft, making about a 14% cut into the total amount of 100,000 or so employees. Investors surprisingly had a positive response in the first hours, however the stock quickly dropped soon after. More details will be made available soon, and I will update the article when we receive news. View attachment: X1.jpg Leave your response to the layoffs below, and what you think Microsoft should do specifically to help it's laid off employees. Thanks for reading guys, see you next time. View full article
  5. I wasn't rude? I just told him to read it through next time, nothing wrong with that. Also, there's nothing wrong with my time... I made sure it's before their's and it shouldn't interfere at all. It's not silly, you have no justification to say that, no need to be rude. Event cancelled, I apologize for the inconvenience, but TGFW is more important.
  6. *sigh* This is a series of events spanning multiple games, that's why you see Titanfall factions in Halo, the first event took place on Titanfall. Secondly, Sparky and Spartan's event is at 3PM, at least the first one, this is at 2PM. Please read deeper into this stuff next time before posting, thanks.
  7. Hello soldiers, I know it's been a long night of warfare, but we need to continue, it's almost over. We need your boots on the ground on Reach, the Militia have run us dry near Angel City. Our forces have split up, while our Pilots and Titans are moving west on Reach, you will be moving North, and visiting an array of naval bases and fields, your goal is to reach the IMC Workhouse. Get ready men! So, obviously you'll need an Xbox 360 and Xbox Live Gold, and I'd prefer a mic but it isn't needed. I'll go ahead and make an 16 player list below, cause I believe Reach's limit is 16. We will be playing Saturday, July 19th at 2PM EST, which should roughly translate to 7PM GMT. Edward Kenway Butch Flowers ShadowFiend216 Blake Belladonna (Maybe) Bnus (Maybe) . . . . . . . . . . . Edward out! We found them... Deploy.
  9. Sorry for this delay again, next Saturday I will be sure to post this on the dot, I lost access to my PC over the weekend, and recently got it back, you have my apologies. We've got three amazing articles for you this week, I promise! My 1000th post everyone, enjoy! View attachment: WNW 71514.JPG Negotiations with Microsoft and Sony for Early Access on Consoles Underway One of the main reasons for the PC system Steam's popularity is it's easy to use Early Access system, which has allowed underground titles like DayZ and The Forest to see massive popularity and growth, and receive critical hands-on gameplay feedback. IGN.com reports that key people in Microsoft and Sony Computer Entertainment America, Adam Boyes and Chris Charla, did reveal that key conversations with developers were about the implementation of an Early Access system akin to Steam's. ID@Xbox's chief Chris Charla, mentioned above, gave the most information on it, saying, "It's a really interesting issue with digital marketplaces, and it's something our store and marketplace team think about all the time . . . Our goal is to have a rational marketplace, where good games are visible and sell well." Adam Boyes made similar comments, stating, "It's still a project that a lot of minds are considering. No details yet, but it's something on the top of my mind every day." View attachment: dayz__wallpapers.jpg Would you like to see an Early Access system implemented into the Xbox One or PS4? Discuss below! Grand Theft Auto V PC Release Listed Grand Theft Auto V was recently announced on Current Generation consoles and PCs, with a Fall 2014 window, but the actual release date seems to be unknown, at least until now. PCGamer.com describes that a European site called CoolShop listed the game for November 14th, 2014, meaning that North Americans will likely get it on the 11th of November. The date does make some sense, as the majority of European releases happen on Friday, and happen in North America on Tuesday. The date has been changed to the standard issue filler date of December 31st, 2014, but PCGamer still has a snapshot of it, visible on the article. View attachment: gta-5-michael_with_sign_1920x1080-wallpaper.jpg Are you purchasing the next generation version of GTA V or the PC version? Debate in the comments! Bioware to Discuss Mass Effect 4 at Comic-Con Details on the upcoming Mass Effect 4, likely not even to be called that, have been scarce, save for some conceptual art at E3 and scattered comments toward the product, however, this Comic-Con you will likely be able to see more of the new Mass Effect. Polygon.com states that this Comic-Con, according to the schedule, Bioware will be appearing to talk about Mass Effect 4. Well-known members of the Bioware team like Mike Gamble and Jessica Merizan will be making an appearance at the panel. Aside from that Bioware is remaining scant on the whole thing, so we'll have to wait to see what else they have in store. So far, there has been no confirmed release date for the next Mass Effect, but it is likely not going to be in 2014 and will probably release in 2015 or 2016 at the latest. View attachment: Mass-Effect-3-the-real-female-shepard.jpg Are you excited for the next Mass Effect game and will you be tuning in to see all the latest news on the game at Comic-Con? Let me know below! Thanks for reading everyone, have a great week, I'll see you Saturday! I promise this time, you don't need to fire me! Take care everyone.
