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Everything posted by VinWarrior

  1. Bungie has come out and stated that despite controversy surrounding Marty O'Donnell's departure from the company, his music will remain in Destiny. ​We received quite the depressing surprise on April 14th when we had the news broken to us that our beloved composer Martin O'Donnell had been terminated by Bungie. In an interview with people at Eurogamer.net, Pete Parsons said that Marty's magnificent work on the project would remain in the game, and that fans shouldn't worry about the game's soundtrack or the game itself's features. He had said that the game was, "close to shipping" and that he believes "the Bungie fanbase is going to look forward to hearing Marty's music, Mike Salvatori's music, C. Paul's music and Paul McCartney's music in the game," acknowledging that while polish still needs to be done, most of the game is complete and in it's finished state, just needing a shiny coat of paint to top it off. View attachment: 2508271-destiny1.jpg While Marty's departure is melancholy news, most did fear it would impact the majority of their experience in the game. Now we know that isn't that case, but are you still as excited to play Destiny? Let me know below, thanks for reading! View full article
  2. Bungie has come out and stated that despite controversy surrounding Marty O'Donnell's departure from the company, his music will remain in Destiny. ​We received quite the depressing surprise on April 14th when we had the news broken to us that our beloved composer Martin O'Donnell had been terminated by Bungie. In an interview with people at Eurogamer.net, Pete Parsons said that Marty's magnificent work on the project would remain in the game, and that fans shouldn't worry about the game's soundtrack or the game itself's features. He had said that the game was, "close to shipping" and that he believes "the Bungie fanbase is going to look forward to hearing Marty's music, Mike Salvatori's music, C. Paul's music and Paul McCartney's music in the game," acknowledging that while polish still needs to be done, most of the game is complete and in it's finished state, just needing a shiny coat of paint to top it off. View attachment: 2508271-destiny1.jpg While Marty's departure is melancholy news, most did fear it would impact the majority of their experience in the game. Now we know that isn't that case, but are you still as excited to play Destiny? Let me know below, thanks for reading!
  3. I needed to do this for my own sanity, word needs to get around about this case, and we need to support kids like this and show how corrupt our systems are and what we need to do about it. If stories about Bullying are uncomfortable to you, fine, but I encourage you to share this article with anyone you know, this needs to get out into public eye. Thank you for reading. I plead Moderators not to take this thread down, this is a story that needs to be seen and shared so things like this never happen. A Pennsylvania Sophomore student who had learning disabilities had for quite a while been receiving bullying and harassment by fellow students in his class. The boy had gone to teachers and his peers but oddly enough, nothing was done to the bullies, the case was not even looked at thoroughly. No charges were ever pressed, no talking to's, the issue seemed to slip under despite it being reported. The boy had found a way to prove it though, when he recorded a 7 minute long audio clip of the harassment, as well as confirmation of a teacher being on-hand and viewing the situation, but doing nothing about it. The bullies could be heard insulting and attacking the boy, as well as harming him physically with a hard book smacked over his head. When he recorded the physical and emotion toll, he brought it to his mother, whom was enraged and spoke to the principal. The story however continues when the principal calls police not on the bullies, but on the boy with Mental Disabilities, and pressed charges on only the boy for, "Wire-Tapping". The case was brought to court and the judge ruled in favor of the principal, the bullies still with no consequences and the abused boy now with charges on his head. The consequence however was lessened to just Disorderly Conduct from the Mentally Disabled boy. The bullies have since had no proper punishment and the boy and his mother now attempt to appeal the case. Please spread this story far and wide, and support the boy and his mother. Leave thoughts below, so long as they are civil, mature, and respectful. Thanks for reading.
