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Everything posted by VinWarrior

  1. 343 Industries' own Frank O'Connor, who's been with the team since it's start, has spoken out about leaks regarding games and their faults. Halo is a series well known by a large number of supposed leaks before a Halo game's launch, often revealing key points that would have otherwise been a surprise. Frank O'Connor, Halo's development director, took to NeoGaf.com to speak about leaks and the drastic problems they cause for developers, likely referring to the large number of recent Xbox related leaks and Halo leaks, but speaking about the Industry in general. He said, "Ultimately he [the leaker] is taking or being given information and leaking it, illegally and often erroneously. And he isn't doing it for some noble or worthy reason. He's doing it for attention." He also referred to it's proclamation as a prophecy, saying that it's "just annoying" and not assisting or helpful in any outcome to the developer or player. Frankie also discussed the overall dissatisfaction and worthlessness of leaking, even mentioning termination of employees for such issues, "It's not fun, and for what? So you can have a mildly interesting surprise 8 hours early and lacking context? Or get hyped or disappointed disproportionately? Or get someone fired or someone innocent yelled at?" This could hint at some of the previous Anniversary or Master Chief Collection rumors being completely true, or the opposite as the leaks could cause false hype. View attachment: 1halo5.jpg Do you think this is a ret-con or hint at some previous Halo rumors to go out publicly and make a full speech about leaking? Let me know below, thanks for the read!
  2. You're all insane. I like it. Ask some serious authentic Q & A questions about me though,pls
  3. Uh... Did I say you didn't own a PS4 or that's wasn't on your friends list?
  4. Don't label all people who own a PlayStation and like Sony as this, we're not all unintelligent fanboys like this example. This is an extreme, most of us generally like MS and Xbox, it's the PC Mustard Race idiots ya gotta watch out for. A lot of PC Gamers like to go out and shout "PC Gaming Master Race" at the slightest hint of anything related to playing on a console or a PC, even the games. And generally, those "Halo is just future cod" comments, don't come from PlayStation fans or generally sane people, it's often just fanboys proclaiming their platform as the best who bash Halo.
  5. I believe that this new "Spartan", if he even is so considering we don't know if this is an advanced class of Forerunner or Promethean hijacked by ONI, or even something else, has ulterior motives that divide his intentions from the Chief's. His own motivations could even be to harm the Chief or act as a roadblock, which I believe could be his main purpose, as if we haven't been able to tell Chief will likely be assisting Halsey after he hunts her down, which would put him as an obvious enemy of the Office of Naval Intelligence rather then an Ally.
  6. Hello there, glad you stumbled upon this thread, keep reading onward! So, I've decided to put up a thread in which YOU the people can ask me an question no matter how serious, offbeat, stupid, or illogical you may believe it is! These will not be answered in this thread or even this month, but rather on June 28th, 2014. (Those who can decipher the date get a cookie). So ask away below, there's no limit to the number of questions you can ask, considering this is all in the Offbeat section, to ask as many as possible, I need material! Thanks for your time!
  7. Mass Effect... SHEEEEEPARD, WREEEEEX, SHEEEEEPARD, WREEEEEEX But seriously it had better be there...
  8. My personal fantasy would probably be a Plasma Sniper Rifle. It would work similar to the Smart Pistol in Titanfall. A good three inch across and three inch estimated vertical radius on the reticle needs to be held down over the enemy's head exactly for a few seconds, then fires a perfect deadly complete slicing headshot. Now of course Halo has never show limbs fall off, so to get rid of this problem the body will simply dissipate in a particle effect, sort of like with the Promethean weapons. I imagine the gun would have a smooth crimson hexagonal paint job, with some shiny silver in certain mechanisms and the trigger. Imagine that... Yeah.
