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Everything posted by VinWarrior

  1. Woah, Congratulations bro, did not see this coming, especially today. Wear the Orange proud!
  2. Granted, but Skrillix claims rights over it, and sues you, winning the gun. I wish for Gears of Halo Theft Auto 8.
  3. Granted, you hit a bird in the face and kill it, and you become a Bird Murderer. I wish for a Mass Effect themed MMO.
  4. Indeed I have, At 0:38-0:40, you can spot an area only teased in concept art, this murky green, almost garden. At 0:45 you can see an Employee playing on a blurred out screen, notice the HUD is different and objects seem to fly by it, I think this is Space Combat. At 0:52 this seems like a first-person view, this could be an actual view when you drive the Pike. At 0:31, 3;15, 4:17 we can see a large, floating, female Hive, by the looks of it, a queen. At 3:24, we can see a player throw a grenade, which by the looks of it, explodes in the color blue, like the Plasma grenade. At 3:38 a large, hulking monster can be seen attacking the players, a similar, bound, version of this, was seen in the first Vidoc, it is unknown if this is the same being. At 3:45, our first look at a player fighting Hive in-game, by the looks of it, they act like cannon-fodder, traveling in packs for force. Behind the employee, at 3:40, you can notice a Player driving what looks like a Pike in-game, from the looks of it, it is third-person. 4:28, here is what looks like a class of Hive not seen before, it is very skinny and boney, but it lacks the facial features of previously seen Hive members.
  5. Only those with a keen eye can spot the secrets in this video...
  6. Wow, no plans to fix it? That sucks, I figured they would have people who would work on that, but, it is their game, and it is their decision to make. Still an awesome bundle though.
  7. Did you mean to say, "Buy a PS4?" Cause that makes sense. I am not sure, but I find it stupid that you buying a PS4 depends on a TV channel. You already have cable apparently, why bother at all if you aren't buying it for it's Console abilities, like GAMES?!
  8. [Don't count this post, due to the Extremely OP abilities shown here.]
  9. Taylor burst into the room, his Shotgun aimed and ready, it was some sort of monitor room, but the covenant were using it to control things, Taylor looked at a large monitor above him, he saw Ike, Mal, and some other female marine, but they were separated by a shield wall, Taylor noticed a small device sitting on the desk, he closed his eyes and hoped to good it wouldn't blow up anything, he clicked it, as he saw the shield blocking the three go down, Taylor felt a breeze pass by his shoulder, as he quickly grabbed his shotgun and turned, firing, as a large, metallic creature flew backwards, disintegrating into orange ash, Taylor noticed his kill and thrust himself back in horror, this metal creature that tried to attack him was something new and deadly, he mustered the courage to walk toward it, crouching below, as in the ash, what looked like a gun was left behind, it was large and metallic, Taylor picked it up, docking it at his side, as he turned, opening the next door. As he walked down the hallway with caution, he noticed a room, with an open door, he peeked in to see what was inside, as he could make out the body of an incredibly large, hulking metal monster, it held a Storm Elite in the air, as it threw it across the room, firing on it with another metal weapon, which was larger and deadlier, almost like a shotgun. The monster then turned to look at Taylor, it's head open, with a glowing skull piercing out of it, as Taylor turned and began running for the Pelican, as he yelled into the comm, "Mal, get everyone on the pelican now! Do you hear me, now! We've got trouble!"
  10. Taylor pulled out his Kurki again, as he entered the base with agility and speed, as he ran next to a wall, crouched, to make little noise, he peeked around the corner, a Jackal stood there, his Beam Rifle in hand, as he looked around the area with his reptillian eyes, next to him was another Jackal, this one had his yellow shield up, Concussion rifle in his other hand, as he also kept his eye on the door ahead, Taylor needed to get past them, he pulled out his shotgun, putting it in his left hand, his Kurki in his right, as he impaled the Sniper with his Kurki, the other one noticed, as he let out a short growl, Taylor fired on him with his shotgun, splattering in his face as he pushed back, blinded by the shot, his shield depleted, he stumbled on to the floor, landing face first and squealing as he rolled around trying to see, Taylor jumped on the other Sniper Jackal, Kurki already in him, he dropped the Jackal to the hard floor, as it bled out, making little noise, as Taylor had fractured his lungs. Soon it closed it's eyes, as Taylor's attention was on the other one, still rolling around the floor, he crouched next to it, the Jackal had dropped it's weapon already, grabbing it's eyes and continuing to roll, Taylor asked, "You speak english f**kface?" as the Jackal squealed more in it's Alien language, Taylor pulled out a grenade, as he looked down on the injured Jackal, "Guess not." as he picked up the Jackal, holding it by the head as he dragged it to the locked door, he shoved the Jackal's body up to the door, as he plucked the pin off the grenade, punching the grenade into the bird's mouth as it continued it's dying squeals, Taylor ran backwards, as the bird exploded, ripping the door open with it.
