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Everything posted by VinWarrior

  1. Taylor had his barrel aimed at the marine's head, "Yeah your human, so what makes you different, FNG?" As he looked the man in the eye through the visor, and pulled the gun away, "Saw that explosion, from the shack, I guess our ODST friend over there is lucky she spotted you, boy." as he handed him the rifle, "My name is Taylor, and she is your new BFF. Welcome to hell." as he gestured his hand for the ODST to follow him, they walked up the woods, as Taylor looked at his new ODST Friend, "Ashley. Nice to meet you Ashley." as he kept walking in the bush filled forests, it would take them a while to get there, plus they would need more filters, luckily, the man marked drop zones, where he placed extra filters. They needed to move though, as they walked in the forest, Taylor's TAC/PAD went off again. It was green, which meant it was safe, though, the further that cruiser got, the more radiated the areas would be, so he decided to walk for an extra mile. The area would probably, if his estimates were right, be radiated at a yellow level, by 10:00am. He knew they could make camp, for a little while, and get rest, the area was thick in the bushes, so Elites wouldn't notice it and grunts didn't have the eyesight for it, Jackals were a concern, but the radiation behind them is at a Red level, so Jackals would die if they set foot it there. They set up two tents, and a campfire, he sat out by the campfire, not concerned about sleep, but concerned for their safety, if he kept guard, and he spotted covenant, he could keep them busy for her and the FNG to escape. After a while he pulled out a Holo-still image, it was of his Father, memories came back to him, and time became still, as he remembered, his Father's hand, and he remembered a needler going through his chest, he remembered the day, he let his parents die, he took off his helmet as it tumbled over to the tent, he put his hands by his face and started to weep, the pain of his finger, his plasma burns, nothing, hurt him now, accept guilt, as he sat there. He stopped crying and pulled out his magnum, wondering, "Should I fire it?" as he put the cold, unused barrel to his head, his eyes widened, and he looked back, like someone was there... Who?
  2. Taylor turned, "Good idea, let me see if this Insurrectionist stored a sniper here or something." as he walked around he found a target locator, with charges left on it, it was white and red in color and had an Insurrectionist symbol on it, Taylor muttered, "Well, now I know for sure this guy was an innie. He must still have a freaking missile satellite in orbit." He put it in his backpack, as he continued to walk around, he found a basement, he turned the light on to see rows and rows of Elite skulls hung on the walls, along with Prototype plasma rifles and pistols. He then found a sniper on the wall, and a note. It looked elite written, but in English. It read, "Traitors get what they deserve." as he turned to find the man's dead body, he was in a white coat, and jeans, with a graying beard and aviator glasses, along with an energy sword plunged into his chest. Taylor stared at the body and then turned to grab the sniper, he hunched it on his shoulder, as he walked back up, again glancing at ODST. He goes on to the Porch, to get a clear view, as he sees no oncoming elites, most of them focused on the Chapel and the slaughter below. He got up from his crouched position as he noticed the stars, he never got to see them in combat. They were beautiful, he then looked back toward the small house, as he looked at the ODST again, he spoke through the comms, on a private channel, saying, "Hey, Recon lady," grabbing her attention, "Grab what you can, we are moving uphill. And while your at it, last one out, turns off the light." As he smiled to her, walking forward into the forests, as he turned, again glancing at the shack, then the stars, he turned to the ODST and asked, "Hey, do you think anyone else made it up here?"
  3. Taylor was distraught, he saw the woman's hand holding over to help him up, he took it, saying, "Thanks, I'll need a name later, but for now, we have to take down the covenant, his TAC/PAD Blinked blue, which meant an incoming message, it was close by, it read, "Good Luck Guys, see you on the other side." as he heard a bombing raid begin, some of the remaining UNSC Longswords dropped hails of bombs on the Phantoms closing in, his TAC/PAD Blinked again, another message, saying, "That should buy you some ti-" as the message cuts off. Taylor turns to the woman, "We have to go, now." as he turns his head to a group of ODSTs, one nods his head, saying, "We know what we got to do. We'll get the civilians out of here, at least keep the Covvies busy, to buy them an extra few minutes, good luck Taylor." as Taylor saluted them, they all saluted back, he turned to the ODST again, come on, we have to go. Take this filter, It is my last one, should keep you alive for an extra ten minutes or so. I got about 5 on my countdown, so we better find help." as he turns to a tunnel, wait a minute, we can head down here, it leads to the outskirts, like a shortcut." We need to move now though." As he holsters his Shotgun and runs down the tunnel, as fast as he can go, in about a minute or two of sprinting, they are there. Near the outskirts, they notice a shack up ahead, with a light, "Someone's got electricity." as he runs up there, towards the shack, he hears a large noise as he turns and see the Cathedral collapse in on itself, Taylor stares in shock as he starts to cry, he says whilst crying, "****." as his helmet beeps, only two minutes left on the countdown. He turned again, then turned to his female ODST friend, "C'mon, we're almost there." he tells her as he continues up. Taylor walked in to the shack, the light was left on, he noticed a crate of filters, air bags, and illegal assault rifles, as he explored, it was filled with maps, covenant symbols, and numbers. He then noticed a piece of paper, it said the date of the attack on reach, and next to it the words, "Final Stand." this person knew the Covenant would attack, how, Taylor didn't know. There was then a large poster, it was a map, it showed directions from the shack to a place labeled "escape." in bold letters, he turned to the ODST behind him, "You think we should follow it?"
