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Everything posted by Dog

  1. Why did the coveneant go to war with humans when it first started? That's your answer.. They LOVE forerunner stuff
  2. Awes lol well mod lock it?
  3. I found this online its a box with some enemies on the back. What caught my eye was. "Storm Grunt" Its a new Class of Grunts . They had information on it till Microsoft deleted it. http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/Storm_Grunt Here's a close up on the grunt. http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DZv7AvIbE56U&v=Zv7AvIbE56U&gl=US Resource- http://beefjack.com/news/new-halo-4-enemies-leaked-on-toy-packaging/?utm_source=zergnet.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=zergnet_22645
  4. Borderlands 2 is hitting the list. 3rd highest preordering Borderlands is on release September 18th Resource-- http://www.neoseeker.com/news/20154-borderlands-2-becomes-third-highest-preordered-game-in-taketwos-history/
  5. Just released by Treyarch.. Sometime in the future and soon call of duty. Zombies is coming to the android. Treyarch released the first map they will be putting on the Android. Derise.. Also ps3 is bringing the games to the android. So it the Wwii. The Wii U.. Xbox has talked about it coming in the future. Resource- http://www.mobilenapps.com/articles/3443/20120802/call-duty-black-ops-zombies-mode-arriving.htm
  6. A lot of new information came in a couple hours ago. Confirmed** 2 Cds ** If you zoom it looks like the top Cd is Halo 4 The bottom is the dawn burning. It shows you content of new maps and exciting things!!! http://gamerant.com/halo-4-limited-edition-details
  7. I found this released 10 hours ago-- ... Behind the scences Halos first movie warthhog.
  8. I think its not needed because the topic title tells you if its spoiler or not. Like the halo 4 trailer. Its a trailer of course its a spoiler.
  9. Their Spartans because of their visors. Plus no marine besides pilot has a colored visor
  10. Turtlebeach vs Triton? Ha.... Astro vs Turtlebeach vs Triton. This headset is worth getting. Wireless . Good luck trying to break this. Settings on side headphone. Neat awkward settings placement. Very Comfortable. Excellent sound quality..Works for Pc xbox360 ps3... rate- 5 Star Resource- http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2407651,00.asp?tab=Specs
  11. At japan the summer festival they will be opening a open game of halo 4 . I don't know any one who would go to Japan to do a beta. Resource -- http://www.mobilenapps.com/articles/3399/20120731/halo-4-playable-xbox-360-summer-festival.htm
  12. I found this while scooping around. CEO says it don't make economic. Sense. Ps- I don't know what that means Ps- I'm too lazy to type on a ipod. Resource-- http://www.examiner.com/article/gamestop-ceo-banning-used-gaming-doesn-t-make-economic-sense
  13. Anouncements-Hillo Im Bored

  14. LOL This is Hilarious. I begged for moderator when I first joined but jeasus. I don't freaking announce it to every single person and complain.
  15. This week their is 1 same person. Our first place is Zaguroth- everytime I look at This shoutbox I see his name Our second place winner is-- Luke- hangs out in the shoutbox and chatting along. Our last one Third place! ------ ------ Skyowolf! Good Job everyone
  16. Dog


    Welcome to the site if you need help with anything I'm sure us the members will help.
  17. Woo donut the shoutbox king 1 year.
  18. Azaxx I hope you come back fine and dandy and rule the shoutbox again.
  19. The 343i World Record Book Lets start off with the SHOUTBOX The most shouts in the Forum-Azaxx Most active /Chattiest User in shoutbox since joining.--Mr.Payne Youngest person in shoutbox ---Dog/Mr.Bullet The person who rarely talks in the shoutbox.--Twam A staff member that is always active in the shoutbox--Total Maythem The least active staff member in the shoutbox--Twam The Laziest Moderator(What he thinks)---One!! The most active moderator in the shoutbox--GermanshepardD Moderators First moderator to become blue and turn legendary and come back to moderator-Absolute Dog The first moderator--Bob The only moderator that doesn't have a award--One The only moderator who came to newsgroup to Moderator--Vitamin Pwn /John 117 Back to Staff ---- The only staff member who left for another forum--Gone(Haha funny name) The earliest member to join and become staff fast--Isignia The only staff member who host tournaments and runs another channel.--Undead The only staff member that has been gone for a while-Agent Lofi Members The most youngest member--Mr.Bullet/Dog The oldest member --Absolute Dog A member who will never be forgoten-Spectral Jester A member who will be forgotten- (Banned) A member everyone knows-Twinreaper A very smart Member-Superintendent Bots 343iBot- The first women bot that gets everyone loving her everyone time she talks. 343iBot-First Bot to date several different members. Continued when more records come
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