Agree with the OP on lots of points, except ranking also. Halo 3's ranking system, not trying to start an argument, did honestly make people want to play better. I have yet to meet someone in Reach that says, "I just dream of getting Inheritor." But in Halo 2 and Halo 3 EVERYONE I played with in Ranked was always trying to get to a 50. In Halo 2, not as much because it was kind of impossible unless you cheated or were just pro, but in Halo 3 me and my friends would play for hours a day just to get up 10 or 15 ranks, only to come on the next day and do it all again in hopes of reaching a 50. Plus, for people like Mr. Biggles, Silvi, myself, and other people that like MLG, getting a 50 can honestly get you noticed by MLG players and they may very well want to play with you. I remember in Dubs getting a 38 and I got paired with a guy that did lots of MLG lan events and he actually backed out and invited me to play with him. In Reach if I was a pro and saw you were an Inheritor I would never care about you because I would expect that you just play Halo Reach a lot.