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Everything posted by VinWarrior

  1. One of the Xbox One's hottest selling exclusives will have a DLC pack releasing February 4th. Forza Motorsport 5 is no doubt a beautiful game, one of the best next-gen games graphics and gameplay wise. This week, those who have and/or are interested in the game will be excited to hear that a batch of content will be releasing this Tuesday! The DLC is called the "Smoking Tire" Add-on and includes 10 additional cars! These cars include newer vehicles like the 2013 Abarth Punto Supersport and the 2011 Ferrari FF, and some older classics like the 1966 Chevrolet Nova SS and the 1968 Alfa Romero 33 Stradale. The full list of Vehicles is below: 1. 2013 Abarth Punto Supersport 2. 1994 Nissan Fairlady Z Version S Twin Turbo 3. 2000 BMW Z8 4. 2002 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am Ram Air 5. 1992 Toyota Celica GT-Four ST185 6. 2011 Ferrari FF 7. 1968 Alfa Romeo 33 Stradale 8. 1966 Chevrolet Nova SS 9. 2004 Maserati MC12 10.1995 Audi RS 2 Avant The Add-on pack is priced at $10. Alternatively, buying the Season Pass, priced at $50, a discount, gets all DLC free on launch day. Will you be buying the DLC? Source: IGN.com
  2. Disclaimer: So this is my MoM post, I'm just giving a heads up, there will be a lot of words! So, if you like reading about me and likely yourself in this thread, go right ahead and begin! And thanks for the support! So yes, I am the February 2014 Member of the Month, wow. There's a lot to say and so little time to say it. I guess I should start with some thank yous. Thanks to our Moderator, RedStarRocket91, you have done so much since you were put into office, and no one else could perform this job like you can RSR, I remember February 2013 when you were in the same spot I'm in now, Member of the Month. I'd also like to send thanks to our Community Moderating Team, comprised of Skummgummigubbe (Did I spell it right?), GermanShepardD, Drizzy_Dan, and two very special and recent additions whom I have comprised a special thank you for below, Azaxx and Church. This team tires through day in and day out keeping the forum a safe place free of Spam-bots and Trolls. What would this forum be if they weren't here? Likely ridden with people shouting, cursing, and spamming at each other. More applause goes to our four other groups, the News Group, the Art Department, the Contests/Events team, and the Communications team. And finally, a thank you to all the greens, purples, and greys around here who put their fair share in each and every day as well. So basically, if you read my About Me, there's a few friends of mine on there that I compliment, well, I'm not copying that here. Instead, I want to highlight some people, who rise above the rest, as not just friends, but supporters. I would like to say something to the two Cmods I mentioned earlier. Church, man, you are awesome! You've always been there for me, and I was just so blind I didn't see the advice, the support. No matter what anyone says, even yourself, I didn't make it here alone, you helped me here. It's unfortunate that I didn't see all you did for me until now, and for that, I apologize. Thanks Church, keep up the good work as a Cmod, and as my brother. No he's not really my brother but sometimes you don't need to be biological to know you connect like family. Next, this is going to shock people, but to my friend, Azaxx. Thank you, sir, for tolerating what I was, and forgiving and forgetting. I don't ever want to turn back into what I was, and I don't want to lose you as a close friend, I know we have a past, and sometimes the past hurts, but sometimes moving on is the better thing to do. And with that, I say, my Gratitude. So moving past the serious tone of the paragraph above, I want to actually say thank you to my best buddies, Bnus, Sparky, and Onsokumaru, yes, this is four friends in a row being MoM, sounds like a conspiracy to me! All jokes aside, you three are awesome-sauce and I could never ask for three better best friends. I want to extend a congrats to Bnus for landing Communications and Onsokumaru for landing Promotions/Events, very well deserved titles for two deserving people. So yes, that's basically it, a bit underwhelming, isn't it? Don't worry, I have one last piece of advice for every single member on here: I want every single one of you, old or new, green or grey, mature or silly, I want you to know, no matter what, you matter, this site is like one giant machine, and if a single gear is missing from it, it will fall apart, you matter, and we enjoy your company here. Keep working hard, I promise, you will be respected and appreciated by so many, and remember, even if you have a rocky past, you can change. Get help from a member of staff, or a friend, you are never alone, no matter how many warning points you have, or no matter how "hated" you believe you are, ask someone, "Help me be a better member"! Are you good at art? Make some art and submit it to the Art Department, they could always use a helping hand, even if you aren't part of the Art Dept. staff immediately. Do you like to edit videos? Talk to Dog or Bnus, they can hone your skills and you may someday end up part of Communications. Do you like to report on News? Look for news articles, analyze articles made by our own news team begin working on your own, put effort into them, and someday, you will end up part of that team. No matter what you think, no matter how bad you were before, you can change. I promise, I promise every single one of you, you can turn yourself around. Now I leave you with my victory music!
