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  1. You Heard it Halo Warthog For Sale. How Much? $28,000 Halo Warthog In the market for a new car? For $28,000 you could pick up a new Honda Accord. If you'd prefer something a bit more rugged though, might we suggest investing in Halo's iconic troop transport, the Warthog. In 2009 a British gent named Peter Cooper built a surprisingly spot-on replica of Halo’s Warthog vehicle for a fan film called Operation Chastity. As writer and director of the film, the creation of the Warthog was just one more indicator that Cooper was willing to go to great lengths to finish this flick. Unfortunately, the production seems to have become inextricably mired in the dozens of small issues that crop up when creating movies. A teaser appeared in 2010 that offered a “Summer 2011″ release window for Operation Chastity, but here we are mere days from 2013 and the movie has yet to materialize. Supposedly Operation Chastity is still being in production, but at this point we feel safe in describing the project as stuck in limbo. Given the lack of progress on his film and, presumably, mounting debt related to the project, Cooper has decided to sell his Warthog. The price? £17,500, or roughly $28,180USD. Can’t come up with that much scratch on such short notice? Cooper’s initial sales announcement does state that he’s willing to consider reasonable offers for the vehicle (though “reasonable” in this case is entirely subjective and up to Cooper’s own discretion). Assuming you do have that kind of money burning a hole in your pocket and an unending wellspring of affection for Microsoft’s most famous franchise you’re likely now wondering what exactly you’ll get for Cooper’s nearly $30,000 asking price. Luckily, the official Operation Chastity website includes a section specifically devoted to the Warthog. According to the site, the Warthog you see pictured above started life as an unassuming early-80s Land Rover Defender. With the assistance of professional prop maker Daniel Carey-George (who is most famous for supplying the cars used in 1997′s Herbie Fully Loaded), Cooper stripped the Land Rover, and equipped the basic skeleton of the car with a new body, lifted suspension, special oversized tires and “a whole host of other upgrades to make it into the futuristic combat vehicle.” As much as we’re excited for the possibility that one of you readers might turn this prop into your daily driver, we’ve got concerns about the work Cooper and Carey-George put into the Warthog. Actually, scratch that. Cooper and Carey-George created a vehicle specifically to suit their specialized needs (read: they built a movie prop), but it’s questionable whether this machine might also function as a real world vehicle. Even assuming the normally quite capable Land Rover Defender engine isn’t massively bogged down by the alterations made to this car’s body and suspension, we doubt there are many DMV locations that would approve of the Warthog’s huge exposed doors. Likewise, Cooper makes no mention of safety features in the Warthog. We’ve seen how some of you drive in Halo 4, and without seatbelts we have to imagine that most of you would be killed the first time you attempt to launch the ‘hog off of a conveniently-placed rock formation. And of course attempt to mount a gun on the back of the Warthog. , that’s assuming that you don’t in the most lenient of jurisdictions an exposed, fully-automatic machine gun gives the cops free rein to search your vehicle. Still, as far as replicas of video game objects, this is one of the best we’ve ever seen. It ranks right up there with the finest cosplay, only instead of fancy homemade clothing, this object is a gear-grinding, diesel-chugging piece de resistance for both Halo fans and gearheads. We imagine Cooper won’t have too much trouble selling this car, even with its sizable price tag. Read more: http://www.digitaltr.../#ixzz2EmdGd0ym
  2. You Heard it And now you know A world famous pc game made by blizzard is not gonna be played on xbox720! Look down for more information Source-http://www.product-reviews.net/2012/12/11/diablo-3-on-xbox-720-ps4-not-too-farfetched/ Are you still holding on to the exciting thought of playing Diablo 3 on home consoles? If the answer is yes, then you’ll be very interested to hear some of the latest comments from Blizzard, who have just confirmed that a build of Diablo 3 is already running on consoles behind closed doors. Blizzard obviously hasn’t mentioned what console they are referring to though and with the industry preparing itself for the imminent arrival of next-gen PS4 and Xbox ’720′ systems, Blizzard may even be plotting to make Diablo 3 a launch title for the next gen instead It is no secret that developers are already in possession of next-gen dev kits. We have already seen numerous leaks stating that developers have gotten hold of the next Xbox system which is being codenamed ‘Durango’ and if that is the case – then Blizzard may also be in possession of one of these kits and have wasted no time in trying out Diablo 3 on the system. It has been the dream of many gamers to play Diablo 3 from the luxury of the sofa and it looks like Blizzard is going to make this a reality in the near future. Rob Pardo from Blizzard has been speaking to Polygon in a recent interview when he confirmed that there are already working builds of the game on console. It would be a surprising decision if the game still released on the Xbox 360 and PS3 if next-gen consoles are out towards the end of 2013, but then again – there are still many big name titles that are still being announced for current gen. Dark Souls 2 is the most recent one that springs to mind, as that is another game which many gamers wouldn’t mind seeing on next-gen consoles instead. For now though, it is scheduled to release on current gen consoles and Blizzard may also decide to drop Diablo 3 on the Xbox 360 and PS3 as well. If you had the choice though, would you prefer to see the game on current consoles, or would you prefer Blizzard to spend extra time updating the visuals to make Diablo 3 on next-gen consoles something special indeed and arguably more impressive than the PC version? Has the Diablo 3 hype train already ended, or is it one game that you would still love to see on the PS3 and Xbox 360 along with the likes of GTA V and The Last of Us?
