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Everything posted by VinWarrior

  1. ^ If you wanna see me rant about H4/H:R machins. Anyways, good point.
  2. Psycho from Borderlands? It's pretty simple, yet cool. Buy the mask on a place like Toywiz or Gearboxes' store. No shirt, orange cargo pants. Boots, and bip bap bam. It's there!
  3. Not getting it day one, but LUCKY ME. My best friend is getting the LE and is gonna let me play with him on Day 1, So I can review without buying.
  4. Yeah, that's fine.- Taylor smiled a bit at the voice, his mind flooded with more memories. He didn't want them, no, no. He needed to get to the point, "L-Leanne?" His eyes seemed to bulge from the silence in his living room, silence scared him more than anything. He stuttered again, "I saw it again..."
  5. You Kiiiiiinda character controlled here, gonna need to fix that.
  6. 4 Different Forge Canvases? Ravine- UNSC/Rock Impact- UNSC/Moon Rock Erosion- UNSC/Rock Forge Island- UNSC/Rock
  7. He heard the buzzing in his pocket and was awoken from sleeping on the couch, like usual. He had gotten used to the regularly uncomfortable sofa. He flicked up his phone and set it next to his right ear, he spoke quite loudly, "Hello?"
  8. Recently, it has been revealed that new Destiny content will be revealed. What could this be? We don't know exactly yet, but, we have photos! https://www.everpix.com/public.html?id=0u6nbrNQXV9IVytT That looks so cool... Wait... ASARU? WHAT IS THIS? A NEW ENEMY? This is exciting stuff, and I cannot wait to hear more. Sorry for the short thread, but, it includes a 70 picture gallary, so... Cheers,
  9. Gave: Greenscreens Taken Away: Forge World Forerunner Objects Infection Elites Falcon :/
  10. Taylor had slipped on a coat, he was planning on visiting a friend, he pulled in to open the door and as he stepped, he felt a crack, he looked down, a photo in a cheap brown casing, the glass was broken, and the picture bent a bit. Taylor leaned down and picked it up, examining it, it was a card, to the looks of it, an old dainty card, like from the 00s, many years ago. It was brownish in colour as well, but looked more as thought it had been damaged rather than old wear and tear. He looked at a peeling burnt edge, it was still disintegrating, it seemed... Seemed like, Plasma? No, it couldn't be, he shook it off. He looked at the two men in the photo, both very stocky, one stood out for some reason, blonde hair, he wore some UNSC stuff too. The man next to him, seemed... Threatening to Taylor, for some reason. He ignored it, and flipped the card over, in squiggly script writing, it read, Go. Quickly, they don't know about us yet, you need to go now. He looked down, to see smaller writing, it was also more jagged and misshaped, but he read aloud, I bought you time at least. -Jacob Taylor's hand fidgeted and he dropped the note, almost like a nervous reaction from his brain. He snapped out of it, and stuffed the note in his pocket, as he walked out of the building, hailing a cab. He sat in the dainty backseat as he fiddled with his phone, dialing in a number, he got no response, so he left a message, "Hey Leanne, it's me... Taylor DeCello. I've been having trouble with some ghosts from my past... Call me back soon Sergeant, goodbye." He flicked the phone off, staring out, confused with all of this.