  4. Hi MVP, I understand that it has been two years since your banning and I understand that people do reform. However, depending on your previous actions, your time may vary from two weeks, to two years, to a full lifetime Shoutbox ban, it is not that you have no reformed, rather the system of rules in place needs to punish those who do wrong for the period they deserve. My suggestion is Messaging our Moderating team to speak to them rather then making this an open thread. If your sentence is up, there is no reason you would not be unbanned, however depending on the severity of the rule-breaking done, you may not be unbanned, which is unfortunate but it is the way the system works. I apologize for the inconvenience, would a moderator lock/delete this thread? Thanks. ~EK
  5. Welcome, below is the first reincarnation of the Weekly News Wrap-up, for those who do not know, the WNW was originally done in the News Group but around 2013 it seemed to stop production, I have decided to reincarnate it in my own format, several articles meshed into one long piece, as the several might not have been able to stand on their own, or it could serve as an easier method of keeping up to date all around the gaming world, rather then just the huge highlights. These will resume next Friday and will run week-by-week on each Friday unless an issue is brought up, which will be highlighted to readers via notification so they are aware of the delay. Now let's get reading! View attachment: WNW 41714.JPG PlayStation 4 Sales Surpass 7 Million Units The Sony PlayStation 4 has been incredibly successful in the coming months of it's launch. Titles like Infamous: Second Son and Killzone: Shadow Fall have enticed players from multiple platforms to purchase a PS4 and get their fill of next generation gameplay there. On April 16th, on PlayStation's Blog at PlayStation.com, Sony's Social Media Manager Sid Shuman announced that the PlayStation 4 had surpassed the 7 Million unit mark. The mark was apparently reached April 6th, 2014 and yesterday it was massively surpassed, making a huge mark for the company and for the console itself. Sid also hinted at new software updates for the PlayStation 4 to be released soon which turned out to be 1.70 increasing share features. View attachment: playstation_4_logo_2.jpg What's your take on this? Is the revenue well deserved, and has your experience with the console (if you own it) been satisfactory? Leave your thoughts below! Titanfall: Expedition Downloadable Content Coming in May Respawn Entertainment's crown jewel, Titanfall, has received quite the positive feedback without countless perfect scores from credible outlets, but, it's publisher Electronic Arts has a habit of leaving games unfinished and releasing the cut parts as Paid DLC. That seems to be the case today, as on Titanfall.com, it was revealed that Titanfall is getting a new DLC next month, only at it's highest two months from the main game's launch, containing features that do in-fact seem to have been cut from the main game. It contains just three new maps, with later updates including features like Titan customization and Private Lobbies, all features that would have been possible to add in the main game and likely were planned to be added for free. It is priced at $9.99, or alternatively you may purchase the Season Pass getting all of the packs for a discount. View attachment: TitanfallExpeditionArtB.png Are you annoyed by this, or is it acceptable and are you purchasing the DLC considering it's rushed nature and barebones content for it's price? Let me know below! Civilization: Beyond Earth Announced Sid Meier's next new Civilization title has been announced, hailing to the days of Alpha Centuri. The game is called Civilization: Beyond Earth and was announced mainly on the official Civilization channel in a teaser, it will follow you expanding to another planet, while doing what a Civilization game does best, turn-based strategy. It's all very exciting detailing but aside from that 2K and Firaxis Games have been slim on the details for the game, and as for the possibility of it coming to Next Generation consoles, we're unsure. It is however confirmed for PC, and that will likely be where it is limited to. View attachment: Civilization-Beyond-Earth-1.jpg Are you a fan of the Civilization games and how do you feel about the new direction they are taking the games? Leave your thoughts on your approvals of the series below and tell me what you think! Thanks for reading the Weekly News Wrap-up's first Reincarnation, see you all next week, leave feedback below!
