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Everything posted by VinWarrior

  1. (You character controlled here, I am going to let it off with no strikes, but you must fix it.)
  2. PM me exact details, and I will see if I can help, or you can ask in the SB. Whichever you prefer.
  3. Woohoo Ghosts of Onyx! High Five meh! Sometime later though, maybe you should do Requiem with Covenant and Spartan IVs.
  4. Best... Wrapup... Evah! Until next week, nice job Drizzy, it was worth the wait. Btw, that CGN lobby was really fun.
  5. (When I said NPCs, I didn't say use them now, when the ship is up in flames, and 95% of the marines are dead. 1 Marine, :/ Not four, because most are dead) Taylor heard the voice on the loudspeaker, and became irritated, the Rook just alerted the entire ship, when Jacob could have gotten the Pelican out without alerting the horde of drones, Taylor turned to the new ODST joining the crew, "Hey, you look like a James. Well, James, we are heading to the armory, it is only a floor up, Jacob should get here soon," then turning to the Civilian, saying, "Hey, civvie. You know seem to know how to use your pistol, but that ain't gonna do much good against Drone Majors, here!" Tossing the Civilian an MA5C Assault Rifle, Taylor rushes forward, holding his Shotgun forward, and sprinting. A Drone Minor popped out of a ventilation shaft, Taylor quickly pulled out his Magnum and fired twice in his head, knocking him backward, as more Drones popped up from above, Taylor quickly turned left, towards an Elevator, more Drones broke free, as one Drone lunged at Jacob, a Leader class, his gold armor shone in the light as he grabbed Taylor's shoulders, attempting to fly, but Taylor, kept him and the drone on the ground, and Taylor pulled out his Combat Knife, plunging it into the Drone's abdomen, as the Drone knocked back unto the floor, squealing in pain, as Taylor shot it in the chest, sending it once again knocked back, as it flew up a vent again, the knife still impaled in his chest. As Taylor continued sprinting, he rushed into the room, sliding left and hitting the console, slowly closing the doors, calling over to the Civilian and ODST as the door closed, and started up, and stopped, all of a sudden, a chalky, jagged, slashing sound could be heard, as the top of the elevator started to spark, someone was cutting their way in, Taylor primed his Shotgun, as the the slow, cutting, made a circle, and as it stood there, then, the piece slammed down, opening an entrance, as Taylor stood, waiting, his weapon primed, it could be any alien creature, then, the lights on the elevator stopped, Taylor knocked on the side of his helmet, trying to get VISR mode started, then, after several seconds, the room lit up, it seemed fine, Taylor looked back at the two men with him, and then turned again, as an Elite Minor stood there, Beam Rifle in hand, as Taylor silently muttered to his squad, "Elite, two o'clock. On my mark, let er' rip. It is going to take all of us to take him down." as Taylor primed his sights on the Elite, and counted down, still silent, "Three, " "Two, " "One, " "Boom." He unloaded six shells quickly into the Elite's head, knocking him backwards, with the concentrated fire, as the Elite Groaned, he fell to the floor, Taylor walked towards him, slowly, as he felt the elite's pulse. He was alive, but unconscious and injured, Taylor had an Idea, he picked up the elite's helmet, it was about 20 pounds, at least. He turned on the Communications System, and ramblings in elite Language were all he heard, but he couldn't understand any of it. He tossed it aside, and kept moving as the door opened, and a walk later, there was the door, Taylor shot the lock with his magnum, holstering it, and kicking the door down, there was a good supply of items there, most Rifles and other standard arms were gone, but heavy artillery was there, Taylor picked up the Rocket Launcher, a tad bit heavy, but he could handle it. He put it on his back, holstering the Magnum, and loading his Shotgun with fresh rounds. He called over to the ODST, saying, "Hey, James? Or whatever your name is, here!" as he tossed him a SAW, freshly loaded, and ready, he talked to the Civilian and the ODST, saying, "Hey, boys. Take your time, not like a Insect army is rushing to our position to use our heads as coat-hangers." As he turned to the civilian, tossing him his Shotgun, and picking up the flamethrower, it was Heavy, but Jacob wasn't responding. He turned his head back to the civilian, saying, "Don't get attached to her." as he gestured to the shotgun he just tossed the civilian.
