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Everything posted by VinWarrior

  1. Approved, you can add the third weapon back if you want, I guess...
  2. Approved if you take off one weapon, and add three powers. You need to have two weapons at most, and three powers at least.
  3. VinWarrior

    Noble 6

    As much as the possibilities are there, I believe Six died with Reach. As his helmet is shown still lying on the ground many years later, if he had escaped somehow, why was the helmet never returned to him? More importantly WHY HAS NO ONE SEEN THE HELMET LYING THERE? Still, getting back to the point, Six was meant to be a last defender of Reach, he needed to die with it. My argument stays for other members of Noble, like Jorge and Carter. Carter could have jet-packed out, but we would have seen him do it, and Jorge needed to manually activate the device, granted, he had armor lock, but even that wouldn't have stopped a bomb so close to him, the sheer impact of debris would send him flying, let alone the explosion. Six is probably dead.
  4. I really loved the fact they killed her off, it added a sense of emotion to Halo, rarely seen before. By killing her off, they can actual forcibly humanize MC. They did something I thought would never happen, and this could bring Halo back up to it's glory days, like in Reach and ODST, where you felt alone.
  5. Granted. Your offspring becomes dumb, and you lead to the destruction of the Human empire. I wish that I owned a real Battle Rifle.
  6. Granted. They are hate-mail by an army of angry CoD fans. I wish that the friendzone was fictional, like the Twilight Zone.
  7. [i would like to let everyone know that I will be asking a mod to lock this RP when school starts, approximately 25 days from now, or September 17th, it was has been fun ladies and gents. You guys have 25 days to say goodbye to each other, live it well. I just cannot cope with the way this has been going, it really was a hell of a ride.]
  8. Well, that is interesting. I guess the 40 MS points I had are now worthless? Or maybe they convert? I dunno, I'm not going on Xbox today anyways, thanks for the update though!
  9. Me and Ledgend1221 decided, why not make a Mass Effect themed RP thread on the 343i Community forums? So, yeah, the premise of this RP is simple, we are going down the road from ME1 to ME3, except we can be any character we want, except the characters already in the game, that is. Just fill out the forum below, and if you are accepted, you can post in the upcoming thread. Mods, if this ain't in the right place, feel free to move it. If you don't know Mass Effect well, I recommend playing and reading before posting. Full Name: [Example: John. A Doe] Race: [Can be Human, Turian, Asari, Krogan, Quarian, Geth, Batarian, Vorcha, Drell, Salarian, or Volus ] Gender: [M or F] Class: [soldier, Sentinel, Adept, Vanguard, Infiltrator, Engineer] Occupation: [Any actual jobs work] Aesthetics or Clothing: [standard Gray N7 armor, etc] Facial Appearance: [Ex. Saturated Green eyes, scar running down cheek] 3 Powers and Weapon of choice: [Make sure it makes sense: Ex. Carnage, Inferno Grenade, Flamer, Cerberus Harrier AR] Backstory: [Ex. Born on Earth in a wealthy family... etc] Here is mine, Full Name: Garreck Deen Race: Turian Gender: Male Class: Infiltrator Occupation: Private Investigator Aesthetics or Clothing: Gray and red Turian civilian clothing. Facial Appearance: Small sage green iris, pale skin, scar on cheek 3 Powers and Weapon of choice: Hex Shield, Sabotage, Sentry Turret, Blue Alliance Blood Pack Punisher SMG, M7 Lancer] Backstory: Garreck was born into a rich military family, and tried following in his father's footsteps, but when he and Garreck's mother were killed, Garreck separated himself entirely from his past, working his way up to a private investigator on the Citadel.
  10. Granted. It shows Master Chief in a Poncho and a Sombrero working at Taco Bell. I wish for every girl in the world to adore me!!!
  11. I very much like the intro, and this is very nice, my friend.
  12. Omegaman Infinity hurdled out the portal, hitting his chin and neck on the cold, gray ground, and rolling over multiple times, as he stopped himself with his wrinkly hands. He coughed and picked himself up with haste, as he looked around with his reptilian eyes, he screeched a little before, picking up his Suppressor, holding it with one hand, as he touched the console on the door, opening it, he examined the long hallway, at the end was a door that looked like it lead to a leader's quarters, Omegaman took the opportunity and sprinted down the hall, busting open the door with his Suppressor's back. It had a desk, a bed, and a flag, that looked in someway Soviet, Omegaman snickered and said in his gruff voice, "Must have been a Russian captain. I need to find something to shoot, fast." as he looked around, he pulled open one of the captain's drawers and pulled out a folded piece of paper, he opened it up, and it looked like coordinates, Omegaman did not know russian very well though, and could only read one word, Escape. He couldn't figure out what this meant though, as he tossed the paper back into the drawer, all of a sudden, fire broke on him, as his shields fluttered, Omegaman turned, it was just a jackal on the other side, he glided from side to side using his agility, and jumped on the jackal tearing his eye out, as he pulled the suppressor to it's face, and blew a hole in it, killing the simple foot soldier.
  13. Taylor hugged the walls, explosions were rocking the facility, he was trying to avoid fire from all sides, as he slipped into another room. This one looked like a bunk-room, red and blue blood mixed the walls, even a squished hand could be seen on a bunk, the covenant really cleared the base out, Taylor also noticed a small hole, maybe the size of a small rodent, in the back of the room, he took off his helmet and looked in closely with his right eye, as he watched a large hulking metal creature tumble down the hall with large footsteps, a large gun in his hand, the same style as most of them, as Taylor could see two Elite Zealots enter the room, both armed with Storm Rifles, as the both let loose a hail of fire on the creature's chest, it did little to nothing as the creature tilted his gun up, and fired on the two, four bolts twirled in the air as the hit the elites at their feet, turning them into the same leathery orange ash as before, then the large creature turned and looked at Taylor, it hadn't seen Taylor, but was scanning the area, suddenly, a red light grew out of his head, it was using Promethean Vision, something unknown to most members of the UNSC at the time, even Taylor, as he wasn't prepared for what would happen next. the creature saw a glowing red Taylor behind the wall, and opened it's helmet, screeching as it ran into the wall, it's blade at the front, as it charged, Taylor saw this, as his eyes opened wide. He jumped out of the way, as the wall shattered open, the creature stumbling and being knocking into the other side, as it fell to the floor, trying to recover, Taylor took this opportunity to run out of the room, Covenant stormed both sides, Jackals and Elites, as they aimed their rifles and carbines at Taylor, and fired away, Taylor rushed into the next hole in the wall, reaching the gray outside, it was cold, and seemingly barren, but in Taylor's sights, he could make out combat. Covenant vs Alien vs UNSC. It was absolute hell, Taylor rushed into the fray, jumping on top of an elite, as the elite wrestled him, Taylor snapped his neck, which sent the giant hurdling to the floor, he picked up the Elite's Concussion Rifle, firing on a dog-like alien as it let loose a long, powerful shot, narrowly missing Taylor's neck, and hitting a Zealot trying to assassinate Taylor in the face, as the dog jumped in the air, toppling Taylor, as it scratched at Taylor's helmet with it's claws, messing up his HUD, as he quickly pulled his Kurki from it's position on Taylor's side, and stabbed the dog in the face, twice, destroying it on top of Taylor, as he rushed to a rock, narrowly avoiding Beam Rifle fire, as he yelled into his TAC/COM, "Mal, Ike, this is Taylor, I'm in the courtyard, under real heavy fire, the western wing should have a Hog, get it over here, ASAP!"
  14. While I agree with you, in the long run, Microsoft is actually making more money this way. By limiting Halo 5 to the more expensive One, most die-hard fans will give in and shell out 500 bucks to be able to play this. It is so sad, really...
  15. Welcome to the site!