  6. Welcome, below is the first reincarnation of the Weekly News Wrap-up, for those who do not know, the WNW was originally done in the News Group but around 2013 it seemed to stop production, I have decided to reincarnate it in my own format, several articles meshed into one long piece, as the several might not have been able to stand on their own, or it could serve as an easier method of keeping up to date all around the gaming world, rather then just the huge highlights. These will resume next Friday and will run week-by-week on each Friday unless an issue is brought up, which will be highlighted to readers via notification so they are aware of the delay. Now let's get reading! View attachment: WNW 41714.JPG PlayStation 4 Sales Surpass 7 Million Units The Sony PlayStation 4 has been incredibly successful in the coming months of it's launch. Titles like Infamous: Second Son and Killzone: Shadow Fall have enticed players from multiple platforms to purchase a PS4 and get their fill of next generation gameplay there. On April 16th, on PlayStation's Blog at PlayStation.com, Sony's Social Media Manager Sid Shuman announced that the PlayStation 4 had surpassed the 7 Million unit mark. The mark was apparently reached April 6th, 2014 and yesterday it was massively surpassed, making a huge mark for the company and for the console itself. Sid also hinted at new software updates for the PlayStation 4 to be released soon which turned out to be 1.70 increasing share features. View attachment: playstation_4_logo_2.jpg What's your take on this? Is the revenue well deserved, and has your experience with the console (if you own it) been satisfactory? Leave your thoughts below! Titanfall: Expedition Downloadable Content Coming in May Respawn Entertainment's crown jewel, Titanfall, has received quite the positive feedback without countless perfect scores from credible outlets, but, it's publisher Electronic Arts has a habit of leaving games unfinished and releasing the cut parts as Paid DLC. That seems to be the case today, as on Titanfall.com, it was revealed that Titanfall is getting a new DLC next month, only at it's highest two months from the main game's launch, containing features that do in-fact seem to have been cut from the main game. It contains just three new maps, with later updates including features like Titan customization and Private Lobbies, all features that would have been possible to add in the main game and likely were planned to be added for free. It is priced at $9.99, or alternatively you may purchase the Season Pass getting all of the packs for a discount. View attachment: TitanfallExpeditionArtB.png Are you annoyed by this, or is it acceptable and are you purchasing the DLC considering it's rushed nature and barebones content for it's price? Let me know below! Civilization: Beyond Earth Announced Sid Meier's next new Civilization title has been announced, hailing to the days of Alpha Centuri. The game is called Civilization: Beyond Earth and was announced mainly on the official Civilization channel in a teaser, it will follow you expanding to another planet, while doing what a Civilization game does best, turn-based strategy. It's all very exciting detailing but aside from that 2K and Firaxis Games have been slim on the details for the game, and as for the possibility of it coming to Next Generation consoles, we're unsure. It is however confirmed for PC, and that will likely be where it is limited to. View attachment: Civilization-Beyond-Earth-1.jpg Are you a fan of the Civilization games and how do you feel about the new direction they are taking the games? Leave your thoughts on your approvals of the series below and tell me what you think! Thanks for reading the Weekly News Wrap-up's first Reincarnation, see you all next week, leave feedback below! View full article
  7. The amount of events... Wow. This is why this community is so amazing, instead of going out and going to parties we party our own ways. Now if only I actually had the Gold to attend them... Wonderful wrapup Daniel, and wonderful Artwork marine.
  8. Electronic Arts has confirmed that there will not be a digital download of Titanfall for the Xbox 360, as it "simply did not represent the true Titanfall experience.” Titanfall recently launched after nearly a month's worth of delay on the Xbox 360 to critical success, like that of it's Xbox One and PC counterparts, both of which sold much better due to Digital Releases. However, EA's own website confirmed that the 360 version would not experience the same method of purchase. EA.com has stated it's reasoning for such actions, saying that it was considered, but after they felt that it "should have never been offered." They also stated that they, "hope players understand this decision was all about quality and making sure you get the best Titanfall experience." Considering some can only afford to buy it over Games on Demand, this could be a deal-breaker for potential customers, and is likely a shot in the foot on EA's part, though an understandable decision. View attachment: titanfallbattle.jpg This news is definitely some hard news to take in, especially if you are looking to get the Xbox 360 version and can't access a local game store, or simply prefer digital downloads. Has this impacted your decision on buying the game? Let me know below, thanks for reading! View full article
  9. Electronic Arts has confirmed that there will not be a digital download of Titanfall for the Xbox 360, as it "simply did not represent the true Titanfall experience.” Titanfall recently launched after nearly a month's worth of delay on the Xbox 360 to critical success, like that of it's Xbox One and PC counterparts, both of which sold much better due to Digital Releases. However, EA's own website confirmed that the 360 version would not experience the same method of purchase. EA.com has stated it's reasoning for such actions, saying that it was considered, but after they felt that it "should have never been offered." They also stated that they, "hope players understand this decision was all about quality and making sure you get the best Titanfall experience." Considering some can only afford to buy it over Games on Demand, this could be a deal-breaker for potential customers, and is likely a shot in the foot on EA's part, though an understandable decision. View attachment: titanfallbattle.jpg This news is definitely some hard news to take in, especially if you are looking to get the Xbox 360 version and can't access a local game store, or simply prefer digital downloads. Has this impacted your decision on buying the game? Let me know below, thanks for reading!
