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Everything posted by VinWarrior

  1. ^ The box art for Xbox One ^ Recently, it was announced at VGX that a modified version of Tomb Raider 'built specifically for Next Gen consoles' would be releasing on PS4 and Xbox One. Executive Producer Scott Amos has said it will show the original off in all it's glory with the new hardware. The game was apparently pulled apart and remade with extensive detail with extreme precision to enhance storytelling. The game will be releasing January 28th, 2014 with all DLC, skins for Lara, a digital mini artbook, and digital comic titled, "The Beginning." Amazon has available an "Art Book Packaging Edition" with never before seen artwork. Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition will run at native 1080p as well. View full article
  2. ^ The box art for Xbox One ^ Recently, it was announced at VGX that a modified version of Tomb Raider 'built specifically for Next Gen consoles' would be releasing on PS4 and Xbox One. Executive Producer Scott Amos has said it will show the original off in all it's glory with the new hardware. The game was apparently pulled apart and remade with extensive detail with extreme precision to enhance storytelling. The game will be releasing January 28th, 2014 with all DLC, skins for Lara, a digital mini artbook, and digital comic titled, "The Beginning." Amazon has available an "Art Book Packaging Edition" with never before seen artwork. Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition will run at native 1080p as well.
  3. ^ The box art for Xbox One ^ Recently, it was announced at VGX that a modified version of Tomb Raider 'built specifically for Next Gen consoles' would be releasing on PS4 and Xbox One. Executive Producer Scott Amos has said it will show the original off in all it's glory with the new hardware. The game was apparently pulled apart and remade with extensive detail with extreme precision to enhance storytelling. The game will be releasing January 28th, 2014 with all DLC, skins for Lara, a digital mini artbook, and digital comic titled, "The Beginning." Amazon has available an "Art Book Packaging Edition" with never before seen artwork. Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition will run at native 1080p as well. This post has been promoted to an article
  4. Today at VGX, a new episodic game was announced, being produced mainly by Telltale games and Gearbox under the name, 'Tales from the Borderlands'! This will be a seperate story about Vault Hunter 'wanna-bees' and will focus on character development and story, rather then the usual borderlands weapon looting and shooting we've come to know. Not much info was released on it, and, from what we can see, we got the teaser of all teasers here. See for yourselves! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7veS7WRXEY
  5. Congrats on your return to the News Group Dog, I can't wait to see your articles.
  6. I am still slightly concerned, but, enticed to see where this is going. Maybe they should have just a month or so more time? My opinion, coming from the guy who needs his Destiny fill now, Great article AD, can't wait to play it on my Playstation 4 with buddies.
  7. Classification: Avatar Format: GIF Size: The Default size for Profile Pics (can't remember, ) Style: Colourful Primary Colors: Black, A more glaring gold, and crimson IMAGE [1]: http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/053/b/3/abstergo_loading_by_tiroux-d3a4mor.gif (I see this is black in color and so is the background, if you can find a workaround, like putting it in a lighter shaded area, that would be killer) IMAGE [2]: http://static4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20131014134658/assassinscreed/images/6/66/ACI-Ezio.png IMAGE [3] Background: http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/286/e/a/black_flag_by_vgwallpapers-d6qbzzj.jpg Writing: "Appear to be the Devil, and all men will submit..." Font: http://www.dafont.com/assassin.font Extras: None Locations Image one somewhere where it can be seen, up to you, image two on the far right, writing in middle bottom in white. I'd like this request to be disregarded, I made a huge mistake, thanks. If anything comes up, let me know Brony/Gryffin, whomever is doing it.