  6. Perfect! Thank you incredibly bro, and sorry if I caused you any trouble.
  7. Um... Just like, if you can, just a tad bit smaller, like, to fit inside the center of the swirly thingie in the background.
  8. I like it, but I think the Omega symbol is a bit too large, if you can make that smaller, great,
  9. Operations- Parallels to Specializations, are special tracks, which can be chosen once the player reaches level 117, they unlock ONE set of Armor, ONE armor ability, and ONE Proficiency, which gives you a special ability for use anytime. Avenger- Armor- Avenger Armor(Similar to the classic Rogue helmet) Proficiency- Dual Wielding(Plasma Pistols, Magnums, Sticky Detonators, SMGs or Suppressors) [Pick up one of the weapons listed and walk over another one, you will be given the option to press X to pick it up and dual wield] Armor Ability- Earthquake(Smash the ground, knocking players back, depleting their shields, or both, if they are close enough) Phalanx- Armor- Hayabusa Proficiency- Katana(Katana in your left hand, your right hand forms a fist, use the Katana like an Energy Sword, Sheath shows up on the player's back, no matter what armor is being worn) [button: Hold down B] Armor Ability- Eagle Eye(Dash into the air followed by a screech, and once high enough in the air, teleport into another area on the map) Lance- Armor- War Master Proficiency- Fogger(Let out a burst of light, which eliminates the map of any nearby players until they die, including the player) [button: Hold down B] Armor Ability- Last Light(Holster you weapon to hold forward your hand, which, when faced at a nearby wall, can see through it to show weapons or enemy players, any teammate nearby can also see this and use it as a tactical advantage) Darkness- Armor- Halo: Reach Scout Proficiency- Dark One(Knocks out all lights on the map for one minute, but the player gets the highlighted locations of enemies, needs to recharge for 4 minutes) {Button: Hold down B] Armor Ability- Cleansing Beam(Target a player to disable his HUD and label teammates as enemies until he dies, needs to recharge for two minutes) Fallen- Armor- Commando Proficiency- Visionary(Use Iron Sights on any gun equipped) [button: When clicking the right thumb, click the X button] Armor Ability- Advanced Hacker(thrust your hand forward and instantly repair all of your teams damaged vehicles) Prophet- Armor- Commando(Elite) Proficiency- Cleansing Fire(Call in a beam from above to hit a targeted enemy who is in the same spot for five seconds, can only be used once) [button: Once you pull out a Covenant version of the Target Locator, hold RT on an enemy] Armor Ability- Staff of the Prophets(Enter third person mode, and use an Energy Staff, facing forward, and charge at enemies, and instant kill them, it you can get to them with enough thrust) Devil- Armor- Ranger(Elite) Proficiency- Spawn of Satan (Pull out a Stachel Charge and place it on any wall to detonate when an Enemy is near) [button: Press B to pull out the Charge and Y to place it] Armor Ability- Defender(Call down two cover pieces in a set area, can also be used to kill incoming enemies) Saint- Armor- SpecOps(Elite) Proficiency- Sacrificial Sword (Pull out two grenades and move 10x faster, as the grenades tick down 7 seconds) [buttons: Press B only while running] Armor Ability- Seraph(Pull out a second Energy Sword, enter third person, and gain an overshield, as you slash enemies within a time limit) Zealot- Armor- Zealot(Elite) Proficiency- Call of Infantry (Throw down a teleporter to teleport a single Grunt minor into the game, to assist you until you die, or he does) [button: Press B] Armor Ability- Zealous Commander(When capturing a Flag, Ball, or Bomb, you can use your primary weapon with it) Arbiter- (Only Available after Rank 130) Armor- Arbiter(Elite) Proficiency- Inside Agent (A Pop-up will appear on your HUD, with an AI notifying you what the enemy team is doing, ex. "An Enemy has picked up the Rocket Launcher.") [button: Press B] Armor Ability- Flying High (When falling, activate a covenant wingsuit, which you can use to fly to a destination on the map)
  10. Aesthetically- Storm Rifle Gameplay- Plasma Repeater Playability- Plasma Rifle(Because of it's Dual Wield Ability) All in all, I for one like the Plasma Repeater.
