i thought id add my own additions to what others have said and add entirely new ideas.
i make my own maps, both competitive and social maps for custom games. i make mazes, maps for movies, etc etc..
i get really sick of using 5x5 blocks to make floors, it takes to long, especially for big long maps, and its an absolute pain in the arse to make them incline on a slight angle to get them over a natural obstacle on the map like grass or a rock. they're not big enough and i usually choose to use wall collisiums and make them flat. this takes longer but its easier as they're alot bigger.
there should be a floor and bridge section, where there's different types of grounds, floors, and bridges. with grounds, have different textrues, have a quick option for an even incline no matter what angle its on. and if anyone has ever played far cry 2, they would know that there are bridge sections, and that you can make end pieces, and middle pieces, i thought the idea of this in halo would be very cool.
the selection in reach for vehicles was vastly improved from reach, however i think you should be able to lock vehicles to one team in team games. for example if you wanted to have a human vs covenant battle game, one team can only use their race vehicles, unlike in reach where invasion games were simply steal from the team. if you could make an option where you could simply lock the vehicles to another team that would be cool.
being that im an amateur youtube film maker, i like having some cool scenery in vehichles. i think it would be a cool idea to be able to remove weapons of warthogs in a quick option menu (press x like in reach). same with falcons, not necessarily to add new unnecessary vehicles that wont be used in competitive online, but to have that extra sandbox option for film makers.
as people have asked for for years and years since halo 3, the pelican is awesome, i think even in competitive gameplay, like big team games (invasion etc), it would be cool to be able to pick up team mates from a spawn area and drop them off. and yet again, for film makers, being able to do some awesome drop scenes would be a dream.
the whole elephant idea is awesome, and i love it. if it was possible to do it, it would have to be a removable vehicle unlike halo 3.
it would be cool like another person has said already to change the settings of time, fog, water level, and rain. once again i refer to far cry 2, where you could do all that, change time of night, and weather. it would be really cool as well, on online games where the whether changes at random. and when selecting maps and modes in matchmaking choose night or day version, i know some people wouldn't like that idea as it would be an extra 10 seconds of voting, but its just an idea.
it would be cool to have glass walls and floors. the ones in reach you couldn't see through very well. then the option for having them breakable when they get shot or unbreakable. it would be cool to have more options of collums and different textures. things like struts and tunnels would be cool if there were more shapes, sizes and textures.
id like to add to what sweaty bagels said about tools. it would be a map makers dream if you could copy and paste not only 1 item, but a selection, then have another option to reverse a selected area like a mirror, so it would be an extreme shortcut to make maps that are the same both sides.
i dont need to comment on the need for less restriction of objects.
but a higher choice of environmental objects is ideal. being table to make your own environment is necessary to set your maps aside from another. in reach, to make an artificial grass floor you had to turn the golf holes upside down, but you only had 10 of them, and that is if you don't use any other toy objects. having a higher variety of rocks, and even natural bridges, and inclines/ramps and floors.
in reach, i hated having the same objects to edit on every single map... buying the map packs made forging feel no different, in halo 3 every map was different in forge... i hope that in halo 4 you guys and girls can make new objects to edit in future map packs and in general, different maps installed with game.
i am very surprised of the game so far being displayed at e3, and didnt expect such good graphics and ideas in the game for a first time studio. in other words, keep up the good work.