  3. Wow, I uh... I can't believe it guys... Thank you all, thank you all so much! I can't believe it at all... Me? I'm MoM? I mean... Wow... It's just so... Thank you, Thank you staff, thank you Twam, thank you members, thank you friends. I promise, this decision has not been made wrongly, I will continue do my absolute best in assisting an amazing community and making it a better place for everyone, Green, Purple, Silver, Blue, and Orange alike. There are so many contributors in these forum, so many people who I see make this forum the most fun place it can be everyday, and I know not every single one of them can be recognized each month. If no one will tell you guys this, all of you, I will tell you this. You are amazing, I love your work, it makes me smile. All the hard work you put into your posts, and playdates, and art, and news, I love it all. I admire you, all of you. And I want you to continue, no matter what, keep going, keep doing what you're doing, and don't stop. Because I love your work, and I love your effort. And I know everyone else does too.
  4. Congratulations to a wonderful new addition to a wonderful staff! I expected you to do great things when you first arrived, and you outdid my expectations Maru! Enjoy your time on-board!
  5. Well, as long as it's not a rant, I'd leave it in the Halo 4 General Discussion section, unless it's topic specific, if it's weapon specific, put it in the Halo 4 Weapons topic, etc. Anyways, welcome to the forums, have fun and play by DA RULES.
  6. Congrats all, it's evident why these two won, they are masterpieces, congratulations to Magical Love and Darth Mayh3m! On a sidenote congrats to all who entered, especially The Dumb Marine and Sikslik!
  7. LOL I LOVE THIS! Bnus is already dominating Sikslik everyone run before he enslaves you all too! Proud of you Slick. (MIB puns lol) liked the post!
  8. With Halo on it's way, 343i Is gearing up and hiring yet another member of it's staff, this time, in the Writing Department. 343 Industries has done quite a lot of hiring lately and bringing new people on board, this time, they are adding to their writing department, with a qualified person. The newly hired employee must be able to work with the Halo lore and twist it in a way that makes it still work, as well as the usual behaviors around the workplace which are common. In summary, they need to have precise attention to detail of the Halo universe and be able to perform to the best of their abilities in creating a script for future Halos. To do that requires extensive training in that field. View attachment: 343industries_660.jpg The challenges ahead are said to put stress and pressure on the hired employee and he must be able to take that, and still create a work of art. Points are added if the employee has skills such as experience in editing and writing in-game content and doing the same for audio, which is said to raise it by ten points, and web publishing experience, a minor seven points. View attachment: 343iHiring.JPG Of course 343i Includes a writing sample which will determine if you have what it takes or not. This will have the applicant write a 1000 word or less summary of the concept of "The Mantle". Included must be images and videos when appropriate. To push you further in the project, 343i has said below: "Anticipate that this document would be used by Halo creators at 343 Industries and external development/creative partners. " The position is still open to those who are willing to attempt it. Would you want to work for 343i? Source: Microsoft-careers.com HaloWaypoint.com View full article
  9. With Halo on it's way, 343i Is gearing up and hiring yet another member of it's staff, this time, in the Writing Department. 343 Industries has done quite a lot of hiring lately and bringing new people on board, this time, they are adding to their writing department, with a qualified person. The newly hired employee must be able to work with the Halo lore and twist it in a way that makes it still work, as well as the usual behaviors around the workplace which are common. In summary, they need to have precise attention to detail of the Halo universe and be able to perform to the best of their abilities in creating a script for future Halos. To do that requires extensive training in that field. View attachment: 343industries_660.jpg The challenges ahead are said to put stress and pressure on the hired employee and he must be able to take that, and still create a work of art. Points are added if the employee has skills such as experience in editing and writing in-game content and doing the same for audio, which is said to raise it by ten points, and web publishing experience, a minor seven points. View attachment: 343iHiring.JPG Of course 343i Includes a writing sample which will determine if you have what it takes or not. This will have the applicant write a 1000 word or less summary of the concept of "The Mantle". Included must be images and videos when appropriate. To push you further in the project, 343i has said below: "Anticipate that this document would be used by Halo creators at 343 Industries and external development/creative partners. " The position is still open to those who are willing to attempt it. Would you want to work for 343i? Source: Microsoft-careers.com HaloWaypoint.com
  10. While interesting and convincing, I have some concerns about that Titanfall bundle image, for starters, the image of the side of the X1 (with the power-on button) has a hexagonal pattern in the image on the box, while the model is just matte grey. Also colours and shades seem to be somewhat off and differ from the image on the box and the model image beside it. I smell photoshop on that bundle. Besides that, nice job.
