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Everything posted by VinWarrior

  1. I think this may be the most heartfelt and sweet Member of the Month this site has ever had, and one of the kindest, gentlest souls to ever grace my own presence. While some MoMs revel in themselves or their achievements, this is one of the only MoMs to ever revel in his family and his home, giving up HIS OWN MoM wish to us! It astounds me, and I'm quite pleased to see it. Enjoy May T"M"M, and may you get that Cmod position soon
  2. The next Call of Duty title, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, has been announced under Sledgehammer Games and Activision. Call of Duty: Ghosts, while having some good areas, was critically panned by most players as repetitive and stale, so naturally, the next game would need to out-do it's predecessor spectacularly. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, the next step in the Call of Duty franchise, was revealed a few hours ago, but leaked information was shown quite some time back. Call of Duty's official channel made the official reveal, but Destructoid.com has the information beforehand. Destrucoid leaked the game surrounding a Private Military Corporation seceding from the US government. You play as a Soldier in this corporation, for once not under the US flag, under Kevin Spacey's character, who is the leader of this corporation. Exo-suits will incorporate as well, giving players a hefty library of abilities like cloaking, scaling, and jumping. The official trailer showcases Knight-esque Suits, possibly hinting at customization of our suits, and Spider shaped tanks in-game. The in-game graphics are, impressively, on an Xbox One, showcasing the system's power. View attachment: CoDAdvancedWarfare.png Are you going to purchase this next Call of Duty, or has Ghost left a sour taste in your mouth that may never heal? Let me know, and if you enjoyed this article be sure to Like and Comment, and leave feedback below, see you next time!
  3. The next Call of Duty title, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, has been announced under Sledgehammer Games and Activision. Call of Duty: Ghosts, while having some good areas, was critically panned by most players as repetitive and stale, so naturally, the next game would need to out-do it's predecessor spectacularly. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, the next step in the Call of Duty franchise, was revealed a few hours ago, but leaked information was shown quite some time back. Call of Duty's official channel made the official reveal, but Destructoid.com has the information beforehand. Destrucoid leaked the game surrounding a Private Military Corporation seceding from the US government. You play as a Soldier in this corporation, for once not under the US flag, under Kevin Spacey's character, who is the leader of this corporation. Exo-suits will incorporate as well, giving players a hefty library of abilities like cloaking, scaling, and jumping. The official trailer showcases Knight-esque Suits, possibly hinting at customization of our suits, and Spider shaped tanks in-game. The in-game graphics are, impressively, on an Xbox One, showcasing the system's power. View attachment: CoDAdvancedWarfare.png Are you going to purchase this next Call of Duty, or has Ghost left a sour taste in your mouth that may never heal? Let me know, and if you enjoyed this article be sure to Like and Comment, and leave feedback below, see you next time! View full article
  4. I CALLED IT Congrats Marine, since 2013 we've been "Best Buddies" and I was always rooting for you to get the MoM award, and now it's rightfully so, in your hands. Good work Marine, you are no longer The Dumb Marine, you are now The Mom Marine.
  5. Now, I grew up on the Prequel Trilogy first, so maybe it's different for me, but I enjoy them, especially Episodes II and III, considering how much I adore the concept of Clone Troopers. Their mythos was even explored later on personally with a whole animated show dedicated to them, which today is still one of my favorite Cartoon Network shows of all time. Now, back unto the list, while it's awesome to see them returning, I'm quite scared. Why am I scared? Well, Harrison Ford isn't the feisty young rebel he was when we remember him. He's much older now, and that might depress a lot of fans to see their favorites like that in a SW movie.
  6. *Update 1* My good friend Total Mayh3m has released a conceptual design of the cover of Redcoat!
  7. Seems legit, and congrats, now you are our concept artist and composer. Merry Christmas. Welcome aboard.
  8. I need a potential position, we're in dire need of a programmer, concept artist, and someone experienced in animating. Approved when you decide the spot. Age is so we can see if anyone can potentially hold the kickstarter or indiegogo, we need monies remember? And approved approved approved.
  9. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY FIRST! Awesome list, I'm proud of every single member on here for doing their duty for the United Whole of the Forum, we depend on you guys. Don't be discouraged if you didn't make the list, there's always May and the coming Summer months!