  3. SPARTAN OPS TRAILER Rest Of This Season Watch Below ps-I will post video soon i will ask someone like a mod to show me how to put up a video . Thank you There should be a link on bottom of the post. The first season of Halo 4 Spartan Ops reached the midway point last week and is now taking a break for the Infinity Challenge tournament that will run for the next month. 343 Industries released a new trailer Sunday though to build the anticipation for the five remaining episodes to come to the Xbox 360. Episode five of Spartan Ops ended with quite the cliffhanger. We'll try not to spoil anymore of the details than this trailer does but Spartan Thorne is missing and Dr. Halsey has already done a bad thing while Jul M'Dama gets closer to his prize. 343 Industries is promising new locations with the final set of episodes and the trailer looks to make good on this promise. We spotted the multiplayer map Vortex in there but we also spotted what looks like all new environments including what looks like a floating island and an odd giant mechanism that almost looks like a Covenant Scarab. Halo 4 Spartan Ops Episode 6-10 Trailer New episode of Halo 4 Spartan Ops will resume on Jan. 21, 2013.
  4. Oh my gosh man! I know I like cooking!
  5. make some questions about the books like ghost of onyx
  6. Good Job man it looks awesome
  7. they havent comfirmed it yet but discussions have been going on xbox 8 xbox 720 or xbox. heres a new release date for xbox 720 http://www.examiner.com/article/xbox-720-and-playstation-4-to-be-announced-this-coming-may
  8. Hey guys more news came in if you didn't get your code its coming on your xbox live messages. More information here. http://www.examiner.com/article/missing-halo-4-specialization-unlocks-codes-being-sent-through-xbox-live
  9. a world of warcraft 14 day code if i can find it but im pretty sure i have it also halo elblem code i have. also i have a code that is worth 60$ that i have to talk to twin about (windows 7) a starcraft code to ofcourse if it didnt expire
  10. Hello all Lil Dog here . there has been so many posts about. I didnt get my specielization codes! or I got banned for no reason. Or HELP! Lets start with banning ,according to xbox lives rules It States ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Generally, players are banned for repeated demonstrations of offensive behavior, cheating, or unfair play. Players can also be banned for accessing content (saves, map packs, and so on) licensed to a banned profile. Halo 4 uses an automated ban system that builds a digital case of wrongdoing before any ban is enacted. The system looks for patterns that can't happen accidentally and includes exceptions for benign events such as failed connections or limited game skill. Examples of unacceptable behavior include: Violating the Xbox LIVE Terms of Use Violating the Xbox LIVE Code of Conduct Cheating or “griefing” (intentionally ruining the fun of the game for other players) Manipulating network performance to improve your online performance or degrade another player’s Skill, EXP, or credit boosting, habitual quitting, sitting idle in games, and other unsociable and unsportsmanlike behavior Impersonating a 343 Studios or Microsoft employee on Xbox LIVE Playing on a hacked or modified console or profile There you go . Now for Specielization Codes It says nothing about codes on xbox live but wanna know something. microsoft made a button called support. Woah So im gonna get your answer straight from customor support. Ok i did not get much lol I was told 2 things. Most codes are being sent out monday if you still dont get your code contact xbox support or post in the forums since ms is looking for those kind of people. Hey guys look what else i found. Will you reverse my ban? No. There is no appeal process for bans. Bans will stay in force for their stated duration. To keep your online gameplay privileges in good standing, immediately cease any unsociable behavior and wait out the ban. If I missed anything just tell me. got a question ? just tell me.
