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Posts posted by AkinSoup907

  1. Ok, my clan is having a problem, half the time messaging, invites to games, meetings are not going through. Even yesterday one member in clan sent 4-6 messages to oiur general in the clan i belong to. Our general just got 1 message yesterday. Last Friday I sent 3 invites to a clan member who didnt get any invites to custom game at all. And there is more with this issue with other people to in ouir squad of 50, with the clan having over 1500 members. You cant have meetings, games etc right if messaging, invites arent working half the time.


    I contacted xbox live they said was xbox live issue, to see if my Upnp settings were enabled. They are. I recontacted my internet provider who said everything is working well on my xbox live settings through my router, and xbox checked my internet settings and everything is fine.


    So, who do i contact with this issue about messaging, invites not working sometimes? Its a 343 Industries server issue that my internet provider told me, not an xbox live issue.

  2. I have a friend who is building a custom game on halo reach. We have seen the arbiter who is invisiblie sometimes. You can see him going really fast invisiblie cloak across the field, sometimes you can see him as a white circle, when he is fixing to kill you. He drops other items onto the game, or destroys your warthog if your in it. Up in a rock crevice, you can see him real quick if you shoot with a laser gun. he will kill you then, and says betrayed by a friend. but it was the arbiter that killed you.


    How do you kill him or get rid of him in the game. Sometimes you can see him outside the levels of the game if your real quick looking.

  3. Well, like when i was a sergeant or lesser rank, elites could hit me and bam, 1st or 2nd hit i would die. When i got the Hero rank with tons of armor etc, i could sit there and laugh at the elite. Elite could hit me 3-4 times and bam i could kill him instead. Now, granted this was offline. On another profile online, with rank of lt colonel, with alittle more armor now, i can take some hits from elites or grunts, and takes till 3rd hit or so before i die. So, is that because its offline and not much damage with the full armor? Or cosmetic?


    Anyway, thanks understanding alittle more about getting credits more offline and maybe not counting as much. But the xbox agent that talked to 343 industries that told me to contact halowaypoint, said that main concern 343 industries had with offline credits and you not getting them added, is due to the fact of guys using computer addage stuff to upgrade to more rankings and more armor etc.... So, they wont allow you full credit.


    But I am understanding now, and boy, my nephew isnt going to be happy, because he will have to play as sergeant 2nd grade and build up rankings and armor.


    by the way, how do you get the glowing skulls that some have online? Or flaming skulls? do you acquire them by credits or can you buy the flaming skulls?


    Finally, some guys start at a game, but do nothing, do they acquire more points at the end of the game then you do? Like when you start out like in exodus, you see 2 guys just standing there, and not moving, do they get credit more than you do if you wind up doing all the work?

  4. Okay, to be brutally honest your offline account won't show the credits online so Xbox supported rt is wrong there.

    if you have never been online with your halo reach account it is a lot easier to earn credits, and quicker sometimes than online accounts.

    When your halo reach account accesses live it will cut your credits and you will become a sergeant.


    Ok, thats part of the problem, online shows me as a recruit, but once i did the credit less thing, which took me to a sergeant rank. Everytime I sign in though, keep saying to take less credit, or start out as recruit. So, even though shows me as a 2nd grade sergeant, online shows me as having armor of a recruit, which you get killed quickly. However, when i go to upgrade armor etc, shows me as having all armor as Hero. So, do i have to go through this all the time, and not get armor etc, and have recruit armor etc, ?

  5. Here is my situation if anyone can help me. XBox Live Support told me to contact Halo Waypoint by tweeter. I have 2 profiles on xbox, AkinSoup907 and SwellerSphinx65. AkinSoup907 has ranking of Hero that I got offline. An xbox live agent got it to show Hero ranking, but only shows that online when I go to upgrade armor by pressing start button, and armor. Shows ranking of recruit. I spent like 8 months offline building up that ranking of Hero so I could have super armor and not get killed as easy. The agent said she talked to 343 industries and was trying to activate it. I understand that 343 industries or whoever didnt want me to take the credit i have which is 3,355,000 something because I might have used a computer to enhance armor etc... I dont know how to do that in the first place, and I wouldnt cheat. I have seen guys though using devices or whatever that enhanced their armor etc, even a friend of mine online showed me how they were doing that. Some guys even start at first of a game, dont do anything so they can get credit for that.


    which isnt fair. Anyway, anbd agent got the Hero to show up online but only when I go to upgrade armor does hero ranking show up. When I am playing online only shows recruit and eveytime I sign on, keeps saying your credits are over the allowed limit and you will lose those 3 million plus credit. How do I fix that and keep my Hero ranking. On my other profile, I built from scratch to ranking of Lt Colonel grade 3, (I am halfway on grade 3 lieutenant ranking).


    I went full gold today with family pack for a year. I would like to keep the Hero ranking, which is for me, since I spent so long building that up. And the swellersphinx65 would like to keep for my nephew who likes to play with me. Can this be done and can someone please help me with this? Agent for xbox live support said to contact halo waypoint and she contacted 343 industries. She thought after talking with 343 industries had it working on her end, but still shows when playing online recruit (which i have really grade of sergeant grade 2 i believe. We spent like an hour just today trying to get this worked out and I have been talking with xbox live the past 2 weeks or so, to get this straightened out if i can. Appreciate it if someone can help me. I know my nephew will be totally upset if he has to play the recruit and start all over. He built up a profie to ranking of major i think, which we deleted that proifle today.


    I told him I would try to get my profile of Hero ranking to online if i can, so he can use the profile I built up from scracth to to ranking of lieutant colonel 3 grade.


    The agent said to tweet halowaypoint which i did about 2 hours ago. Havent heard anything yet.

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