  4. [Yay, I am trusted! ] The cathedral was swarming with oncoming civilians and marines, injured and battered in blood. Taylor was too busy to try to find Jacob, his mission was to take down anything that could kill refugees in the cathedral. He ran towards some sandbags recently set up, he found a Grenade launched lying on the floor, this looked different from the standard launchers, it had two barrels. He aimed it in the air and noticed Phantoms coming in with Wraiths, he aimed down the scope on his launcher and aimed for the Phantom's eye-like features, he let loose six shots, they were well placed as the phantom plunged forward and crashed into the cathedral. He then noticed something else, his TAC/PAD Turned Orange, which meant radiation was close, he turned behind him and yelled, "GET INTO THE BASEMENT, IT'S RADIOACTIVE UP HERE!" He screamed this at the top of his lungs as he noticed an ODST who had recently entered the Cathedral, he got her attention, "Hey, Lady!" as he tossed a filter to her, he also tossed a filter to another ODST who had fought off quite a wave of Covenant, he yelled, "Gear up guys, that was only the scouting party, we have cruisers on the other side, we need to stay here and defend those Civilians as long as we can! Helljumper, Helljumper where you been? Feet first into hell then back again! When I die please bury me deep! Fix my MA5 Down by my feet!" He sung in unison with his fellow ODSTs. He threw his grenade launcher to the side, out of ammo, and pulled out his Shotgun, he turned to the female ODST whom he tossed the filter to and asked, "You ready?" as a Banshee bombed the area, knocking the group on their feet, he saw an ODST, whose helmet was tossed off, it read, "Clancy" he started to run, and Taylor yelled at him, "YOU F*CKING COWARD!" As the ODST Turned and grabbed his neck, he started choking as the radiation killed him from the inside out, Taylor watched this as another ODST picked him off the floor, then as Taylor got up, he was grabbed by something in the neck, he chocked in his helmet, his filter was on, it couldn't be radiation, he was raised about four feet into the air, as the Silver elite uncloaked and scowled at him, saying, "Pathetic humans, they Cower in the dust until their last breaths, that I give them credit for!" as he turn to the human and whispered in his ear, "Let me ask you something, I will kill either you, or that female over there." As taylor yelled, "I always f*cking hated Gators." as he turned around, noticing a gun by the female, if she could spot it, he may be able to get out, as the Elite said, "I guess that means you. Honorable." as he pulls out an energy sword, it plunges into his index finger on his right hand, severing it, Taylor writhed and screamed in pain, he turned as the elite was priming is sword, "Lady (cough), (cough) get the gun, please." As he closed his eyes.