  9. Hello everyone, welcome to another incarnation of the Weekly News Wrap-Up today, once again we have three articles up and ready for your reading pleasures, so sit back and get some popcorn cause we're diving into the Weekly News Wrap-Up! Credits to Zelda for the first article by the way! View attachment: WNW 51714.JPG Activision and Blizzard's New Games took Seven Years Today, an announcement came in from Fool.com that Activision and Blizzard are set to release two new games. These will go alongside Activision's two hit titles, Destiny and Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare this fall and took seven years between them to make. With both having a wide variety of healthy titles under their belt, it's hard to figure out if this seven years is going into entirely new franchises to bring to competition, or a well-cooked revival of an older franchise. Either way, this time could hurt them as well, as certain titles that have taken a long time to build end up cobbled and sloppily done as work was scattered everywhere and too much was put into it. View attachment: GuardianofDestiny.jpg What's your take on this, a smart decision by both major publishers, or possible death-wishes for their new products? Let me know below! The Division gets a Release Date Ubisoft's new title with signed exclusive content deals for the Xbox One, Tom Clancy's The Division, has gotten it's release date, an unfortunate push-back. According to Ubi.com, the game will launch a year later then originally expected, in 2015. It will of course launch on Xbox One, PS4, and PC, excluding all previous generation consoles with far superior hardware requirements. The dev team stated in an update, "We are creating something we are really proud of and we don't want to compromise on quality. We are going to release the game when it's ready." They also confirmed an E3 appearance, as to which console's expo they will be showing up to, we are unclear, but with the aforementioned exclusivity agreement with Microsoft, it's likely to be shown at the Xbox Conference. View attachment: TCTD.jpg How do you feel about the pushed release date, did you plan on getting the Division? Discuss below, thanks for reading! Assassin's Creed III Director Rumored to be on Far Cry 4 Alex Hutchinson has certainly made his name in the gaming community, whether you like his titles or not. He worked on the poorly to averagely reviewed Spore and Army of Two, and when he moved to Ubisoft, he went to work on Assassin's Creed III, now apparently working on Far Cry 4. IGN.com stated that according to close sources to the game, Far Cry 4 will feature his involvement. This could be a grace or a nail in the game's coffin, as Alex's previous titles were not taken well critically over in Electronic Arts, and Assassin's Creed III fared no better. View attachment: Game page launch trailertcm2169740.jpg Does this impact your decision on ordering Far Cry 4 in a positive or negative way knowing Alex's previous work? Be sure to leave a comment, and thanks for reading! Thank you for reading the Weekly News Wrap-Up, be sure to leave a like and comment below, I'll see you next time!
  10. Hello everyone, welcome to another incarnation of the Weekly News Wrap-Up today, once again we have three articles up and ready for your reading pleasures, so sit back and get some popcorn cause we're diving into the Weekly News Wrap-Up! Credits to Zelda for the first article by the way! View attachment: WNW 51714.JPG Activision and Blizzard's New Games took Seven Years Today, an announcement came in from Fool.com that Activision and Blizzard are set to release two new games. These will go alongside Activision's two hit titles, Destiny and Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare this fall and took seven years between them to make. With both having a wide variety of healthy titles under their belt, it's hard to figure out if this seven years is going into entirely new franchises to bring to competition, or a well-cooked revival of an older franchise. Either way, this time could hurt them as well, as certain titles that have taken a long time to build end up cobbled and sloppily done as work was scattered everywhere and too much was put into it. View attachment: GuardianofDestiny.jpg What's your take on this, a smart decision by both major publishers, or possible death-wishes for their new products? Let me know below! The Division gets a Release Date Ubisoft's new title with signed exclusive content deals for the Xbox One, Tom Clancy's The Division, has gotten it's release date, an unfortunate push-back. According to Ubi.com, the game will launch a year later then originally expected, in 2015. It will of course launch on Xbox One, PS4, and PC, excluding all previous generation consoles with far superior hardware