#1: I totally agree, no one can say that Halo 4 is great which makes 343i awesome, BUT, Bungie literally just kind of dumped Reach on us knowing it had NOTHING that a lot of Halo fans care about. It had a campaign, and campaign gave Halo it's name but is BY NO MEANS what Halo is anymore. Since Halo 2 the majority of Halo fans want a great multiplayer and if the campaign is meh, who cares (a small percentage of Halo fans)? The main thing Halo players loved about MM from other games was Ranked playlist and how you actually earned everything you did, it was not just rank up even for doing terrible. It made you play competitively if you wanted to win and use teamwork, Reach did not do that at all.
#2: This may or may not be true, if Halo 4 is what all the MLG Pro's are making it out to be then 343i will be better than Bungie, hands down. Now they may just be overhyping the game but if everything that reached my ears thus far is true, Halo 4 will be the best thing in the entire Halo series.