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Everything posted by VinWarrior
In Indoor Maps it will teleport through and outdoor maps they fall from the sky, hmm I think I just discovered a new cause of death, the ordance drop can land on you and kill you.
You guys need to check out this video of the first Halo 4 Forge Preview! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpBwPoVJ-iw
I will probably be offline frm right now until July 7th due to tommorow July 6 being my Birthday, I will be online the Forums the next day though. See you until then.
Maybe l8r today is the Fourth of July so yeah.
Well what they could do is have the first mission before they land maybe other Spartans hyjacked the Covenant Ships and meet up with Chief as the level progresses, or they could have the first mission where it is only singleplayer, Just have to wait another few months to see.
Yesterday I went to Gamestop and Pre-Ordered Halo 4 to get the Forest skin, and I wanted the Raptor but I have already had some difficult experiences with Bestbuy, I loved the Web Skin but wanted to get the game the day it comes out without spending the extra $30. Help me out here did I make the right choice?
Thanks for the feedback guys!
I agree with Jester on this one, you either quit too many matches like 100 and gained yourself a ban or you boosted.
Dude you have a good Idea here and I like it, your spelling shouldn't be something you worry about, make sure everything is on key and good, and you'll get a hit.
On Earth 2553, March 3rd the War that killed billions from both sides was ended, The Monument was placed and as for the Spartans, John- 117 thought to be the last Spartan was labeled KIA, And the question what happened to the rest was answered, on April 10th, 2553, Spartan 101 named Victor is found on an unknown Forerunner Outpost on Teramis a human planet, he along with 7 other Spartans are found and recovered, they retired for about 2 years until tensions grew with the Jackals as humans encroached on Jackal Territory, as the Humans tried to draw up a peace treaty the jackals fired first as the Grunts and Hunters sided with the humans and the Jackals lost the Barrier War, the agreed to let humans go into their territory in exchange for jackals to be able to immigrate to Earth. Elites eventually got power hungry and attacked Brutes while the Drones sided with the Brutes the Humans and all other human races stayed neutral and after July 3, 2555 they attacked the Humans and the Covenant was reborn, as Elites secretly abducted Grunts and mutated them the Jackals volunterily joined as the Arbiter now the Elite Counciler he objected a war stating "I was a friend with a Human, he risked his life for everyone, don't make his sacrifice in vain." But words cannot stop fire as a Human was approached by a Shanghelli, the Shanghelli ordered a shutdown of the Human Weapons Station near Shanghellios, the human was just a guard and couldn't do anything, the Elite pulled out a Needler asking one more time to shut it down the guard denied and pulled out a Magnum and the both fired on each other, that was the spark that lit the new Covenant. The UNSC was forced to get Dr. Joseph Halsey, Doctor Catherine Halsey's Daughter, to start the Spartan IV's Any old Spartans could join back but out of the seven that were recovered 3 were badly disabled and only two accepted the offer to join back. And that wasn't the start of the hardships the new Covenant attacked the UNSC Infinity, badly damaging it. To make matters worse the Covenant spotted the thought destroyed Foward unto Dawn and went after it, the UNSC knew if anyone could make it it was 117, They sent the repaired Infinity to get it but lost contact and well, the rest is in Halo 4.
Machinimas in Halo 4,there should be a second disc for machinima purposes that you had every resource you needed avilaible, old maps, old stuff, everything you need to make a kick ass machinima even a tool to record a video with your voices implemented and post it on youtube or facebook, from having the ability to control temperature and enviornment, to putting a rock on a floor you need to have every tool availiable to make machinimas, everything you need all the maps, weapons, heck even grapics from the last games! You should have effects here's how it would work. If you have a Mic you can record your voice and place it on the video even implment other effects and make armies of vehicles, weapons, and Spartans and Elites! Differentiate and Distort Colors to make an epic flashback, modify voices, add lightning, fire, water, and dust. Your budget would be Infinte and there would be no limit on the objects you can put, in videos it scans the enviornment so you can make something you don't want there dissapear without leaving a white bloch, instead it puts the backround of what is there in the game there. You could kind of clone yourself after recording the video. Name your Videos give a description, list credits put screens and stuff up from other pictures you can select from albums of all the UNSC, Covenant, Flood, Insurrectionist, and Forerunner Ships and Soliders. Disc 1: Main Game Disc 2: Machinimas
Here are some ideas for Elite Armor in Halo 4.(I know you can't play as Elites in Multiplayer but maybe you can in Custom Games and Forge.) Rank Armor --------- --------- Recruit Combat ---------- --------- Corporal Officer ---------- --------- Sergent Warrior ---------- --------- Warrent Of. Ultra ---------- --------- Lieutenant Zealot ---------- --------- Captain Reaver --------- --------- Major Commando --------- --------- Lt. Colonel Executer --------- --------- Commander Shipmaster --------- --------- Fleetmaster Counciler -------- --------- Colonel Hazard Operations Elite -------- --------- Brigadier Heretic -------- --------- General Ascetic -------- --------- Marshall General -------- --------- Field Marshall Field Marshall -------- --------- Supreme Commander High Guard -------- --------- Leader Arbiter -------- -------- What do you guys think should these guys be in Halo 4?