  11. With the upcoming launch of the Elder Scrolls: Online, another edition has been announced! Originally leaked by Amazon, now confirmed by Bethesda and Game Retailers, the Elder Scrolls Online has been granted a collector's Edition called the Imperial Edition. The edition is priced at about $99.99 US Dollars, €99, £89.99 and AU$139.95. A digital edition is also available that is significantly cheaper, though it comes without any of the Imperial Edition's physical items. The edition includes a 12 inch statue of the Daedric Prince Molag Bal, a map of Tamriel, and a vast artbook with over 200 pages of illustrations from the game. To sweeten the deal, four digital items including the ability to be an Imperial, a pet crab, a white imperial horse, and the Rings of Mara, which allowed you to marry in Skyrim. Additionally, pre-ordering unlocks another digital bonus, a Scuttler vanity pet, four treasure maps, and immediate access to all nine races in the game. The PC/Mac version comes with one extra goodie, a five day early access bonus. After seeing this info, are you planning on putting down a pre-order? Source: GameTrailers.com
  12. Much to player's disappointments, Titanfall on the PC can only use Xbox 360 Controllers. With the recent showing of the Limited Edition Titanfall Controller, which has received critical acclaim for it's design, players will be disappointed to learn that they cannot use that controller for their PC copy of Titanfall. This was no surprise earlier as Microsoft stated they would implement support for Xbox One controllers in 2014, but recently, an employee of Respawn surprisingly replied to the question of "Will you support the Xbox One controller on the PC?" With a yes. Shortly after, they deleted the message with a saddening "No," stating in an apology form: "We don't, sorry. I saw 'Xbox controller.' We support 360, not One on PC." Now just because Titanfall will not have Xbox One controller support on launch, does not mean it will not come in the future. Not only is a profitable move, but making it compatible as quite easy, as it's already been done by one Chris Gallizi, a hacker, who sorted out the driver situation. Has this changed your mind about getting Titanfall on the PC? Source: GameSpot.com Twitter.com
  13. I can understand your frustration, believe me, I owned THREE Xbox 360s in the past, and currently own two Xboxs, a PS3, PS4, PC, and Wii. I know how difficult a platform can be some times. Three of my 360s went red ring on me, but each platform comes with it's own glitches, it is inevitable! Just because your Xbox broke doesn't mean that all of them are doing this, it's not strictly MS' fault, rather, just some bad luck. If you owned a white version, upgrade to the newer version of the 360, or, if you have the money, buy an X1. If not, Im sorry you've had a bad experience with them. I understand what you're going to, but complaining to MS and more importantly a 343i Community (You did read community before you joined right?) Isn't going to help in any way, shape, or form.