  11. Hmm... Contact microsoft support on the phone or just talk with a agent. http://support.xbox.com/en-US/contact-us?NavigationPath=/en-US/games/halo/halo-4-info
  12. I think members cant use the shoutbox till they reached one day for time
  13. The first Halo 4 player managed to hit the 130 level cap in the Xbox 360 shooter Monday only three weeks after the game launched. To be fair though, he had a week's head start. Known as "RU Deuce" on Xbox LIVE, the player maxed passed the Service Rank 50 quickly in Halo 4 and then burned through all eight Specializations in the game. He managed to get his hands on the game a week before it launched so he's had a little more time than than the majority of other players. However, his service record shows he's spent a good 100 hours completing 583 War Games matches and countless Spartan Ops missions. In an Ask Me Anything (AmA) session on Reddit, Deuce said that he hit the daily XP cap in Halo 4 almost every day. He obviously took advantage of the Mt. Dew and Doritos double XP bonuses as he also jokingly said that he now urinates "rainbow colors of voltage, game fuel, and normal Mt Dew." Spartan Ops was apparently a huge source of his quick experience gain in Halo 4 as he said it is the best source of XP. "It's 5950 xp (without fast track or double xp) for an 8.5 minute game. Spartan ops xp is 100% based on the time of the game. This is for matchmaking ops ONLY." The laid-off IT worker said it would take him only 3-4 hours of Spartan Ops to reach the daily limit cap while playing War Games matches only would take twice that time. After reaching the maximum SR level in Halo 4, Deuce does have a couple of suggestions. For starters, let whatever Specialization title you want to be the the last one you play before reaching the cap. He discovered that you cannot change your title once you've reach the cap and he is now stuck as a Pathfinder. Also, you get nothing special once you max out other than a "lame emblem and a background." Deuce is now working towards earning all the Commendations in the game including all the weapon completions. "Currently working on the UNSC weapons," he said on Reddit. "Almost done with pistol then I have the dreaded AR. That's going to destroy my K/D. Oh well. FOR SCIENCE!" Good luck Spartan. http://www.examiner.com/article/first-halo-4-player-maxes-out-level-cap-at-130?cid=PROD-redesign-right-next
  14. Fishy when I was a new member I helped a lot to but I also backseated moderating. When I backseated (spectral. Jester) lol I learned my lesson I did not leave I did not rage I just started to get more active before and forgot the past. All moderator's are nice some may swing the ban Hammer faster than others. Maybe one kids around with people in status updates (lol). But besides that everyone is friends here there maybe people you don't like but don't make this put you down.
  15. Today’s Get a Life award goes to Australia’s Okan Kaya, who recently set a Guinness World Record by playing Call of Duty: Black Ops II for almost 136 straight hours. No doubt Kaya will be fighting off the ladies this week. Kaya, who at 28 is approximately twice the age of the average Call of Duty player, says he played Black Ops II’s multiplayer for 135 hours and 50 minutes straight. If he’s not fibbing (and why the hell would he?), that crushes the previous record of 120 hours, seven minutes set by two Canadian gamers. Kaya admits he took a 10-minute break every hour but insists this is in accordance with Guinness rules. Shockingly, Kaya says he was unable to entice gaming retailers to sponsor him because of their uneasiness regarding “addictive gaming.” That said, the company Kaya works for, 4Cabling, did allow him to use its meeting room for the monster gaming session. According to Kaya, witnesses were brought in every four hours to verify he was still playing the game and not something much more entertaining, like Halo 4. Video footage was also taken of the event, and it’s now been sent off to Guinness for verification. Good God, I’d hate to be those guys. “It was a lot of fun, but I’m glad it’s over,” Kaya said. By the time his glorious run was complete, Kaya had only risen to rank 29 on Black
  16. I'm American and I thought it was funny haha ahhhh hahah ha ha hahhh
  17. ok my fifth favoite color than ORANGE!
