So, after a successful status update, I am pinning this up here. Me, Boss, and Muse were discussing a 343i Community Forum GTA V heist group, pulling off successful heists and splitting the cash to spend on that fancy apartment, or that trip to the bar, or maybe to get a new car, maybe even just to spend on your monthly insurance. Every member has a stake in the heists, when October 1st hits, (The day GTA: Online starts), we will pull off 4-8 Player heists, maybe up to 16 players if the heist is large enough, mainly small hit groups, and we will escape without a trace, heading back to a safe-spot. This will likely be on either PS3 or 360, depending on which the majority has, though, separate teams will operate on different platforms, unrelated to each other. This is just going to be a thread to confirm your joining, and for crews to plan their heists when the game launches. Just sign up below with your GT/PSN.
GT: VinWarrior
PSN: (Creating a new PSN, this will have to wait)
P.S: I will likely exchange the PS3 Gta I am getting for the Xbox one, and then get the PS3 one when it is cheaper.