      how come i cant change my pic?


  16. Keep it coming, guys! Far Cry + Star Wars: Battlefront = Star Cry: Battlewars
  17. Discount this post, I never approved him.
  18. Both, Fallout + Grand Theft Auto = Grand Theft Fallout
  19. In that case, if you are gonna make me pay like 50 a month, make the damn game free! To use it, you need to pay anyways!
  20. So this started as a little game that me, Maestro, Draco, and others played in the SB one night, I thought I would make it more public. The game is simple, post below, combining two game names, and making one, it is just for giggles, try not to copy please, don't use the same game combo twice, it creates more fun with variability, thanks guys. Formula, AKA how your post should look: Game 1 + Game 2 = Game 3 I will start us off. Saints Row + Assassin's Creed = Saints Creed
  21. Hate to burst your bubble, but we ain't official 343, just a fan-site, and while this is an interesting idea, Halo 3 is 6 years old, so the point in working on a game like that now, just so that PC gamers can get it, is kinda mute, if they did it for Halo 5 though, it would not surprise me.
  22. Granted, in the next universe, Dinosaurs wear top-hats and drink tea, then, their world explodes, don't ask why. I wish that Grand Theft Auto V would release already!!!
  23. Well, if you are looking to recieve critique on a game idea, I suggest posting it in the XBOX Games Titles Discussion, here, http://www.343industries.org/forum/forum/68-xbox-games-titles-discussion/ If you are looking to pitch it to a game company, I would suggest building up actual concepts and scripts beforehand.
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