requirements. The dev team stated in an update, "We are creating something we are really proud of and we don't want to compromise on quality. We are going to release the game when it's ready." They also confirmed an E3 appearance, as to which console's expo they will be showing up to, we are unclear, but with the aforementioned exclusivity agreement with Microsoft, it's likely to be shown at the Xbox Conference. View attachment: TCTD.jpg How do you feel about the pushed release date, did you plan on getting the Division? Discuss below, thanks for reading! Assassin's Creed III Director Rumored to be on Far Cry 4 Alex Hutchinson has certainly made his name in the gaming community, whether you like his titles or not. He worked on the poorly to averagely reviewed Spore and Army of Two, and when he moved to Ubisoft, he went to work on Assassin's Creed III, now apparently working on Far Cry 4. IGN.com stated that according to close sources to the game, Far Cry 4 will feature his involvement. This could be a grace or a nail in the game's coffin, as Alex's previous titles were not taken well critically over in Electronic Arts, and Assassin's Creed III fared no better. View attachment: Game page launch trailertcm2169740.jpg Does this impact your decision on ordering Far Cry 4 in a positive or negative way knowing Alex's previous work? Be sure to leave a comment, and thanks for reading! Thank you for reading the Weekly News Wrap-Up, be sure to leave a like and comment below, I'll see you next time! View full article
  11. In the wake of the newly announced Halo 5: Guardians, a collection of Halo: CE, Halo 2, Halo 3, and Halo 4 all remastered in HD for the Xbox One are rumored to come soon to market! Halo 5: Guardians already has Halo fans pumped and ready for E3 and beyond, and with so much to decipher about the un-turned stones rooted in this news, I've decided to take a different turn and talk about a recent Halo rumor. Engadget.com recently posted an article themselves confirming the collection, with backing that Microsoft themselves said they would release as much Halo as possible. They stated how 3 year titles would not be frequent, and with Sabre Interactive already working on an unannounced title, could it be possible that it's a large collection for Xbox One rather than just Halo 2 Anniversary, as viable as the idea is? The full description also states that, "Our sources say that the set will zero in on Halo's most famous soldier to refresh audience's memories ahead of Halo 5's release, so curiosities like Halo 3: ODST and Halo: Reach likely won't be a part of the package. " This could be an off-put for some who love ODST and Reach, as well as the ever-forgotten RTS Halo Wars. View attachment: HaloCEPoster.jpg Would you want a Collection of all four of the classics on Xbox One, or do you just want 343i to focus on their core titles? Debate, and be sure to like and comment, thanks for reading! View full article
  12. In the wake of the newly announced Halo 5: Guardians, a collection of Halo: CE, Halo 2, Halo 3, and Halo 4 all remastered in HD for the Xbox One are rumored to come soon to market! Halo 5: Guardians already has Halo fans pumped and ready for E3 and beyond, and with so much to decipher about the un-turned stones rooted in this news, I've decided to take a different turn and talk about a recent Halo rumor. Engadget.com recently posted an article themselves confirming the collection, with backing that Microsoft themselves said they would release as much Halo as possible. They stated how 3 year titles would not be frequent, and with Sabre Interactive already working on an unannounced title, could it be possible that it's a large collection for Xbox One rather than just Halo 2 Anniversary, as viable as the idea is? The full description also states that, "Our sources say that the set will zero in on Halo's most famous soldier to refresh audience's memories ahead of Halo 5's release, so curiosities like Halo 3: ODST and Halo: Reach likely won't be a part of the package. " This could be an off-put for some who love ODST and Reach, as well as the ever-forgotten RTS Halo Wars. View attachment: HaloCEPoster.jpg Would you want a Collection of all four of the classics on Xbox One, or do you just want 343i to focus on their core titles? Debate, and be sure to like and comment, thanks for reading!
  13. Just did a quick google and you are actually right, I hadn't known this before! Thanks! Still, a sequel would likely be called Red Dead Redemption 2, as it wouldn't go like: Red Dead Revolver Red Dead Redemption Red Dead Redemption 3 Doesn't seem right.
  14. Red Dead Redemption 2 you mean right? RDR didn't have a sequel. This does sound like good News P34nut, I want another L.A. Noire or RDR, but I'm awesome with GTA V on Next Gen too. Great Work.
