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Everything posted by VinWarrior

  1. MOTHER BADGER, I LOVE BADGERS, GIMME GIMME GIMME NOW! Thanks for the information, now if only I had money...
  2. Jay Mohr, who worked in voice acting under Volition for Saints Row 2 in 2008, tweeted that he is back at their studio and working with them on a new game. "About to do my voice over work for new Saints Row video game. #showbiz" ~Jay Mohr's Twitter It is unclear whether this could be an unannounced DLC or new Saints Row title all together. And given a successful release of the previous title, it is likely we will see another Saints Row game. This will mark the first step in it's new direction on Next Gen. Source(s): http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/12/20/saints-row-new-game-confirmed-by-voice-actor?abthid=52b468c4d04f3d164a000008 https://twitter.com/jaymohr37
  3. I HEARD THAT YOU PEPTO BISMOL FREAK! Congrats on your achievement of purple!
  4. A week ago, it was reported that EA was being investigated by a US law firm over the new hit Battlefield 4, now it seems even more trouble awaits the giant publisher. The team behind the Enron lawsuit has commenced a second class lawsuit against EA, making similar claims that the publisher launched "materially false and misleading statements" regarding Battlefield 4. On the Seventeenth of December, 2013, Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP filed a complaint stating that EA violated Federal Security Laws by making false official public statements regarding Battlefield 4 between a period of July 24th and December 4th. The complaint alleges that Electronic Art's stock rose based on the purported strength of the game's rollout during this period, reaching a high of $28.13 per share by August 23rd, 2013, allowing "Certain of Electronic Arts" senior executives to sell their EA stocks at artificially inflated prices. The bug-ridden version on the Next-Gen console, the PlayStation 4, is also under investigation. The firm alleges that EA's share values plummeted, which fell further still when EA announced future projects on hold until Battlefield 4's issues could be dealt with. The complaint states that EA "recklessly disregarded" the fact that the game was riddled with it's massive bugs and glitches. As a result, Electronic Arts "was not on track to achieve the financial results it had told the market it was on track to achieve during the Class Period." It is vital to note this is a still claim, and the class action itself has not been filed yet; The firm is in need of a leading plaintiff who bought common stock in EA between July and December by February 15th of next year. EA has responded to these claims with the statement, "We believe these claims are meritless" This is the official statement of course, followed by, "We intend to aggressively defend ourselves, and we’re confident the court will dismiss the complaint in due course." This of course, means EA isn't going down without a fight. Source: http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/12/18/lawsuit-filed-against-ea-over-buggy-battlefield-4
  5. Publisher, Microsoft, has announced both Free and Monetized DLC coming to the blockbuster hit for the Xbox One, Ryse: Son of Rome. A free update today adds two new level Events in Gladiator Mode. The first, challenging you with an enemy turret firing Arrows that you must defeat. The second, Reward Statues of Roman Deities will appear, acting as bonuses for things like health and damage. Along with these, The Colosseum Pack is also available, free for Season Pass owners, but $3.99 for those without the Pass. It includes two new arenas and skins. The two arenas, Henge and Ascension, and the Skins, Centurion and Commodus, have been detailed to us. Henge will task you with liberating a forest shrine from Barbarians, and Ascension has you fighting your way out of the fiery lair of Hades! Commodus offers players the chance to deck themselves out in the Armor of Nero's son, while Centurion is pretty much what it says on the tin. Source: http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/12/18/ryse-son-of-rome-gets-free-and-paid-dlc
  6. I have a Gears of War 1 code I wouldn't mind giving up, I have the original anyways. I reeeeally reeeeally want the Garry's Mod, or Gryf's thing, since I am in charge of a channel. Thanks to everyone else who is giving by the way, you are all amazing people, and I'm proud to call you all my second family. I'll have the codes, and will give it to the winner on the day after.
