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Everything posted by VinWarrior

  1. Ok, I am currently figuring out exact dates, just tell me and everyone else when to get on and we will be there.
  2. Damn man, that's sad... We are all going to miss you dearly as you were a great member and a great person altogether, one that I hope to some day be goodbye, come back soon!
  3. Very Nice! Though, I was never a big fan of the rust color, try adding like a silver-ish gray and having hues of dirt, cause I am sure not all Banshees completely rusted, Still, great job, I like the first one the best.
  4. Person: Xbox One, get me another cup of Whisky! Kinect: You have had enough, John, I am cutting you off. Person: I haven't had... Nearly enough, Screw You! (Kinect calls police) Kinect: I have called the police, John. Can I get you anything else?
  5. ... Hold on one second... HAHAHAHAHA..... HAHAHA.... Oh my g- HAHAHA! That is just- HAHAHA. I can't even (gasps) That is so- HAHA So... So stupid Heh... Hold on Hahaha........ I just told the next door neighbors they are cracking up too (laughs) That is beautiful, you made my day! They did this with AC IV Black Flag saying, "You poach whales in it" Blah, blah, blah... Stupid Idiots.... Oh my god.... That was so funny bro. It has nothing to do with anything they say here and I laugh when they say if they lived in that world that they would protest it... That was just, HAHAHAHAA.... Okay, okay, they should be embarrassed.
  6. I'd be like, "Yeah, chicks dig babies..."
  7. I don't want her to go, but it was her time. I hope she doesn't come back. Chief needs this, he needs to get back his humanity, him losing cortana might bring the old John back. He needs to shape into the man he used to be. She was his only friend, he needs to re-adapt to humanity. Remember at the end, she says "Welcome Home, John" She means welcome back to your original life, she knows he breaks down without her, he needs to become human and reconnect again.
  8. Thanks for the reply, I did most just for a good laugh! Not to actually be in the game.
  9. You speak english quite well son, Anyway, here. 1- I feel like some are underpowered, like the Hardlight, no real problem there, they are mostly balanced. 2- What do Loadouts have to do with DMR Killing? Anybody can pick one up on the maps, blame weapon placements there, most people use fair weapons, and mix in the heavy hitters, if you don't like the people in your game, leave and recycle, you won't lose anything, this isn't Halo 3 XD. 3- I agree there, but somebody dual-wielding boltshots, that would be chaos! 4- I think the maps are full of life, like Abandon, there are actual, detailed, creatures in pods, does CoD have that? 5- What? Sprint is a great addition, I think it is well balanced, and keeps the map at a fast pace. 6- I thought they added that in? Anyway, 343i is hard working, if it isn't in now, it will be added in later. 7- Ordnance drops keep you on your toes to look out for heavy weapons, they don't spawn in the same spots, so you never know where they are gonna be at, I like them. Do I agree, Yes and No. No the game is not dead, but yes it is different. I am not getting Halo 5, but only because it isn't on the Xbox 360.
  10. Welcome to the community! If you need help, a good place to start is the shoutbox, if that fails, search up your topic on the forums, you are bound to find help there. If you need help and can't find it in either of those places, ask me. I'll look up the specific topic and see if I can answer it for you. We all support each other here and consider each other Brothers and Sisters. There are rules for you to follow, just behave as you would want others to behave towards you and you will have a lot of fun. We host game nights and play dates regularly, that's not my field though. And finally, Don't steal GSD's Bacon... Whatever you do, Never, NEVER, steal his bacon... Anyway, thanks for joining, see you around!