  8. Destiny will be available on X360, PS3, Xbox One, and PS4 Thanks for the info, Broseph.
  9. In the new News Bulletin from the lovely Halo Waypoint team, we have been shown some pretty exciting stuff. Let's take it from the top with 343i Day, or December 9th if you fancy that. You can unlock the rare Commando Armor by playing a single War Games or SP Ops Matchmaking. Pretty cool deal eh? The resistor mod will also be fully available on the Ninth. As well, a new War Games Playlist will be available under the name of 343 Day Slayer, featuring the Speed Slayer game! Speed Slayer • 6 vs. 6 Team Slayer • Score to win: 800 • 130% player speed • Preset Loadouts, each equipped with Resistor and Mobility • Initial Ordnance enabled, Random and Personal Ordnance disabled The game type will be featured on the following maps: • Longbow • Complex • Daybreak • Exile • Outcast • Meltdown • Harvest • Wreckage • Vortex • Vertigo • Perdition • Ragnarok • Shatter Next, is the big one, a Halo comic in collaboration with Dark Horse called Halo: Escalation. The comic series spins directly out of the events of Halo 4, and begins when the UNSC Infinity is assigned escort duty for a diplomatic mission between the Arbiter and the Brutes. The first issue arrives in stores next Wednesday, December 11th. This sounds juicy, doesn't it? A sample from Issue #1, right before the event of SP Ops actually, is below, Some wallpapers are also available, and they are ripe with colour, if I do say so myself. Final note to those in Seattle, a small launch party will be underway wednesday, with a few guests, I'd personally go if I were you, Cheers!
  10. I'll be there, mainly because, I prefer being circle rather then square, This sounds fun, a question, these are only for Halo right?
  11. Recently, it has been revealed that Destiny will be on Game Informers January 2014 cover, the Game Informer Magazine will feature 14 pages of Destiny News galore and 15 Detailed screens! Unfortunately, we have some time to wait, unless, you have a subscription to the Digital version. Though none can copy the screens yet, this is an amazing edition. You should pick it up immediately! Further news states that GI will be giving away 100 beta codes as well over the next two weeks, over a month of interviews and news as well! I can't wait to see what it is, I'm sure you guys can't either! Cheers!
  12. In light of the Holiday season, I wanted to do this. Everyone has that desired item that they know they can't get but they want sooooo much. Like, it is on their mind 24/7. So, simply write below what it is. It can be anything from cars to consoles to animals to other materials and such. Anything you desire so much, put below. There can be multiple things as well. Mine: Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag Black Chest Edition (Exclusive to Europe, )
  13. Well, congratulations, you will fit right in with the rest of the Mods, good luck in your endeavors as a Mod Azaxx.
  14. Congrats to Sparky from the bottom of my heart, this is an amazing choice and I am incredibly happy for him, enjoy December Spark!
  15. Personally, yes, I do see him returning as an ally or possible anti-hero of chief. Now, when I say anti-hero, I mean a temporary neutral or enemy alliance. If the 'Chief gone rogue' theory is correct, it could go both ways. Arby could align himself with the UNSC or chief. I have faith the Arbiter will stay true to Chief's side though.
  16. Recently, if you were searching the web, a DeviantART user named dutch2 made two concepts of an Elite, you would normally think nothing of the two, but, look closely at his work, Anyone else notice the Microsoft and 343i Official Logos? Why would that be there? Is it to make it look authentic. I think that's a lot of work for a hoax... The guy has also remained anonymous on the matter and has not answered many questions on wiether these are official. Also, notice the H5 logo at the top... A bit similar to the one from the trailer, eh? I want to know your opinions, leave them below. All rights go to Dutch2 for his artwork, this is his brilliant work, and I in no way, shape, or form claim it to be my own. All original by him. All rights go to Microsoft Studios and 343i as well for the brand. Official Works: http://www.deviantart.com/art/Halo-5-Arbiter-Concept-367955597 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Halo-5-Arbiter-Concept-2-368753342
  17. He held back on the trigger, hearing just regular russian chatter. He quickly slammed open a secondary door and rushed down the stairs, pulling into the basement, he locked the door behind him. He noticed a wooden table and quickly pulled it nearer to him, making quite a bit of noise, he threw a map with a seemingly large X mark on upper right unto the table, pointing his finger at it, Pierre exclaimed, "Être le capitaine de Ennuyeux devez être près de!" He heard a knocking on the door, it seemed subtle, but cautious, like a slow knock, a voice exclaimed, "Дьякон Сортир? дьякон?" He understood russian and replied with a subtle movement to the left of the door, hoping it would keep him hidden. The footsteps became more silent, as he realized the man had walked away. He stuffed the map into his pocket and slammed open the door, running for his life to the top of the church. He needed to leave, and now. (Translations: "Captain Boris should be nearby." "Deacon John? Deacon?")
