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Everything posted by VinWarrior

  1. Well, around I'd say 12:00 EST, but, if that doesn't work, I could set the time a bit after or before 12:00pm.
  2. The October 19th Mayhem Playdate- On Saturday, October 19th, I will be organizing a large playdate EXCLUSIVE to Forum Members who join the official crew, we will mainly just be running around LS and doing races and all that. Make sure to contact me here with your Gamertag, and, if you haven't joined the crew yet, feel free to sign on!
  3. I would live on Reach... Because... Reach is simply awesome, it's like a more beautiful, densely populated Earth.... Well, before the glassings... Still, GO REACH!
  4. Yes, I remembered that! Could this mean Niko is alive somewhere? Maybe still a criminal? This would make for an amazing DLC!
  5. So, I was walking around Michaels house, and wanted to take a photo of Jimmy, for whatever reason, then I noticed this, and tried to get it out as soon as possible. That is clearly Niko Bellic on Lifeinvader, I think this is a fun little easter egg, that I personally enjoyed seeing!
  6. *slow clap* Amen... Amen to what this man says... "Every human we walk past every day is living with some problem in their lives, everyone has their share of secrets, and lusts, and pains, it makes us who we are, and we are more human because of it. We can't hold back anyone else, the same way that we wouldn't like to be held back in life, you must live everyday knowing that what you do today matters, to someone, and that tomorrow, do it all over again, do that everyday until there is no way to do it anymore, smile until you can't move anymore, love until your hurt no longer beats." ~OMEGA
  7. Why is it when I hear Delfino Plaza, I think of Bioshock? O_o Am I crazy? BTW, Nice map Smart Marine.
  8. Banned because you aren't smart enough to think of a reason to ban me.
  9. Do I see a hint of Halo's shotgun in this? It looks very cool, and I cannot wait to slaughter so many Fallen with this gun.
  10. Did I lose a vote? Lol, thanks guys, I trust you all to make the right decision and vote for a Peacekeeper, instead of a tyrant.
  11. Oh my god, I'm going to fit right in here, just raiding this place constantly for loot, it's like my childhood has been reborn, going into this dungeon-like hellhole. I'll take 50!
  12. We have an official crew for the site actually, contact me or Boss for more info,
  13. NO, We should not restart the poll, instead... We should edit it, does that work? I dun wanna lose mah votes, :/
  14. Dear darthgigabyte While I did quite enjoy all of Halo 4's DLCs, I am sligthly annoyed at this as well, though, I only use the maps for machinima, which makes it less of an issue, BTW we are a fan site, just an FYI.
  15. CHEAP TRICKSTER! By the way, here is my slogan. We are Forumers, bum diddly bum diddly bum bum bum!
  16. I vote D-38 Boss, because... Why shouldn't we have a watchful eye keeping us safe?
  17. "Ask not what you can do for your forum, but what OMEGA can do for your forum." ~John F. Kennedy Hello my forumians, and thank you for going out there and voting, now, first thing is first. WHY SHOULD I VOTE FOR OMEGA? Well, why shouldn't you? I mean, I'm gorgeous, for one. Here is an actual photo of me. Warning, not actual photo of me SEE? That should be reason enough. I also have these qualities, I'm a good neighbor. I will do everything everyone wants. FREE COOKIES! Plus, you can get the milk for free too, part of this limited time offer. I'm more awesome than those Phonies, Caboose, Maestro, and all the other ones. I'm a fair player. I respect my fellow awesome campaigners, Caboose, Maestro, and all the other ones. I am also gorgeous. I will make a special rank reserved for those who give cookies to everyone early in the morning. I'm persuasive. So vote for me... Go vote... Seriously, right now... C'MON, GO VOTE! "OMEGA, the best cookie eater ever, 10/10." ~ IGN
  18. HAHA, YOU SERIOUS? THEY'D HAVE TO MAKE MORE THAT 800,000,000 ON DAY ONE TO DO THAT! GTA has this in the bag, and CoD players are starting to bug out, so, hopefully, they step up their game, or stop making it.
  19. I think... This was planned, check the Artbook... I'm pretty sure there is a Railgun turret in there...
  20. Welcome back Mr. Spartan, hope you enjoy your stay,
  21. Little Miss Sugar Drop- Deathwish This movie stars Samuel L. Jackson narrating the life of a 5 year old beauty pageant contestant, there is no dialogue, only Samuel L. Jackson narrating the little girl's thoughts. It starts out with the sweet little girl who is narrated by Queen Latifa, and after five minutes, a little girl named Sally turns the Pageant girl into a dark disturbing monster, who's thoughts are narrated by Samuel L. Jackson... The movie ends with Samuel L. Jackson leaving the studio because the film isn't going to make any money... Go buy it!
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