"Ask not what you can do for your forum, but what OMEGA can do for your forum." ~John F. Kennedy
Hello my forumians, and thank you for going out there
and voting, now, first thing is first.
Well, why shouldn't you? I mean, I'm gorgeous, for one. Here is an actual photo of me.
Warning, not actual photo of me
SEE? That should be reason enough.
I also have these qualities,
I'm a good neighbor.
I will do everything everyone wants.
FREE COOKIES! Plus, you can get the milk for free too, part of this limited time offer.
I'm more awesome than those Phonies, Caboose, Maestro, and all the other ones.
I'm a fair player.
I respect my fellow awesome campaigners, Caboose, Maestro, and all the other ones.
I am also gorgeous.
I will make a special rank reserved for those who give cookies to everyone early in the morning.
I'm persuasive.
So vote for me... Go vote... Seriously, right now... C'MON, GO VOTE!
"OMEGA, the best cookie eater ever, 10/10." ~ IGN