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Everything posted by VinWarrior

  1. ^Front of the controller^ Celebrity console modder Ben Heck has created a single-handed Xbox One controller mod, designed to be accessible for gamers with a disability preventing them from using two hands. The creation of the controller will be chronicled on this Friday's installment of element14's The Ben Heck Show. A teaser for the program gives a first glimpse at the unit, as do the images posted above and below. The controller, which features the left-trigger on its backside next to the battery, is designed for right-handed individuals because, "that's the most common request," Heck said. It's not clear if Heck also plans to create a left-handed Xbox One controller or if he will produce more than one unit. Heck is donating the controller to the Able Gamers Foundation, a charity aimed at making video games more accessible for those with disabilities. This is not the first time Heck has a created a single-handed controller, as he did the same on an Xbox 360 Controller years ago, completely overhauling the controller in the process. ^Back of the controller^ Source: http://www.gamespot.com/articles/modder-creates-single-handed-xbox-one-controller/1100-6416866/
  2. Microsoft has filed a trademark for a game called "Throne Together." Unfortunately the trademark application, which was filed on December 19th, 2013 and only appeared on the United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) last night, doesn't give any details about the title, Throne Together, other than letting us know it's game software. For now it's unclear what Microsoft has up its sleeve, but considering the company has promised new IPs for its successful Xbox One console, could this be our first hint at the one of them? Source: http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/12/30/microsoft-files-trademark-for-new-game-throne-together
  3. A group called D.E.R.P. has intermittently taken down multiple gaming sites and servers today via DDoS attacks. Riot Games' League of Legends servers took the brunt of the attack, as the NA/EU/OCE servers have been down for a good portion of the day, as was the LoL website and forums. The group also managed to take down the Dota 2 servers for a while, as well as Club Penguin, Battle.net, and EA.com. The group originally began the DDoS attacks with a few Tweets about League of Legends: @DerpTrolling They then began cyber-terrorizing other sites, including Battle.net, After which they began to speak with PhantomL0rd, a popular streamer on Twitch. He was playing a game of Dota 2 and they reached out to him to say if he lost the game they would take down Dota 2. He didn't win. They also got bored at some point and took down EA's website. Later in the day, DERP convinced PhantomL0rd to play Club Penguin, which turned out to be a mistake on his part, as they hacked into that as well. PhantomL0rd, who streamed most of the series of events, asked DERP what their main objectives were. "For the lulz," they responded. They also mentioned their dismay of money hungry companies. At the time of this writing, PhantomL0rd had to step away from his computer as he believed police officers were coming to his home. Most problems are being sorted out, but no word was released from the companies on the matter. Source: IGN
  4. I remember you from a loooooong time ago, welcome back bud. -OMEGA
  5. Welcome to the forums mate, love the signature by the way,
  6. I recently picked up my Playstation 4 and three Next-Generation games, so, I thought I would give everyone a recap on the system about a month after it's Launch. I will start with the system itself. PS4 The system took all of 10 minutes to set up, definitely a good start. The vibe of the menu is mellow and relaxing, making you want to just stay and relax. The real issue was PSN, which was down at the time. Multiple problems left and right that left me annoyed to a point of quitting all-together and going to play my PS3. The system seems to work now though, and smoothly. The system itself aesthetically is beautiful and sleek. It was midnight black with a clean and flat surface, reminding me of a blade. The light in the middle can be confusing though, yellow when off, blue when starting, white when playing. Dualshock 4 This was quite a treat during my experience. Wonderfully designed and easy to pick up and play. The touchpad is an amazing addition, working with things like the map on Assassin's Creed, and the OWL drone in Killzone. My main problem is the sticks, which feel cheap and thrown on. I would say a step up from the original. Assassin's Creed IV My first game for this console, and quite a treat for me. This game is a significant step up from the original with interesting settings, funny and interesting dialogue and characters like Charles Vane and James Kidd. Edward Kenway is a step up from his boring grandson, being both hilarious and competent as a main character. I am about 3 quarters in the game, and I am already attached to multiple characters. As next gen experience goes, graphics are stunning, but community is slim and poorly done still. Killzone: Shadow Fall This is the main exclusive, and, is what will judge the system to most... Well, I can't say I'm too happy. The game itself is beautiful... Like seriously, it is utterly beautiful. Stunning lighting and shadows, this game is an amazing leap in it's visuals. It does it's job as a tech demo for what is possible on Next Gen... But, it's mostly disappointment from there. A poorly done A.I. with pinpoint accuracy and seemingly no sense for cover. Storywise, I was confused and just at a loss, and trust me, I read up on the story, it is interesting on paper, but some plot points have major holes. With a forgettable protagonist and forgettable goals, this game feels cobbled together and not fully realized. Even then, at moments it feels like it had a goal, and it was going to be interesting and good, but was rushed. Guns feel different, and segments are quite amazing. Even the OWL drone is a fun mechanic used lightly, kind of like the Skyhook. Call of Duty: Ghosts Okay... I hated this game originally... I wanted nothing to do with it, but, I decided to play it... I'm thankful I did. Story is actually fun and intriguing. Characters are less emotionally attachable and lovable as in Black Ops, but it's still fun as hell. I have not actually played the multiplayer yet, but, I can guess it is horrible, I'll likely put an update up later to confirm/deny that.