  15. Far Cry 4, the largest sequel announced so far some might say, is confirmed to release this fall, a pre-order page already up with limited time bonuses available. It is hard to debate that Ubisoft's Far Cry 3 was one of the the highest rated and most well achieved games of 2012, being given near infinite praise by critics all around the gaming community. Today, on Ubi.com, Ubisoft placed a pre-order page up for the game's ambitious sequel, Far Cry 4. The game looks to be a far cry from it's predecessor, as located in the harsh wild regions of the Himalayas, in Kyrat. Players will also have access to an array of weapons, mechanisms, and wildlife to plow through in an "Exotic open world landscape". The game is available for pre-order at multiple retailers on all major platforms, excluding Wii U. Ordering comes with an immediate upgrade to the Limited Edition and bonus DLC. View attachment: FarCry4.png Are you excited for Far Cry 4, and are there any heads-ups or concerns for Ubisoft? Let me know below, thanks for the read! View full article
  16. Far Cry 4, the largest sequel announced so far some might say, is confirmed to release this fall, a pre-order page already up with limited time bonuses available. It is hard to debate that Ubisoft's Far Cry 3 was one of the the highest rated and most well achieved games of 2012, being given near infinite praise by critics all around the gaming community. Today, on Ubi.com, Ubisoft placed a pre-order page up for the game's ambitious sequel, Far Cry 4. The game looks to be a far cry from it's predecessor, as located in the harsh wild regions of the Himalayas, in Kyrat. Players will also have access to an array of weapons, mechanisms, and wildlife to plow through in an "Exotic open world landscape". The game is available for pre-order at multiple retailers on all major platforms, excluding Wii U. Ordering comes with an immediate upgrade to the Limited Edition and bonus DLC. View attachment: FarCry4.png Are you excited for Far Cry 4, and are there any heads-ups or concerns for Ubisoft? Let me know below, thanks for the read!
  17. ALL ABOARD! If this is true I'm buying an Xbox One, I could care less about the Kinect, CrackDown: Skyline, Medieval Ryse, Forza Horizon 2, and Halo 2 Anniversary are more important.
  18. Yes, this WNW has been done since 10pm, I have been waiting for it to turn to Saturday on EST, if you're reading this and it isn't Saturday for you yet, that's why. I was eager to get this one up, so without further ado here's your three articles in one, the fourth issue of the Weekly News Wrap-Up! View attachment: WNW 51014.JPG The Elder Scrolls Online Delayed on Consoles Zenimax and Bethesda's newest issue in the Elder Scrolls series, a push into the new frontier of MMOs for the franchise, The Elder Scrolls Online, is apparently going to be delayed on the next generation, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. According to the official Elder Scrolls site, ElderScrollsOnline.com, the Xbox One and PS4 versions were delayed due to Zenimax's vie to deliver an experience worthy of Elder Scrolls on the consoles, as well as issues on the PC version making dents in the development. As well, an agreement was worked out with Microsoft and Sony to allow players to access the game on PC first, and for $20 more, upgrade to PS4 or Xbox One later on when the versions release. An added bonus to this deal is an extra 30 days for free, though the forced $15 fee to unlock the rest of the free months is still a snag unto the offer. View attachment: ESO1.jpg Has this impacted your decision to buy the game positively or negatively? Will you take part in the transfer deal for PC to Next Generation? Let me know below, and be sure to leave feedback! Halo 5 Accidentally Teased in Xbox One Trailer The next generation Halo has apparently been teased enticingly in a recent Xbox One trailer, showing some rather important information. On Xbox's official account, a new teaser for the hardware and UI called "Show" revealed a player under the name 'Pit Bear' playing what is labeled as the next Halo, on Haven in a game of Infinity Slayer. While HaloWaypoint did comment saying that this was placeholder information, it's still interesting to spot out, and could confirm the return of these fan-favorite game modes and maps. View attachment: halo_5_trailer.jpg What do you think of this information, are you enticed, and do you want it to return? Comment and be sure to discuss, thanks for reading! Titanfall Hinted at for PlayStation 4 A well known leaker named Tidux on Twitter.com says that Titanfall is in the works for PS4 and could release soon. Now, what makes Tidux somewhat credible is that he recently leaked the PlayStation 1.70 update, which turned out to be completely true. This rumor should be taken with a grain of salt, as the exclusivity agreement has not been confirmed to be null and void just yet. Evidence does hint at a future sequel on the system, but as for the original, it's all speculation until we get an official announcement, but this leak does hint at some interesting things. View attachment: Titanfall_wallpaper2560x1440.jpg How do you take this, would you like to see Titanfall on PS4? Debate civilly below, I hope you enjoyed the article! Thanks for reading the fourth Weekly News Wrap-Up, I hope this article was to your liking, leave suggestions and discussion for the articles above in the thread below. Thanks for reading this week's WNW!