  11. Granted. It's from Nicholas Cage with a throat infection, ergo, you cannot understand him. I wish for another Bundle for Halo 4.
  12. Granted, you accidentally burned your house down. I wish I had my money back from getting GOW:J.
  13. Taylor watched as the wind from the massive bird tossed back the Unggoy standing on the ground, he smiled and shook his head, equipping his shotgun, and jumping unto the snowy ground, firing off on a single Jackal, the originally massive bird was now equal height with Taylor, because of his enhancements, as the bird's mouth opened wide, spit and drool pooling out of it, as it let out a cry, Taylor's Circular symbol on the HUD grew red, as he pulled on the trigger, letting loose a sinister round, which tore through the left side of the Jackal's face, sending it flying back, as it's body became a ragdoll, it's bird-like face slammed into the ground, blood all over it, pushing dust with it, as the lifeless body laid still, Taylor looked up from it, as a Shade turret's plasma throttled at Taylor, he narrowly avoided the blinding blue shots by thrusting to the left, as he let loose four shots from his gun unto the shade, lightly damaging the elite gunner, and putting a few holes in the Shade, but no cigar as it kept firing. Taylor sprinted forward, and jumped on top of the shade, punching the elite, who merely laughed at the punch, as the elite grabbed the Spartan's arm, twisting it, as Taylor struggled fighting back, pulling out a Magnum and catching the elite off guard as he flinched out of the vehicle from the close quarters headshot, damaging his shields, as Taylor wiped out his Kurki, and twisting it and impaling the elite in the neck, for the kill, more Covenant were surrounding them though, as Taylor yelled out, "ASHLEY! IKE! WHERE ARE YOU?"
  14. Too many? We got three! Halo 3: ODST which is technically just Halo 3 DLC, Halo: Reach, and Halo: Spartan Assault which is a mobile game!
  15. I really don't know. Maybe, a prisoner in the base, when the captured it?
  16. Halo 3 and ODST as a close second. Halo 3 filled me with moments of joy and sorrow, and you could land into a regular Infection game and have hours and hours of fun. The campaign was spot-on, with each mission either bringing a tear to my eye or heightening my resolve. The end was a Legendary finale to a great series, and multiplayer was the meaning of fun, with so many matches, and friends to be made, either it be Capture the Flag on Valhalla, or simply fighting to survive the Infected on Sandtrap, the Multiplayer went down in history as my favorite. Forge was an amazing suprise and filled me and my friends with hours of both creativity, and just plain, stupid fun. And because of Forge, Custom Games became a great time-killer, loading up the best maps and gametypes, and spending hours on it. ODST was a close second because of it's Ominous feel, and it's SPECTACULAR music, which will go down in Gaming History. If the campaign wasn't so short, this would be a perfect 10/10 game.
  17. I am an aesthetic person, I feel like Diocese has a sense of original UNSC architecture, while the others are kind of just bland forerunner and dirt, while Diocese is on a ship, ergo, more different types of surroundings, instead of just one big arena.
  18. Granted. The missile launcher malfunctions and it explodes with you in it. I wish Dark Horse would publish my Roleplay as a Halo book.
  19. All righty then, approved, you can post now.
  20. I see, he saw people talking about my RP in the shoutbox and wanted to join... I AM THE RIDDLE SOLVER!
  21. Still in the testing phase, Bacon... We'll see how the first few posts go.
  22. Taylor heard the man over the speakers, and stood up from his seat, he walked over to the cockpit again, looking out, they were in Requiem's northern regions, didn't mean the Covenant were any less of a threat, only meant that now they had frostbite to deal with. He could see the base, the regular UNSC grey and green didn't blend with the Blue of the covenant vehicles and infantry. They set up Shades to defend from UNSC infantry, but they didn't expect us to come from the air. It was up to the pilot to make a smooth landing, so we could take out the infantry quickly.
  23. No, Dust Hunter brought up the idea, and I decided to give it a shot, if it works, I may let people convert to Elites, on the condition that their character is killed first and they resubmit it in the Signup.
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