  10. Sorry for this delay again, next Saturday I will be sure to post this on the dot, I lost access to my PC over the weekend, and recently got it back, you have my apologies. We've got three amazing articles for you this week, I promise! My 1000th post everyone, enjoy! View attachment: WNW 71514.JPG Negotiations with Microsoft and Sony for Early Access on Consoles Underway One of the main reasons for the PC system Steam's popularity is it's easy to use Early Access system, which has allowed underground titles like DayZ and The Forest to see massive popularity and growth, and receive critical hands-on gameplay feedback. IGN.com reports that key people in Microsoft and Sony Computer Entertainment America, Adam Boyes and Chris Charla, did reveal that key conversations with developers were about the implementation of an Early Access system akin to Steam's. ID@Xbox's chief Chris Charla, mentioned above, gave the most information on it, saying, "It's a really interesting issue with digital marketplaces, and it's something our store and marketplace team think about all the time . . . Our goal is to have a rational marketplace, where good games are visible and sell well." Adam Boyes made similar comments, stating, "It's still a project that a lot of minds are considering. No details yet, but it's something on the top of my mind every day." View attachment: dayz__wallpapers.jpg Would you like to see an Early Access system implemented into the Xbox One or PS4? Discuss below! Grand Theft Auto V PC Release Listed Grand Theft Auto V was recently announced on Current Generation consoles and PCs, with a Fall 2014 window, but the actual release date seems to be unknown, at least until now. PCGamer.com describes that a European site called CoolShop listed the game for November 14th, 2014, meaning that North Americans will likely get it on the 11th of November. The date does make some sense, as the majority of European releases happen on Friday, and happen in North America on Tuesday. The date has been changed to the standard issue filler date of December 31st, 2014, but PCGamer still has a snapshot of it, visible on the article. View attachment: gta-5-michael_with_sign_1920x1080-wallpaper.jpg Are you purchasing the next generation version of GTA V or the PC version? Debate in the comments! Bioware to Discuss Mass Effect 4 at Comic-Con Details on the upcoming Mass Effect 4, likely not even to be called that, have been scarce, save for some conceptual art at E3 and scattered comments toward the product, however, this Comic-Con you will likely be able to see more of the new Mass Effect. Polygon.com states that this Comic-Con, according to the schedule, Bioware will be appearing to talk about Mass Effect 4. Well-known members of the Bioware team like Mike Gamble and Jessica Merizan will be making an appearance at the panel. Aside from that Bioware is remaining scant on the whole thing, so we'll have to wait to see what else they have in store. So far, there has been no confirmed release date for the next Mass Effect, but it is likely not going to be in 2014 and will probably release in 2015 or 2016 at the latest. View attachment: Mass-Effect-3-the-real-female-shepard.jpg Are you excited for the next Mass Effect game and will you be tuning in to see all the latest news on the game at Comic-Con? Let me know below! Thanks for reading everyone, have a great week, I'll see you Saturday! I promise this time, you don't need to fire me! Take care everyone. View full article
  11. This is really awesome of you guys to implement, it brings back a fan favorite award, and helps people who need help in the process! Maybe in the future we can do this style of contest with other forms of global assistance, for example, something related to Environmental Conservation?