  7. Killzone: Merc or ACIII: Liberation... Plus, it's worth getting for The Walking Dead and Borderlands 2 alone.
  8. Wouldn't happen, Rockstar is a multi-platform publisher, so it's a 99% chance they're going to release it on the PS4, Xbox One, and likely PC.
  9. Battlefield 4 has been banned in China after the release of the China Rising DLC. According to Techie News, the Chinese Government accused EA, Published of Battlefield, of creating a form of cultural invasion. China Rising is Battlefield 4's first expansion. Set on the Chinese mainland, it contains new maps, modes, vehicles, assignments, and weapons and follows the fictional story of Admiral Chang, who wants to overthrow the government. With the release, China's Ministry of Culture wants to ban all forms of Battlefield 4, and plans to prohibit the sale of physical copies of the game and all related downloads, demos, patches, and news. News site PCGames.com reports BF4 has been characterized as illegal on the grounds that it "endangers national security and cultural aggression." Electronic Arts declined to comment on the matter, but considering it doesn't sell Battlefield 4 in China, the ruling might not come to matter too much. What is troubling for the company is the delay of the DLC where the game isn't banned. In a recent comment to IGN regarding the delay of the China Rising DLC, EA said, "We know many of our players are frustrated, and we feel your pain. We will not stop until this is right." Source: http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/12/27/battlefield-4-banned-in-china-over-controversial-dlc View full article
  10. Battlefield 4 has been banned in China after the release of the China Rising DLC. According to Techie News, the Chinese Government accused EA, Published of Battlefield, of creating a form of cultural invasion. China Rising is Battlefield 4's first expansion. Set on the Chinese mainland, it contains new maps, modes, vehicles, assignments, and weapons and follows the fictional story of Admiral Chang, who wants to overthrow the government. With the release, China's Ministry of Culture wants to ban all forms of Battlefield 4, and plans to prohibit the sale of physical copies of the game and all related downloads, demos, patches, and news. News site PCGames.com reports BF4 has been characterized as illegal on the grounds that it "endangers national security and cultural aggression." Electronic Arts declined to comment on the matter, but considering it doesn't sell Battlefield 4 in China, the ruling might not come to matter too much. What is troubling for the company is the delay of the DLC where the game isn't banned. In a recent comment to IGN regarding the delay of the China Rising DLC, EA said, "We know many of our players are frustrated, and we feel your pain. We will not stop until this is right." Source: http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/12/27/battlefield-4-banned-in-china-over-controversial-dlc
  11. Battlefield 4 has been banned in China after the release of the China Rising DLC. According to Techie News, the Chinese Government accused EA, Published by Battlefield, of creating a form of cultural invasion. China Rising is Battlefield 4's first expansion. Set on the Chinese mainland, it contains new maps, modes, vehicles, assignments, and weapons and follows the fictional story of Admiral Chang, who wants to overthrow the government. With the release, China's Ministry of Culture wants to ban all forms of Battlefield 4, and plans to prohibit the sale of physical copies of the game and all related downloads, demos, patches, and news. News site PCGames.com reports BF4 has been characterized as illegal on the grounds that it "endangers national security and cultural aggression." Electronic Arts declined to comment on the matter, but considering it doesn't sell Battlefield 4 in China, the ruling might not come to matter too much. What is troubling for the company is the delay of the DLC where the game isn't banned. In a recent comment to IGN regarding the delay of the China Rising DLC, EA said, "We know many of our players are frustrated, and we feel your pain. We will not stop until this is right." Source: http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/12/27/battlefield-4-banned-in-china-over-controversial-dlc This post has been promoted to an article
  12. It was no surprise that Rockstar's blockbuster GTA V gained tremendous revenue at it's launch on PS3 and Xbox 360, and now it seems it may be ported to Xbox One and PS4. According to a report from GameFAQs from December 25th, Amazon's custmer service has spoken about Grand Theft Auto V releasing on other platforms in 2014 and provided potential time of such announcements occurring. Earlier this month, Amazon customer service representatives shared that GTA 5 for PC will release in March 2014, but no official announcement has been made by Rockstar. According to the Amazon representatives via TheSixthAxis, GTA 5 for PS4 and Xbox One could possibly be announced in Jan. of 2014. Amazon officially stated below: “I am sorry but for PS4 and Xbox One there is no update yet, please check back by first week of January. We might have the update by then please.” Previously, Amazon foretold that the PC version of Grand Theft Auto V would be announced on Dec. 24, but no such event occurred. Despite the inaccuracy of the PC announcement prediction, Amazon is a common ground for leaks when it comes to new video game announcements and early release dates. Whether or not Grand Theft Auto 5 finds its way to next-gen consoles or PC in 2014 remains to be seen, but many industry analysts have expressed in recent months their expectations such a release will happen. Earlier this year, Colin Sebastian, an analyst for Robert V. Baird & Co, stated that releasing GTA 5 on PS4 and Xbox One would “help extend the value of the franchise.” Related news, another Amazon employee stated below: “Unfortunately we do not have an exact date for it to be in stock as of yet. You may think of to contact Rockstar for further information. We are expecting it next year by February, but no clear date is guaranteed for now,” Sources: http://www.theepochtimes.com/n3/419420-gta-v-pc-grand-theft-auto-5-coming-february-2014/ http://www.examiner.com/article/gta-5-ps4-and-xbox-one-announcement-rumored-for-early-2014-says-amazon