Hey man, welcome. Have any questions about Halo 4, just come to me, Later.
Welcome, Dale UK. Feel free to ask me anything. Later.
Are you upset that Elites will not be playable in Halo 4 Matchmaking?
VinWarrior replied to ZB-85's topic in Halo 4
In My Opinion if they don't at least have Elites in Custom Games and Forge Halo 4 will have been ruined. -
The are both totally different weapons for totally different situations, DMR For Headshots, BR for Full-on Burst Attacks.
Cool Looking Ghost hope they stick with this color.
So here are some of my ideas for Structure (UE stands for Unenterable as E stands for enterable. Walls and Doors Details Decor for Outside of the map Wall- Phantom Crash Debris- Covenant Cruiser(UE)- Wall Corroded- Pelican Crash Debris- UNSC Frigate(UE)- Wall Flood Infected- Infected Covenant Ship Crash Debris- ODST Pod(E)- Wall Forerunner- Broken Cover Piece - Covenant Pod(E)- Wall UNSC- Destroyed Satellite- Evac Ship(E)- Wall Covenant- Spartan Body 1- Wall Promethean- Spartan Body 2- Spartan Body 3- Medallions and Panels Door Elite Body 1 - UNSC Flag Door Smashed- Brute Body 1- Covenant Flag Door Forerunner- Hunter Body 1- UNSC Control Panel Door Covenant- Grunt Body 1- Covenant Panel Door UNSC- Jackal Body 1- Covenant Tech Door Flood Infected- Flood Body 1- UNSC Tech Door Bullet Holes- Promethean Body 1- Door Plasma Debris- Blood Stain Red- Door Promethean- Blood Stain Blueish Green- Door with Blood Stain- Blood Purple- Allies and Enemies Marine ODST Grunt Hunter Brute Jackal Spartan IV Elite Promethean Flood Infected Elite Form If you are wondering how the Allies and enemies would work you would have setting the first two Ally or Enemy the second set is Aggresive or Passive and you could target a weapon for them to pick up, who to shoot, where to go, and what vehicles to enter. Well see ya!
Halo: Citadel Fan Fiction Chapter One: Face of Snakes A Scientist named Doctor Catherine Halsey issues a total of 35 of the 75 Spartan II she abducted to take part in Daedelus Tier Training on Project Citadel her first candidate is a Boy named Alex to take part in a battle against 2 other Spartan Children, none above 13 Alex attacks and wins beating one child named Sev and accidentally killing the other named Jacob due to his success Halsey handed Alex over to Director Carlos Giornio, who trained a total of 35 Children for fourteen years his training was so brutal it had killed 10 children but so effective that some Children only fourteen infiltrated an Insurrectionist Base and killed a total of 106 Insurrectionists at the base, as these children preformed on-and-off guerilla strike ops they would see their training go to good use in 2552 as the Human Covenant War escalated on planet Reach and then they would fight on Earth losing their lives, family, and friends but gaining victory against the Covenant on multiple fronts, you have heard Alex's story but what about the silent leathal weapon, without a name. This... is Sev's Story. Sev was born from an Immigrant mother, from what country... remains a mystery. Sev was a fun-loving child at first then something changed him. After the age of two Sev's sister Diana died from an Insurrectionist, outraged Sev left home and hunted down the Killer, as he found him he mauled him, his body has still not been found. At age 12, 6 Years into his training Sev met Samantha a Spartan II Citadel candidate he developed a bond with her as they eventually married behind the UNSC's back and had 2 Children a few years later at age 20 Sev completed his training and was awarded the Medal of Fortress a medal for graduating the Spartan II Citadel Project as he was sent to reach with Alex and Revolutionary Team he left something that leaves only one clue to anything about Sev, he left a locket of him as a young boy with a Snake in his hand and he says he used to loved Snakes. He left for Reach and participated for 2 Major Battle's that would have directed the ending of the Human Covenant War in a whole new direction, after the battle for New Mexico he dissapeared and his wife and know each 12 year old sons did his memorial, he will be remebered as the Face of Snakes and the Sniper in Revolutionary Team. Stay tuned for Chapter 2: Grey World
Nothing to be mean dude I just think that it would take 343 way too long to adapt the achievment to everyone's clock.
Here are some of my medal ideas for Halo 4. Beach Ball Madness: Accidentally kill some one with the richochet from the Scattershot. Rock Beats Everything!: Run over a Warthog with the Elephant[Or whatever that new heavy vehicle is] It's Raining Falcons!: EMP a Falcon Down and kill the 3 crewmembers. 343 Master: Beat a game against members from 343 or 343 site Moderators. Bluffed: Lock on to a target to have the bullet hit another Target. Jack Fail: Jack an Air or Ground Vehicle only to have it crash or explode from something else. Target Locator 2.0: Lock on to a target with the Spartan Laser to have another team member kill the Target. A Hippie's Mortal Enemy: Kill every single enemy on the other team in a Game. Cupid's Arrow: Earn a double kill from killing two enemies with a Needler Shot. What do you guys think? Good Medals, peace!