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Everything posted by D-Wade

  1. I don't think so because there's already arguments about it being racist or not
  2. I wouldn't suggest either one
  3. All the Brute missions! I loved fighting the Elites and then we had to fight these mindless uglies
  4. I used to love watching anoj's top 10's from Halo..
  5. A random brown spot on my calf (small)
  6. Didn't know it was a real song till I saw the Vevo sign?
  7. That would be smart, but too hard
  8. Your right but online gamers now are getting so complex that they don't really want the simple online experience now. All of these games now a days have other modes to complement multiplayer like horde, forge, custom games, and spartan ops
  9. There should be ways to earn the avatar items, not only buying them
  10. I've always been thinking that. They seriously need to up the limit
  11. Welcome to the forums, have fun while it lasts! since ill be taking over 343 and giving it back to bungie
  12. We play the same position well, not really yet but I took interest in guard and might try my sophomore year
  13. Playing the Arbiter Campaign for the first time in Halo 2 Dreams do come true
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