  13. It was no surprise that Rockstar's blockbuster GTA V gained tremendous revenue at it's launch on PS3 and Xbox 360, and now it seems it may be ported to Xbox One and PS4. According to a report from GameFAQs from December 25th, Amazon's custmer service has spoken about Grand Theft Auto V releasing on other platforms in 2014 and provided potential time of such announcements occurring. Earlier this month, Amazon customer service representatives shared that GTA 5 for PC will release in March 2014, but no official announcement has been made by Rockstar. According to the Amazon representatives via TheSixthAxis, GTA 5 for PS4 and Xbox One could possibly be announced in Jan. of 2014. Amazon officially stated below: “I am sorry but for PS4 and Xbox One there is no update yet, please check back by first week of January. We might have the update by then please.” Previously, Amazon foretold that the PC version of Grand Theft Auto V would be announced on Dec. 24, but no such event occurred. Despite the inaccuracy of the PC announcement prediction, Amazon is a common ground for leaks when it comes to new video game announcements and early release dates. Whether or not Grand Theft Auto 5 finds its way to next-gen consoles or PC in 2014 remains to be seen, but many industry analysts have expressed in recent months their expectations such a release will happen. Earlier this year, Colin Sebastian, an analyst for Robert V. Baird & Co, stated that releasing GTA 5 on PS4 and Xbox One would “help extend the value of the franchise.” Related news, another Amazon employee stated below: “Unfortunately we do not have an exact date for it to be in stock as of yet. You may think of to contact Rockstar for further information. We are expecting it next year by February, but no clear date is guaranteed for now,” Sources: http://www.theepochtimes.com/n3/419420-gta-v-pc-grand-theft-auto-5-coming-february-2014/ http://www.examiner.com/article/gta-5-ps4-and-xbox-one-announcement-rumored-for-early-2014-says-amazon This post has been promoted to an article
  14. For the past few days, Nintendo's online services have been ridden with bugs and problems preventing users from creating Nintendo Network IDs and accessing the eShop. Now, Nintendo is preparing to take down the eShop for a period of 12 hours to attempt to remedy the situation. The problems seem to have begun on Christmas Day, presumably due to the rush of people looking to connect their new 3DS or Wii U to the Internet. Another source possibly applying pressure to the system is a recent change made in the store earlier in the month; Nintendo Network IDs are now used on 3DS and Wii U, allowing an eShop account balance to carry over between the two platforms. Whatever the exact cause, in addition to trouble creating recent Nintendo Network accounts -- locking new account owners out of certain functionality -- the eShop has been largely inaccessible for new and existing users. Nintendo publicly took to Facebook today to apologize and explain what it's doing to resolve matters. Another step Nintendo has taken is delaying the release of Poke Transporter and Pokemon Bank. As of this writing, Nintendo's network status page shows online services on Wii U, 3DS, Wii, and DS are currently experiencing problems. Source: http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/12/27/nintendo-taking-eshop-offline-to-remedy-connection-woes This post has been promoted to an article
  15. ^Michael Thomasson among his collection^ The Guinness World Record for Largest Video Game Collection has now been set by Michael Thomasson, a 43 Year Old NY Father! He clocked in the record with 10'607 games in his vast collection. According to the Associated Press, not only does he own the games, but the consoles to play them on. Rare units like the Japan-exclusive, female-oriented Casio Loopy, Pippin, and Colecovision all have a spot in his Buffalo home. The Colecovision, similar to a version his parents gave him one year after his grandparents got him a game for it, seems to be one of his favorites in the large collection. In the recently released Guinness World Records 2014 Gamer's Edition, the man stated, "It's my first love so it's sentimental. But the games also were quality, with very little of the 'shovelware' typical of many systems." In 1998 Michael was forced to sell his collection for his wedding fees, but he eventually began buying games again, two per day, on a $3,000 budget. He estimates his collection is worth somewhere around $700,000-800,000. Richard Leese, the original record holder with 8,616 games, stated, "My congratulations to a fellow collector," when he learned of Michael's achievement. "It's very impressive and I'm very happy for him." Now, a year after Guinness' counting crew finished, Thomasson claims to own over 11,000 games. Source: http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/12/24/man-sets-guinness-world-record-for-largest-game-collection