  11. Likely won't happen in the near future, and while it is about making money for the company, it is about playability for the gamer, so therefore, you really should change the title, while I do agreed with you.
  12. (Whoops, sorry, I will fix every error later, sorry again)
  13. Not at all! Unless you want to body act. If it is voice acting you are talking about, you need no armor at all.
  14. (Attention IMPORTANT POST, D-38 Boss is letting me play the role of his character for a SINGLE Post. With his approval, I will be his character for this single post, just a Note to everyone) D-38 Boss's Character- Ty'd really had enough of Quezon, rain battered down on him like hail, and he didn't have much cover to stop it either, and a ship had just crashed in the outskirts, Ty had figured, "Maybe someone survived that crash. I am running out of time." As Ty sprinted across the place, holding his breath because of radiation, as he ran, it became hard to hold it in. As Tylar ran, he saw what looked like the figure of a house, or a cabin. He rushed towards it, hoping that person had a Gas Mask, when he walked in, the place looked looted, and the looting looked recent. But, Tyler had found what he was looking for, a gas mask, and a couple of old filters, they would do until he got to the ship. As he walked, his handgun loaded, he noticed something on the floor. He crouched down and felt the floor beneath him, and he immediately realized, the carvings in the dirt were tire tracks, from a military grade jeep, and they go on, Tyler followed them to a ridge, where he saw it, the Hog, crashed on the other side, it was too far for him to reach, but his target, the ship, was close. Tyler bum rushed towards the burning debris, the scent of dead bodies filled the air, but even through the filter, Ty could see the fumes, it disgusted him, as he continued forward, he reached a small hole leading into the Hanger deck, Ty followed the endless destruction of Pelicans, Falcons, and Hornets, to a specific one, the one hanging on the wall, it was intact, but their was also dead drone bodies littering the floor, who, or what, did this? Tyler could hear something, he turned, his gun aimed at a damaged Pelican, as he moved closer, he found an ODST, and a dead female body, Tyler was ecstatic at the sight of a human.
  15. Taylor stared his sergeant in the eyes, and Taylor didn't back down either, the Sarge didn't scare him, nor did execution. He flipped the large gun around, and handed it to his officer, grunting at him, and walking into line jaggedly with his squad, his armor felt new, green, if you will. It shone in the light, along with everyone else's armors. As he waited, he turned to Marvin, and quietly muttered in his ear, "Sorry for getting you in trouble Marvin." as he yet again faced forward, and waited. Taylor was tired of waiting, he turned his head out of the line and said, "Hey Sarge? What's the objective of the game, if you don't mind me asking?"
  16. Look at the yellow here- Now look at the yellow here- Okay. A.The marine in my post said, and I outlined it for you, "They cleared most of the ship." You listed about a dozen marines. Their may have only been a few survivors left, and they certainly wouldn't be out in the open, with Drone adults scouring the ship for survivors. B. You instantly took down multiple drones, and I outlined it in red, one ODST would not be able to take down high ranking drones in a split second. This post needs to be fixed.
  17. Classification: Signature Format: PNG Size: 600x200 Style: Noir Primary Colors: Grainy White, Dark Grey, Dashes of Silver in there as well IMAGE 1: http://gamehdwall.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Fallout-New-Vegas-Wallpaper-HD.jpg IMAGE 2: http://download.gamezone.com/uploads/image/data/1143949/destinybig_-_Copy__3_.jpg IMAGE 3: http://th05.deviantart.net/fs32/PRE/f/2008/219/e/a/Forward_Unto_Dusk_by_Tatsudoshi999.png Background: http://www.fimfiction-static.net/images/story_images/102440.jpg?1367971957 Writing: "To advance, we must Evolve" on the top, and on the bottom, "Ω" Font: Halo- http://www.dafont.com/halo.font Extras: None Locations Image one goes in the center, image two on the right, and image three on the left. Note: For the images, just specific characters in them, Image one is just the soldier with the revolver, image two just the Spider Pirate facing the camera, and image three just the elite. Also, I want the signature to look like an old TV broadcast from the 60s. Grainy and dirty. Also, I would like Gryffin to make it.