  18. i read from google its coming december 1st http://www.examiner.com/article/halo-4-specialization-codes-will-arrive-by-start-of-december
  19. Hello all dog here just to tell you important news. Microsoft is making another system! According to The Verge, which cites "multiple sources familiar with Redmond's plan" Microsoft is working on a set-top version of its popular gaming console that will compete with leading players in the market Apple and Roku. Microsoft's strategy in creating an Xbox "Mini" is to broaden its beachhead in living rooms by offering an economically-priced device that would allow its owners to access some core entertainment services and "casual" gaming titles. No price points were reported in the Verge story, which cited unnamed sources. Apple's set-top product sells for $99 and Roku offers a unit for as low as $50. Xbox Mini would be an "always on" device, Verge reporter Tom Warren wrote, and its architecture would be a scaled down version of the next generation Xbox. It appears that Microsoft is trying to do with Xbox what it did with Windows 8: span all platforms -- desktops, laptops, phones and tablets. According to Warren, Microsoft could combine the core system for the next Xbox with a phone stack so the Xbox Live services could be played on a handset, most likely a handset running Windows Phone. When The Verge asked Microsoft for a comment on its future plans for the Xbox, the company stated, "We are always thinking about what is next for our platform and how to continue to defy the lifecycle convention. The possibility of an Xbox Mini does raise some questions. For example, what does the company mean by "casual" games? While it's presumed that the set-top Xbox won't be for players interested in playing Halo, "casual" can be a very loose classification. A set-top box will likely cut into the turf of Xbox Live, too, which now offers entertainment services, such as Hulu Plus and Netflix, and online gaming. Will Microsoft have to reprice Live -- now at $60 year -- to maintain its value proposition for its subscribers? The set-top Xbox would likely appear during the holiday season in 2013, along with the next generation of its big brother. While Microsoft hasn't released any details about the next Xbox, documents leaked on the Internet have started Xbox enthusiasts drooling. They include: • Four hardware cores, 8GB RAM standard, four USB ports and a removable hard drive. • Support for "Kinect 2.0," which is expected to support subtle finger movements and track up to four players in a single room. • Augmented reality glasses. • 3D sound for projecting sound to specific parts of a room. • Support for Blu-ray video. • A new controller with a touchscreen or programmable buttons. • An "always on" feature for instant access to the box's functions. In addition, Microsoft may launch its own cloud gaming service that would support streaming of games across platforms -- computers, phones and tablets.[/color]
  20. Well off to thanksgiving dinner cya later

  21. http://www.nowgamer.com/siteimage/scale/300/2000/346106.jpg Hello all dog here i have a new upate for you..Halo 4 is receiving new updates to its playlist every Monday, but 343 Industries is also piggybacking a number of patches into the updates that should improve Halo 4’s multiplayer in a number of areas. First seen by MP1st, the latest update brings these fixes to Halo 4’s multiplayer: • Fixed exploit locations on Complex • Fixed exploit locations on Haven • Fixed exploit locations on Ragnarok • Increased daily XP cap • Reduced weighting for Ragnarok in BTB/KotH/CTF • Reduced weighting for Haven in Infinity Slayer and SWAT 343 is also updating its playlist with what it’s calling its Free-For-All Throwback playlist, which will give new Halo players a chance to play some of Halo’s popular past gametypes. Team Snipers will be replaced with Oddball and King OF The Hill, but here’s a list of the maps you’ll be playing on: • Haven • Adrift • Complex • Solace • Abandon Also, Halo 4’s community manager, Jessica Shea, provides some handy tips for surviving the new multiplayer modes: Oddball While holding the ball, if your closest rival or the game leader is close to killing you, try throwing the Oddball away from them to deny them points. The Oddball is an instant kill with a melee attack. This is a huge help up-close. While holding the Oddball, remember that others can see your location. Grenades and weapons with high impulse will push the Oddball away. Use this to prevent an enemy from picking up the ball. King of the Hill The points fanfare now counts up above your reticle. Keep an eye on exactly how many points you’re earning while in the hill. Timing when you go into the hill is a big game changer. It’s often best to clear out enemies before rushing in. Targeting your competition is huge. Take down your closest rivals vying for each valuable point in the hill. When a hill reaches 5 points or less, the next hill will be highlighted on your HUD as “INCOMING”. Keep an eye on this, and plan your moves in advance. On maps with vehicles, use them to help dominate a hill (and earn special vehicle hill medals while you do it!). http://www.nowgamer.com/news/1690461/halo_4_playlist_update_inbound_exploits_patched.html
  22. Contact your gamestop you bought it from and bring the receipt.
  23. if we need a license for this software what are we gonna use than? Microsoft's software is 120$
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