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Everything posted by VinWarrior

  1. Hello Fritz, help yourself to the popcorn near Cristian, just..... don't let him give you love advice.
  2. Oh man you're leaving. I always respected you and considered you a great friend for the record. Well good luck with you're future endeavors sweaty. If you are ever in town I will gladly say hi. So many members are leaving, it is sad.
  3. Wow, wasn't expecting that.I thought you were nice. Hm. And I thought Caboose was nice too but apparently I WAS WRONG! (sobs in corner)
  4. This one has a tad more action! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azH9DXyggPE
  5. The Trailer's name is Homefront, enjoy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Esqkh4i7XKk&feature=youtube_gdata
  6. The rumor is the didact ain't human so the composer didn't kill him, but transported him. So he will probably be in.
  7. A UNSC Ability where the guy throws a smoke to the floor where everybody but the guy's radar, shields, and hud like blacken out and close. You can move stealthily and wreak havok, and one that disguises you as an enemy and your teammates still see your tag, until you fire or time runs out.
  8. @baconshelf what do u mean? And HaloGeek can u resend the message? I accidentally deleted it lol.
  9. Hello everyone, I am recruiting for season two of my machinima, I would like people who have any specialization but it is ok if u don't contact VinWarrior on Xbox I am on regularly thanks!
  10. Hello everyone, I am recruiting for season two of my machinima, I would like people who have any specialization but it is ok if u don't contact VinWarrior on Xbox I am on regularly thanks!
  11. I loved Mark V and ODST Was great when I wanted to use it, I want them back! Just state your name if you want it back, it will be written down. Petitioners: SpartanCUPID tool
  12. It was really bad in Halo: Reach, if they just made the hardlight shield where it blew up vehicles when impacted that would be great.
  13. I decided to rethink my decision, I won't leave yet.
  14. Sorry I don't have a video, I wil get one soon.
  15. I Miss my Hayabusa and old Rogue, the new rogue is a mix of Rogue and EVA. I loved that Boss Rogue in Halo 3. And Hayabusa was great, but..... I.... NEED.... MY.....KATANA!
  16. Probably not, she gave everything for chief and it was a, how do I put this.... Sacrificial story, plus if by a miracle she were alive they would have had to recovered her by the epilouge or she is toast.
  17. how have you never seen me before??? I am friends with u on Xbox! VinWarrior??
  18. well at least somebody has a good experience. Anyway, I stand by my claims. yeah for that last one blah. Ducain has been on for a day and he is already a dedicated member.
  19. Look guys I love the community, and that's why I have stuck around for so long. As most of you know I wasn't able to log on for sometime, before that everything was perfect. When I came back it was like a whole new community. I still tried to stay happy and help others, and not be a nuisance. I would join though and not a single hello or goodbye, I don't feel like this is a community and I feel like I am not wanted. I wanted to make a point to you guys and mostly the moderators and admins I feel like nobody likes me. I don't get much respect besides my best friend Christian. Just he acknowledges me and very few others do. I understand that you guys are trying but please and I speak for other newbies out there, if you see someone like me join just, say hello you know. Like any member would do just...... just say hi. Please.... I won't really be talking much just, please mods listen to me, hear me out. I just want what anyone on the forums wants, respect.
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