  11. Congrats on Legendary Egyptian!
  12. I already did something like this but now I have the opportunity to expand on the Tower Universe and it's characters, with multiple backstories, first a timeline(no major spoilers for machinima or Halo:Reach) Early 2552- Elites land on the abandonded plains near the Tower, their target, they proceed to be boxed in as Human forces make camp around the Tower, they try plans to get around, a few days later, an Elite commander lands to finish the job after they are labeled KIA, He arrives with numerous forces and the plans start to unfold. Middle 2552- The Tridac, a Forerunner artifact, believed to hold the location of the Ark, is found, the machine cannot be accessed, and the General who found it is executed. Late 2552- Reach is found and glassed, UNSC Forces in retreat, Spartans listed as KIA, except a lucky few. The remaining Elites leave, as well as any surviving UNSC, to honor their fallen. Each character will have Bios which I will update below. For now, I can confirm that if my capture card works then Season 2 will be released, mere weeks from the events of Season 1. For now, all I can confirm is that and most of the original cast will return. I am still in need of voice actors for seasons 1 and 2. If you have audacity and a way of sending me the file, tell me in the comments. Here is the list of Main Characters for season 1- Jackhar: The Leader of the Team, and Main Character. He has a record of screw-ups, even getting the Mark of Shame, that is why he leads the team he does, they are worthless enough to succeed, yet if they fail, no one will miss them. He is aware of this, but will do anything for redemption, as a gift, they let him keep the Field Marshall armor Dakora: One of the best Marksman in the covenant, and a natural born leader, but too many covenant show these traits, he misses one, Faith, in the covenant, in his mission, in their goals, in even survival. His eagle-like eyesight and vigilance is why he hasn't already been executed. If he fails, that might change. Greshekk: A Heavy Weapon's specialist by Heart, this hulking gentle giant is a good friend of Reth and a loyal squadmate, He'll pull you out of a mess in an instant, but don't double-cross him. He knows it's a suicide mission, but he always has his Turret in hand, it's name of sentimental value to him is unknown by even his commanding officer, he doesn't care, as long as he does his job... Reth: The Team's CQC Specialist, and also the Wisecracker, he always keeps his friend, Greshekk in check, and keeps spirits up in the team, luckily he is good with the needler. He has broken so many Covenant Laws his head should be in a Crate right now, but these days, the Covenant needs all they can get. Crassus: A UNSC Commander, he seems ruthless to most who encounter him. He is willing to blow a hole in the leg of an Elite to get Information, this cold-hearted war veteran was rumored to be the opposite of what he is today, Guess war doesn't just change land or liberties.
  13. I would love to It could help if you linked my channel though, but you dont' have to. I can also voice act, even though I sound kinda young, a little acting and editing should do the trick By me of course. I have audacity, all I need is a way to send you the file.
  14. I mean in flashbacks before Reach on Earth, like before the Covenant hit.
  15. It wouldn't let me upload it anywhere else, , An upcoming Fanfiction I am doing on DeviantART about 6 Spartans, from left to right, Samson, Damon, Rook, Ruth, Niket, and Cesare, on Earth years before the Covenant, and on Reach during the invasion. Their specialties are Samson is Pilot, Damon is the Commander, Rook is the FNG, Ruth is the Sniper, Niket is Close Quarters, and Cesare is Heavy Weapons. They are Talon squad.
  16. (Jaw Drops) Thanks man, that is beast, sorry to put you through the trouble, I tried the links and they worked, I must have made a mistake, I really am, anyway, thanks, this is great.
  17. Yep, I did this for Halo 4 and I am doing one for Halo 5, Mostly for Comic Relief, Kill Gates: Get a Kill on a Microsoft Employee, you pr*ck. Ain't Nobody Got Time for That: Get no Kills, or deaths, by the time the game ends. Flight and Nerdy: Kill a Player propelled in the air by a Warthog. Great, Great, Great Godfather: Get six kills in a row with a Machine Gun. Halozerker: Kill two enemies, in 5 seconds, with a different weapon for each enemy. Saints Tow: Get a kill on a purple spartan from a Sticky Detonator on a Vehicle. Bioshot: Kill an enemy with only a Plasma Pistol, no overcharge. Insanity in the Dictionary Means: Crash land a banshee and survive. Dead I-Hand: Pick up a dead teammates weapon, which you gave him. Glock Obama: In a Free-for-all get a kill on red, white, and blue colored enemies with a Magnum. Iron Van: Survive at least 3 Rocket's splash damage in a warthog. Be Brave: Get 7 Kills Without dying. Reaper of Reapers: Kill an enemy using a Spartan laser who has 5 Kills. It was a Hell of a Night: Get a kill with an SMG, Spartan Laser, Rocket Launcher, Pistol, Assault Rifle, and Sniper in that order. I Think we're just Getting Started: Get 10 Headshots with a single magnum. On the Blood of our Fathers: Get 2 Kills on any Covenant related map. It was an Honor serving with you, John: Win any game with both an Assault Rifle, and Magnum load out, on hand. Negative, I Have the Gun: Save 5 Teammates from Death by your own Death. The Reclamation, has already begun: Win a game by 4 points. (P.S. Only people who have played certain games and watched certain movies will understand some medals, The bottom 7 Games are tributes to the Halo saga, I think you will be able to understand them, if you need clarification, just ask)
  18. The object in his hand is Cortana's AI chip just to let you know, Also, where did he get the cracks in his armor from, was it weather on the planet, injuries, or just neglect on chiefs part, because In Gears of War after (SPOILERS) Dom's wife died, he neglected himself, not shaving, drinking despite possible problems with health, this could be what is happening to chief. This could also bring out Chief's humanity when he is forced to confront Lasky and possible stand off with him, making Chief realize he is human, and doesn't need cortana.