  7. ^The Image from the Reddit User^ A Reddit User named SirSyhn posted an image of a gold plated Xbox One and claimed to have viewed the console, According to the image, and the tag, the console is selling for approximately £6,000 (9,780 US, 10,911 AUD). Nothing special about the console, other then it's shiny gold appearance has been reported. Allegedly, the console is plated with the 24K gold, but is not sold online, so you'll have to head to Harrod's store to get your hands on one. Seeing how hard it is to find a console these days, this is another option, considering it likely isn't being bought in surplus. Source: http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/12/16/24k-gold-xbox-one-selling-for-10000 View full article
  8. ^The Image from the Reddit User^ A Reddit User named SirSyhn posted an image of a gold plated Xbox One and claimed to have viewed the console, According to the image, and the tag, the console is selling for approximately £6,000 (9,780 US, 10,911 AUD). Nothing special about the console, other then it's shiny gold appearance has been reported. Allegedly, the console is plated with the 24K gold, but is not sold online, so you'll have to head to Harrod's store to get your hands on one. Seeing how hard it is to find a console these days, this is another option, considering it likely isn't being bought in surplus. Source: http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/12/16/24k-gold-xbox-one-selling-for-10000
  9. ^The Image from the Reddit User^ A Reddit User named SirSyhn posted an image of a gold plated Xbox One and claimed to have viewed the console, According to the image, and the tag, the console is selling for approximately £6,000 (9,780 US, 10,911 AUD). Nothing special about the console, other then it's shiny gold appearance has been reported. Allegedly, the console is plated with the 24K gold, but is not sold online, so you'll have to head to Harrod's store to get your hands on one. Seeing how hard it is to find a console these days, this is another option, considering it likely isn't being bought in surplus. Source: http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/12/16/24k-gold-xbox-one-selling-for-10000 This post has been promoted to an article
  10. I SHALL BE THERE... If possible... I dunno, I may have plans again, :/ You know my tag.
  11. Welcome back home, never originally met you, but you were a legend around here, hope we can grow to be great friends!
  12. Welcome back, never really got to know you, but, nice to see a legend here, can't wait to chat.

    1. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      thanks :) we'll definitely need to chat some.

  13. ^Eurogamer covers the article in voice form^ So, with the newly released and ambitious ACIV: Black Flag, people are wondering where the franchise will go next. In Assassin's Creed IV, your Abstergo Employee can hack into colleagues files, in one of these, an email chain discusses future areas to explore. They discuss Desmond's lineage and other areas known to have been inhabited by Assassins. They discuss these areas from Subject 17's lineage below. Patrilinieal Line (Desmond's Father's Ancestors)- Fifteenth Century- Italian Renaissance Sixteenth Century- Ottoman Empire Eighteenth Century- American Colonies/War for Independence Nineteenth Century- New England and American Midwest Matrilineal Line (Desmond's Mother's Ancestors)- Twelfth Century- Holy Lands/Crusades Thirteenth Century- Egypt and North Africa Fourteenth Century- Ashikaga Shogunate in Japan Eighteenth Century- French Revolution Nineteenth Century- Napoleonic Wars; Taiwan Twentieth Century- "Summer of Love" American Pacific Coast Some of the above have been explored, War for Independence in ACIII, Italian Renaissance in ACII/Brotherhood, Crusades in ACI, etc... But others, like Egypt, Ashikaga Shogunate, and the American Midwest are some of the most asked for locations by fans, and would be amazing to explore! They also discuss other Subjects being brought in, bringing to light the idea of Assassin fan favorites unrelated directly to Desmond, like Shao Jun and Nikolai Orlev. These all could send Assassin's creed further in it's new path, as is being hinted.
  14. ^The Cover for the DLC^ Capcom has revealed a new DLC releasing for the newly released game, Dead Rising 3 on Xbox One. The DLC is titled Operation Broken Eagle, and will set players as a spec ops commander named Adam Kane, who must capture the missing President of the United States. It is the first episode in the Untold Stories of Lost Perdidos. This DLC will release on December 24th. The DLC will feature a new mission, five new weapons, a combo weapon, a new vehicle, and an outfit, as well as additional gamerscore and achievements. There will also be a timed demo for the game, where you can explore Ingleton for 20 minutes to test the game and decide if you like it. This can be done twice for a gamertag. An exciting venture for the series, still going more mature and darker. I can't wait to see it!