  11. Once again you capture a masterpiece, a wondrous wrapup!
  12. Taylor began to get suspicious, there was no answer, he walked into the kitchen area, small in size, as he quickly clutched the magnum on his table, he slammed the door open and quickly aimed, he aimed at nothing. There was nothing there, the hallway was silver in tone, brightly lit, and empty, not a man stood near, who knocked? He examined the outside, taking in every detail. He intook a breath, it smelt like death, suddenly, his mind was whizzed back to a long 10 years ago, a brutal training exercise, that he fought to forget. Banning Base Camp for the Specially Selected- BBCSS, ten years, ten months and 12 days exactly before the current date- The muddy ground splashed with the footsteps of men in tight shirts and leather boots climbing under the barbed wire, the wails of a drill sergeant could be heard, Taylor was well ahead of the group of men, he moved fast, he imagined running away from his father. He quickly escaped the wire and ran as quick as he could to the Flag, gripping it tightly, a whistle rang, he had won the exercise. The men took in heavy breaths and followed up to him, just standing at attention and rapidly intaking the shorts breaths of unnatural air. The gruff sergeant, looking in his 60s with the usual straight face, barked at the men, "You f****** disgraces, all of you, 2 minutes and 45 seconds? You think Militia are gonna go easy on you spineless little jackals? I shouldn't even call you a jackal, cause the damn animal moves faster than you! I expect MEN, not Pu-" He was cut short, he didn't even want to speak anymore, he spat in a man's face, the man still panting, as he walked away. It took a few minutes for the men to groggily reach the locker room, two men, whom Taylor knew well, sat together, just talking, they'd usually point out their topics though, Taylor sat near them, "What a damn run... What's the topic of discussion?" The men sighed and pointed at a nearby recruit, she had nice blonde hair, she looked like a model rather than a soldier, this of course made men point, as Taylor slapped the shorter one of the back of the head, "You got no chance, bud. Ain't built enough body yet." The man laughed and shook his head, as Taylor got up and went to his locker, only a few feet from the girl's, he blurted out to her, unpacking stuff in his locker, "Good run. You move fast." The woman sighed and looked over, she looked a bit displeased, and made a sarcastic smile, replying, "Thanks Sergeant Taylor." Taylor stopped for a second and chuckled, he looked back over to her, the talking of the two men getting louder, he said to her calmly, "They bothering you a bit?" She nodded, still unpacking, as one got up, the shorter one, he walked away, the taller of the two still there, he looked like he spoke, he was Russian at his core, despite his Americanization. He pulled near the woman, smiling at her, Taylor still unpacked, but glanced at this, he fiddled with a knife in his locker, waiting to see what would happen between the two, she sighed and began moving away, the man moved close behind, reaching out the grab her arm, Taylor acted on instinct, he flipped the knife around and swung his fist into the man's face, cutting due to the edge of the knife as well. The man dropped to the floor, bleeding profusely, Taylor hit him hard, both were in shock at Taylor's actions, he dropped the knife pulling away, as the shorter entered, horrified. Present Day- He shook his head, he didn't want to remember the rest, he re-examined the smell and exclaimed, "Just moa meat." He pulled the door closed and went back inside, still confused as to the events that had just unfolded.
  13. Elites... Dude, they are like 8ft lizard men with swords made of plasma... I'm set...
  14. Yeah, I think so. Halo 3 was a favorite and a lot of people enjoyed it, and now that they are making it free for newcomers, more will be able to enjoy the wonder that is Halo 3, I cannot wait to play with the newbies and oldies and show them the ropes.
  15. Since... 2008, I believe, though, they shut it off for no reason for like a year inbetween 2011 and 2012. I have been playing since 2006 though,
  16. Hey, Welcome to the Forum, again. It's nice to see another hardcore fan join up, if you need anything, don't be afraid to ask!
  17. PLAAAAASMA!!! Seriously, Plasma is like a god-send, it might be slow moving, but dear god is it powerful. It's useful to have at hand, and no matter what, I usually look for plasma weapons.
  18. I agree with you on that, the flood is a virus, and have been hinted to return multiple times, even in a Pre-Order description for Halo 5, which Microsoft quickly removed and claimed false, they mentioned being Hunted. The Prometheans might be hunters, but, a natural hunter is a virus, as it pursues to destroy until it accomplishes it's goal.
  19. I'm confused here... There was no covvie attacks yet, so... How does Ike know about covenant?
  20. Sign up already if you haven't broskis! It was a quiet October morning in New Alexandria, the wind flew by with a brisk feeling, as the sun shone bright in the air, it was peaceful and quiet, before the loud and noisy usual workday, in an apartment complex, silver in tone, the large building stood reflecting the sun. Taylor's blurry eyes opened halfway to the bright light above him, it seared his eyes, making him put his hand in front of him to block it, he picked himself up from the bed, sitting up on it's left side, moving his hand, and looking around, making a slight cough. He opened his eyes fully, and looked down, noticing his cargo pants still on, ruffled, and no shirt, he slid on a white beater and walked barefoot unto the porch, smiling a bit at the view of all the buildings, he said in a light voice, "Damn, what a view..." He walked back into the house, hearing his doorbell, this was unusual, only a few people knew where he lived. He began walking toward the door, he held the knob and yelled, "Who is it?"
  21. I probably will, my dad is crazy for Arkham City, and Arkham Asylum looks really awesome too.
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