  5. I really don't play the game much anymore, sorry. Maybe in the future, or ask around the shoutbox!
  6. Nice Photoshop ^ And It isn't dead, just sparsely populated, like Spore. And no new dlc in the works, sorry friend.
  7. I am kinda young, but I will try my best, sorry if it isn't good enough.
  8. I figured I would think up some maps for H5. Just some Ideas for the community. Armature- Description- A Forerunner Tower Relic, this is one of the most salvaged Forerunner structures, with objects still moving such as cover, and weapon relics, along with a large space, this has become a popular War Games space. Beachhead- Description- A Shoreline on a planet near Shanghellios, this Beach was a covenant battlefield, now a shoreline with the relics of the old war, this simulation still holds dear to many retired soldiers, which makes it a perfect simulation. Dishonored- Description- A Covenant graveyard, this corpse ridden moon of eternal night, because of it's distance from the sun. This open graveyard area leaves little cover, and is great for snipers, which makes it a great space to train on. Demolition- Description- A Construction site in New York during the glassing of the city, this high skyscraper is rattled by constant earthquakes from falling debris, this tests resilience and is great for fast paced practices. Enclave- Description- A Covenant torture camp in the mountains of a Cold planet, this disturbing work camp and extermination camp, it is a small area filled with covers of glass windows, interrogation rooms, and execution chambers, it is used to test soldier's determination to suck it up during battle. Fahrenheit- Description- A falling UNSC Frigate in atmosphere, over the Alps of Italy, explosions all around the frigate's lower deck and wind pulls can test the skill of Spartans, and test a soldier's survival ability. Forge Planet- Description- This lush continent was once only partially explored, now it is truly open with surrounding jungles and some places only the Veterans remember. Harbor- Description- A Port on Harvest over the frozen lake, boat to boat fighting and fighting over a fragile lake over the light of the moon and the northern lights. With distanced fighting, long range weapons rule in this landscape. Immigration- Description- Ellis Island during the glassing of New York, this compact relic was one of the UNSC's bases, with the island abandoned, the scorching heat and tidal waves are likely to kill, this map tests the resilience of your skill with every weapon, especially CQC. Pit Stop- Description- An old UNSC training base, this place is now covered in rain puddles and rust, as the area was glassed a long time ago, this CQC map tests a player tactical abilities in the pouring rain and pitch black night, with only a few lights to light your way, players can take down the other team's generators though, leaving them in darkness. Sand Dune- Description- This sandy area once bore the name, "Sandbox" but UNSC forces pushed forward and destroyed the Ominous structures that once hovered over, revealing a large sandy desert, which was Forerunner settled many years ago, it also housed Dormant flood subjects, which still exist today in contained buildings, this roaming desert tests navigation around an unfamiliar area. Terminus- Description- A UNSC Shipyard abandoned and taken over by insurrectionists long ago, this fragile structure was a place where many plans to kill civilians were brainstormed, fortunately, the UNSC Raided the facility and took down anyone who worked there, Snow now falls on this once lush jungle area, and rapid snowstorms make this place a terrible environment, along with still active insurrectionist turrets, this area is meant to test even the best of Spartans.
  9. Oh my God xD This reminds me of Tupari from Mass Effect 2. I laughed so hard.
  10. Do I believe the flood are alive? Yes, somewhere on "1" ring, I am sure flood are dormant, but it is going to be a long time before they are released, the Arbiter has to come back, he didn't fit well into Halo 4's story, so they didn't put him there, but he may fit into Halo 5's story.
  11. Also, I just noticed you can see master chief in the left side on the top picture, that is for sure a photoshopped picture.
  12. The top picture is fake, and so is the rest. I am sure any teenager could photoshop this, I can do this in my 15 year old version of COREL.
  13. To my mind, looks like a modern day Spore. I will definitely look into it, is it going to be on like an Arcade.
  14. Taylor was shaken and surprised at the same time, he expected the Hellbringer to be dead, he was lost, he stared off into space, all he could picture was the explosion right before he blacked out... The fire... How it felt cold and dead that split second, suddenly he snapped out of it, turning back to his new found friend, Jacob. Shaking his head he said to the Hellbringer, "Alright. This building isn't to far from the Chapel of Saint Francis the Fifth, which is occupied by some ODST squads, I know because I visited with my family ten years back, my friend is a priest and an ODST. He can get us out, but the Covvies are probably occupying the tunnels looking for us, so, we take the rooftops." Looking back on Jacob, and nodding, as he picked up his shotgun, dirty, and battered with blood, Covenant and Human. He aimed his shotgun at the door leading to the surface and shot it, climbing up the ladder, his plan is to take the North rooftops, Jacob would take the west rooftops, and meet up with him in the Northwest chapel. Jacob moved along the roof, aiming his shotgun wildly in the air, expecting a banshee or two, but it was absent, no troops on the ground, no banshees, not even fresh covenant debris, nothing, like they had been abandoned on a dead planet. He looked over to his TAC/PAD and it alarmed with flashing yellow, this let him know that it was becoming too radioactive for him, so he turned on his filters, he would run out in mere minutes, so they needed to move fast. He put his hand to his helmet, speaking, "Jacob, Jacob, respond!" No response, not even static, this was bad. He muttered under his breath, "This **** ain't good. I better get to him, fast. I hope to god he has filters on him." as he scurried along rooftops, timing his jumps, making sure not to slip, until he found a jump that was too far, but there was a ladder he could reach, he leaped to the ladder, catching it