Taylor hugged the walls, explosions were rocking the facility, he was trying to avoid fire from all sides, as he slipped into another room. This one looked like a bunk-room, red and blue blood mixed the walls, even a squished hand could be seen on a bunk, the covenant really cleared the base out, Taylor also noticed a small hole, maybe the size of a small rodent, in the back of the room, he took off his helmet and looked in closely with his right eye, as he watched a large hulking metal creature tumble down the hall with large footsteps, a large gun in his hand, the same style as most of them, as Taylor could see two Elite Zealots enter the room, both armed with Storm Rifles, as the both let loose a hail of fire on the creature's chest, it did little to nothing as the creature tilted his gun up, and fired on the two, four bolts twirled in the air as the hit the elites at their feet, turning them into the same leathery orange ash as before, then the large creature turned and looked at Taylor, it hadn't seen Taylor, but was scanning the area, suddenly, a red light grew out of his head, it was using Promethean Vision, something unknown to most members of the UNSC at the time, even Taylor, as he wasn't prepared for what would happen next.
the creature saw a glowing red Taylor behind the wall, and opened it's helmet, screeching as it ran into the wall, it's blade at the front, as it charged, Taylor saw this, as his eyes opened wide. He jumped out of the way, as the wall shattered open, the creature stumbling and being knocking into the other side, as it fell to the floor, trying to recover, Taylor took this opportunity to run out of the room, Covenant stormed both sides, Jackals and Elites, as they aimed their rifles and carbines at Taylor, and fired away, Taylor rushed into the next hole in the wall, reaching the gray outside, it was cold, and seemingly barren, but in Taylor's sights, he could make out combat.
Covenant vs Alien vs UNSC. It was absolute hell, Taylor rushed into the fray, jumping on top of an elite, as the elite wrestled him, Taylor snapped his neck, which sent the giant hurdling to the floor, he picked up the Elite's Concussion Rifle, firing on a dog-like alien as it let loose a long, powerful shot, narrowly missing Taylor's neck, and hitting a Zealot trying to assassinate Taylor in the face, as the dog jumped in the air, toppling Taylor, as it scratched at Taylor's helmet with it's claws, messing up his HUD, as he quickly pulled his Kurki from it's position on Taylor's side, and stabbed the dog in the face, twice, destroying it on top of Taylor, as he rushed to a rock, narrowly avoiding Beam Rifle fire, as he yelled into his TAC/COM, "Mal, Ike, this is Taylor, I'm in the courtyard, under real heavy fire, the western wing should have a Hog, get it over here, ASAP!"