  18. That is superb, well done Brony, it looks killer, thanks!
  19. If you haven't signed up, please do, we need more people, cheers. ~OMEGA Pierre observed over the hill looking out at the Russian architecture, the snow gently covering the village outside of Moscow. He jumped and gripped the branch propped above him, pushing himself on top of it. He sped on top, avoiding rival branches, as the long branch came to a halt. He carefully peeked below him, about a six foot drop, he looked around for an option besides a plain jump which would wound him. A church window, only about a three foot jump from his branch, the window was open, snow blowing in, he could make it. He took a quiet breath and rushed forward, pushing himself down as he rolled into the room, stopping himself at a wall. He cautiously and quickly peered around the room. Footsteps, and the sounds of Russians. He gripped the pistol at his side and took in a long breath of the cold air, lightly pushing the door open, creating a few inches of line to peek through. He gripped the trigger as the voices got closer and he prepared to fire.
  20. Classification: Signature Format: PNG Size [Default: 600x200]* Style: Colourful Primary Colors: Sewer Green(like used to relate to Xbox) Plasma blue (Like used to relate to the Playstation) and silver white, (Like used to relate to the Wii) IMAGE [1]: http://cdn.fansided.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/229/files/2013/05/xbox-logo-square.jpg (Just the Sphere with X) IMAGE [2]: http://www.gamingsoul.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/playstation-logo-11.jpeg (Just PS logo) IMAGE [3]: http://www.thequantumcapitalfund.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/wii_u_logo.jpg (Just U in logo) Background: None, I would like it to be transparent. Writing: "Contrary to Popular Belief, these don't make me a killer..." Font: http://www.dafont.com/1979.font?text=XBOX Extras: Illumination of green from Xbox Logo, Illumination of Blue from PS logo, illumination of silver white from Wii U logo. Locations Xbox Logo on the right, PS logo on the left, Wii U logo in the middle. Btw, I think I want Brony to do it, but, I'm indifferent on it honestly. Can be either, I don't care,
  21. So after Halo: Origins crumbled like a sack of crackers and the Bioshock RP went literally no-where, I thought I'd go a more original route, and do something I'm familiar with, Assassin's Creed. The premise of the story is during the middle of World War II, you can RP as an Assassin or Templar from any side in the war, like America, France, Russia, or even Germany. It IS open-world, at least, open in relevant states during the war. Below is a fresh charter since the old one died out, which should be your template for some basic info on your character. Name: (Ex. James Caddison) Order: (Assassin's or Templars) Specialty in your order: (Ex. Heavy, Sniper, etc..) (Up to 3) Weapons of Choice: ( Ex. German Luger) Descent: (Any country in the War works) Appearance: (Clothing and Traits, Ex. Silver robes with multiple straps of ammo) Origins & How Inducted into Order: (Born in New York in poor family, abandoned, taken in by Assassin, etc) Now that I have given you the details, mine is below... Name: Pierre (Peter) Moreau Order: Assassins Specialty: Sniper Weapon of Choice: Hidden Blade, MAS-36, Star 1914 Descent: French Appearance: Rugged Peach coloured skin, noticeable thin blushed red scar under left eye, natural blue eyes, parted brown hair, outfit is heavy as though for winter, with a mainly white appearance, bearing blue patches, sides have ammo pouches and a single grenade holster fastened on his right arm, his left arm with a french assassin insignia in grey on it near the wrist Origins: Originally born as the son of a rich business man in London, Pierre's father was actually in the Templar order, carrying out tasks like a puppet, when Pierre was about 12, his father and mother were both struck down during a visit to Berlin, the Assassin who killed them saw potential in the boy, and took him into the order, training him until the age of 24, when the boy was granted his Hidden Blades, and was an official assassin. He grew to become an expert in ranged weaponry, following his master, and soon adapted to modern technology, around his 31th birthday, Poland was invaded, and he began carrying out tasks and eliminating Templars in the Nazi order.
  22. I personally have to say Yes, while I might not fully enjoy the console. It has upgraded Hardware for the next-gen, and plays Next-Gen games, while the Xbox One and PS4 are more powerful and more... I would say successive in their markets. Nintendo's market is younger, so, the older market may not go for it. It is still part of the Next Gen. I think they played it safe, I want nintendo to make a console... CONSOLE... I don't even consider the Wii a good and true console. So, they are off the hook for now, but, they need a real console.
  23. Dino/Mirage- Autobot I love this guy's sleekness and bright red colour shining through, and the blades are a plus, he's like the Ezio of Transformers! I'd also like to point out his accent in the movie, which is awesome! Shockwave- Decepticon This guy is so deadly and dark, being relentless and willing to tear through anything to reach his target. In the movie, he was a bit bland though.
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