barely, he tugged on it as it slipped down in a fire of noise, a screech rang out from the rusty ladder as it fell to the floor, he jumped off it, keeping his shotgun handy, as he found a set of stairs leading into a building, he kept his flashlight off, to remain undetected as he walked to the top, there was a balcony, he was weary as he watched a slender jackal uncloak almost right in front of him, he hooked to the right of the door and crouched, he thought he had been detected, but the Jackal was looking the other way as he aimed his carbine forward and walked up, he saw Jacob, and so did the Jackal, he muttered curses as he tried to find a way to save the Hellbringer while remaining undetected, he found a knife on the floor as he rushed toward the jackal. The jackal noticed him, but it was too late, he impaled the Jackal's neck as he jumped unto it, the jackal groaned and screeched as he writhed in pain, trying to get the ODST off of him. Taylor took the knife out and kicked the jackal to the floor, as the Jackal tried to get up the ODST picked up the bird-like creature's beam rifle and plunged it into his stomach, piercing his chest and killing him. Taylor moved forward a little, still trying to get comms on, then static turned on, he thought they were saved until he watched as multiple teams of Special Ops Elites uncloaked on many buildings all of them, holding energy spears or swords in their hands, a strange, silver elite uncloaked, he was bulky, and carried two energy swords, his eyes were also yellow, and he stood at least two feet above the Spec Ops elites around him, he barked out in human language, "On the Blood of out Fathers, on the Blood of ours sons, We SWORE to uphold the covenant! Do NOT Fail me here brothers!" as he Growled and a large cruiser uncloaked only about 20 miles out of Quezon, and began glassing, Taylor muttered, "No." as his radio came back on with the pleas of soldiers and civilians left out there. It horrified him, he turned channels, as he contacted Jacob, "Jacob! Jacob! We're f*cked! Head to the chapel fast!" As he pulled out his shotgun and jumped up a ladder which led to the top of the building, banshees swarmed in as the shot at buildings and anything that moved, Taylor ran for his life. He panted and groaned, he started to bleed from his nose as he kept running, he found the chapel, and he hoped to god Jacob was there, he took the stair way from the top of the chapel down to the altar, as came an all too familiar sound, Mortars.
  15. I believe he is still alive, first of all in the end during the epilogue he talks about events after his death, like when he says he is "Accused of the sin of forerunner ascension." that is from using the composer, and I believe he is saying this after using it in New Phoenix, he also confirms a forerunner return at the ending when he says, "the Reclamation has already begun" Though this could be when he was being locked up by the librarian. Also why would the kill the antagonist off in the first game, it makes no sense. He even fired the composer on chief and he withstood it, if chief can, then the Didact certainly can withstand his own weapon.
  16. Yeah only one, It is so people don't get lost about who is who, anyway you missed the facial features aspect, but I'll let it slide, accepted.
  17. Welcome to the forums good sir! Might we offer some cake? We have no cake! Here, Here, newfound friend!
  18. You asked for forgiveness, and you are truly sorry. That means you are welcome back, whatever happened before is five miles behind.
  19. Could you lengthen the idea and double check spelling? It is really hard for me to understand you if you make errors, I don't like the idea from what I could read, too linear. How did they get to the hole, how are the flood back, how is CORTANA back?
  20. Hey! Welcome to the forums! How ya doin'? I'm Spartan, so here are the forum's rules A. Don't touch GSD's Bacon, B. Don't touch MY Bacon, C. Don't touch any Bacon.... WELCOME!
  21. Joseph ran down the dark tunnel, he kept his flashlight running, but set it to dim, to avoid running out. He groaned and coughed, still injured, he then hit something, something sharp, he fell into the murky waste. He picked himself off the floor, still coughing, and turned with his gun, he pointed it's flashlight where he fell, to see what tripped him, he found a mutilated human body, the head was sliced clean through, but not by an energy sword, it was a Beam Rifle, that meant a sniper, he turned and yelled, "Oh ****." as he saw a blue light on the edge of the tunnel. He jumped, expecting the target to fire, it did nothing, he got up, embarrassed, and walked over holding his pistol at the target, as he moved closer he turned on the flashlight, it was a keypad, to open a door leading into the building above, he didn't know the passcode though. He turned and ran towards the body, he turned it over searching his pockets, until he grabbed a piece of paper out of his jacket pocket, the paper, covered with blood, but readable, said, "761-IO" He smiled and took the paper with him by the keypad, and entered the code as lights turned on, shining on his platform, and basically blinding him as the door opened and a ladder swung down. He crawled up there, which led to a room, with a flight of stairs, he followed endless flights of stairs to the top of the building, to a room, barren, and ghostly. He turned on a light switch, the room grew slightly lighter, it was filled with furniture, and on the far end, a Sniper, a Target Locator, out of rounds but usable for surveillance, and a note on the couch, it was also bloodied, it read, "If you found this, get to that sniper and turn off the lights, trust me, I have to get out of here, good luck." The ODST put the letter in his backpack, and turned off the lights, he put his guns on the couch and locked the doors. He then picked up the sniper, another note was there, it read, "Find him, B-188" he knew the person was talking about coordinates, he picked up the sniper and followed the coordinates, he saw a building, a collapsed building, he whispered, "What the f*ck?" as his radio turned back on, static, but on.
  22. VinWarrior


    No thanks, I don't play Halo 3 Anymore. But welcome to the forums eddie! If you want to play Halo with people on the forums, we have regular playdates, the Halo 3 one should be coming around soon.
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