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Everything posted by ILL3GAL

  1. I have been a very competitive and experienced gamer deep into halo for a long time, and I completely agree with this post. Halo 4, although not a bad game, is nothing like a true Halo game. Sprint, instant respawns, overpowered and unnecessary new weapons, a pointless ranking system, horrible maps, and a barrage of ridiculous loadout options. It just seems like they've taken a game that was so perfect and added all kinds of unnecessary features that effects everything and make it nothing like a real Halo game. Might as well have just called it something else. It still would have sold, but don't alter almost every aspect of Halo and continue calling it Halo. That's just wrong. What ever happened to that intense feeling of matching against a rival clan or team for the sake of earning the highest level you've ever got? and then if you lost, you level down. Made it way much more worthwhile to log on and actually try. On the new upcoming Xbox, if they want to redeem themselves, they need to release an anniversary edition of Halo 2 and/or develop Halo 5 with a huge influence from the first two Halos. Updated graphics with a more stable online experience and initiate the same type of matchmaking and leveling system as they had before. Then, progress would be made. We could have one Halo game(Halo 4) with all the cute and overwhelming added features... for casual players and children. Then, another Halo game which stays true to its original style and bring back the guts of what used to make Halo the best competitive game in the world.
  2. ^Completely agreed -- Coming from a very experienced Halo player, the best thing about the game is the balanced competitive leveling system. I'm not saying Halo 2 & 3 had excellent leveling systems, but they were damn good. Especially Halo 2 in my opinion. Halo: Reach is just sad. Please include a displayed leveling system, please. -- I would also love to see a clan system, like Halo 2. Clans created the best teamwork, competition, rivalries, and good memories. Amazing times.
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