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Everything posted by VinWarrior

  1. Taylor held his marine armor's helmet in his hand, level headed with his face. He muttered, "Ah, piece of **** rookie armor, It really shines in the light." Turning to the marine next to him, he knocked on his helmet's Visor, and spoke in his face, "Don't ya think Marvin?" As Taylor turned and grabbed his gun, noticing it was a regular AR, he turned to Marvin yet again, asking, "Hey, pass me a Sniper if you see one, I ain't a sucky shot with it." As his armor started up, the regular light green HUD, weapon display, map, the usual Jazz.
  2. [Can you start making these Past Tense? Small grievance.]
  3. Alright, you can make your post in the official thread then, just use the link at the start of the thread, or find it in the Member Created Works.
  4. Great, approved, use the map on this page to pinpoint where you are starting at, you can't spawn inside the outskirts though, so you can spawn in either the chapel, the town(destroyed), or the cabin.
  5. This is my map of the area in which we are currently in, the area in the lower lefthand corner is the Town, which was mostly destroyed in the beginning of the RP, next is the Chapel, represented by the triangle, where most of the remaining forces in the area regrouped, eventually, you can see the Cabin, in which the map was found, and it's maker, dead, going more along the beaten path, you will find the Canyon, in which my squad crashed, at the moment, me and Baconshelf are north of there, in a crashsite, going more along, you will eventually find the UNSC base, with a remaining ship, and the only way OFF Quezon.
  6. He seemed too baffled to understand the Sergeant's statement. His eyes widened at the man, it seemed like he was threatening him, but Taylor almost shrugged it off, as he continued sitting, looking at his commander, and the man speaking behind him, he blurted out, "Why's that, Sarge?" this silenced the whole room, even Taylor. The words slipped out of his mouth before he could think, and he was prepared for the worst, maybe the brig, maybe execution, he didn't know, he didn't want to know.
  7. Taylor stood ice still in his seat, watching the endless violence in the footage, slaughter, after slaughter, after slaughter, after slaughter, he couldn't take it. He shook his head, not thinking about it, but rather, the person next to him, even this made him shake his head, as he looked on at the rows of people, all in the same clothes, the same looks. It looked like a concentration camp. Taylor then looked at his commanding officer, thinking about the lectures, and processing information. He then muttered out, breaking the almost silence, total silence, if you don't count the Sarge's voice and the shooting, he muttered, "Why did ancient Europeans kill the Native Americans? Because they wanted control, every war, every... Slaughter... In history, it was about controlling the population. Look at the Revolutionary War... We wanted control over America, correct? World War 2, the Nazis, wanted control over the world, the Insurrectionists... All they want is control, every being, no matter the planet wants to control, and that control sparks War, after War, after... War. Either over land... Or the food and water supplies. What if... These, these Covenant... Want control over something we have... What are they looking for? And, remember when the Indians were slaughtered by the Europeans? That was because Europe wanted the land, and the Indians were in their way... What if we have something, and we are in the Covenant's way?" Taking a brief pause to look around at the class, and at his Sarge, he spoke one last sentence, "I rest my case." Lowering himself back in the chair, he prepared for a response by someone in the room.
  8. A. Please don't revive old threads that have been abandoned, look at the date of the last post B. I believe you have to go into Waypoint first to unlock them.
  9. Indeed. And I am sure I have most of the armors needed for this, just need times for EST.
  10. I have it... Doesn't mean I play it a lot.
  11. (That is what I was hoping for, , Okay, can somebody catch me up to where we are at the current moment?)
  12. CGN was DA BOMB! Like the type that kills millions, I was saddened to see so little familiar faces at the Playdate. It was still fun though, I wish I had attended the Halo: Reach play date, Maybe next time.Btw great wrap up Drizzy! Whoops, wrong wrap up,
  13. I would, but I have a 30 year old microphone and I am kinda young, sorry bro. I wish I could help.
  14. How would Huragok wield anything? The are floating blue infected testicles, Also, Grunts would NEVER and I repeat this NEVER be Shipmaster or Councilor. Even the Separatists wouldn't do that.