  19. Hmm... You do make a a valid point, I was also just trying to distance some time before the war to make him seem seasoned in a way, I am going with the SMG and Pistol...
  20. It looks like a very good game so far, they have a good foundation, good story, customization looks great, so far it is appealing, will I get it, probably because I am like that, do I need to see gameplay to judge it though, yes. We have only seen concepts and a few seconds of gameplay, so far, Bungie's got my wallet, but we will see during the gameplay reveal.
  21. Name- Joseph DeClarrio. Rank- Corporal. Service Tag- O-761 (O=Omega). Marine, ODST, etc- ODST . Appearance- Spiked brown hair, black eyes, 6 feet tall, 177 pounds, robotic right arm, deep scar on left thigh, 'Mia Familia' tattoo on left arm. Armour- Defender Right Shoulder, ODST Helmet, ODST Chest with modified thruster pack, Green Visor, Black and Green Paint on armor. Weapons- Modified MA37 Individual Combat Weapon System with Iron Sights and Grip, Flashbang Grenade, Suppressed SMGx2, and M6C/SOCOM. Specialty- Pilot, vivid experience in Falcons. History/backstory- Joseph, born 30 years before the Human-Covenant conflict, was originally a vivid supporter of the Rebels, then one day, his wife and son were killed in a fire in a UNSC office, issued by a rebel commander, he joined the Marines, and was seen fit to join the ODSTs given his abilities, he was on Reach the day New Alexandria was glassed, he encountered a Zealot firsthand, he narrowly survived getting impaled when a Hornet blew the zealot to bits, this is where he got his love for aircraft, and a covenant pendant, which the elite had carried, He survived reach and was assigned to fly, unfortunately, with Anti-Air wraiths being abundant, aircraft is scarce, he now works other duties, like Breaching.
  22. Only because GSD Mac'd and sent in Cobra (shivers), Cheaters! XD
  23. Artist: [insignia] Classification [signature] Format [PNG (Static image)] Size [Default: 600x200]* Style [Eroded] Primary Colors [Light Blue, Crimson, Bright Orange] IMAGE [1] http://resources.ubi.com/resources/136/136705-136683-ACB_SP_R_03_EzioCrossArmV2.jpg IMAGE [2] http://ayay.co.uk/backgrounds/action_rpg_games/bioshock/big-daddy-protecting-little-sister.jpg IMAGE [3] http://gamingbolt.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Destiny-Concept-Art-45.jpg Background http://i4.ytimg.com/vi/3QTlQluC13k/maxresdefault.jpg?feature=og Writing [The mind of a subject will desperately struggle to create memories where none exist... ] Font [destruccion] link to download: http://www.dafont.com/destruccion.fon Extras [image to go into center, other images around this one: http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs39/i/2008/314/1/0/Natural_Born_Hero_by_CAUS7IC.png] [P.S. Please credit author in bottom left, name is CAUS7IC] Locations [Not sure what you mean by this, please explain][Fourth Image goes in center Image 1 on the left corner at and angle, same with image two except on the right, image 3 can go above image four which is listed in extras. The writing goes straight in the middle, and can you make it look like a piece of metal with different layers of light on different parts of the letter, if not it is okay, ] Thank you Insignia EDIT: I get the Locations thing now.
  24. Mountain Dew... There is NO Question... But I like pepsi over coke YEAH PEPSI LOVERS, UNITE!
  25. Marty's music at the end is spectacular, I am going all-out into this game, so far, it looks like Halo and Borderlands made a baby, and Star Wars won custody of it,
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