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Everything posted by VinWarrior

  1. While I hate to say this, I agree, and this is an amazing method to show everyone in 343i that this new style isn't exactly the best, and it needs tweaking, we aren't trying to hurt them, we love Halo, and only want to see it and 343i succeed, that's what feedback is for. Anyway, Halo 3 was awesome, and can't wait to play it with the old and new people.
  2. Yes, I think I might be able to help assist you in it happening again. How was your Xbox set up? Because, if it is stood upward, the disk is not stable, bumping around a lot, which can cause scratches. As for the buzzing, that is likely a separate issue, because, mine does the same. Keep your room well cooled and keep the vents uncovered.
  3. To be very honest, this will be my first time delving into the Batman video games, with the exception of a Batman: Arkham Asylum demo I played a while ago, it looks to be very promising. The undertone seems gritty and barren, yet, still very fleshed out, just the idea that for once, Batman is the one being hunted, is amazing. I will definitely be purchasing it.
  4. You should support the news Group, the news Group is amazing, the News Group is my life, NEWS GROUP! Nice Wrapup,
  5. Banned for bickering about nonsense. We must focus on the real threat, Weasels.
  6. Banned for electing caboose as leader in the first place.
  7. Sorry all, I have to move the playdate, I have a date on Saturday, so, sorry. We can try the next Saturday.
  8. I enjoy this very much, I love the colour on the first one and the angularity on the second, as said before me, you do a great job, keep it up.
  9. "Sorry, Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11116 is already taken, would you like to use the name, Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11117?" I lol'd so hard.
  10. Approved, we may begin now, I'll have the thread up in a few minutes.
  11. So, I thought this up while listening to the Big Daddy's noises, and I though i'd be fun, so basically, this RP takes place directly before the events of Bioshock 1, in fact, right on them, simply, you will wander Rapture, you will be given a sheet below that you must complete, if I accept you, you are allowed, let's begin! Full Name: [Example: John. A Doe] Class: [Can be Big Daddy, any type of Splicer, a little sister, or a survivor] Gender: [M or F] Plasmid of choice: [incinerate, Shock, Bees, etc, leave blank if Little Sister] Former occupation: [Anything canon] Clothing or details: [Just details on your clothes or suit] Facial Appearance: [Ex. Saturated Green eyes, scar running down cheek, leave blank if Big Daddy] Weapon of choice: [Ex. Wrench, anything canon in Bioshock 1] Backstory: [Ex. Born in Russia during the cold war, etc] Anyway, here mine, Full Name: Taylor P. DeCello Class: Big Daddy Gender: Male Plasmid of choice: Bees Former occupation: Doctor in Rapture Clothing or details: Incredibly tattered and bloody Bouncer suit, my Drill arm decorated with the drawing of a Little Sister Facial Appearance: Weapon of choice: Drill Backstory: Taylor DeCello was a Rich Artisan living in Italy, before being transcribed to Rapture, there, he learned medicine, and quickly became a doctor, though, he was unsatisfied still, he soon joined up to be a Big Daddy, still slightly sane, before Rapture's fall, where he lost his Little Sister, now he wanders alone, scouring the halls for another to take ownership of, insane thoughts rolling in his mind, as he holds in the pain each and every hour.