  15. Taylor didn't remember much, the sky was bright and sunny, like nothing had ever happened, he got up from the floor, his wounds, healed. He turned around, he was surrounded by trees, but one thing caught his eye, an oily figure, hovering, it had the body of a human girl, but was black as night. It didn't move, didn't speak, didn't interact, it just... Stared. Taylor took a step forward, he wanted a closer look at the figure, all of a sudden, the sky turned to night, and it poured, hard. The oily figure, seemed to transform, into an Elite, the elite's armor was a pale white and it carried no weapons, it too just stood there, it looked like an Honor Guard, but Taylor hadn't seen many of them, only in blurry camera shots. He figured they were hoaxes. He then heard the voice of a girl, it spoke the words, "John." as Taylor turned quickly, he recognized the middle aged voice, he looked at the girl, a blonde, maybe about 40 years old. Taylor was in shock, he started to tear up, "Hon..." as he pulled off his helmet. He started to walk towards the woman, but after about two steps, the woman started walking back, and Taylor stopped, the elite he had seen appeared behind her, this time he had an energy sword in his right hand, Taylor was confused, and scared, as the woman started to tear up, Taylor started to realize what was going on, he broke down, pleading for her life, but he could get to her, as he ran, it seemed like they moved farther away as well, Taylor crouched to the floor and muttered, "Please..." as the elite sliced her neck in silence, as the body fell, the Elite and the woman dissipated, into thin air. Taylor then noticed he had a gun in his hand, he put the barrel to his head, it was warm, like Taylor had used it, he fired, and all of a sudden, everything turned black. He was jolted back to reality, Taylor laid quietly by a rock, he thrust-ed his head back, and spoke, "It was just a dream." as he shakily picked himself up off the floor. His body still ached in pain, his bones rattled, but he could move, that was all that mattered, now, he needed to find Jacob. He called out, "Jacob! Jacob!" he kept doing this as he moved inside the ship, he found Jacob, he rushed over to the man, and grabbed his shoulder, saying in a quieter voice, "Jacob..." as he tried to wake his partner up, he saw the man who shot him, he remembered his face, that one second glimpse, he was awake, Taylor's facial expression changed from pain to anger in a split-second, as he turned around to his shotgun, still lying where it fell when Taylor was shot, he grabbed the top of the gun, and pumped in one Shotgun Shell, he would only need one, he walked over to the man and pointed the Barrel at his head, then he yelled at him, "You have thirty seconds to explain or I pump a nice 4 inch piece of led through your brain." as the man looked at Taylor with a smirk on his face, Taylor's eyes opened wide when he saw a nametag on the man, it read, "Leonard A. Fox- Lead Scientist" that is when it all became clear to Taylor. "Leonard... No... That f**king smile... LEONARD! I SHOULD KILL YOU RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW!" as he turned back to his friend, Jacob, he took the Shotgun and aimed it at his head, as his finger pressed on the trigger, he let out a groan, and shot the wall of the ship, as the scientist only spoke, "Couldn't do it, could ya?" as Taylor grew angry, he took the barrel of the gun, hotter then it would usually be, and pressed it against his Forehead, burning half of his face to a crisp, as the scientist writhed in pain, Taylor grabbed his neck, and held him in the air, they both looked each other in the eye, and Taylor said, "I hope you burn on this planet." as he tossed him aside, right against the wall of the ship, Taylor then turned to Jacob, and said, "I'll go look for a Falcon, you hail down the Pilot, see if he's still alive." as he turned and sprinted inside the ship.
  16. I liked it. I mean a series about Spartans or ODSTs would have been more to MY likings, but for the time they had, they did a decent job, I didn't like the parts where it got kinda Kissy-Kissy though. Halo isn't about romance. Keep it about Story and Action, hopefully the TV series does a better job on that, and plus, No Episode 6 bro. It was like an advertisement for Halo 4. Whoops, sorry to revive the thread... Just leave it here, I thought it was still new cause' of SEEDs post, and I didn't read the past two pages. Sorry.
  17. Did I just see Paul McCartney? Like, the Beatles Paul McCartney... I am throwing money at the screen, why isn't it working?
  18. What if I rallied up the lower and middle class members of the forums and started an uprising which would turn into a fifty year war for control? Hahahaha... Just hypothetical, Hahahaha... (whispers to Sparky)
  19. ... ODST... It says it right there... It's coming out August 20th in the Infinity Pack... 240 MSP.
  20. They NEVER officially said that there would be a Season 2 of Spartan Ops, and if you are complaining about not getting the Champions Bundle in the Pass, you don't deserve Halo 4 in my opinion. They worked their *sses off for Nine maps, and that was it! They had never said they would be doing the Bundle and therefore, the Season Pass should not cover it.
  21. Joseph sat in his vehicle as it seemed to bump every few minutes, he stared out into the sky, and smiled, he had always wanted to visit the stars, but he was stuck on earth, this took the smile right off of his face, he put his head down, groaning, he turned to the man who rescued him, and handed him his ODST helmet, saying, "It's dented, won't be needing it anymore anyway." as he continued to stare into space, in silence, but this silence was breached by an all too familiar sound, Needlers. A Hail fired unto the front of the vehicle, piercing it, and almost killing the driver, Joseph held on for his life, as the car swerved and turned, the sounds of battle grew louder, eventually, a hair-chilling sound pierced Joseph's ears, he heard a Plasma EMP go off, Joseph turned as fast as he could, a grunt's plasma shot barreled at the car, hitting it with full speed, the driver yelled and screamed, swerving accidentally into the wall, he had no control though, Joseph shot out of the car, hitting the wall himself, and knocking out. He couldn't see, but he heard the chatter of a devil. A Brute Chieftain.