  12. Yes, I already own an X1 and will pre-order before the summer ends, so I'd love to play... HOWEVER I think what Bnus is doing is genius and we should do a campaign run, hopefully it supports four players.
  13. "conflicting time frames with another event" Wow, that guy should've so moved his time, how RUDE! Btw I'll be attending!
  14. Let's play pretend! Let's pretend it isn't the middle of the week! Let's pretend I haven't missed two weeks! Let's pretend I still have my job on staff and aren't just pretending myself to stay sane hahahahaha... But I'm still in my job, of course I am, DON'T TELL ME OTHERWISE. Anyways, we've got three great articles this week, and I'd like to send a shoutout to my good friend Bnus to go check out the latest TGFW event happening, and this month's MoM Vigilant Intellect, keep on rocking bud! Now, let's begin! View attachment: WNW 70914.JPG Driveclub PlayStation 4 Bundle Announced One of the most anticipated games of 2013 at the launch of the PS4, however people were put in despair when this racing game along with Watch_Dogs were delayed until 2014, then experiencing another delay from this summer to later in Fall 2014. IGN.com reports that Sony recently revealed a revival of an older bundle with the game and it's console. The bundle includes the console in it's standard colours, a DualShock 4 controller in it's standard colour, and Driveclub's full version, not the free PlayStation Plus version which was announced to have microtransactions and restrictions. The bundle is €439.99 in Europe, and the North American bundle has yet to be confirmed, though it likely exists and will likely be priced at around $459.99 USD give or take. Driveclub releases this Fall exclusively on PlayStation 4 for $59.99 USD. View attachment: driveclubpic.jpg Are you picking up the bundle, or do you not plan on buying a PlayStation 4 or the game itself? Be sure to tell me below! Titanfall: Frontier's Edge DLC Revealed Titanfall has surprisingly stayed a smash hit since it's massively hyped release back in March of 2014, with a DLC in May known as Expedition and countless updates after. It was recently announced on Titanfall.com that a new DLC, known as Frontier's Edge, will be releasing soon with three new maps contained in it. These maps are Dig Site, a mining operation, a small hub ingrained in the mountainside, Export, and a luxurious beach-head, Haven. All of these are available for $9.99, or the discount of $24.99 with the Season Pass, which comes with Expedition, Frontier's Edge, and a third unannounced pack. The release date for the pack is not yet known, but if I were to guess, I'd estimate it around late July or early August like the Expedition pack in late May after a late March announcement. Titanfall and it's DLC are available on the Xbox 360, PC, and Xbox One. View attachment: TFDLC2.jpg What do you think of this new pack, is there a need for more content and more variety, or does this satisfy you? Debate below! Project Spark gets retail Xbox One version; Release Date announced Project Spark was announced at E3 in 2013 as a Microsoft platform exclusive, since receiving many updates and a currently running beta. Polygon.com reports that the game now has a confirmed release date, October 7th in the American territories, and October 10th in Europe, with Asia-Pacific copies releasing on the 9th. A version available for store purchase, the Project Spark Starter Pack will be available for Xbox One only, but it's content can be downloaded digitally on Windows 8 and Xbox One, no word on the Xbox 360. The pack includes 2 feature packs, a new character, and the first entry to an episodic action/adventure series planned in the game. Looking at all this information, it seems the Xbox 360 version and the Windows 8 versions have been getting little attention by the developers, Team Dakota, compared to the Xbox One version. View attachment: Project_Spark_Zombie.jpg Are you picking Project Spark up? Via digital download or physical? Discuss below! What did you think on all that news? Let me know below, thank you very much for reading, have a safe and pleasant day, and I'll see you this Saturday on the next Weekly News Wrap-Up. P.S. Attend my event! Chapter 1: Ignite the Revolution! P.P.S. Attend any event possible! We've got quite a few fantastic ones this week! P.P.P.S. It takes dedication to STILL be reading, go home! View full article