  10. The next hilarious run-and-gun title in the Borderlands franchise is confirmed by Gearbox named Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. Speculation around the Tales from the Borderlands title has been circulating for months, especially with GamePointsNow.com getting a hold of alleged info on the next Borderlands prequel, we now have confirmation. According to the official Borderlands Facebook.com page and Gearbox themselves, Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel is in fact on it's way to previous generation consoles like the Xbox 360. It will allegedly contain four classes working for Hyperion looting and shooting it out on the Moon Base and Pandora's real icy cold moon, as well as new weaponry and Booster Systems, or jetpacks. And for the first time in forever, players will be able to go it as CL4P-TP armed with his own skills and guns. View attachment: BLPrequel.jpg With this information are you excited for the next Borderlands? Do you have any concerns for Gearbox, such as the apparent lack of support for the Xbox One and PS4? Let me know below!
  11. The next hilarious run-and-gun title in the Borderlands franchise is confirmed by Gearbox named Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. Speculation around the Tales from the Borderlands title has been circulating for months, especially with GamePointsNow.com getting a hold of alleged info on the next Borderlands prequel, we now have confirmation. According to the official Borderlands Facebook.com page and Gearbox themselves, Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel is in fact on it's way to previous generation consoles like the Xbox 360. It will allegedly contain four classes working for Hyperion looting and shooting it out on the Moon Base and Pandora's real icy cold moon, as well as new weaponry and Booster Systems, or jetpacks. And for the first time in forever, players will be able to go it as CL4P-TP armed with his own skills and guns. View attachment: BLPrequel.jpg With this information are you excited for the next Borderlands? Do you have any concerns for Gearbox, such as the apparent lack of support for the Xbox One and PS4? Let me know below! View full article
  12. The World I Know - Collective Soul
  13. Wow, this is some hard hitting damn news, definitely not something I ever expected to see in all my years on this site. We've been through hell and back on these forums and suffered so much, but it's still so shocking to see people go. Even if some didn't like them, and some loved them. You were definitely loved here Shock. We're gonna miss you bud, gonna miss you a lot. We'll make like Garrus and Shepard, sit on the beach, tan in the sun, and have a few drinks, eh? It'll be fun, I know it. Goodbye friend, see ya around. Come back soon, we need good members around here, it makes this place so great. Good luck, see ya starside.
