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Everything posted by Rookie556

  1. Ready for Survivor!

  2. *Gasps* See you later King And i sooo totally wouldn't put a decorated sig for ya *Akward laugh* Ha..Ha ha
  3. GT: Tenthilk Probability: Most likely be there...can be 100% sure though
  4. Thats too cool and awesome For a congrats, But CONGRATZ my awesome for your Awesome achivement!
  5. Yay she's Back!!!!

  6. Im sad Bomber left :( Now who do i talk to about cheese

    1. Sarge
    2. Adam91


      why did bomber leave?

  7. I Definitely want to join GT: Tenthilk
  8. Im so bored i could type a cheese-doodle

    1. Complete Loser

      Complete Loser

      You called me a cheese-doodle already xD

  9. 343I Username: Mr. Rookie556 XBL GT: Tenthilk Desired Team: Mainly 8-Team Maybe 6-Team
  10. I ban Sn4zzle for always posting right before me and ruining my posts I ban sn4zzle for his fail attempt at ninjaing (hopefully lol) Aww man : Edit
  11. I ban Mr. Payne for having a very weird accusation against me
  12. I ban Mr. Payne for not being Mr. Gabe anymore Haha
  13. I ban Sn4zzle For Editing my post with no authorization!
  14. I ban Mr. Payne For still being in the Mr. Category/Group
  15. I Ban Sn4zzle For not saying he likes cheese when i didnt ask him
  16. Thanks! And as far as Baseball goes I'd have to go with The Yankees.
  17. Hello this is your Rookie 4 life. I'm really not that different than the average gaming Joe. I joke around lot's and have fun all the time. Don't let the name fool you though, i am pretty good at most shooters i play. When it comes to strategy if it's not chess i can't play it. I'm a Football And baseball person not really into other sports. Now cheese, that's whats awesome. Well that's really what i'm going to end it on but... Remember im " Rookie 4 Life "
  18. Sure im In I have a mic but i don't talk much My GT is Tenthilk
  19. Ban Mr. Gabe for having Mister in his name!!! Pathetic.
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