  15. Decided to go shopping. Little did he know...
  16. Happy Birthday Church! To another 30 years! :P

  17. Might remember me from the last play date. VinWarrior
  18. ANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGRY JOOOOOE! I expected him here, anyways, I agree completely, this is unfair and flat out stupid. Google messed it up first with Google+ forced integration and new comments system, this is strike two, strike three, you're out Google.
  19. Sorry this took so long, heh, never got around to it. Today, I'm doing a review on a very popular title under the name of "Bioshock Infinite" following the story of Booker DeWitt, who needs to repay a gambling debt by traveling to Columbia, a zealous city in the sky, with dark secrets. So, does it's story accomplish what it sets out to do, which is similar to the original, teaching about Human revolution through Religion. The short answer is yes, very much so. Story- Bioshock Infinite's large expansive story takes place in the floating city of Columbia, as you -Booker DeWitt- attempt to get a young girl named Elizabeth out of the city, soon, the city begins to tumble to pieces as this New Eden falls from grace from Revolution. Infinite executes this perfectly, not a single doubt about that, the atmosphere begins as this beautiful heaven of a world, that you just die to explore, it descends into the original's dark and horrifying view, as you are locked in the two way war with Elizabeth. The end is executed with precision never before seen, and so many ties and tricks it is a subject of controversy, an ending done right. It has replay value unusual for a game this linear, as you feel inclined to go back to the action and story again. You even evolve to feel like Elizabeth's protector through the story, and feel an attachment to Elizabeth. She is hands down one of the best executed female characters ever. Booker is also interesting, as you feel pain when he feels it, and you relate to such a differentiating character. Troy Baker did an amazing job doing Booker as well. Mechanics/Gameplay- Bioshock takes some odd leaps in innovation when it comes to combat. You use vigors and salts, essentially the same as plasmids and eve from Bioshock one. Each does feel different from the last, and very useful in combat, though, you can see some are unbalanced. Weapons are unique, but you'll feel like using mainly two for the whole of the game. The skyhook is without a doubt the major innovation here. When you ride the skylines, it feels invigorating and exciting, as you slow and speed yourself up, even doing special executions with the skyhook. But, it feels like they cut this mechanic short for little reason, as, it appears rarely in the game. But when it does, it is some of the best this game has to offer. Graphics- Infinite pushes the limited of the near out-dated PS3 and Xbox 360, making beautiful scenery and characters. The animations on character's faces feel real. It's obvious a lot of time was spent on this department, as it is executed with near perfect accuracy, almost on par with a good PC. Final Verdict- My final verdict was an easy one to bring upon, as I enjoyed this game so much and I know you will too!
  20. I can't wait to host with you people and to play with the wonderful Maestro-man and Weasel-boy. I'd like to say Happy Holidays as well to all out there, and have a safe holiday. NOW UNTO THE PLAYDATE DETAILS. I should be in the game the whole time with Weasel and Maestro, as we are the holy trinity of hosts. GTA will go first, followed by Reach, then Wars. If you don't have one, don't fret, you can join in the next.
  21. Love ya spark, enjoy your month or so in pink, you've earned it very much!
  22. Absolute Dog... Friend... Father-figure... When I was in a bad place, the vision of being someone like you brought me out. A kind, and amazing human being. I want to thank you for that. Wherever you go in the future, whatever life holds for you, I wish you the best of luck. Goodbye sir. Go out with a bang. -Edward
  23. Lol Sparky, that is hilarious, I never thought you were that old!
  24. PlayStation 4 Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag Killzone: Shadow Fall The Last of Us Saints Row IV Batman: Arkham Origins Collector's Edition AC IV Soundtrack Assassin's Creed Ezio Trilogy Money to Pre-Order Destiny, Infamous Second Son, and Watch_Dogs
  25. Nice find Dumb, it's a possibility these were cut though, a lot was, these could have been unlocks or features never used, still, it does open up the question of old stuff being added in, again, good find, Nah, I like the BR one too.
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