  22. [Am I too late to join? ] Name: Taylor DeCello Age: 24 Physical Appearance: Skinny, tan overcoat due to the time spent in the heat, brown, crew cut, hair, blue eyes, scar on left cheek Rank: Recruit Uniform: Olive Drab Battle Dress Uniform Birthplace: Visegrad Personality: Well spoken, rushes to decisions, known for speaking back against authority, a lone wolf. Background: Small time drug dealer, well respected criminal, chose enlistment over death penalty. Skills: Deceitful, can often evade detection and slip through small spaces, this helped him in his criminal career .
  23. Taylor motioned with his hands for Jacob to follow him, the rain clattered down on their already busted, bruised, and aching bodies, Taylor and Jacob were finally in the frigate's vicinity, as they could smell dead bodies and burning metal. They moved in for a closer look, but weren't greeted with much luck, dead bodies lined up in rows in front of them, some not even still whole, Taylor couldn't stand it, but they had to keep moving, finally, they found a survivor, or at least they figured. Taylor approached a man in a coat, white and red even under the night, he had combed back gray hair, and wasn't too tall, he was also wearing sandals, and his clothes were riddled with holes, Taylor tapped him on the shoulder, as he turned quickly, Taylor barely caught a glimpse of his facial appearance as he fired a SAW into Taylor, he knocked back like a ragdoll as yellow and red danced in a fiery ball, Taylor was thrust-ed into a nearby broken-off Shortsword wing, he was barely breathing, and his vision was hazy, as his vision dimmed and the ringing noise seemed to never end, Taylor's HUD flickered with warnings, in a red overcoat, splatters of blood, coming from him, littered his visor, he put up his hand to his face, cuts and blood were all over it, it looked like it had been through hell and back, as Taylor channeled all available energy to put his hand to his wound, all of a sudden a screech of pain overcame him, he groaned in pain as he knocked his head down, to look at the wound, the bullets breached his armor and shredded through his skin, as blood maneuvered down his chest-piece, he started to notice the pool of blood build up below his waist, Taylor looked up at the sky, the rain still battering down, and muttered, "Nice-," grabbing his chest again, and continuing, taking a loud inhale and saying, "Nice shot, bud." as his world seemed to stop, he only muttered one last sentence, "Sorry Jacob." and staring at the sky, just wanting to die.
  24. So, I decided to think up some Pack ideas for Halo 4, hope you like them! Imperfect Pack- Description: The return to Requiem led to a lot of new, and old, truths being discovered, some were kept in the darkness, only known to high members and shady founders, others were shared, and even put in the War Games simulation, a new addition to the War Games, Forge World, re imagined, but still familiar to some veterans, explore the canyon once know to hold a very sinister name, two opposite ends, one canyon, Blood Gulch, and step into the boots of a classic armor, used often by Ninjas, now adapted for the GEN 2 Systems, this trained killer armor bears it's old name, Hayabusa, and finally the return of an old vehicle, now adapted to support modern technology, this aircraft bore the name of a fierce bird, still fierce to this very day, the Falcon, adapted in Forge World and available in the other maps. Price: $5-400 MSP High Charity Pack- Description: The harkening days on Reach broke many men, and shattered many lives into endless pieces, even now, soldiers must be trained for every situation, fight on new terrain, over the oceans of Reach, in a boat, the Genesis, docked near the harbor, with fighting both on the water, and in a familar space, Longshore, mixed into one large map, featuring the return of a Noble Spartan's escape area, Boneyard, now named Graveyard, and the return of an old Gametype, Invasion, two teams, Spartans and Elites, Elites are just Spartan IVs who are reskinned, so both sides get training of what it would be like to be the Elites, to learn their systems, and to fight them on the Battlefield, and now, an exclusive option in most gamemodes, to change to an elite, any elites encountered in Halo 4 are playable the second the pack is downloaded, but elites must be turned on for the Gamemode. Finally, the return of an old friend, the Plasma Rifle, available two weeks early to pack downloaders, and then available to the public free-of-charge after. Price: $10-800 MSP Loyalty Pack- Description: The UNSC put up all the fight they could to protect Earth, and won the battle, now Soldiers are making themselves better in combat, and to do that, new environments and armor are needed, set your boots back into classic Security armor, or equip the popular CQC Armor, both donned in their Halo 3 Versions, or strap on the Bulky Grenadier armor used by a famous Spartan II on Reach, finally, for the first time ever in a Halo game, suit up in modified Marine armor, used on Reach during it's fall. Fight once again in the sandy dunes of Sandtrap, and featuring the return of a classic gamemode, Headhunter, with a twist, if a head isn't collected within 30 Seconds it forms a clone of the player who dropped it, hunting the other players on the map. Price: $5-400 MSP
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