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Everything posted by VinWarrior

  1. I have to say, a job well done. I think it looks like some really cool spartan armor, and it is damn sure better than I'll ever produce, you did good, keep working at it to make more and enhance your skills.
  2. *makes wind sound* Ya hear that? *makes wind sound again* What's that ya ask? Well, it's the money of the die-hard fans who bought the Limited Edition on day 1 and people who paid for the pre-order bonuses at ridiculous prices on Ebay FLYING AWAY! I can get the war games season pass thing and the champions bundle, hell, even the emblems, BUT REALLY? The LE content? And the Pre-Order bonuses? The stuff I paid good money for? Guess it wasn't so, "Limited" after all...
  3. C'MON MEMBERS, DRIVE THE STAFF BACK INTO THEIR HOLES! Good luck by the way to staff and members alike, I show no bias. MEMBERS GO, MEMBERS GO!
  4. Guys, this looks gorgeous, I just wanna screw up those Hive badly! DESTINY, C'MON!
  5. Alright Men and Women, tomorrow is the big day, I want to run you through our plans. Me, and Boss will be running the main event around 5pm EST like he said, I will be one at 3pm EST though prepping. We are dropping into the city with as many of you as we can, first thing is first, Guns. We need them, so, here's our plan, since heists aren't available yet. HAVOC. We are wreaking havoc in LS, Kill everyone, steal their money, their cars, everything they own. We'll muster up enough money to head to ammunation and buy guns, ammo, everything we'll need. As soon as we get those guns, we invade the LS Airport, we need planes. And we're gonna take them. Or the Alternative is using the left over money to buy planes. We need private jets, helis, cargobobs, anything we can get our hands on, and in numbers. Next, we hit up vehicles, I want large, fast, and inconspicuous. Remember, we are pulling off Large, organized, heists in the future. Finally, once that's all over, we use some cash to buy an apartment, and take some drinks and smokes.
  6. I like GTA V because it feels alive and well spoken, the city is more beautiful than Liberty City, and the characters all have flavor to them, creating for a well setup atmosphere. I love Michael, he feels like he jumped right out of a Mob cinema, like the Sopranos, his attitude toward everything gives him an interesting outlook, which I personally love, and he seems to be one of the only characters I can relate to, (dysfunctional family), I also like Franklin too, he just isn't my personal favorite, and as for Trevor, he is a cool character, but his novelty gets old and he becomes just a meth-head with problems soon through. Yoga, I'm not even kidding with you. The Jewelry Heist, I just love all the dialogue and planning, and how just one mistake can screw up the whole heist, it feels real and amazing. Because I saw the Gameplay trailer and found my soul mate.
  8. ZEBRA RACISM! I WANT RIGHTS! Also, these two cannot be trusted. YOU CAN TRUST A GREEK LETTER! Vote for me. Vote. Are ya voting yet?
  9. Master Chief's voice actor is now Gilbert Godfrey.
  10. I vote for the Dumb Marine! He gives away cookies and I LOVE COOKIES! GO DUMB!
  11. Vote OMEGA for Forum Peacekeeper 2013. A vote for me is a vote for the Sanctity and Stability of our foundation for a new and better tomorrow.
  12. Sorry to intrude but there is an entire side mission dedicated to this called, "The Last One." http://gta.wikia.com/The_Last_One
  13. Destiny is planned to release sometime in 2014 for the Xbox 360, Xbox One, Playstation 3, and Playstation 4. No further announcements have been shown to reveal a release on the PC or Wii.
  14. Well, it's nice to see you are enjoying a classic blockbuster. Welcome home, Spartan!
  15. Happy Birthday, Reach, you are gone, but not forgotten... I remember the first day playing you, my father brought up the large package from the UPS truck, I couldn't wait to tear into Bungie's final symphony. Behind all of the cardboard, and what everyone considers, just data... For years I rocked out on the TV playing Custom Games, or testing my skills with a bunch of great randoms online, or even playing the campaign, powering through the hordes as a Spartan supersoldier like never before. With a team... Thanks for the memories Reach... I'll always hold you close, as a piece of me...
  16. Nope, not at all, if ever. If I do, I set them on medium and make a quick magnetize. The rest of the time, I find them annoying and a waste of time.
  17. Oh, cross-platforming, I see? YAHOO! *jumps out window* A+ Taco Wrapup Drizzy!
  18. Welcome Comrade, would you like a drink? No, you wouldn't. If you need anything, feel free to Ask!
  19. Grand Theft Auto V will go down as Legendary. The game starts off a little fast, I admit, but it eases you in from there with superb characters, and fun gameplay. After a few missions to settle you in, you are free to do what you want, though you don't unlock all three characters until a little later in the game. As the story goes on it gets more into a deeper backstory that is totally unexpected. I'm only 20% in and I have spent more time with missions then I have with some other full games. The voice acting is amazing, especially with the actual gangsters. The three characters all blend together perfectly, but, Trevor's novelty does get annoying, that cannot be avoided during a certain time period, which made me quite sad, it was over soon though and I got back to Michael. The world is HUGE! I can never find my way back to certain areas without waypoints. There are plenty of nods, (so far) to past GTA games, even a previous protagonist returning, though, the outcome, I won't spoil it, is sad. Even a nod to GROVE STREET, you can go home again! I saw it again, and it is beautiful. As for the graphics, they have improved since GTA IV. Cutscenes are usually either hilarious or amazingly deep, sometimes even both. All in all, without spoiling anything. GTA V- 10/10
  20. Thank you. This is the best translation I've seen so far. OMEGA Approves.
  21. Wow... You use a lot of curses... First off, if you are trying to make a point, it should be as formal as possible, state the issue formally, and we will help you as much as we can. Secondly, this is a fan-site. And third off, it's likely your router. -OMEGA
  22. I'd have to go with Madsen, simply because I hate the rest. Plus, I like his armor, sniper, etc. Hes my favorite out of the team.
  23. I understand your frustration bro, do I think it is a little unfair? Yes. But do I also understand the reasoning? Hell yes. People quitting games very often means that their servers have a little trouble, they want to prevent that. As much as I hate to say it, the simplest answer is try to lower on quitting or try another game for a little while.
  24. O_O Just... Wut... CRUTCH AND COOLIEST ARE PART OF THE STAFF? Oh this is gonna be SWEET! PARTY!
  25. I know they will defy logic and bring her back somehow eventually, but for now, they want to humanize the chief. I think she should be dead, but will be revived... So... I am leaning more toward dead on this one. She is definitely dead, but, they will bring her back, the fans demand it! I want her to stay dead, as it would leave way for someone else to fit the picture, like Arby, or maybe even Jun! But, alas, fan pull...
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