  15. Let's play pretend! Let's pretend it isn't the middle of the week! Let's pretend I haven't missed two weeks! Let's pretend I still have my job on staff and aren't just pretending myself to stay sane hahahahaha... But I'm still in my job, of course I am, DON'T TELL ME OTHERWISE. Anyways, we've got three great articles this week, and I'd like to send a shoutout to my good friend Bnus to go check out the latest TGFW event happening, and this month's MoM Vigilant Intellect, keep on rocking bud! Now, let's begin! View attachment: WNW 70914.JPG Driveclub PlayStation 4 Bundle Announced One of the most anticipated games of 2013 at the launch of the PS4, however people were put in despair when this racing game along with Watch_Dogs were delayed until 2014, then experiencing another delay from this summer to later in Fall 2014. IGN.com reports that Sony recently revealed a revival of an older bundle with the game and it's console. The bundle includes the console in it's standard colours, a DualShock 4 controller in it's standard colour, and Driveclub's full version, not the free PlayStation Plus version which was announced to have microtransactions and restrictions. The bundle is €439.99 in Europe, and the North American bundle has yet to be confirmed, though it likely exists and will likely be priced at around $459.99 USD give or take. Driveclub releases this Fall exclusively on PlayStation 4 for $59.99 USD. View attachment: driveclubpic.jpg Are you picking up the bundle, or do you not plan on buying a PlayStation 4 or the game itself? Be sure to tell me below! Titanfall: Frontier's Edge DLC Revealed Titanfall has surprisingly stayed a smash hit since it's massively hyped release back in March of 2014, with a DLC in May known as Expedition and countless updates after. It was recently announced on Titanfall.com that a new DLC, known as Frontier's Edge, will be releasing soon with three new maps contained in it. These maps are Dig Site, a mining operation, a small hub ingrained in the mountainside, Export, and a luxurious beach-head, Haven. All of these are available for $9.99, or the discount of $24.99 with the Season Pass, which comes with Expedition, Frontier's Edge, and a third unannounced pack. The release date for the pack is not yet known, but if I were to guess, I'd estimate it around late July or early August like the Expedition pack in late May after a late March announcement. Titanfall and it's DLC are available on the Xbox 360, PC, and Xbox One. View attachment: TFDLC2.jpg What do you think of this new pack, is there a need for more content and more variety, or does this satisfy you? Debate below! Project Spark gets retail Xbox One version; Release Date announced Project Spark was announced at E3 in 2013 as a Microsoft platform exclusive, since receiving many updates and a currently running beta. Polygon.com reports that the game now has a confirmed release date, October 7th in the American territories, and October 10th in Europe, with Asia-Pacific copies releasing on the 9th. A version available for store purchase, the Project Spark Starter Pack will be available for Xbox One only, but it's content can be downloaded digitally on Windows 8 and Xbox One, no word on the Xbox 360. The pack includes 2 feature packs, a new character, and the first entry to an episodic action/adventure series planned in the game. Looking at all this information, it seems the Xbox 360 version and the Windows 8 versions have been getting little attention by the developers, Team Dakota, compared to the Xbox One version. View attachment: Project_Spark_Zombie.jpg Are you picking Project Spark up? Via digital download or physical? Discuss below! What did you think on all that news? Let me know below, thank you very much for reading, have a safe and pleasant day, and I'll see you this Saturday on the next Weekly News Wrap-Up. P.S. Attend my event! Chapter 1: Ignite the Revolution! P.P.S. Attend any event possible! We've got quite a few fantastic ones this week! P.P.P.S. It takes dedication to STILL be reading, go home!
