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Everything posted by VinWarrior

  1. I don't much care for the stance but DAT CIO! I WANT IT! I NEED IT! The rest seems okay to me, I would get SA anyways, just for the gameplay, but this is a plus. Thanks for the post!
  2. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, I forgot to pick up your present, please don't destroy me...

    1. AIGamerGirl


      You are dead to me. :3

  3. HORDERS, YOU ARE, HORDERS, ALL OF YOU! I URGE YOU ALL TO GET DESTINY FOR THE PS4, HEAR MY WORDS! Just kidding, buy seriously though, get it for the Playstation. It will run so much smoother, if not, buy it for the 360, Money-hungry Microsoft ain't getting my money for that brick! Buy it to play and enjoy it, but, more people are likely getting it for the PS4.
  4. I am never serious about anything, but when I see someone say or write something about this, if it is incorrect or offensive, I will rip them to shreds for it. What happened on that day was very emotional for me and my family, and every anniversary, I watch the programs talking about what happened. Hell, I live in NY, and it changed everything here. It showed that if someone tries hard enough they can get past our defenses and hurt us, it is a scary thought. My heart goes out to the families affected. We Will Never Forget... 9/11
  5. I would go with the forerunners without a shadow of a doubt. Not only did they build a set of rings strong enough to wipe out most life, but, they build a chamber to last that event, as seen with the Didact. Their technology is incredibly advanced, and they themselves are skilled warriors. The UNSC is miles behind them, and the Covenant are at the bottom of the chain right about now. They are a militia group, really. Their tech and forces are low and inexperienced, so, they suck now. In the old Halo 3 days, they were really ahead of the UNSC. But, right now, it is really, Forerunners UNSC Covenant Remnant
  6. I said the same things as you in my article, but Microsoft denied the leaks, they said neither they or 343i made them, so they are fake. It was a good try, but, they swatted us right back where we started. An Image, a Man, and a Giant Metal Bird. My Article: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/31082-halo-5-details-accidentally-leaked-in-microsoft-store/
  7. (Sarcastically) Wow. So unexpected... Especially from loyal and trustworthy Microsoft. This will change people's opinions on the one. I understand the market, but when you already did so much wrong to your supposed main audience, you should at least feature a single game in your commercial. Not smart.
  8. Commander Jacob Keyes for me. He honestly was an awesome and bad*ss character in the time you got with him in Halo: CE. His daughter is okay too, but, she really didn't do a lot for me, besides tell some people to, "Go to war." Which, while it was a cool moment, WE ARE ALREADY AT WAR MIRANDA! Get your stuff together, xD.
  9. Great. You can join the official crew on Rockstar's website, here, http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/the_343i_crew
  10. Sweet Jesus man, it takes true skill to have one of your maps be featured on Rooster Teeth, I appluade your skill, *fast clap*

  11. So, after a successful status update, I am pinning this up here. Me, Boss, and Muse were discussing a 343i Community Forum GTA V heist group, pulling off successful heists and splitting the cash to spend on that fancy apartment, or that trip to the bar, or maybe to get a new car, maybe even just to spend on your monthly insurance. Every member has a stake in the heists, when October 1st hits, (The day GTA: Online starts), we will pull off 4-8 Player heists, maybe up to 16 players if the heist is large enough, mainly small hit groups, and we will escape without a trace, heading back to a safe-spot. This will likely be on either PS3 or 360, depending on which the majority has, though, separate teams will operate on different platforms, unrelated to each other. This is just going to be a thread to confirm your joining, and for crews to plan their heists when the game launches. Just sign up below with your GT/PSN. GT: VinWarrior PSN: (Creating a new PSN, this will have to wait) P.S: I will likely exchange the PS3 Gta I am getting for the Xbox one, and then get the PS3 one when it is cheaper.
  12. Thanks for the review, I may get it in a while, but right now, GTA and Saints are at the top of my list of, "Things I can afford to spend money on." Nice review btw.
  14. Fraid not, that is an early concept of the Promethean Knights, my friend,
  15. Granted, you aren't careful and are pulled into your own singularity, lost in space forever. I wish that they would Remake Halo 3: ODST with Halo 4 Graphics.
  16. You know your second Halo 4 Disc? The one with the War Games features? Try reinstalling that, delete the War Games file off the hard drive, that is just the ability to play online, not your stats and maps, those are all separate files, delete this one, then, use your second disc to reinstall it and try it.
  17. Congrats and welcome to the hall of Greatness, enjoy your month!
  18. Granted, but you accidentally drop it down a sewer drain, and are left with only, $2.50 I wish that I could make my own language!
  19. Hello guys, and today, I have suprising news. Microsoft accidentally revealed Halo 5 non-spoiler details on their store. It was quickly taken down but Destructoid and other places got a hold of the info, it reads. No major spoilers ^ Just a Pre-Order description. Warped Zone has the article here if you wanna look and so does MoreConsole: http://www.warpzoned.com/2013/08/microsoft-store-leaks-halo-5-story-details/ What could, "Herculean effort to stay alive in a galaxy where sentient life is mercilessly hunted." mean? Is it possible the Prometheans have invaded and taken over multiple worlds, similar to the Reapers in Mass Effect, and chief must yet again work with the covenant to take back their homes? I don't know, but I can wait to find out!
  20. Granted. But Robbers steal it and burn it. I wish that I had superpowers.
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