So, I thought this up while listening to the Big Daddy's noises, and I though i'd be fun, so basically, this RP takes place directly before the events of Bioshock 1, in fact, right on them, simply, you will wander Rapture, you will be given a sheet below that you must complete, if I accept you, you are allowed, let's begin!
Full Name: [Example: John. A Doe]
Class: [Can be Big Daddy, any type of Splicer, a little sister, or a survivor]
Gender: [M or F]
Plasmid of choice: [incinerate, Shock, Bees, etc, leave blank if Little Sister]
Former occupation: [Anything canon]
Clothing or details: [Just details on your clothes or suit]
Facial Appearance: [Ex. Saturated Green eyes, scar running down cheek, leave blank if Big Daddy]
Weapon of choice: [Ex. Wrench, anything canon in Bioshock 1]
Backstory: [Ex. Born in Russia during the cold war, etc]
Anyway, here mine,
Full Name: Taylor P. DeCello
Class: Big Daddy
Gender: Male
Plasmid of choice: Bees
Former occupation: Doctor in Rapture
Clothing or details: Incredibly tattered and bloody Bouncer suit, my Drill arm decorated with the drawing of a Little Sister
Facial Appearance:
Weapon of choice: Drill
Backstory: Taylor DeCello was a Rich Artisan living in Italy, before being transcribed to Rapture, there, he learned medicine, and quickly became a doctor, though, he was unsatisfied still, he soon joined up to be a Big Daddy, still slightly sane, before Rapture's fall, where he lost his Little Sister, now he wanders alone, scouring the halls for another to take ownership of, insane thoughts rolling in his mind, as he holds in the pain each and every hour.