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Everything posted by batchynator

  1. batchynator


    GT is batchynator, I mainly play halo 3 and halo wars (general in both) If you're good at either then feel free to add me, as long as you aren't a 13 year old rager.
  2. Because that wont fix anything. When we had double EXP weekends you would see a massive peak in players on the weekends, now it's just regular EXP there is the same number of players on the weekends as there is during the week. If you had double EXP for one weekend every month, or for a whole week through the month, you might get some interest back in from players who used to play, to check it out, and they might find themselves playing it more often.
  3. Double EXP weekends would be good. But it's just too hard, for every playlist they put in, they need different maps and gametypes to fit it, it's a lot of work for a small fan base. As much as I would love to see double EXP back, I don't think it will ever happen. They should try and have a double EXP week, as a once off thing, or just one double EXP every weekend at the start of the month.
  4. I doubt the halo 3 servers will get taken down upon Halo 4's release. Halo 2 servers were up until around 2010, IIRC.
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