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Everything posted by D-Wade

  1. I know how you feel, the skyrim losers spreading the jokes are so annoying
  2. I'm not gonna like fighting these stupid Prometheans. I want my Elites
  3. Personally I think silver members should be able to play games online and join parties, but keep just about everything else available to gold members. And lower the price PLEASE
  4. Welcome to the forums Do you have Halo 3 by any chance?
  5. Jorge, he's the huge badass with a machine gun
  6. I don't see them moving to pc when they could have done it for Halo 3, which would have made ALOT more money than it did
  7. That would be cool, but in it's own playlist and not the regular team slayer. That's a great idea, but we all know someone would complain about one team being overpowered
  8. Great story which was really all I cared about
  9. I will officially raid the Bungie company building..
  10. D-Wade


    Welcome! And if it's personal you don't have to answer but why'd you leave? I used to be a part of KSI but something happened and now I really HATE them.
  11. Hopefully, Halo 2 was amazing and like I said, Arbiter in HD? Can't wait
  12. Congrats though. still on my way lol
  13. Hmm, I doubt its true but how about emerald tools? Will they be used for anything besides currency?
  14. Ah, I don't know. Maybe you should just call Xbox live support. They know everything and could help
  15. I can see a majority of online players using master chief
  16. My friend has been having the same problem. What exactly does the error message say? I think I know what to do
  17. This isn't the site to post your complaints nobody here actually works at 343!
  18. Lol I wasn't thinking much xD I like them too, just don't really like all the multiplayer hogs and wanna be mlg people
  19. Creepers I always find it funny how they hide in a corner then when you come by, they just pop out with their sad little faces and commit suicide
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