  19. Yes, this WNW has been done since 10pm, I have been waiting for it to turn to Saturday on EST, if you're reading this and it isn't Saturday for you yet, that's why. I was eager to get this one up, so without further ado here's your three articles in one, the fourth issue of the Weekly News Wrap-Up! View attachment: WNW 51014.JPG The Elder Scrolls Online Delayed on Consoles Zenimax and Bethesda's newest issue in the Elder Scrolls series, a push into the new frontier of MMOs for the franchise, The Elder Scrolls Online, is apparently going to be delayed on the next generation, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. According to the official Elder Scrolls site, ElderScrollsOnline.com, the Xbox One and PS4 versions were delayed due to Zenimax's vie to deliver an experience worthy of Elder Scrolls on the consoles, as well as issues on the PC version making dents in the development. As well, an agreement was worked out with Microsoft and Sony to allow players to access the game on PC first, and for $20 more, upgrade to PS4 or Xbox One later on when the versions release. An added bonus to this deal is an extra 30 days for free, though the forced $15 fee to unlock the rest of the free months is still a snag unto the offer. View attachment: ESO1.jpg Has this impacted your decision to buy the game positively or negatively? Will you take part in the transfer deal for PC to Next Generation? Let me know below, and be sure to leave feedback! Halo 5 Accidentally Teased in Xbox One Trailer The next generation Halo has apparently been teased enticingly in a recent Xbox One trailer, showing some rather important information. On Xbox's official account, a new teaser for the hardware and UI called "Show" revealed a player under the name 'Pit Bear' playing what is labeled as the next Halo, on Haven in a game of Infinity Slayer. While HaloWaypoint did comment saying that this was placeholder information, it's still interesting to spot out, and could confirm the return of these fan-favorite game modes and maps. View attachment: halo_5_trailer.jpg What do you think of this information, are you enticed, and do you want it to return? Comment and be sure to discuss, thanks for reading! Titanfall Hinted at for PlayStation 4 A well known leaker named Tidux on Twitter.com says that Titanfall is in the works for PS4 and could release soon. Now, what makes Tidux somewhat credible is that he recently leaked the PlayStation 1.70 update, which turned out to be completely true. This rumor should be taken with a grain of salt, as the exclusivity agreement has not been confirmed to be null and void just yet. Evidence does hint at a future sequel on the system, but as for the original, it's all speculation until we get an official announcement, but this leak does hint at some interesting things. View attachment: Titanfall_wallpaper2560x1440.jpg How do you take this, would you like to see Titanfall on PS4? Debate civilly below, I hope you enjoyed the article! Thanks for reading the fourth Weekly News Wrap-Up, I hope this article was to your liking, leave suggestions and discussion for the articles above in the thread below. Thanks for reading this week's WNW! View full article
  20. Happy Birthday! Don't burn my flesh into the asphalt!

    1.  Twam


      I won't, Thanks!