  16. In celebration of the all-holy Bungie Day in which we revere our gods and overlords in Bungie, they have given us three separate Collector's Edition announcements! Today is a big day for any Destiny buff, as Bungie has been widely hinting (not very subtly) about massive announcements to come today, July 7th, Bungie Day. The biggest comes from Bungie.net, where three different Collector's Editions were revealed on the site, and I'm going to go through them one by one. The first is the Destiny Digital Guardian Edition, which comes packed with Early Access to the Vanguard Armory and a pre-order bonus Player Emblem, the Destiny Season Pass (or Expansion Pass as it's labeled) which comes with the two add-ons for Destiny, The Dark Below and House of Wolves, and all of the Digital Content included across the three Collector's Editions, the skin for your Ghost, and the Player Emblem and Ship Skin. It is unknown what this edition currently retails for. Next, we have the Limited Edition, which includes a Steelbook showing off a matte grey image of the star chart and the Destiny logo, a 'Guardian Folio' which encases a field guide of a variety of weapons in the game, a star chart that acts sort of like the map included in GTA V's retail, and postcards, and of course all of the digital content in the Digital Guardian Edition. It retails for $99.99 USD. View attachment: ghost.jpg Finally, there's the Ghost Edition. This includes everything above in the Limited Edition, as well as a scaled replica of a Ghost drone, with working audio and visual display LEDs, along with a small packet of patches, stickers, and slides with images of the traveler on them. Finally, a small letter containing your introduction to Destiny. This edition retails for $149.99 USD and is not available currently on Xbox One. View attachment: ghostedition360.jpg Which edition are you picking up, and are you disappointed or angry that the Guardian Edition isn't on Xbox One? Let me know in the comments below, thanks for reading!
  17. In celebration of the all-holy Bungie Day in which we revere our gods and overlords in Bungie, they have given us three separate Collector's Edition announcements! Today is a big day for any Destiny buff, as Bungie has been widely hinting (not very subtly) about massive announcements to come today, July 7th, Bungie Day. The biggest comes from Bungie.net, where three different Collector's Editions were revealed on the site, and I'm going to go through them one by one. The first is the Destiny Digital Guardian Edition, which comes packed with Early Access to the Vanguard Armory and a pre-order bonus Player Emblem, the Destiny Season Pass (or Expansion Pass as it's labeled) which comes with the two add-ons for Destiny, The Dark Below and House of Wolves, and all of the Digital Content included across the three Collector's Editions, the skin for your Ghost, and the Player Emblem and Ship Skin. It is unknown what this edition currently retails for. Next, we have the Limited Edition, which includes a Steelbook showing off a matte grey image of the star chart and the Destiny logo, a 'Guardian Folio' which encases a field guide of a variety of weapons in the game, a star chart that acts sort of like the map included in GTA V's retail, and postcards, and of course all of the digital content in the Digital Guardian Edition. It retails for $99.99 USD. View attachment: ghost.jpg Finally, there's the Ghost Edition. This includes everything above in the Limited Edition, as well as a scaled replica of a Ghost drone, with working audio and visual display LEDs, along with a small packet of patches, stickers, and slides with images of the traveler on them. Finally, a small letter containing your introduction to Destiny. This edition retails for $149.99 USD and is not available currently on Xbox One. View attachment: ghostedition360.jpg Which edition are you picking up, and are you disappointed or angry that the Guardian Edition isn't on Xbox One? Let me know in the comments below, thanks for reading! View full article