  16. Welcome to the forums and Merry Christmas! Hope you have fun here!
  17. If it'll look better, it's perfect, thanks broski.
  18. Classification: Avatar Format: PNG Size: [Default size of a Profile Pic] Style: [Colourful] Primary Colors: [shiny white, Gold, and hazel/orange] IMAGE [1]: http://cdn.fansided.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/281/files/2013/10/assassins_creed_4_black_flag.jpg IMAGE [2]: IMAGE [3]: Background: http://media.pcgamer.com/files/2013/03/Assassins-Creed-4-Black-Flag-sunset-in-paradise.jpg Writing: "Hoist the Black Flag..." Font: http://www.dafont.com/assassin.font Extras: None Locations: Just the head and upper torso of Edward against the background, "Hoist the" on the top and "Black Flag" on the bottom of the image, feel free to notify me if there are any problems.
  19. FINALE, NEVER FORGET, AND BEHOLD A PALE HORSE ARE GODLY... Seriously though, I view Martin as a music god, he is utter gold. And he executed Behold a Pale Horse, Never Forget, and Finale so well!
  20. Traveler's Tales recently announced a new Character Pack for the game LEGO Marvel Super Heroes, the Asgard Character Pack. The DLC adds characters from Thor: The Dark World into the game. The new playable figures include Thor's father, Odin, Hogun, Fandral, Volstagg, Sif, Kurse, Malekith and Jane Foster. The Asgard Pack is now available on Xbox Live, PSN, and PC for $1.99, and in addition, the Super Pack is still available for $4.99, adding the Winter Soldier, Symbiote Spider-Man, Falcon, Thanos, A-Bomb, Beta-Ray Bill and more! Source: http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/12/23/lego-marvel-asgard-character-pack-available-now
  21. I SHALL BE THERE IF YOU PUT A MIC ON PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ! Expect me there either way, I've been dying to play Reach, GT: VinWarrior
  22. A recent job posting from Microsoft Game Studios provided a vague view into the future of Microsoft's PC titles. It appears they are at work on a ''new title based on a beloved franchise for Windows 8.'' The Job Posting went live on December 13th and seeks a senior engineer for the project mentioned above. There is no mention of what this franchise is exactly, but the development team "is focused on building a robust and highly scalable cloud service that is central to the game experience." But considering the inclusion of Azure Cloud Support on many titles on the Xbox One like Titanfall and Forza 5, this doesn't narrow things down. If this is an exclusive, it sure isn't the first Microsoft has put out on a Windows system. The PC version of Halo 2 required Vista to play in 2007, much to the disappointment of those disinterested in upgrading to Vista or paying a fee to play online. Most notably as well, the recent Spartan Assault, which was limited to Windows 8 before recently. Microsoft began working on a large scale of PC games again last month after being somewhat in limbo, with Phil Spencer stating that there are "more individual projects on Windows than we've had in ten years at Microsoft Studios." He further stated the company is looking beyond the casual games at the Windows 8's launch, saying, "Now we're starting to look at bigger and core gamer things. I'm excited by that." More recently (Again through Job Postings) Microsoft revealed it was exploring it's "back catalog of existing IP," as well as Free-To-Play games, it's possible this is related to the new Windows 8 project above. The same could be said for another Job Posting from Fable developer Lionhead, though whether that is for the Windows 8 version of Fable Legends, or something else entirely, has yet to be seen. Source: http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/12/13/microsoft-bringing-a-beloved-franchise-to-windows-8
  23. My talent is dealing with annoying people, I do it everyday outside and inside my house without ripping the hair out of my head. It's a really really helpful talent.
  24. Turian Fleet... Honestly, why wouldn't it be the turian fleet? They are both tactical and efficient.
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