  14. With the White Xbox One getting critical acclaim, Microsoft is deciding to release it to the public. According to a few Neogaf leaks, the Xbox One for starters is receiving an update sometime in March around the release of the critical hit Titanfall. The update will be the first major one on Microsoft's new console and will tweak certain features and fix bugs. These are mainly taking place in the social features and the party-chat systems, which seem to be two problems on the console currently. The following leaks deal with the Xbox One itself aesthetically. The rumors state the Microsoft will be releasing a white version of the Xbox One, which was originally employee only. This version received amazing acclaim by those who saw and owned the console. It only makes sense they would release this variant. It will be sometime during the launch of the popular hit Sunset Overdrive. Along with this, two other versions were leaked. A version without the disc drive inputted, currently being tested by Microsoft, and a 1 Terabyte version of the console, likely to be more expensive. Microsoft has been contacted, but have not currently replied. Which version would you buy? The white, black, 1 Terabyte, or digital-based Xbox One? Source: TheVerge.com Neogaf.com
  15. Have a fantastic year as Well Onsokumaru, or if that is your REAL NAFE! -dun dun duuuuuun- Congrats on the MoM title again, another well deserving MoM, We've had a lot of those these past few years huh? ^Decode it for a special message for the MoM in pink!
  16. I know this topic is probably going to get removed, but I needed this here, for my own sake and Justin's. This thread will talk about Justin Carmical, a famous YouTuber, who on Thursday 23rd, 2014, shot and killed himself. I want to say how much of a fantastic person Justin was. He always smiled, laughed, never a dull face or frown. He was a man like no other, and he seemed so happy. His channel mainly did import Japanese games, but did feature other content. He worked directly under Nostalgia Critic and Thatguywithglasses whom you may have heard of. He also often co-partnered with the famous internet star, Angry Joe, or Joe Vargas. I never knew Justin personally, I watched his videos once or twice and they were pretty hilarious, always got a good joke or two in. Now the controversial part... Justin's suicide. He had dealt with depression for some time, and on Thursday, his wife pleaded with him not to do it. Justin was a loved man, and it may never be known what drove him there. What we can do though, is help those who are dealing with depression. For Justin's sake, please if you or someone you know is dealing with depression in some way, direct them to a Suicide hotline or website. The people there are kind and more then willing to save a life. You will never know how much you're wanted, and never know how much we miss you Justin. Rest In Peace buddy. I'm putting this in spoilers, because the video contains some language, but this is a reaction video, and I promise you won't regret watching it. And before I go, I would like you to see an excerpt from one of Justin's streams. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tN60yFjO-g Thank you for taking the time to read this topic, and if you can take a minute to say a prayer for Justin and his family, I'd appreciate it. If you're dealing with Depression visit this link. Please donate to Justin's family: Fundraiser
  17. Finally, someone else speaks their mind on this stupid fee. It makes sense for PCs and Macs, as that is the norm for MMOs on them now, but for consoles? Not only is this removal irrelevant as hell, cause I'm paying for PS+ anyways so I can... Ya know, play other games online, but it still costs a lot! PS+ for a year is priced at $50, doing that math, we can assume around $4.17 per month respectively. The Elder Scrolls Online is a whopping $15 per month! That's nearly four times what we pay for the subscription most already use. Even with $15 seeming low, add on the $60 plus taxation price tag and the full price to play the game for around the time the usual Skyrim player played that, which was 2-3 years. This amounts to a shocking $420 at least to play the game for two years, three being $600! Add in likely DLC and micro transactions and you could be paying close to $700 to enjoy the game for only three years? No game is worth that. And when the drop the fees on consoles, more people will buy it, I promise Bethesda.
  18. As you requested, I made it light blue so it should be easier to see now.
  19. That's hex, now you need to do a hex translation.
  20. This forum is owned by Twam, it would be unwise to vote any other way. Twam is love, Twam is life. 54 68 65 20 52 65 76 6f 6c 75 74 69 6f 6e 20 69 73 20 75 70 6f 6e 20 75 73 2c 20 70 72 65 70 61 72 65 20 43 68 69 6c 64 72 65 6e 2e 0d 0a 0d 0a 4a 75 6c 79 20 53 69 78 74 68 20 54 77 6f 20 54 68 6f 75 73 61 6e 64 20 61 6e 64 20 46 6f 75 72 74 65 65 6e 20 56 69 76 61 20 4c 61 20 52 65 76 6f 6c 75 74 69 6f 6e
  21. What's that magical I couldn't hear you over the sound of ILLUMINATI!
  22. By Bnus. Loooooooooooool. Your conspiracy attempts are futile, I can see right through them. Good play Daniel.
  23. Tucker was on the Top 15 List for January twice, I told Bnus and he remembered that Spyro was supposed to be there so he was moved. Check, Mate.
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