  21. OMGGGGG THE NOSTALGIA Welcome back to staff you two, it's awesome to see you on-board again!
  22. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to the third Weekly Site Wrap-Up! I once again have three exciting articles mashed into one amazing piece for your reading pleasure. So let's get down to business and start reading, shall we? View attachment: WNW 50314.JPG Showtime Vying for Deal with Halo TV Series The ever famous Halo TV series directed by Steven Spielburg may be shifting from it's Xbox One exclusivity according to Variety. Variety.com says that the show, as well as the deal with Showtime, have been underway for nearly a year and it's been a difficult process, as Halo is such a prime asset to Microsoft. As well, tensions arose because both sides have been charting new frontiers for a new show to air. Nancy Tellem had brought up the show profusely at the New Front presentation recently, but Showtime wasn't mentioned strangely. Representatives on both sides refused to comment on the matter as of yet. View attachment: halo4-hero.jpg Would access of the Halo TV series become easier and more fluid for you if it was on Showtime? Add your feedback and discussion below, thanks for the read! Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare DLC to come to Xbox First Activision's newest title in the Call of Duty franchise, Advanced Warfare, seems to already have exclusivity deals on the way with Microsoft and the Xbox. According to Xbox.com themselves, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare DLC will come to Xbox One and Xbox 360 platforms before Playstation and PC. This shouldn't count as a surprise, considering Call of Duty: Ghosts also had timed DLC for Xbox One and 360 platforms. The page reveals a wealth of other content as well, such as the name of the leader of this Private Corporation, called Atlas, the man's name is Jonathan Irons. View attachment: CoDAW.jpg Does this information dictate your decision as to whether you will purchase the game on Xbox or another platform? Let me know, be sure to debate below! Borderlands 2 Vita Edition Downgraded to 2 Player Only Co-op Borderlands 2 on PSVita was a highly hyped title, mainly due to the promise of a full open world game like Borderlands with four player cooperative play in the palm of your hands, unfortunately, this won't entirely be the case. On a blog on PlayStation.com, focusing on the testing of Borderlands 2 on the Vita, Justin Massongill, Sony's social media specialist, stated that the game was being downgraded even though they had aimed for four player parties. He said that "while they [sCEA] strived to include four-player co-op in the game, they made a decision late in their development cycle to focus on providing the best two-player-only co-op experience possible." This decision could impact the sales of the system's bundle with the game now, as many players mainly pre-ordered for the feature they had been promised. View attachment: borderlands2_review_massive_gamepage.jpg What's your take on this matter, will you still purchase the game on Vita, or do you have others reasons to avoid it? Discuss below, have a good day, and thanks for reading. That's your Wrap-Up everyone, and on time this week! Tune in next week for another batch of reading pleasures from yours truly, be sure to rate and comment on the article, and I'll see you next time!
  23. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to the third Weekly Site Wrap-Up! I once again have three exciting articles mashed into one amazing piece for your reading pleasure. So let's get down to business and start reading, shall we? View attachment: WNW 50314.JPG Showtime Vying for Deal with Halo TV Series The ever famous Halo TV series directed by Steven Spielburg may be shifting from it's Xbox One exclusivity according to Variety. Variety.com says that the show, as well as the deal with Showtime, have been underway for nearly a year and it's been a difficult process, as Halo is such a prime asset to Microsoft. As well, tensions arose because both sides have been charting new frontiers for a new show to air. Nancy Tellem had brought up the show profusely at the New Front presentation recently, but Showtime wasn't mentioned strangely. Representatives on both sides refused to comment on the matter as of yet. View attachment: halo4-hero.jpg Would access of the Halo TV series become easier and more fluid for you if it was on Showtime? Add your feedback and discussion below, thanks for the read! Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare DLC to come to Xbox First Activision's newest title in the Call of Duty franchise, Advanced Warfare, seems to already have exclusivity deals on the way with Microsoft and the Xbox. According to Xbox.com themselves, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare DLC will come to Xbox One and Xbox 360 platforms before Playstation and PC. This shouldn't count as a surprise, considering Call of Duty: Ghosts also had timed DLC for Xbox One and 360 platforms. The page reveals a wealth of other content as well, such as the name of the leader of this Private Corporation, called Atlas, the man's name is Jonathan Irons. View attachment: CoDAW.jpg Does this information dictate your decision as to whether you will purchase the game on Xbox or another platform? Let me know, be sure to debate below! Borderlands 2 Vita Edition Downgraded to 2 Player Only Co-op Borderlands 2 on PSVita was a highly hyped title, mainly due to the promise of a full open world game like Borderlands with four player cooperative play in the palm of your hands, unfortunately, this won't entirely be the case. On a blog on PlayStation.com, focusing on the testing of Borderlands 2 on the Vita, Justin Massongill, Sony's social media specialist, stated that the game was being downgraded even though they had aimed for four player parties. He said that "while they [sCEA] strived to include four-player co-op in the game, they made a decision late in their development cycle to focus on providing the best two-player-only co-op experience possible." This decision could impact the sales of the system's bundle with the game now, as many players mainly pre-ordered for the feature they had been promised. View attachment: borderlands2_review_massive_gamepage.jpg What's your take on this matter, will you still purchase the game on Vita, or do you have others reasons to avoid it? Discuss below, have a good day, and thanks for reading. That's your Wrap-Up everyone, and on time this week! Tune in next week for another batch of reading pleasures from yours truly, be sure to rate and comment on the article, and I'll see you next time! View full article
  24. Hello there, thanks for visiting this thread. Are you interested in writing News for the community, but don't have such a grip on certain guidelines for Front Page worthy articles? Fear not, for I have developed for you a small set of guidelines for you to follow if you want to create amazing content level with our own News Group! The article should feature an appropriate image to coincide with the topic of the article. The image should be hosted on the forum's own Gallery as off-site material copied and pasted can be tamped with or removed, doing this prevents inappropriate or missing content on the article. The easiest format to do this is to save the image unto your own computer or device, and upload it using the "Attach Files" mechanism below. Article should be sourced in a Site Name/[direct link] format, basically meaning if you found your article on IGN, you would source it as 'IGN.com' rather then just IGN or another title. The link must go to wherever you found the article though, so it should link to the actual piece rather than just IGN's front page. Primary Sources are usually the best to use, as they are more direct and have more authenticity. Let's say you post a 343i Job Listing, you must link to the actual listing, instead of Polygon reporting on the listing. This helps News Group members authenticate the article to make sure it isn't a hoax before promoting it. An opening sentence should hook the reader in and have them gripped to continue. It doesn't need to be long, but it should have the reader invested for the whole article, like a sort of teaser. It assists in the flow of the article as well, and looks generally neater and cleaner. Rhetorical questions aren't the best method, so try to avoid these. Personal opinions can never filter into a full fledged News piece. Doing an article on Halo 5 getting a 10/10 from IGN is fine, saying that Halo 5 is perfect or the complete opposite isn't. This is a news piece after all, it's just to inform, not to debate. Copy/Pasting a whole article, some of an article, or even a sentence of an article isn't allowed, and could result in serious punishments if done. The piece MUST be original, your own work. The usual word level is 300-500, however, if the article can perform fine with less or more, then this shouldn't matter, just don't make it tremendously short or long, and try to aim for the word limit set above. Font sizes and fonts should usually stay default, however, using colours like cyan, orange, and sometimes yellow is perfectly fine. Articles should have your own distinct style and taste to them, don't attempt to be like BeckoningZebra1, or Adam91, or Edward Kenway. You are you, if you use a certain vocabulary, or style, then use it, it's fine to be distinct and unique when it comes to writing. It isn't that the three mentioned above are not good writers, they are, but that is because they have their own way of writing. It doesn't matter how you consider your style, it's yours, it's special, you need to utilize it. Try to end on a question, and encourage liking and commenting on the article, as well as discussing it below, usually a question does the trick to promote (civil) debate and discussion in the comments area. That should cover it, any suggestions or questions, ask away below, thanks for reading ladies and gentlemen, and I hope this assists some fresh writers out there in starting up!
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