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Everything posted by Azeraph

  1. Yeah it would go Solar,one thing has been bothering me though is cortana's more noticeable naked figure,the other iterations were less noticeable,in fact i liked No.2 out of all them but No.1 was a good generic model,they could've done cartoonish funny quips with it if they had kept it,this one,personally, feels childish,like i'm looking at a face of a fourteen year old with a body of a woman.opinion only,not meant to provoke.
  2. Yeah man me too,,,,,well actually it's whats driving me to get on release
  3. Microsoft will play 343 off against others but she's genuinely a greedy spider momma,it will stay in house though the players will shift around.
  4. Do you think the S4's are slower? or have higher damage ratio compared to the S2's.
  5. Thanks man, Sierra 1117 updated me.
  6. It would add an element of unpredictability except it would be fun if those rollers would attack even prometheans, anything,there will be no room for team tactics or game strategy,it will probably bring Halo a lot of flak but the millions that will play will eventually learn to play hard. It would be cool if they could give you an achievement after so many hard won battles called "Infection" where you are partially but not fully infected giving you access to a few flood forms to use,though it could make you too powerful so there would have to be a balance somewhere or just get thrown into a lab where the idiot storms have broken a few flood forms out by accident,that wouldn't snarl with any part of the coming canon.
  7. I was musing over the idea that they could've had those killer rolly things from "Battleship" as a promethean weapon to be unleashed during Spartan Ops but it would take up too much resources.
  8. Too much emotion will bring the game an avalanche of bad reviews,remember most halonites are young males,the one thing that interests me is why is cortana so young? almost girlish? oh i understand the iteration can be anything but Jens voice is anything but girlish,far from it.
  9. I wonder where that part of the story is? the end? halfway through? close to the begining?
  10. I would have the standard issue shotgun have a triple shot burst for close quarter back offs but balanced with a cool down of say? 4 sec just enough for a physical counter attack or to swap out or run.
  11. The guy off twilight would totally screw the game over.
  12. Yes exactly,What would be your ultimate design if you were the designer?
  13. Why would they need a scarab?,they have alternative transport,one thing i'm hoping for is if they can get behind you or three of them transport around you.
  14. Thanks, Some parts of the halo realm i've still got to read up on.to have a replicant humanoid design spec is not efficient,neither is it efficient to have a carapace with just one watcher,it would be far more efficient to have the knight loaded with crawlers locked to it's frame and the watcher constantly in patrol mode around it.When you look at it the crawlers are a nuisance,players are probably going to try to snipe them one by one until they figure out that it's far easier to run past them or through them even swarming you could be countered by a well placed well timed grenade throw,i would say it would have been better to have a swarm of flight capable mini watchers. Lol in hindsight i've yet to play the game and see if what i said works. Here's something you might find interesting,A.i's don't need heads,two arms and legs and when they were designed,was humanity a threat?
  15. I thought the A.i were designed to fight the flood? if this is true then why a humanoid shape? I'm not knocking the designers choice,it's a "Why a humanoid moment"If one is to examine it from a design aspect then the knight is a poor choice,Bipedal just means i can knockout just one leg and i'm in for a more leisurely kill,the flood operate in swarm/subdue assimilate mode all the time.What would be the best form/s to use if you were designing an attack unit? It doesn't mean i'm not going to go hard and play the game to death when it comes out like i did with Skyrim(sigh) too bad it isn't being released on pc,the things we could do with it.
  16. Why Luke Skywalker of course then the Didact can say "Luke,I'am your father"
  17. What get's me is what are A.i's doing with teeth and jaws?,as far as i know from my knowledge from the books is that when a sentience has been recorded into an A.I framework there's no mention of organic's being used unless there is something i've missed or there is something i haven't read?
  18. Damn that sounds intriguing but the hero awakens vid i got doesn't have any shot of a script,just to save time would guys have a link? Did you guys notice in one short shot that shows a first person view with the usual rifle but on the infinity while it was being scanned,it could be a deleted game section or is it part of something else?
  19. Hey Sierra,any new data leaks to do with the storylines? I was watching the "Hero awakens" and i think it was a writer was saying that Requiem was the largest forerunner artifact humans have found,this got me thinking,how big is it? man i would love to watch all the MOP scenes, it really gives the game a sense of the cinematic. Is that Halsey he's walking away from in a lab? there's a scene where an armored figure is lying on the ground and cortana is on her plinth but i got the impression they were on a ship where they were exposed to space or it was nigh time?
  20. Honestly,the skull looks stupid and out of place,it just gives you a better target,it would have been better to have just 2 burning eye slits
  21. So when are they going to air Forward unto Dawn?
  22. I really couldn't care less about the game,i'll play it but i want to see the story line.
  23. Nah,the other two behind the chief are spartans,if you freeze frame the trailer where the image came from,their suits match his except for a few minor details and they're just as tall as him. The other guy could be a marine but the suit could for EVA combat,i don't think it's a shadow but part of his helmet,maybe a smaller short visor guard obscuring his eyes that look to me like he's wearing full dark wraparound shades,or maybe it's part of the helmet.
  24. From what i've heard the prometheans should if standing full height should stand at 12 feet. That wheeled behemoth, could that be the oliphant that peeps are talking about? If so then what a crap design! If that turret is a recoiled unit then the dam thing needs stabilizer arms to keep it from jumping backwards,look at how a mobile crane lifts weight,the operator deploys stabilizer arms and lifts the unit off the ground,so for such a large unit that turret would have to be pretty mild when it comes to power.I would of left it tracked. And it's only a six wheeler,regardless of how big that bugger is, it still needs another two to give minimum stability,twin steering as well since it's got a long nose.
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