  12. "The Future War Cult’s newest addition to its Faction line…“ Tom Doyle, Art Lead Concept: Darren Bacon 3D Model: Rajeev Nattam There are those who deal in lead. Then, there are those that prefer alternative forms of punishment for their opponents. If a mass-driver doesn’t suit you, a weapon like the Conduit F3 may be more your style. With new tech, however, comes fresh risk. This new breed of munitions is evidence of an adaptive society. Jonathan Goff, an expert on Guardian militaria, tells a story about turning the weapons of one's enemies against them. “Advancements in directed energy disbursement were gained through dissection of hostile tech gathered in the field. The first implementation of this new technology comes in the form of Fusion Rifles.” Fortune favors the brave, we’re told. Bravery, it turns out, is requisite for anyone fortunate enough to wield a Fusion Rifle. “One of the first working prototypes was deemed too unstable for mass production,” recalls Goff. “Despite the concerns over faulty radiation shielding, the weapon's incredible power as made it a favorite of daring weapons collectors.” Newer generations of Fusion Rifles have solved some of these problems through slow and painful innovation. “The barrel configuration on this model dampens the wattage use needed to power the inertial chamber,” observes Art Lead Tom Doyle. The technical jargon translates to brute force that any Guardian would value. “Its over-penetrating burst fire is ideal for taking out multiple targets at once.” The Conduit F3 is next generation hardware for killing the bad guys who deserve it. Charge it up, and let it off the chain. So what do ya'll think of this monster pulse rifle? I love it, can't wait to BLOW IT ALL UP! Article: Bungie
  13. "The Future War Cult’s newest addition to its Faction line…“ Tom Doyle, Art Lead Concept: Darren Bacon 3D Model: Rajeev Nattam There are those who deal in lead. Then, there are those that prefer alternative forms of punishment for their opponents. If a mass-driver doesn’t suit you, a weapon like the Conduit F3 may be more your style. With new tech, however, comes fresh risk. This new breed of munitions is evidence of an adaptive society. Jonathan Goff, an expert on Guardian militaria, tells a story about turning the weapons of one's enemies against them. “Advancements in directed energy disbursement were gained through dissection of hostile tech gathered in the field. The first implementation of this new technology comes in the form of Fusion Rifles.” Fortune favors the brave, we’re told. Bravery, it turns out, is requisite for anyone fortunate enough to wield a Fusion Rifle. “One of the first working prototypes was deemed too unstable for mass production,” recalls Goff. “Despite the concerns over faulty radiation shielding, the weapon's incredible power as made it a favorite of daring weapons collectors.” Newer generations of Fusion Rifles have solved some of these problems through slow and painful innovation. “The barrel configuration on this model dampens the wattage use needed to power the inertial chamber,” observes Art Lead Tom Doyle. The technical jargon translates to brute force that any Guardian would value. “Its over-penetrating burst fire is ideal for taking out multiple targets at once.” The Conduit F3 is next generation hardware for killing the bad guys who deserve it. Charge it up, and let it off the chain. So what do ya'll think of this monster pulse rifle? I love it, can't wait to BLOW IT ALL UP! Article: Bungie View full article
  14. Join the club, I have like 1000 dollars, I keep dying, xD
  15. Of course, if done right, Destiny will blow GTA out of the water, and that's a challenge. Not all will like this game, but those that do, will have an absolute ball with this, I know that. It's like my favorite games and movies, all mixed into one. I do have a fear though, from what I'm seeing, it's looking very similar to those games, almost ripping them off in certain ways, I hope bungie doesn't copy the designs mostly, and makes use of original ideas.
  16. "The Future War Cult’s newest addition to its Faction line…“ Tom Doyle, Art Lead Concept: Darren Bacon 3D Model: Rajeev Nattam There are those who deal in lead. Then, there are those that prefer alternative forms of punishment for their opponents. If a mass-driver doesn’t suit you, a weapon like the Conduit F3 may be more your style. With new tech, however, comes fresh risk. This new breed of munitions is evidence of an adaptive society. Jonathan Goff, an expert on Guardian militaria, tells a story about turning the weapons of one's enemies against them. “Advancements in directed energy disbursement were gained through dissection of hostile tech gathered in the field. The first implementation of this new technology comes in the form of Fusion Rifles.” Fortune favors the brave, we’re told. Bravery, it turns out, is requisite for anyone fortunate enough to wield a Fusion Rifle. “One of the first working prototypes was deemed too unstable for mass production,” recalls Goff. “Despite the concerns over faulty radiation shielding, the weapon's incredible power as made it a favorite of daring weapons collectors.” Newer generations of Fusion Rifles have solved some of these problems through slow and painful innovation. “The barrel configuration on this model dampens the wattage use needed to power the inertial chamber,” observes Art Lead Tom Doyle. The technical jargon translates to brute force that any Guardian would value. “Its over-penetrating burst fire is ideal for taking out multiple targets at once.” The Conduit F3 is next generation hardware for killing the bad guys who deserve it. Charge it up, and let it off the chain. So what do ya'll think of this monster pulse rifle? I love it, can't wait to BLOW IT ALL UP! Article: http://www.bungie.net/en/News/News?aid=11179 This post has been promoted to an article
  17. Nice to hear! I would donate if I had the necessary funds to, but I do not. Great idea though, and, I hope to see everyone's lightish-red sigs!

  19. Jes, I'm going to keep it after the Xbone. I'm not planning on buying an Xbone anyway, and I have stuffs still on my xbox that I'd love to finish. It's my baby, I'd never let my baby go!
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