Look guys I love the community, and that's why I have stuck around for so long. As most of you know I wasn't able to log on for sometime, before that everything was perfect. When I came back it was like a whole new community. I still tried to stay happy and help others, and not be a nuisance. I would join though and not a single hello or goodbye, I don't feel like this is a community and I feel like I am not wanted. I wanted to make a point to you guys and mostly the moderators and admins I feel like nobody likes me. I don't get much respect besides my best friend Christian. Just he acknowledges me and very few others do. I understand that you guys are trying but please and I speak for other newbies out there, if you see someone like me join just, say hello you know. Like any member would do just...... just say hi. Please.... I won't really be talking much just, please mods listen to me, hear me out. I just want what anyone on the forums wants, respect.