  10. Happy Birthday Madam!

  11. Sorry for the day of delay, I've been extremely busy, but now it's back, and will follow a Saturday cycle instead of Friday due to my inability to work on this during the weekdays. Now, this week we have again three major articles for your reading entertainment, enjoy! View attachment: WNW 42614.JPG E.T. On The Atari 2600 Dump Found in New Mexico The most infamously bad game of all time is arguably the E.T. Video Game on the Atari 2600 from 1982, which broke records with it's immense worldwide panning and reputation, enough to send millions of copies to alleged landfills in New Mexico. According to IGN.com, who was on the scene, these rumors are in fact true, and many copies of E.T., along with other Atari 2600 games that bombed in the sales department, are buried in a large landfill in Almagordo, New Mexico. The filmed documentary of the finding of these games will be released exclusively to Xbox One under Avengers Writer, Zak Penn. View attachment: AtariET.jpg What's your take on this news, and will you be watching the documentary when it launches on Xbox One? Let me know, thanks for reading! Gears of War on Xbox One Job Posting Listed on Microsoft's Website Since up and coming studio Black Tusk took over the Gears of War license, acquired from Epic Games by Microsoft, news has been slim on the new project, besides the confirmation of long-time Producer Rod Fergusson's work being done on the new project. On Microsoft-careers.com though, we have a job listing for a Senior Rendering Engineer for the project, requiring 7-8 years of experience in Video Game design, and 2-3 years of experience as a Senior Graphics Developer, and being able to work on two consoles. In the listing, they even include the Xbox 360 and PS3 as examples, leading to the possibility of it being on the Xbox 360 as well as the One. View attachment: GearsOfWar.jpg Would you want the next Gears of War on Xbox 360 as well as Xbox One, or could it harm the game's development? Discuss below! Halo 5 Possibly Teased In Escalation #8 Halo Escalation has been incredibly popular in it's sales, especially with the release of Issue 7 and it's dealing with the scenarios after Halo Wars, so now fans may experience the latest in Halo 5 news by reading Escalation #8. According to TotalXbox.com, the site for OXM, Halo Escalation Issue 8 will follow the plot of Master Chief's departure from the Infinity and what leads up to Halo on Xbox One. A blurb teases, “The Master Chief returns in “The Next 72 Hours: Part 1″! After defeating the Didact, John-117 joined the crew of Infinity . . . but why did he leave? The mystery begins here.” Issue 8 releases on July 23rd, quite a while after the events of E3 2014. View attachment: HaloEscalationBox.jpg Are you planning on picking up Issue 8 now that this info was revealed, or are you holding off for theorists to figure it out? Let us know in the comments below, thanks for the read. Thanks indeed for reading this issue of the Weekly News Wrap-Up, I'll see you next time!
  12. While I can't do much concept-wise, I have incredible writing skill, if you need proof, while I have no professional awards, I can write whatever you would ask of me to. I know you're a "perfectionist" as you have said, but I believe my skill far exceeds most basic novelists and journalists in the American system. Feel free to PM with instructions or what you wish to.
  13. According to recent reports, a Bioshock Movie may now be back in production after the cancellation debacle, having over 3 sites registered to the trademark by Sony Entertainment. The Bioshock Movie suffered a depressing downfall many months ago, when it's Director Gore Verbinski wished for the film to be rated R, but the studio fired back, and both sides clashed leading to Gore leaving the project and it becoming cancelled. Now it seems Sony may have taken the rights, according to Kotaku.com first, one article mentions three different sites being registered by Sony Entertainment themselves, bioshock-movie.com, bioshock-movie.net, and bio-shock.net. Though, knowing Sony, we might unfortunately only get the pre-promised PG-13 version of Bioshock The Movie. Concept arts were also revealed on Jim Martin's website many months back, showcasing what the R rated film would've looked like. View attachment: BioMovieConcept.png Does this news excite you, and will you take an interest in viewing the new Bioshock film even if it's only PG-13? Let me know below, thanks for the read! View full article
  14. According to recent reports, a Bioshock Movie may now be back in production after the cancellation debacle, having over 3 sites registered to the trademark by Sony Entertainment. The Bioshock Movie suffered a depressing downfall many months ago, when it's Director Gore Verbinski wished for the film to be rated R, but the studio fired back, and both sides clashed leading to Gore leaving the project and it becoming cancelled. Now it seems Sony may have taken the rights, according to Kotaku.com first, one article mentions three different sites being registered by Sony Entertainment themselves, bioshock-movie.com, bioshock-movie.net, and bio-shock.net. Though, knowing Sony, we might unfortunately only get the pre-promised PG-13 version of Bioshock The Movie. Concept arts were also revealed on Jim Martin's website many months back, showcasing what the R rated film would've looked like. View attachment: BioMovieConcept.png Does this news excite you, and will you take an interest in viewing the new Bioshock film even if it's only PG-13? Let me know below, thanks for the read!
  15. I put it in a Spoiler Box to lessen the amount of words this post has, but to be honest, I can only assist in one aspect of your problem my friend. I have never in my life held a paying job, at least not yet, so I don't know how to fix your employment problems, especially since you're "overqualified" according to some outlets. As for your lady friend, don't move forward just yet, discuss with her the idea for a few weeks, tell her how you feel, but that you don't know if she'd be open to pursue something just yet. If she is open to it, then godspeed to you, if she isn't, wait it out and stay in contact with her, once you're financially stable, take her out and see where it goes.