  14. One of the defining titles of this generation and of all time in the gaming world is without at doubt in anyone's mind The Last of Us, and whether you like Playstation or not, you can't deny how breathtaking these new steps in the gaming world are. So with that, let's get down to the review and determine if The Last of Us is truly worth every ounce of praise it gets or not. Sidenote: I won't be touching on the multiplayer, as I have no interest in playing it just yet, I may do a separate review, but this is strictly the story. Let's start off with story. The Last of Us follows the survivor of an infectious spread of Cordyceps fungus on humans, named Joel, as he is tasked with protecting a fourteen year old little girl named Ellie and bringing her to the Fireflies, a group of radical firebrands against the totalitarian military watching over the survivors in quarantine zones. This group believes that Ellie may be the key to saving the human race. The story that the Last of Us brings is without a shadow of doubt in my mind the best emotional journey ever delivered in any form of media, and it's environments and characters engulf you in the game. One moment that sticks out in my mind is an incredibly hopeful moment, no spoilers here. Ellie begins running and you follow her, and once you reach her, she's watching a giraffe graze on some grass hanging outside a hole in the building, you soon again follow her to a balcony as you sit and watch the world, and wildlife take back their homes. It's awe-inspiring and you can sit and watch for hours just gazing and enjoying the view, and it made me question whether the game's ending was right or not. That is the ace in the hole for the game, it's ending. When I first beat it, I was angered at Joel's decision, again I won't spoil anything, but after I started to question it more and more, and realized while I still agree with the Fireflies, Joel's decision is a very human and real one, and it's justified. I have never seen a game that made me question my humanity and my faith, like The Last of Us did, which is what makes this game so inspirational and bright, despite being grounded and gritty. Now, gameplay wise. The weapon selection is good and the game has a good sense of making every shot feel real and count, however, switching from weapon to weapon is far too clunky and slow. This hindered me so much in the game, as it followed a much more advanced design of Gears of War's d-pad system, but it wasn't smooth at all. It wasn't even the regular swapping of weaponry that was poorly designed, it was switching from one type of weapon to another. What I mean is this: Each weapon has a few different types, like in the main weapon slot, you have a rifle, a bow, and a flamethrower, so on and so forth. When I needed my rifle cause I was out of ammo, and had the bow selected, I would press "X" to get it, and Joel would crouch in the middle of combat, as I had to scroll through ten weapons, select that one, and then exit out of the system to get it out in combat. I'm not even going to mention the AI's incredibly precise accuracy and the extreme damage of their shots. I would like to point out I played on normal difficulty, and my deaths added a good three hours to my playtime. Prepare to die, a lot. Even through all that it's still quite a bit of fun to feel proud of clearing a whole room of clickers. As for graphics, the game's are far beyond that of a console's power, and they exceed it so well it was awe-inspiring to me to observe. Level design is superb, from the snowy hillsides to broken down bus stops in the city, it all amazes you once you start. Character models look and act real, you can see grit and dirt on their faces in precise detail, and they emote the way they should, according to their personality. I never though the most beautiful game of 2013 would be a survival horror, and to be honest, it really isn't just a survival horror, it's a lot of themes and colours mixing to make a real and fresh world. All in all, The Last of Us is the most though provoking game of 2013 without a doubt and in my mind, the most thought provoking game of all time. The game has so much content to offer and it angers me when people brush the game off because they're "tired of Zombie games" or "dislike Playstation". This game is not in the slightest a typical zombie slasher or just another PlayStation game, it is an experience, one that everyone should sit down and devote a good 36 hours to, which I got out of the game. My final verdict for the Last of Us is my second ever: 10/10 The Last of Us is well worth your $60 on story mode alone and the game is a rare creation that lands a perfect story mode with nearly no faults and an enveloping cast of characters. Expect more reviews in the future and leave your thoughts below!
  15. Okay, hate to say it, but this is completely invalid. The third word in your BtB argument was "Teammates" and the second word in your Grifball argument was "Team". It's obvious your problem isn't with the game types or 343i, it's with the people you match up with. Halo Reach is a very old game, and a lot of people have moved to Halo 4 or Halo 3, a lot of good players. I suggest jumping on those two if you have a problem with the people on Reach. Ultimately, like said above, it is your teammates. Seeing as the OP is a rant post and that some replies on here are getting very out of hand, I suggest requesting a Moderator to lock this, or those who are part of the conversation keep it peaceful. Ciao. ~EK
  16. We believe the 12th, still determining though.
  17. When will this conspiracy end? Nothing is going on in Staff, move along. I myself was blinded, but then I saw the truth. See the truth young one.
