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Posts posted by PinoySniper

  1. Now, before I begin, I need to say I do not speak for the community in any way. This is a sole opinion, that you may choose to accept and like.


    Well, let me tell you, I remember the first, original, and only infection we knew and loved. Everyone always had a blast, on maps like The cage, sword base, and pinnacle when it was still around. Then came a major update. Alpha zombies was introduced, pinnacle was removed, and Uncaged was introduced, but not played often. For me, this was a fun little update. Zombies have sprint? Ok, that is more tolerable for us zombies, as we aren't constantly flying off of edges. I liked this update. I then played a couple more months, again, loving the playlist with others. Then, they introduced the haunted map remakes. I, personally, hated this update. Not only did sword base also get the boot, but the maps introduced here, in the majority, were terrible. Maps like Count D'hoeun (however you spell that), were decent and pretty fun. But maps like Bedlam and Uncongealed? Those looked like random building blocks thrown together on the fixed mode! I hardly gave them the title of a map.



    And now, the last and final update. The playlist we like to call Zombie Ghosts. For me, this was the last intolerable update. Seriously. It was so bad in my perspective, it made me quit the entire playlist. Because it always came up at least once or twice in the voting rounds. I played a game of it when it came out. Focus rifles? Invisibility? Gravity hammers? This playlist was built for the noob. That was where I drew the line. If you know me, you know I was always very supportive of 343's updates and changes. I always thought, "A little change, all right. How bad can it be?". I was clearly dead wrong here. I say no go.



    But, don't get me wrong, I don't want the option removed ENTIRELY. I would just like it to appear much less often. Because as I said, this is an option at least once or twice every voting round. And the other one or two options, were always horrible combinations of game type and map. Example, Infection on Uncongealed. Which also brings me to my next point.



    Please, please consider pulling out those haunted remakes. I have yet to see a person to like them, but that is just within my range of knowledge. The lighting on them is horrible, the random boxes is completely unneeded, and the amount of camping spots blocked or timed is completely unnecessary. I know, this has been a very long post. But I leave with this.



    Bring back Sword base and Pinnacle! :thumbsup:





    and dont forget the old caged! i never see that anymore


    Sword Base? You seriously want Sword base back, that is nothing more that a camp fest.

    thats the point of infected what do you people not understand?

  2. you're seriously crying cuz you can't camp and get multikiills, and it's HARD to kill Ghost Zombies? here, let me burp you cuz you just finished your zombie ba-ba. stop playing it if you can't handle the game being different and more even. then you can get on a forum in a few months and say that you "used to play zombies" until 343 messed it up for you and then say if they don't change it back for halo 4 you won't buy it...even though we all know you will.


    Yes im definitely crying troll. im just saying what i thought was fun so if you don't think the same way i do go troll someone else.


    The OP actually contains an honest opinion. And you rip on that, too? Hmm. Also, please use proper grammar so we can understand what you are saying.


    Anyway, in reply to OP, I agree with you my good sir. These last updates for infection have been intolerable to some, including me. I am with you when I say, bring back our favorites!

    thanks but one thing who is OP?

  3. I recently decided to play Halo Reach Infected. I was expecting to have a really good time on maps like caged, swordbase, and others,but no I guess its been a while since i played but infected is not fun anymore! I hate the new maps with blocked off areas like uncaged. I miss the old cage where we could stand on top of the base and get multikills. Ghost zombies is also not fun at all. You move to slowly and it's to hard to kill the enemies. Some told me that infected was changed because the "humans" had a bigger "advantage". Ok cage did give them one but it was a lot of fun for most people. There are also some of the new maps that give the humans more advantage and ghost zombies also gives them an advantage. Please 343 bring back the old infected maps and get rid of the new ones and Ghost Zombies


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