  18. I bought an Xbox One for it, so yes! Will pre-order before the week is up!
  19. Crytek UK, under many allegations in the recent days for neglection of payment to it's employees which can be viewed in Unease P34nut's article here, has reported stopped production on Homefront: The Revolution due to it's core employees flat out not coming in to work and refusing to do so. Crytek UK has been quite a big company in the recent years, but most remember them not as Crytek UK, but as Free Radical Design, makers of the TimeSplitters series and the game Haze on the PS3, they also took head of Crysis 2 and did work on Crysis 3. Kotaku.com says that this seemingly lofty studio with a generally good history and solid name is stopping production on one of their titles, Homefront 2, due to employees not working. While no official delay for the Homefront sequel has been announced, and this whole issue seems to be under the process of being swept under the rug, it's very likely we won't see anything from them until 2016 with over 100 leaving. Crytek UK itself is hoping greatly for it's parent publisher, Deep Silver, to purchase it so it can begin to recover. The effects have already taken a beating on the company though, with a Ryse sequel cancelled, Homefront 2 pre-orders not going as amazingly as a sequel to a game like this should, and a loss of trust from employees, gamers, and reviewers. View attachment: hftherevolution.jpg What is your take on this, were you excited for Homefront: The Revolution? Tell me about it below, thanks for reading! View full article
  20. Crytek UK, under many allegations in the recent days for neglection of payment to it's employees which can be viewed in Unease P34nut's article here, has reported stopped production on Homefront: The Revolution due to it's core employees flat out not coming in to work and refusing to do so. Crytek UK has been quite a big company in the recent years, but most remember them not as Crytek UK, but as Free Radical Design, makers of the TimeSplitters series and the game Haze on the PS3, they also took head of Crysis 2 and did work on Crysis 3. Kotaku.com says that this seemingly lofty studio with a generally good history and solid name is stopping production on one of their titles, Homefront 2, due to employees not working. While no official delay for the Homefront sequel has been announced, and this whole issue seems to be under the process of being swept under the rug, it's very likely we won't see anything from them until 2016 with over 100 leaving. Crytek UK itself is hoping greatly for it's parent publisher, Deep Silver, to purchase it so it can begin to recover. The effects have already taken a beating on the company though, with a Ryse sequel cancelled, Homefront 2 pre-orders not going as amazingly as a sequel to a game like this should, and a loss of trust from employees, gamers, and reviewers. View attachment: hftherevolution.jpg What is your take on this, were you excited for Homefront: The Revolution? Tell me about it below, thanks for reading!
  21. God dammit! Two more days and we could've been the same! Happy 18th my compadre!

  22. Happy 16th Birthday Sarge!

  23. Probably isn't my place to do this, the wonderful moderating team can clear it up, but I figured I might as well assist in addressing it. If you don't want it, delete it, I don't mind one bit. First of all, full agreement with Mayh3m's statement above, and using my example with the words that soon follow isn't right. You see, P34nut did a lot for the forum beforehand, whether it be reviews or 1v1 matches which are nearly akin to Community events, to say his achievement was lesser earned then mine is absolutely ridiculous. If you read Red's MoM post, he says I earned the spot through a culmination of things, I didn't stand out amazingly in one area but I was in such a broad spectrum that it was noticed. P34nut did stand out however, and shined in the two I mentioned above, along with his amazing sense of humor. Why do you think people weren't up in arms about my best bud Sparky's MoM title? They didn't get mad he wasn't a news writer or an art guy or anything, because Sparky stood out so much due to his character that he DESERVED his title and earned it rightfully with flying colours in December. I don't fully understand your comparison between myself and P34nut here, cause if I know me right, and I know P34nut right, we are far apart in personality (don't mean he isn't my bro though!). You see, our MoM announcements were highly different because we were two highly different people, I specialized in what I did and he specialized in what he did, two very different fields. Why would you compare me to him then? Wouldn't it make more sense to compare me to BeckoningZebra1 or a MoM who got his position from his writing and participation and sorts? BZ and I are far more akin in personality and achievements then I and P34nut, not discrediting his trophies and rightfully earned title of course. I'm not in P34nut's skin, so I don't know if he feels offended by what you said, that's not me. If I was P34nut, I might just feel a bit offended and feel my title lessened when compared to someone completely different on a different sort of field in their achievements, I don't mean above or below them in the field sense, I mean their events and niches thus far. If P34nut does feel this way, I believe it would be best for an apology and a rewrite, but I'm not P34nut, and I'm not a Moderator, I'm just a guy giving my two cents.
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