  18. Ridley Scott, known for his work on Alien and Blade Runner, will be working with 343i, Microsoft, and other legendary film industry names to produce a separate Halo Digital Feature. The Halo TV Series has been under wraps for quite some time, and rumors began circulating as to whether a film might be in production. According to TheWrap.com, we have a separate feature on the way for the Halo franchise. Listed people include the legendary Ridley Scott, Paul Scheuring, and David Zucker, taking on the roles of Executive Producer, Writer, and Assistant to the Executive Producer. Sergio Mimica-Gezzan, known well for Battlestar Galactica, is confirmed to direct the feature. This will likely not hit the big screen and remain as a digital or DVD copy at best. Additionally, Microsoft said that this film is, “completely separate from the premium Halo television series executive produced by Steven Spielberg, which is still on track.” as well they stated that the plot would follow a, “surgically-enhanced super soldier who is not Master Chief”. View attachment: halo__television_series__by_f1yingpinapp1e-d6zys54.jpg With this news, do you think this feature is in good hands? Do you think production of this could affect the main TV series? Let me know below! Credits to FlyingPineapple on DeviantART for the fan-made image. View full article
  19. Ridley Scott, known for his work on Alien and Blade Runner, will be working with 343i, Microsoft, and other legendary film industry names to produce a separate Halo Digital Feature. The Halo TV Series has been under wraps for quite some time, and rumors began circulating as to whether a film might be in production. According to TheWrap.com, we have a separate feature on the way for the Halo franchise. Listed people include the legendary Ridley Scott, Paul Scheuring, and David Zucker, taking on the roles of Executive Producer, Writer, and Assistant to the Executive Producer. Sergio Mimica-Gezzan, known well for Battlestar Galactica, is confirmed to direct the feature. This will likely not hit the big screen and remain as a digital or DVD copy at best. Additionally, Microsoft said that this film is, “completely separate from the premium Halo television series executive produced by Steven Spielberg, which is still on track.” as well they stated that the plot would follow a, “surgically-enhanced super soldier who is not Master Chief”. View attachment: halo__television_series__by_f1yingpinapp1e-d6zys54.jpg With this news, do you think this feature is in good hands? Do you think production of this could affect the main TV series? Let me know below! Credits to FlyingPineapple on DeviantART for the fan-made image.
  20. Wondrous wrap-up as always. I'm running out of nice things to say about these things, so I'm just gonna add what's below in every comment from now on.
  21. From looking at where it's coming from, don't get your hopes too high. I mean, it is really just that, a hope right? We hope Kelly will be in it, but she isn't confirmed.
  22. Creative Assembly's new horror game, Alien: Isolation on Next Gen has had a confirmed release date. Aliens: Colonial Marines was met with huge fire on it's launch, and likely tarnished the Alien reputation to the point of no return, but Alien: Isolation hopes to fix that with what fans of the original know and love, alone in the dark, with an alien in the shadows around you. Fans will be able to experience that feeling on October 7th, 2014 for Xbox One, Xbox 360, and other next and old generation platforms, as well as PC. The release date was confirmed during a panel at this year's EGX Rezzed, a UK gaming event. The news came in first at GameSpot.com after the event was held. View attachment: Alien-Isolation-screen.jpg The game is being developed by Creative Assembly, the team behind Total War: Rome 2, which does have some fans scared. It is being published by Sega, who owns the license now, as the also published Colonial Marines. With this information, do you have hope for CA's survival thriller in space, or do you think it will be just another Amnesia clone with nothing new to the table? Comment below and let me know! View full article
  23. Creative Assembly's new horror game, Alien: Isolation on Next Gen has had a confirmed release date. Aliens: Colonial Marines was met with huge fire on it's launch, and likely tarnished the Alien reputation to the point of no return, but Alien: Isolation hopes to fix that with what fans of the original know and love, alone in the dark, with an alien in the shadows around you. Fans will be able to experience that feeling on October 7th, 2014 for Xbox One, Xbox 360, and other next and old generation platforms, as well as PC. The release date was confirmed during a panel at this year's EGX Rezzed, a UK gaming event. The news came in first at GameSpot.com after the event was held. View attachment: Alien-Isolation-screen.jpg The game is being developed by Creative Assembly, the team behind Total War: Rome 2, which does have some fans scared. It is being published by Sega, who owns the license now, as the also published Colonial Marines. With this information, do you have hope for CA's survival thriller in space, or do you think it will be just another Amnesia clone with nothing new to the table? Comment below and let me know!
  24. Nice to see you forum side Janay, welcome! Is it just like I talked about? With the fiendish Communications bread and the evil blue moderator/dictator? Erhm, wonderful members? Have fun, and keep by those rules we spoke of before your joining.
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