  18. [i was in visioning the armor from FuD. Lasky's armor? The armor ability thing was a slight mistake that I will edit, whoops.]
  19. WHY?? I hoped that there was no one on the site named Grif, so I could be him... THIEF!

  20. (By the way, I forgot to mention. NPCs ARE allowed, this was directed toward SEED, and BaconShelf, whenever you are ready, you can post as Tex's character, carry on.) Taylor explored the inner workings of the ship, officer's quarters, armories, anything to get some decent supplies, first, he needed to find a Falcon, or a Pelican, whichever was found first. He had stumbled upon it, the hanger, it didn't look well, most vehicles were impaled into each other, but something was strange, no bodies, not a single body in the hanger. Like they all... Vanished. The ships emergency power channels were on, but calling for help was a no-go. The signal is short ranged, meaning only ships near Reach would receive the signal. Then, after searching through most of the hanger, Taylor found one, a pelican, still in working condition, but their was a problem, it was hung up by webbing, a strange type of webbing. None he had ever seen, he knew he would have to get it down without damaging it, and for that, he needed Jacob's Flamethrower, he put his hand to his comm, and yelled out, "Jacob! Jacob, I need you here ASAP!" As he continued this he heard a squeal, much like an insect's, but louder, as he turned around, his shotgun pointed at the area where the Pelican sat, blood started to drop, first, it was a single drop. Then two, then four, until it started pouring like rain from the ceiling, Taylor looked up, it was too dark for him to see though, something came into vision, it looked like a human head, as it suddenly dropped to the floor, it was a dismembered Marine head, with holes riddled along it, Taylor once again heard the squeal, he turned on his VISR mode, and the ceiling lit up with multiple drone Larvae, outlined in red, they were blind, and looked like maggots, all they could do though, was feast, the Drone adults bring the bodies, dead or alive, the Larvae eat it, grow into adult drones, who serve the queen and repeat the cycle, Taylor knew one more thing though, that Larvae only exist around the Yanm'e queen, Taylor took a potshot at one Larvae, but it did almost nothing, what looks like a soft shell is actually a hard exoskeleton, blood poured from everywhere on the ceiling, as Taylor heard a buzzing sound, he quickly turned, and a squad of Drones was fast apporaching, Taylor fired his Shotgun at one Minor, knocking it back into another minor, but the Major was tougher, the Shotgun seemed to just reflect off of his hard skin as he grappled on to Taylor, they were locked in a wrestling hold, as Taylor pulled out his Magnum, shooting the Drone at least six times in the left eye, he writhed backward in pain. The Major seemed to be pulled back, like a retreat order, except, he just immediately thrust-ed backward with his group, maybe from the queen. Taylor looked behind him, and saw a shadow, it creep-ed out from the back of a damaged Falcon, it was a girl, a Marine for sure, she was incredibly injured, Taylor rushed over to her, and crouched down, asking, "What happened here?" She spoke, looking into Taylor's eyes, "We, (cough), we were fighting a Cruiser in orbit, it started boarding us, it was too strong, they got in, and once they cleared most of the ship, they send aboard the Drone queen, to breed an extermination force, what they didn't count on was the Captain sending the ship crashing to Reach, the queen survived though... I am sorry, (breaking down), I am sorry..." As the girl's head shifted down and her eyes closed, Taylor noticed a Dog-Tag in her hand, he slowly opened her hand, and picked it up, he stared at it, blankly. Just, waiting, for what? Even he didn't know that.
  21. *facepalms* The map IS quezon and it's outer regions. The mapmaker only highlighted Important areas.
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