  16. Paul Raines, CEO of GameStop, said that the company will herald in a new age, opening more Spring Mobile Stores, and at the same time scaling back it's Gaming operations by 120 or more stores. GameStop's 2014 Investor's Day brought in some shocking news, as reported by GamesIndustry.biz. shocking news for gamers around the world who shop at GameStop or work for them. According to Paul Raines, the company's CEO, GameStop will be entering a new era, pursuing the Mobile and Apple Device areas and retracting some of it's Gaming budget. They plan to open over 200 Spring Mobile stores, and 100-150 Cricket Stores, bolstering the numbers in this field. But these new stores of course, will decrease the regular Gaming stores, scaling them back by 120-130. While this could add more jobs, many will be unemployed now that GameStop has announced the loss of so many regular shops. View attachment: GameStopLogo_BlackRed.jpg Do you think this news could bring upon harsh consequences for the company, or might it help the company in more ways than it will hurt? Let me know below, thanks for the read! View full article
  17. Paul Raines, CEO of GameStop, said that the company will herald in a new age, opening more Spring Mobile Stores, and at the same time scaling back it's Gaming operations by 120 or more stores. GameStop's 2014 Investor's Day brought in some shocking news, as reported by GamesIndustry.biz. shocking news for gamers around the world who shop at GameStop or work for them. According to Paul Raines, the company's CEO, GameStop will be entering a new era, pursuing the Mobile and Apple Device areas and retracting some of it's Gaming budget. They plan to open over 200 Spring Mobile stores, and 100-150 Cricket Stores, bolstering the numbers in this field. But these new stores of course, will decrease the regular Gaming stores, scaling them back by 120-130. While this could add more jobs, many will be unemployed now that GameStop has announced the loss of so many regular shops. View attachment: GameStopLogo_BlackRed.jpg Do you think this news could bring upon harsh consequences for the company, or might it help the company in more ways than it will hurt? Let me know below, thanks for the read!
  18. Display Name : Edward Kenway Member Title & Rank : News Group ~ News Thief Time Online : 77d 5h 13m 28s Join Date : June 28th, 2012 Preferred News Topic : Titanfall Preferred Colour : Cyan Topics Started : 209 Posts Made : 868 Shout # : 33285 ​Likes Received : 901 Friend's List # : 76 Awards Given : 26 Name Changes : 19 Signature:
  19. Still hasn't reach Infamous level, makes me sad indeed. Still, story > gameplay > graphics
  20. Recently, video game store GameStop put up a listing for Xbox One and PS4 versions of The Walking Dead from Telltale Games, apparently releasing in June of this year. The Walking Dead episodic series, made by Telltale Games, was a skyrocket hit in 2012 and continues to be so today with more seasons for the license, and according to GameStop.com, the license is expanding. GameStop posted two new additions to it's gallery of titles for Xbox One and PS4, The Walking Dead: Game of the Year Edition for each platform mentioned. It will launch June 17th, 2014 according to the listing, alongside quite a few other June titles like The Last of Us. It is likely to contain the same as it's counterparts on the Old Generation systems, the full First Season. It is priced at $29.99, the same as it's Old Generation versions. View attachment: WalkingDeadGOTY.JPG Are you going to be picking this game up on Current Generation platforms if you haven't already? Let me know below, and thanks for reading! View full article
  21. Recently, video game store GameStop put up a listing for Xbox One and PS4 versions of The Walking Dead from Telltale Games, apparently releasing in June of this year. The Walking Dead episodic series, made by Telltale Games, was a skyrocket hit in 2012 and continues to be so today with more seasons for the license, and according to GameStop.com, the license is expanding. GameStop posted two new additions to it's gallery of titles for Xbox One and PS4, The Walking Dead: Game of the Year Edition for each platform mentioned. It will launch June 17th, 2014 according to the listing, alongside quite a few other June titles like The Last of Us. It is likely to contain the same as it's counterparts on the Old Generation systems, the full First Season. It is priced at $29.99, the same as it's Old Generation versions. View attachment: WalkingDeadGOTY.JPG Are you going to be picking this game up on Current Generation platforms if you haven't already? Let me know below, and thanks for reading!
  22. Well known Actor and Writer Todd Stashwick, famous from his rumored work on the Star Wars game by Visceral Games, has been recast on Uncharted 4, following a recent slue of firings and quitting scenarios in Naughty Dog and on Uncharted. When fans received the Uncharted for PlayStation 4 trailer, one thing in particular stood out, it's narrator, Todd Stashwick. Todd had been rumored to be the antagonist on Uncharted on PS4 and according to IGN.com, this will no longer be the case as Naughty Dog chose to recast his role to someone else who is unknown at the moment. Todd said to them that, “They chose to recast my role,” and while they reached out to Sony for a response, none was given. This follows the perplexing trend of recent reports coming from Naughty Dog, like Amy Hennig and Justin Richmond's sudden exiting from the studio, or Nate Wells' recent employment in Sparrow Games. View attachment: UnchartedLogo.jpg Does this news have you concerned for the project, or do you hold out hope that the next Uncharted will be as high in production caliber as it's previous installments? Leave your thoughts below, and thanks for reading!
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